2008-05-27 GnuCash IRC logs
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10:25:51 <jrgenolsen> is there a way to have a toplevel account that can contain equity accounts, balance accounts (assets & liabilities) and income/expense accounts?
10:26:25 <jrgenolsen> i dont need it to show any number whatsoever, i just need a container
10:27:22 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
10:27:28 <warlord> Nope.
10:28:06 <jrgenolsen> then the best one can do is to have three top level accounts for each business?
10:28:09 <warlord> It sounds like what you're asking for is an "Entity" account type.
10:28:24 <warlord> No, you should have a different set of books, one book per business.
10:29:09 <jrgenolsen> damn - gnucash could easily manage some books at a time, if only there were an "entity" account type
10:30:36 <warlord> It's a rarely asked-for feature.. We just encourage you to keep separate sets of books because 95% of the time that's what you SHOULD do.
10:33:02 <jrgenolsen> ok
10:41:05 <warlord> The ONLY time it's something that's reasonable to do is when you're DBA.
10:41:18 <warlord> But even then you probably want separate sets of books.
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15:41:44 <tlhiv_laptop> hi folks ... i'm very new to gnucash and even any financial software, but i am trying to setup a budget and i was wondering if there was a HOWTO for this?
15:48:41 <warlord> have you looked on the website?
15:51:20 <tlhiv_laptop> yes
15:52:18 <warlord> and the wiki?
15:52:42 <tlhiv_laptop> yes
15:53:15 <warlord> well, if that's not enough then i'm afraid you might need to resort to asking on the -user mailing list
15:53:47 <jsled> there's also the mailing list archives, where I think the topic has come up before.
15:54:07 <warlord> there is that
15:54:59 <tlhiv_laptop> this seems to be a fundamental question about financial software in general that is not necessarily specific to gnucash
16:03:01 <warlord> budgeting is off in a special corner i think
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18:56:22 <Sideburns> I'm using the latest Gnucash on Fedora 9, just for my personal checkbook. Suddenly, I can't get it to show my balance, even if I maximize it. It's off the screen to the right and won't scroll on.
18:57:00 <jsled> In the register?
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19:00:21 <Sideburns> Yes. It used to show the balance at the bottom when I was on Fedora 8, but it doesn't do that anymore, either.
19:00:40 <jsled> At the bottom? Or a running balance along the side?
19:00:54 <jsled> (in the right-most column)
19:01:48 <Sideburns> It does neither. I can't get it to show a balance anywhere. The running total on the right side is off the edge, even when the window is maximized, and won't scroll over.
19:02:06 <jsled> Try shrinking the "description" column.
19:02:26 <jsled> Of course, there should be a horizontal scrollbar, if the window is too small for the register.
19:02:26 <Sideburns> If it helps, I've tried resizing the columns, but it won't let me make the memo column any smaller.
19:02:58 <Sideburns> Yes, there should be, and is, but it doesn't *do* anything.
19:03:03 <jsled> eh?
19:03:54 <Sideburns> It doesn't *scroll.* I can shrink the Description column head, but as soon as I let go, it snaps back.
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19:06:06 <jsled> What about trying to shrink the Transfer column?
19:08:10 <Sideburns> What "Transfer column?" I have Date, Num, Description, a column with no name, Tot funds in, Tot Funds out and eveything else iis hidden.
19:08:16 <warlord> Are you sure you didn't make your balance column zero-width?
19:08:53 <Sideburns> How?
19:08:54 <jsled> The "unnamed" colunn. I believe it'll re-title "Transfer" if you click on a split.
19:08:59 <warlord> What type of register is this? (What account type)? and what view? Sounds like you're in an expanded split.
19:09:22 <Sideburns> All I want is a basic transaction register of my personal checking account.
19:09:45 <Sideburns> If I can't get *that* to work, I'm certainly not going to try using it for a business!
19:10:11 <Sideburns> I am not an accountant, nor do I want to be one. I just want to keep track of my checkbook.
19:11:16 <warlord> Sideburns: yes, i understand. the point is that your configuration is all messed up, possibly due to user error, possibly due to an upgrade error.
19:12:51 <Sideburns> Actually, I saved my /home, reinstalled and put it in. It took a bit of work, but I got it showing what I'd put in before, and at first it was right. It suddenly changed today.. Yes, I know it might be a software error, but I'm starting out by assuming that it's either something I did, or at least can correct by changing something inside the program.
