2007-11-05 GnuCash IRC logs
00:26:51 *** wizkid238 has joined #gnucash
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01:16:49 *** ARfdee has joined #gnucash
01:16:55 <ARfdee> how do i import a money .mny file?
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07:55:05 <chris> darn, just missed him.
07:55:42 <chris> @tell donfede Re: budget total columns, there is no way currently, but it is an oft-requested feature.
07:55:42 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
07:55:57 *** RallyU has left #gnucash
07:57:05 <chris> @tell donfede Re: recalculating parent accounts when children account totals change, it's important to realize that the parent values are *exclusive* of the children, therefore there is no reason to recalculate.
07:57:05 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
08:13:08 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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15:45:44 <andrewsw> when you guys tag for backport, that means it will go into the next stable release, right? so html-table-acct patches will be in 2.2.2, in theory?
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16:01:21 <jsled> After it's reviewed and actually back-ported, yes.
16:03:26 <andrewsw> okay... in theory ;)
16:16:44 <warlord> in theory..
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17:56:40 *** donfede has joined #gnucash
17:57:11 <donfede> hello, anyone with budget feedback? (is chris around?)
17:57:11 <gncbot> donfede: Sent 10 hours and 1 minute ago: <chris> Re: budget total columns, there is no way currently, but it is an oft-requested feature.
17:57:12 <gncbot> donfede: Sent 10 hours ago: <chris> Re: recalculating parent accounts when children account totals change, it's important to realize that the parent values are *exclusive* of the children, therefore there is no reason to recalculate.
17:57:48 <donfede> chris: I'll see if we can catch up
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18:02:53 <donfede> is anyone here using the budget feature of gnucash?
18:15:59 <warlord> donfede: have you tried asking on the gnucash-user list?
18:23:43 <donfede> as in the mailing list, or another irc channel ... no, I've not tried either of those yet
18:25:15 <warlord> mailing list. (which is why I said "list")
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19:01:23 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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19:35:41 <andrewsw> if report execution hits a gnc:warn, what happens? where does the message go? what happens to execution?
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19:39:02 <jsled> gnc:warn is just a logging statement.
19:39:11 <jsled> The message goes to the trace output.
19:39:22 <andrewsw> cool. I think I've solved 487572 then.
19:40:15 <andrewsw> ew. I just realised I'm spamming a bunch of people by putting notes in that bug...
19:40:50 <jsled> I rarely consider constructive notes/comments as bugspam. :)
19:41:30 <andrewsw> well, its mostly me thinking aloud and sticking somewhere for posterity. but since I made progress, I'll consider it good.
19:43:37 <andrewsw> looks to me like swigification is turning up all kinds of tricky bugs out there.
19:50:57 <andrewsw> w00t! I was right! 487572 is going down!
20:42:49 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
20:42:51 <warlord> andrewsw: YAY!
20:43:44 <warlord> andrewsw: "reprot-crashing"?
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22:16:31 *** dbreiser has joined #gnucash
22:17:03 <dbreiser> anyone know offhand how gnucash uses perl during build?
22:17:20 <dbreiser> I think I may have found the packaging bug in fink's gnucash2
22:17:34 <warlord> during the build?? Umm.. I didn't think it did.
22:17:45 <dbreiser> ok.
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22:18:46 <dbreiser> what seems to be happening is that if fink's version of perl isn't there (vs. perlyyy-core) then even with the modules installed, gnucash can't find them
22:19:22 <dbreiser> but whatever. I'll beat on this some, and it should improve in the mac realm
22:26:40 <dbreiser> hmm. it gets weirder. Now I can get quotes in gnucash, but gnc-fq-dump doesn't work.
22:26:48 <warlord> HUH!
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22:30:44 <dbreiser> found one problem -- gnc-fq-dump starts with #!/usr/bin/perl
22:30:54 <dbreiser> gotta patch that in the packaging
22:31:24 <warlord> ummm... I thought it built that at build-time with the path to perl?
22:32:11 <dbreiser> not this time -- 'which perl' specifically responds /sw/bin/perl
22:33:12 <warlord> Oh, Huh... We should fix that. there is no gnc-fq-dump.in -- it IS hard coded!
22:37:53 <chris> I wonder why we don't just use #!/usr/bin/env perl
22:40:52 <dbreiser> ugh
22:41:03 <dbreiser> that makes my fink life harder
22:41:26 <dbreiser> or does it???
22:41:43 <dbreiser> my shell scripting ignorance is showing
22:42:41 <dbreiser> I sit corrected. that should work.
22:46:11 <andrewsw> hey guys.
22:46:37 <andrewsw> warlord: report-crashing... just the report, not the app itself.
22:47:44 <warlord> andrewsw: yes, I know. I was commenting on your speeeeling ;-)
22:48:43 <andrewsw> oh... heh. I was being kind and not commenting on yours!
22:48:48 <andrewsw> LOL
22:54:12 <andrewsw> oh there it is... sheesh. took me forever. I should right a reprot to find speling errars in my comentz!
22:54:44 <warlord> :-)
22:55:34 <andrewsw> Isn't that called an easter egg? sort of like apt-get moo...
22:55:39 <warlord> :-D
23:39:07 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk