2008-03-26 GnuCash IRC logs
00:27:41 *** basanta has joined #gnucash
00:30:25 <foo> Hm, where would I classify fees for my credit card? like, fees for credit reports / payment protection or something
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00:49:36 <mmatula> Anyone help a Windows user with Online Banking problems?
00:50:08 <mmatula> gnucash keeps crashing out when I try to actually get the data.
00:50:28 <mmatula> v 2.2.4
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01:21:55 <andrewsw> foo: I put all mine in one expense accounts for banking fees and include sub-accounts for interest paid and fees paid.
01:22:48 <foo> andrewsw: gotcha, thank you. Appreciate it :)
01:32:08 <foo> andrewsw: capital withdrawl should be in the negative normally, right? eg. that's how much money I took out ?
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01:36:24 <andrewsw> foo: in what context? took out of what?
01:37:39 <foo> andrewsw: sorry, I thought that might have been kind of vague. Taken capital withdrawal out of the equity category. I run a small sole proprietorship and I believe that's how I record the money I pay myself
01:38:47 <andrewsw> oh, yes. IANAA, but you should have Equity:Owners Capital with sub accounts of Capital COntributed and Capital Distributed.
01:39:07 <andrewsw> Amounts in capital distributed would be negative relative to capital contributed, as I understand it.
01:39:17 <andrewsw> BUt I work with corps and parnterships...
01:39:52 <andrewsw> and capital distributed gets written off to retained earnings every year or something like that.
01:40:30 <andrewsw> and you can also pay yourself a salary which would be a payroll expense...
01:40:43 <foo> ah, I see. I am using the default template. hmm, thanks.
01:40:43 <foo> I see
01:41:49 <andrewsw> I don't think there is anything wrong with what you're doing.
01:42:46 <foo> ok
01:43:25 <foo> The last 2 years I've just used an excel worksheet... this is my first year reporting with gnucash. I should probably ask my accountant which accounts I should setup. I'll get it right for next year :)
01:43:55 <andrewsw> yes, accountant is the best route. or ask on gnucash-user for a broader audience.
01:45:42 <foo> #gnucash-user on here? Hmmm, or, is that a mailing list?
01:45:56 <andrewsw> mailing list.
01:46:06 <andrewsw> the latency time is similar to here too ;)
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01:47:09 <foo> hehe :) I could give that a shot, I usually can't stand the latency... but, I'll take a look :) thanks
01:52:00 <andrewsw> well, there are more people there than here, you should get a good cross section of thoughts on it. And some are even accountants!
01:52:24 <foo> aha! I see. Are the e-mails on the list archived and searchable via google?
01:53:09 <andrewsw> yes
01:53:28 <andrewsw> site:lists.gnucash.org I think does it. you can also just navigate there and search directly.
01:56:09 <andrewsw> I'm out... gnight
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01:56:20 <foo> andrewsw-afk: see ya, thank you!
02:08:25 <foo> hm, why wouldn't my transaction report grand total match my total revenue if all I did was use the sales account?
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08:19:58 <warlord> foo: date range?
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10:23:30 <JoeyJoeJo> is there a howto on setting up online banking with bank of america and gnucash?
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10:45:35 <JoeyJoeJo> I'm getting this error when setting up online banking with bank of america: http://pastebin.ca/958138
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12:07:25 <Dave_is_sex1> Hi all. Does anyone know if it's possible to have my Cash in Wallet account always total zero by a dynamic reconciliation?
12:08:47 <Dave_is_sex1> Or possibly to have each transaction individually reconciled.
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12:31:55 <warlord> Dave_is_sex1: the only way to "reconcile" is via the reconciliation dialog.
12:32:00 <warlord> There is no "auto-reconcile" feature.
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16:49:53 <foo> warlord: FYI, the date range was probably the problem ... doh, thanks. That was a no brainer
16:50:06 <warlord> :)
16:52:36 * foo is going to really try to get caught up with this year and continue to reconcile things monthly so he doesn't have to spend a few weeks at the end of the year doing all of this :)
17:00:30 <foo> warlord: hm, what should the grand total from a transaction report signify? My total sales + assets for all of 2007? no, maybe it's total monies moved. /me sees expenses in there too
17:00:34 * foo checks help
17:02:12 <foo> warlord: hm, so, if I understand this, a transaction report basically shows the transactions on any accounts I specify, right?
