2008-03-27 GnuCash IRC logs
00:00:08 <foo> warlord: hm, I had the issue of marking cost of goods sold as "Reimbursed Expenses" for income account ... once I realized I should just make a cost of goods sold expense account, I went back to about 4 invoices and unposted them, changed from reimbursed expenses to cost of goods sold, then posted again ... and it shows they haven't been paid even though I when I unposted it never removed the previous payment ... is there anyway to make ...
00:00:14 <foo> ... it think it was paid?
00:01:23 <warlord> go into your A/R account, delete all the payment transactions, and delete any 'automatic payment forward' transactions associated with those... and then re-apply the payments.
00:01:44 <warlord> there's a bug in here.. but i've never been able to track it down.
00:02:47 <foo> what do you mean delete "automatic payment forward" - you mean, delete money that goes from accounts receivable -> checking account from that invoice or something?
00:06:40 <warlord> did you look in your A/R acocunt?
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00:17:05 <foo> yes, just not sure what "automatic payment forward" means
00:19:58 <warlord> It's how gnucash keeps track of over-payments.
00:22:21 <foo> ahhh, nice
00:22:57 <foo> I just noticed that now, cool
00:23:56 <warlord> Cool.. Except there's a bug in there related to unposting and reposting invoices.. sometimes.
00:24:39 <warlord> I just haven't had the time to sit down and try to reproduce it, even though the bug report supposedly has a test case in there.
00:25:31 <foo> ah
00:25:32 <foo> I see
00:26:48 <foo> Hm, I'm seeing a number for accounts receivable for end of last year... anyway to spit out what is still waiting to be paid? I looked through all invoices and they all seem to be paid aside from one, but that one doesn't match accounts receivables
00:28:52 <foo> (seeing this in my balance sheet, fwiw)
00:29:54 <warlord> what if the invoice was paid after the date of the balance sheet? Then it would "appear" paid but it would still show up on the BS Report.
00:30:42 <foo> hmm, good point
00:30:54 <foo> Is there anyway to spit out everything that hasn't been paid in 2007?
00:31:15 <warlord> Run an Aging Report as of 12/31
00:33:56 <foo> hm, that shows what I would expect it to show, and doesn't match the accounts receivable on my BS report
00:34:02 * foo scratches head
00:34:40 <warlord> Well, if you've gone off unposting and reposting...
00:34:56 <warlord> Your A/R could be all screwed up..
00:35:08 <foo> right, I've only done it < 4 times. hm, good call, though.
00:35:19 <foo> darn, what's the best way to do this? go through it by hand and look for dupes?
00:36:03 <warlord> I dunno.
00:36:17 <warlord> but I'm afraid it's past my bedtime tonight.
00:36:26 <foo> ok, np
00:36:28 <foo> thanks warlord
00:36:32 <foo> Have a good one
00:36:39 <warlord> just play around. read the logs. read the archives. read the docs.
00:39:02 <foo> Yeah, I'll probably print a transaction report and go through it by hand
00:39:03 <foo> Thanks again
00:39:34 <warlord> good luck.
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04:13:49 <feindbild> hi^^
04:16:00 <feindbild> I was wondering if there were any howtos for configuring hbci for certain banks (postbank) ... I have no clue for example what to put into the User Id/Customer Id fields =/
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04:59:55 <IanL> man, if those kind of questions don't get asked on a daily basis.
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08:57:11 <shauns> hello, anyone wanting to help me install gnucash on mac 10.4.11?
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08:58:50 <warlord> shauns: did you read the wiki?
08:59:12 <shauns> the page was down a minute ago
09:00:14 <shauns> its up now, will read
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11:59:25 <yogesh> Hello, I want to work on an enhancement, so which source tree should I use, trunk, branch or tag?
12:00:31 <warlord> you should work from trunk
12:01:07 <yogesh> and should create a patch also from trunk?
12:01:13 <warlord> anything you send in will get applied to trunk before it gets applied to the 2.2 branch
12:01:29 <yogesh> ok thanks
12:01:37 <warlord> well, if you're working from a trunk checkout then "svn diff" will give you a diff against trunk ;)
12:01:53 <yogesh> ok
12:02:17 <yogesh> if I am making some changes to scheme file how do I test it
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12:12:04 <warlord> the same way you'd test it if you were making changes to the C file.. Run it.
12:16:38 <warlord> With the scheme files just install them over the existing installed versions..
