2007-10-31 GnuCash IRC logs
00:18:56 *** pdc__ has joined #gnucash
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01:17:28 <andrewsw> hey. svn.gnucash.org down?
01:17:43 <ifoo> I'm not getting a ping response from it
01:17:58 <andrewsw> me neither and web pages aren't loading.
01:18:32 <andrewsw> woah. there it is...
01:18:57 <andrewsw> must be running cron jobs or something.
01:19:10 <ifoo> ah, weird
01:32:01 *** fell has joined #gnucash
01:36:00 <fell> Hi, I can reach gnucash.org, but no subdomains like trac, svn, neither by http nor by svn
01:38:22 <fell> lists also not
01:47:09 <ifoo> fell: Looks like there are some issues, I'd hold off for a bit
01:47:15 <ifoo> We were just talking about it
01:52:55 <fell> Fine, but without http://lists... I couldn't see ;)
01:55:00 <ifoo> fell: :) ok
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04:35:44 <davidfraser> Hi there - I've got a very small patch in bug 101456 that makes some nice usability improvements to searching with only a few lines - how do I get it reviewed?
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09:36:40 <jsled> davidfraser: Putting it in bugzilla is the right course of action. Unfortunately, we generally have a dearth of dev. cycles, but hopefully someone can get it committed soon.
09:37:10 <davidfraser> jsled: OK cool, just checking :-)
09:38:18 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:38:54 <warlord> andrewsw: I dont see any network outages from around 1am
09:39:11 <warlord> So.. no idea why the server was unavailable unless someone hit it with something.
09:39:22 <warlord> Most cron jobs run at 5am
09:57:01 <warlord> Gotta run to the dentist. BIAB.
11:43:32 <warlord> well, that was fun.
11:51:44 <andrewsw> warlord: mornin' So the server wasn't out, just very slow to respond. I saw it on svn.
11:52:47 <warlord> Hmm.. WEird.
11:52:59 <warlord> Possibly someone was hitting it with a request that was taking too much time?
12:14:30 <andrewsw> its that new fangled OS.... gotta work the kinks out.
12:15:01 <andrewsw> incidently, did you try out that doxygen patch? I hope it keeps your mailbox slightly less full...
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12:15:48 <warlord> Not yet. I'll go apply it shortly.
12:19:12 * andrewsw crosses fingers
12:21:04 <warlord> I wont know until the day after it gets applied.
12:21:18 <warlord> Right now I'm trying to track down a linux kernel deadlock in some code I'm writing.
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12:47:30 <andrewsw> warlord: what exactly is a deadlock? and are you kernel hacking these days?
12:48:24 <warlord> Yeah, I'm kernel hacking. a deadlock is when you lock an object, then call some code that (eventually) wants to lock the object.
12:49:18 <andrewsw> ah, I can see where that would be a problem. good luck!
12:50:49 <warlord> thanks.
12:50:54 <warlord> debugging kernel code is a PITA
12:51:21 <jsled> another traditional deadlock case is foo(){ lock (a) { lock (b); } } bar() { lock (b) { lock(a); } } ...
12:51:30 <jsled> ... if foo gets a and bar gets b, neither can complete.
12:52:04 <jsled> the potentially easy preventative measure there is to have a reliable order for the lock acquisition...
12:52:40 <ifoo> Yes, I will complete!
12:52:45 <ifoo> oh, this isn't freenode.
12:52:50 <ifoo> I'm ifoo on this network, oh well. :)
12:52:57 <jsled> for instance, maybe even the natural ordering of the memory addresses of the lock objects themselves.
12:54:44 <warlord> Well, sometimes I deadlock.. Sometimes I crash in the memory allocator.
12:58:43 <andrewsw> warlord: reboot every time? some sort of vm I assume...
13:01:31 <warlord> yep.
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13:34:34 <warlord> Oooh, I figured it out. :)
13:35:08 <warlord> (I think -- I'll see shortly)
13:35:44 <warlord> Schweet! Got it. It helps if my module doesn't recurse. :)
13:54:41 <andrewsw> crazy FP types...
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13:55:14 <warlord> FP?
14:02:29 <andrewsw> functional programming
14:02:50 <jsled> hmm. But if that were true, wouldn't he *want* recursion. :)
14:03:06 <jsled> s/./?/
14:03:14 <andrewsw> he wants it but it doesn't work so well in kernel modules...
14:05:07 <andrewsw> I say that as someone who vastly prefers FP and recursion as that's the way my brain works...
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14:06:12 <andrewsw> later taters.. gotta go do real work.
14:09:15 <warlord> bye
14:11:23 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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15:53:36 *** mort has joined #gnucash
15:54:21 <mort> Perhaps my laptop updated itself to 2.2.1 recently.
15:54:52 <mort> when I try to post a new invoice I'm getting "No account selected. Please try again"
15:55:05 <jsled> even though something is selected in the drop-down?
15:55:39 <mort> yes. "Assets:Accounts Receivable"
15:55:46 <jsled> Re-select it.
15:56:00 <mort> that works.
15:56:03 <jsled> IIRC, the bug is that it appears defaulted/selected, but internally isn't.
15:56:13 <mort> ah, okay.
15:56:20 <warlord> Wasnt this fixed in SVN?
15:59:23 <mort> another bug. While printing the reports I always click "Individual taxes" under options. This now results in "Report Error".
15:59:43 <mort> I can stick the console output into pastebin or somewhere more useful?
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16:01:32 <mort> www.bork.org/~mort/tax.dump
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16:14:53 <warlord> mort: that's on the invoice? I believe that's also a known bug, but I dont know if it was fixed.
16:16:58 <mort> Three items, all taxable, taxes not included, a table that taxes at 6% to liabilities:GST
16:17:19 <mort> what more info do you need?
16:19:26 <warlord> I need you to answer my question.
16:19:40 <mort> sorry, I read "what's on the invoice"
16:20:54 <mort> that output hits the console when I'm at the inovice print options window and hit apply after selecting "individual taxes"
16:25:06 <warlord> Right, so this IS when printing an invoice.
16:25:16 <mort> correct
16:27:41 <warlord> Okay.
16:27:47 <warlord> I dont know if it's been fixed in SVN or not.
16:40:45 <mort> Thanks Derek and jsled
16:41:04 <mort> I'll revert to 2.0.x to get my invoices printed and try again with the latest debian package next month
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