17:03:36 <warlord> Yep, total of the transactions included in the report.
17:03:41 <warlord> What info are you looking for?
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17:07:01 <foo> Oh, nothing, just lookin' at my numbers :) I'm pretty sure all I need to do is give my accountant an Income Statement ... since that's basically what I was doing in the past with the excel sheet I used
17:08:46 <foo> warlord: Do you know of gnucash being used in any school environments? I'm going to talk to my accountanting professor about it
17:08:59 <foo> ... and say it's what I use and try to promote it a tad :)
17:09:12 <warlord> Income Statement and Balance Sheet
17:09:23 <warlord> I do not know offhand, but that doesn't mean it's not.
17:10:29 <foo> ³/me nods
17:11:54 <foo> Capital Withdrawal should be a negative balance if I use it for monies I've pulled out of the business (sole proprietorship) - correct?
17:17:19 <warlord> I believe so, yes.
17:19:00 <foo> Thought so, thanks
17:35:46 <warlord> you're welcome
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18:07:30 <foo> hm, I have a contractor who switched to a corporation at the beginning of 2007... and I used to have him as a contractor expense. Since he's a corporation and I don't need to 1099 him or anything, do I report it under "Professional Fees" ?
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18:36:37 <yogesh> Hi I am trying to look up the report code, right now I am looking at balance-sheet.scm
18:36:55 <yogesh> there is statement like
18:37:16 <yogesh> (exchange-fn (gnc:case-exchange-fn price-source report-commodity date-tp)) )
18:38:05 <yogesh> what does each of this word means here (exchange-fn, gnc:case-exchange-fn, price-source, report-commodity date-tp)
18:38:10 <yogesh> it looks like a method call
18:38:33 <yogesh> but I am not able to understand what is the name of the method and which are parameter
18:38:44 <yogesh> also where will I find method defination
18:38:48 <yogesh> ?
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18:54:25 <warlord> @op
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19:34:33 <andrewsw> hey, this bug plagues me, have you guys seen it?
19:34:57 <andrewsw> use a checking register. enter a non-auto-fill transaction description...
19:35:16 <andrewsw> tab to the first account entry which should be the current account and change it.
19:35:20 <andrewsw> enter an amount.
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19:35:44 <andrewsw> tab to new line's account entry and enter the current account and amount appropriately.
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19:36:01 <andrewsw> press enter and then watch as the first account entry gets changed to the current account.
19:36:56 * andrewsw wanders off to bugzilla
19:43:03 <andrewsw> this appears to be 166101... or at least related...
19:46:51 <warlord> andrewsw: I think part of the issue is that the splits get re-ordered.
19:47:44 <andrewsw> yeah. there's clearly something happening there. You can see it crunching it on this old machine.
19:47:55 <warlord> heh
19:48:10 <andrewsw> What's funny is that this bug shows up if you enter the txn in the way it ultimately ends up being displayed.
19:48:41 <andrewsw> that is, the default view shows the current account last anyway, but if you enter it that way, it breaks.
19:49:22 <andrewsw> guess it's waiting on the register rewrite. should probably make that bug a blocker on the rewrite bug
19:49:46 <andrewsw> wifey's home... later
19:49:48 *** andrewsw is now known as andrewsw-afk
20:13:35 <foo> Darn it, I read the help a little too late on this. I've reconcilled my bank statements with my checking/savings account in gnucash... and I've been changing "n" to "c" in the R column to indicate that I've reconciled it... but after reading the help, it says that means it cleared, not necessarily that it has been reconciled. What's the easiest way to go back and mark everything as y instead of c? Should I do it manually? Do I need to ...
20:13:41 <foo> ... worry about this?
20:14:07 <warlord> Click on the "Reconcile" button
20:14:32 <warlord> .. or the right-click context menu from the CoA
20:15:15 <foo> alright, I'll look into that.