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13:32:20 <yogesh> warlord: how will I install the scheme files on the exisitng installed version
13:32:47 <jsled> `make install`.
13:32:53 <jsled> did you build the sources?
13:33:15 <yogesh> I am making changes to couple of scheme files only
13:33:19 <warlord> yogesh: I'm beginning to think that this task is a little bit beyond your capabilities.
13:33:30 <jsled> When you run configure, you probably want to --prefix into /opt/gnucash-svn/ or something.
13:34:01 <jsled> If you just want ot modify a couple of scheme files, you copy them over the ones in your live system, though it's messy.
13:34:15 <yogesh> as I am doing it for the first time, I have all this stupid question
13:34:18 <jsled> It'd be better to just have an isolated "dev" version installed into /opt/gnucas-svn or something.
13:34:24 <jsled> Much cleaner.
13:34:24 <yogesh> sorry if I am troubling you
13:34:35 <yogesh> jsled: ok
13:34:46 <warlord> yogesh: read everything. Read the Wiki. Read the README. Read everything.
13:35:29 <yogesh> I am sorry to say that wiki, README misses this basic steps
13:36:04 <jsled> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Building
13:36:42 <yogesh> I have gone through this
13:37:41 <yogesh> and asked the question because was wondering how do I install in to existing installation
13:37:56 <yogesh> thanks jsled
13:38:04 <jsled> Well, your existing installation is probably from a package manager or something.
13:38:12 <jsled> So, if you want to affect that, you have a couple of options:
13:38:36 <jsled> 1/ modify/use your system's package manager to apply your patch during the build process.
13:38:45 <yogesh> oh I am on windows
13:38:49 <jsled> 2/ Forego your system's ...
13:38:49 <jsled> oh.
13:39:04 <jsled> Well, similarly, it'd basically be doing a custom build.
13:39:40 <jsled> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows#Q:_Is_it_possible_to_compile_GnuCash_on_Windows.3F
13:40:01 <jsled> But, for just scheme-file changes, it's probably going to be far easier to just copy your changed files over the installed ones.
13:41:11 <yogesh> Ya probably that is better, as I just want to make sure my changes work as I am expecting it to work
13:41:19 <yogesh> Thanks jsled
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16:48:33 <freakynl> can i sort the accounts page by alphabet (folders -> alphabet)?
16:49:07 <warlord> That should be the default. But just click on the "name" column heading.
16:49:47 <freakynl> heh doh, thx... dunno what it was sorted by
16:50:38 <warlord> me either
16:51:09 <freakynl> wasn't by description or total anyways, that would have been quite obvious to me, there are no other columns
16:52:04 <warlord> Do you have account codes?
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17:00:16 <freakynl> nope, unless some were created by default
17:00:28 <freakynl> although I deleted most default created accounts..
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17:02:13 <freakynl> another q, i have health insurance like most ppl. now i book the health insurance against exp:health insurance. however i pay the dentist from exp:dentist and then get money back from the life insurance which i also book against exp:dentist, as that allows me to see how much i had to pay myself for the dentist. however, i'd also like to see how much money i got from the insurance at the end of the year... is that possible?
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17:06:00 <warlord> you lost me there
17:06:17 <warlord> what does health insurance have to do with life insurance
17:06:18 <warlord> ?
17:06:19 <freakynl> don't understand the q? or don't know the solution?
17:06:30 <warlord> Don't understand the question
17:06:38 <freakynl> ah sorry, get money back from health insurance for the dentist ofcourse :)
17:06:51 <freakynl> but i probably can't have it both
17:09:09 <freakynl> so say i pay 100 euro to the dentist and get 75 back from the health insurance, i book both against exp:dentist, so i can see i payed 25 myself. however, i'd also like to see at the end of the year i got 75 euro from the health insurance in order to calculate if the insurance is profitable/wise or very expensive/not so smart
17:09:17 <warlord> well, this is double entry. all transactions record money flowing from some source to some destination.
17:10:04 <freakynl> ? not really, because it would be + on both those accounts. which does not make sense. the double/second entry is booked against my bank account because that is where the money goes to
17:10:26 <warlord> well, the way to do that would be to have two: exp:dentist:me and exp:dentist:health -- then you pay the 100 into the former and take the rebate from the second.
17:10:38 <warlord> Right, you cannot do what you want, exactly.