20:15:31 <foo> hm, how can I tell when an invoice has been paid? Other than manually going into accounts receivable and finding the invoice number and looking at the date
20:15:55 <warlord> Customer Report?
20:17:29 <foo> ah, I think this will do, thanks :)
20:17:42 <warlord> Not sure exactly what information you're looking for.
20:17:46 <warlord> There's also the Aging reports
20:18:04 <foo> nah, that's good, that'll work
20:18:14 <warlord> k
20:19:05 <yogesh> Hi I am trying to look up the report code, right now I am looking at balance-sheet.scm / there is statement like / (exchange-fn (gnc:case-exchange-fn price-source report-commodity date-tp)) ) / what does each of this word means here (exchange-fn, gnc:case-exchange-fn, price-source, report-commodity date-tp) / it looks like a method call / but I am not able to understand what is the name of the method and which are parameter
20:19:05 <yogesh> also where will I find method defination ?
20:21:09 <warlord> yogesh: is that within a let statement? I think that's assigngin exchange-fn to the result of the call (gnc:case-exchange-fn price-source report-commodity date-tp)
20:21:58 <yogesh> ya it's in the let statement
20:22:03 <warlord> right.
20:22:08 <yogesh> ok
20:22:10 <warlord> You understand what 'let' is, right?
20:22:15 <foo> warlord: hm, for the reconcile window... what does the statement date reconcile? eg. if I started all of my book keeping 1/1/07 and I put 12/31/07 for statement date... will that reconcile all of 2007? (assuming I haven't done any other reconciling)
20:22:31 <yogesh> so gnc:case-exchange-fn is the name of the function
20:22:45 <yogesh> and the rest are paremeter passed to that function
20:22:47 <yogesh> right?
20:22:48 <warlord> Well, it's a function that (IIRC) returns a function.
20:23:12 <warlord> foo: Have you read the docs on Reconciliation?
20:23:42 <yogesh> warlord: I didn't get your last statement " Well, it's a function that (IIRC) returns a function."
20:24:02 <foo> warlord: I've skimmed it, yes. Hm, let me read it again. Excuse the laziness, just pressed for time. /me reads
20:24:19 <warlord> yogesh: which word didn't you understand?
20:24:55 <yogesh> so does it means that gnc:case-exchange-fn is a function that returns a fucntion
20:25:11 <warlord> yes......
20:25:36 <yogesh> and how do I know which function does it return?
20:25:49 <warlord> Read the source
20:26:02 <yogesh> where can I find the function source
20:26:56 <warlord> find . -name \*.scm | xargs grep gnc:case-exchange-fn
20:26:59 <foo> warlord: I want to reconcile an account for a full year, so would I just put 12/31/07 for 2007 if I started book keeping in 1/1/07 in gnucash?
20:27:38 <warlord> foo: sure.
20:27:51 <foo> warlord: alright, thanks
20:28:22 <warlord> your 1st reconcile brings you from "the start of time" up to your reconcile date
20:28:23 * foo is probably overthinking this
20:28:30 <warlord> yes, i think you are.
20:28:47 <yogesh> warlord, thanks let me see
20:30:49 <warlord> It's one way to find the definition of a function.
20:30:54 <warlord> There are many others.
20:30:57 <warlord> Use your favorite.
20:31:22 <yogesh> thanks warlord, I found it
20:31:30 <warlord> good
20:33:07 <foo> warlord: If I mess up, can I unreconcile everything? I read that after I do this, I can't "easily undo" it ... but not sure what that means, exactly
20:33:30 <warlord> Well, you can choose not to save the file.. quit gnucash, and then restart.
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20:34:41 <foo> warlord: and if I save and open tomorrow and found out there was an error somewhere?
20:34:43 <warlord> or you can cancel out of the reconcile dialog before you click "finish"
20:34:57 <warlord> depends on the error.
20:35:01 <foo> ah, I see
20:35:04 <warlord> You can always manually unreconcile a transaction.
20:35:11 <foo> ah, I see
20:35:25 <warlord> just click in the 'R' column to change the 'y' to 'n' or 'c'
20:35:36 <foo> I guess I shouldn't ever really need to "unreconcile" if I'm doing this right, just wondering ... but if I can unreconcile one transaction... I don't see how I could possibly need to do this
20:35:41 <warlord> as for the other way -- you can re-run the reconcile dialog with the same date.
20:35:44 <foo> I'll wait until the time comes if it ever does, but don't think so
20:35:47 <foo> gotcha
20:36:24 <warlord> foo: you're really over-thinking all this.
20:37:44 <foo> ah, /me nods to self, ok
20:37:47 <foo> my bad
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20:57:41 <foo> I wrote a check on 12/26/07 that wasn't cashed until Jan of 08. I never changed that transaction from "n" to "c", I then reconciled everything. However, ending balance in the reconcilation window doesn't match the ending balance on my Dec 07 statement (because the ending balance in reconcilation window included the check that wasn't cashed) ... is it ok that they don't match? or do I need to be doing something else?
20:59:21 <warlord> If the check hadn't cleared by 12/31 then it shouldn't be reconciled as of 12/31
21:02:31 <foo> Right, that's what I was thinking. So the difference is the amount of the check. The problem is (I think) if I don't reconcile it, I can't "Finish" all the reconcilations.
21:04:51 <foo> Unless you mean I shouldn't reconcile everything until Jan 2008, when it hasn't cleared... but then I might have another check that hasn't cleared
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21:17:41 <warlord> you're confused.
21:17:49 <warlord> reconciliation only talks about what CLEARED.
21:18:06 <warlord> If the check hasn't cleared by the reconcile date then YOUR BANK DOESNT KNOW ABOUT IT.. Which means you shouldn't reconcile it.
21:18:42 <warlord> So if you write a check on 12/26 and it hasn't cleared by 12/31, then you DO NOT RECONCILE IT when reconciling december.
21:19:23 <warlord> When you reconcile January, on 1/31, then if the check cleared on 1/10 .. THEN you can reconcile it.. And if you wrote another check on 1/28 but that hasn't cleared, then you DO NOT reconcile that second check..
21:19:24 <warlord> And so on.
21:20:45 <foo> ah, I think I get that, but I guess my question is how can I reconcile everything else without reconciling that one check? If I don't reconcile everything I don't see the "finish" button
21:22:08 * foo appreciates the help and your patience :)
21:44:46 <warlord> check off everything else except the check
21:46:05 <warlord> You DO realize that you get to CHOOSE which items get reconciled, right?
21:48:52 <foo> Yes, I've done that, yes I do understand that... but "Finish" button is greyed out
21:49:07 <foo> eg. I can't reconcile all but just the check because reconciled is greyed out
21:49:17 <warlord> That means that you didn't check off everything that you should have based on your claimed ending balance.
21:49:40 <warlord> Now, it's possible you entered the WRONG ending balance...
21:51:40 <foo> warlord: err, I'm sorry, that was my problem.
21:51:47 <foo> thank you
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23:01:47 <foo> Professional Fees could be used for incorporated companies I pay, right?
23:02:03 <foo> eg. I don't need to distinguish them from contractors or 1099 them or anything
23:02:58 <foo> actually, that looks like it has accounting/legal (although I could probably use whatever I wanted)
23:05:24 <warlord> You should ask an accountant that
23:14:39 <foo> gotcha, ok
23:15:52 <foo> hm, I am looking at my balance sheet and I selected last year's end. It shows some funds in retained earnings, but I never entered that myself... is it just calculating that because it's the end of 2007 (and it subtracted liabilities)
23:17:32 <warlord> Yes, retained earnings on your Balance Sheet is computed automatically as INcome - Expenses
23:18:35 <foo> aha, ok
23:39:11 <foo> hm, which accounts do I need to reconcile? Only bank statements/ credit card statements possibly / paypal ... right? I guess I could reconcile other accounts, but I probably only need to reconcile my bank statements
23:42:25 <warlord> Generally... Asset and Liabilities
23:43:41 <foo> aha, ok