17:10:49 <freakynl> hmm well i could, you gave me the idea
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17:12:29 <freakynl> exp:dentist -> asset health insurance and then book it again asset health insurance -> asset bank account
17:13:06 <freakynl> hmm doesn't make sense either, asset account would always be 0, but i could just accumulate all the credits _or_ debits on it i presume
17:13:42 <warlord> you might as well just put a description of "Health Insurance Rebate" and go from exp:dentist -> asset:checking
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19:11:01 <yogesh> Hi Andrew
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19:42:19 <foo> warlord-afk: bingo, found that discrepency in my accounts receivable. /me looks to see where this came from
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20:03:56 <twunder> so I decided to start using gnc 2.2... (I know, about time) and did my first OFX download on my discovercard... what happened to being able to select an account to apply the transaction to? Used to be able to select an account in the transaction matcher. That capability seems to be gone. Am I missing something?
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21:52:04 <renato> Hello people.. Anyone knows whether there are plans for gnucash to include a separate column to register payees like ms money ?
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21:59:22 <renato> anyone ?
22:00:23 <Michael_Cole> I am looking for help in getting Gnucash to open on my laptop (Dell Inspiron 9400) with Windows XP.
22:02:06 <renato> what's wrong with it ?
22:11:12 <Michael_Cole> I downloaded the setup 2.4 and installed it. It seemed to complete the install and then opened upon finishing the install. But when I close it and attempt to reopen, it will not open. It doesn't do anything.
22:13:11 <Michael_Cole> The shortcut that is placed on the desktop does not have an OPEN option in the menu. It points to gnucash.bat in Program Files/gnucash/bin
22:13:47 <renato> did you try running from command line ?
22:14:09 <Michael_Cole> No. let me try that ...
22:17:27 <Michael_Cole> I got a failed to start because libgncmod-engine.dll was not found
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22:22:14 <renato> did you change to the directory where you installed gnucash ?
22:22:43 <renato> has this dll been installed inside gnucash directories structures ? I'm not on windows right now and I'm not sure where it installs...
22:23:38 <Michael_Cole> It installs in the gnucash directory. What do you mean by change the directory?
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22:24:16 <Michael_Cole> No I didn't change anything from the way it was installed.
22:26:29 <Michael_Cole> It is found in /Program Files/gnucash/lib/gnucash
22:29:24 <renato> try changing to this directory and running gnucash.bat from there
22:29:28 <renato> see what happens...
22:31:22 <Michael_Cole> I am running Windows XP. Should I go into DOS?
22:31:41 <andrewsw> Michael_Cole: probably. So it worked right after install and now won't?
22:32:01 <Michael_Cole> yes
22:32:57 * andrewsw is reading the irc logs
22:33:27 <andrewsw> renato: what do you mean by register payees?
22:36:40 <renato> andrewsw, when I enter a transaction on my account I record on the memo field, what was that for and the name of the restaurant/store/school/whatever got my money...
22:37:21 <renato> I mean... my "suppliers"...
22:37:31 <renato> only thing is that I'm not running a business...
22:38:11 <renato> Michael_cole: you should run a command prompt, change to the installation directory and try running gnucash.bat
22:38:50 <andrewsw> renato: I'm not sure what running a business has to do with it. Are you talking about memorized transactions?
22:40:48 <renato> andrewsw, nope.. let me explain... I register my debits on my credit card... I enter the date, the value and on the memo field I record what was that for. Something like this: "New suit for Renato - Hugo Boss"
22:40:56 <renato> Hugo boss is the name of the store...
22:41:22 <andrewsw> generally Hugo Boss would go in the "description" field
22:41:57 <Michael_Cole> It doesn't work. Thanks anyway.
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22:42:06 <andrewsw> ack!Q
22:42:23 <andrewsw> I love it. no real info, just "doesn't work"...
22:42:53 <renato> Andrew, right ! However registering the name of the stores would be good, so I could create some reports on that..
22:43:03 <andrewsw> ah.
22:43:38 <andrewsw> there are currently no reports that report based on description. You could use find to get some of that info
22:44:28 <andrewsw> and of course, you can report on expense accounts. So you could get a report on Expenses:Clothes and maybe run a transaction report limited to that account and sorted by description.
22:44:31 <renato> andrewsw, sure... However I think what I'm talking about here would imply on a substantial change on gnucash...
22:44:33 <andrewsw> That would probably get you close.
22:44:40 <andrewsw> yeah. I don't see that coming.
22:44:58 <renato> ok ! Thanks for the help, anyway....
22:45:00 <andrewsw> *but* I think a report on description would work okay.
22:45:18 <andrewsw> smop
22:45:20 <renato> Will try something along this line..
22:47:08 <renato> btw... I found that there's an string unstranslated on the options for the income statement report...
22:47:46 <renato> the string is "Display as a two column report"
22:48:10 <renato> I would like to translate that to portuguese... do you know where's that string ?
22:49:30 <renato> the po/pt_BR.po file contains that string, but oddly enough it seems to be already translated...
22:49:36 <renato> (or it should be)
22:50:24 <renato> however it's in english...
22:51:16 <andrewsw> heh. I'm responsible for that line. It's in the income statement
22:51:26 <renato> :-)
22:51:37 <andrewsw> it was added in 2.2.2 I think
22:51:50 <renato> how convenient ! ;-)
22:51:58 <andrewsw> germans like their income statement in two columns...
22:52:00 <renato> 2.2.2 ?
22:52:14 <andrewsw> I think, though I'm really not sure
22:52:40 <andrewsw> svn.gnucash.org would know
22:52:47 <renato> I don't think so... I'm running 2.2.3, but it's untranslated.. d/l 2.2.4 from svn and will try to build...
22:53:47 <renato> hummm.... I was checking the sources for 2.2.4 already... if it's translated there, then it should be ok, then ?
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22:54:04 <andrewsw> I'm thinking I might not have marked it for translation
22:54:07 <renato> will give it a shot...
22:54:26 <andrewsw> hiya warlord
22:54:29 <warlord> foo: so what was the issue?
22:54:30 <renato> I'm curious.. how do you do that (mark for translation) ?
22:55:00 <andrewsw> use the _( "string") or (_ "string") macro
22:55:04 <andrewsw> C and scheme respectively
22:55:14 <renato> ok.. I see...
22:55:21 <renato> lemme check...
22:56:32 <andrewsw> I did mark for translation. (That's not really the right term, but the point is right)
22:56:45 <andrewsw> It was a new string in 2.2.2
22:57:00 <renato> (N_ "Display as a two column report") means it's marked for translation in scheme, then ?
22:57:11 <renato> what's with the N ?
22:57:13 <renato> :-)
22:57:18 <andrewsw> yes. essentially.
22:57:21 <renato> sorry for the stupid questions...
22:57:23 <renato> :-)
22:57:27 <andrewsw> I don't recall. check the translator wiki
22:57:36 <andrewsw> there are not stupid questions.
22:57:38 <renato> ok... will do....
22:58:54 <andrewsw> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation#Developers:_How_to_make_strings_in_code_translatable
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22:59:56 <andrewsw> I don't really understand the N part except I think it defers translation until the string is actually used
23:01:54 <renato> ok... I read it... thanks for the help...
23:02:03 <warlord> hi andrewsw
23:02:13 <warlord> N_ means "marked for translation but it will be translated later"
23:02:23 <renato> boy... is this scheme thing a bit complicated... :-)
23:02:28 <warlord> _ means "marked for translation.. translate here"
23:02:45 <andrewsw> renato: not at all... the parenthesis clearly demarcate the code
23:02:49 <andrewsw> ;-P
23:02:53 <renato> warlord: cool.... got it...
23:03:05 <renato> andrewsw: yep... parenthesis rampage !!!!
23:03:07 <renato> hehehehe....
23:03:23 <andrewsw> use emacs and learn about M-( and M-)
23:03:30 <andrewsw> life will then be good
23:04:11 <renato> I'm not quite fond of emacs... well...
23:05:10 <andrewsw> well... we aren't all perfect
23:05:43 <renato> well.... VI is... hehehehe.... just kidding... no trolling intended... ;-)
23:06:12 <andrewsw> yeah, but it doesn't come with an operating system.
23:06:46 <renato> well... emacs, on the other hand, doesn't come with a text editor...
23:06:55 <renato> I just love this joke !!!!
23:07:10 <andrewsw> meh. we can work around that with a little elisp to hack one together as needed.
23:07:19 <andrewsw> I know it never ceases to make me laugh.
23:11:46 <renato> this M- thing seems to be important on emacs.. Sound like something I should learn about... let's see... :-)
23:14:47 <andrewsw> it's kinda critical
23:16:42 <renato> well.... I'm calling it for the day... see you guys other day around here... Regards !
23:16:52 <andrewsw> later renato
23:16:58 <renato> bye andrewsw and warlord !
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23:17:37 <warlord> bye
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