19:15:02 <warlord> Most likely the balance column got a zero width. What I would do is try to click on the line in the column headers and drag it to the right to attempt to make the column bigger. as you do this you should see the scroll bar adjust to show you that the grid is larger than the window size.
19:15:17 <warlord> It might take a few tries to get the right spot.
19:16:03 <Sideburns> I must say, I'm very pleasantly surprised at how quickly you've responded. In most channels like this, you post a question and hope that somebody will respond within an hour.
19:16:25 <warlord> You got lucky. But unfortunately I *do* have to leave..
19:16:34 <warlord> Hopefully this is enough of a pointer.
19:16:48 <warlord> Your OTHER option is to reset your gconf configuration.
19:17:34 <warlord> jsled could maybe help you with that if he's still around if you can't get the manual reset working.
19:17:55 <warlord> Just keep in mind that the description column is auto-filling. It will always auto-fill to make sure the grid fills the whole window.
19:18:04 <jsled> Yeah, it might be clear from ~/.gconf/apps/gnucash/window/pages/register/%gconf.xml if a column is 0-width.
19:18:30 <warlord> In other words, to make the description column smaller you must first make some other column bigger, so the grid is too big for the window. Then you can shrink the desc column.
19:18:30 <Sideburns> OK, I've gottten the reconciled column back.
19:18:39 <warlord> * waves *
19:18:45 <warlord> I'll be back in a couple hours.
19:18:47 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
19:22:32 <Sideburns> Working on it...
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19:26:51 <Sideburns> OK. I've closed the program and opened the .xml file. None of the columns have a zero width.
19:31:46 <Sideburns> jsled, what would happen if I renamed that file and reopened the program?
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19:34:00 <jsled> nothing, I don't think, but for mystical reasons. :)
19:34:07 <jsled> Sideburns: is there a wrong value, there?
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19:34:50 <Sideburns> Nothing obvious.
19:34:51 <jsled> What you'd want to do is: shutdown gnucash, remove/rename that file, issue `gconftool-2 --shutdown`, then re-start gnucash.
19:35:30 <jsled> It *should* re-create the keys/values as required. But it's important to use the gconftool-2 command to get the running daemon – which might have a cached/in-memory copy of the file – to shutdown cleanly.
19:42:36 <Sideburns> No change.
19:44:03 <Sideburns> Also, neither gnucash nor gconftool-2 seems to be running.
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19:52:14 <jsled> gconftool-2 is a one-off app. It talks to a 'gconfd' process.
19:58:54 <Sideburns> OK. I'm playing with it and can occasionally see the balance column but can't get it onto the screen so that II can expand it.
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20:01:20 <Sideburns> currently, the xml has the balance width as 89. Would it be "safe" to edit that?
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20:16:31 <jsled> Not really.
20:16:44 <jsled> look into the command-line options for gconftool-2 to see how to set values.
20:17:24 <jsled> You should do so with gnucash closed; while the gconf architecture supports callbacks when values change, I don't believe the register hooks some up or even acknowledges their existence.
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20:20:28 <Sideburns> I'll come back to this later. Thanx anyway for all your help.
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22:06:33 <tlhiv_laptop> i can't seem to figure out how to delete a transaction from the general ledger
22:06:46 <tlhiv_laptop> when i click "delete" nothing happens
22:07:22 <jsled> you generally don't want to use the general ledger … what "delete" are you clicking (menu, toolbar, ?)
22:08:20 <tlhiv_laptop> can i delete the general ledger all together?
22:09:51 <jsled> delete? You can close the view.
22:10:10 <tlhiv_laptop> yeah but it now has blank things that i accidently "entered"
22:10:18 <tlhiv_laptop> i'd like to get rid of them all together
22:10:46 <jsled> Yeah, the general ledger has a couple of bugs regarding blank transactions. Just close the view and don't worry about them.
22:11:10 <tlhiv_laptop> then what should i use to reconsile my accounts with my budget, say
22:11:20 <tlhiv_laptop> that is, how should i enter things?
22:11:37 <jsled> Double click on an individual account to get an account-specific register.
22:11:52 <jsled> The most useful are asset/bank accounts (Checking, usually, for debit cards) and those of your Credit Cards.
22:12:14 <tlhiv_laptop> yeah but i have income, expenses, and liabilities
22:12:18 <tlhiv_laptop> and in each of those i have several
22:14:25 <jsled> what about Assets?
22:14:42 <jsled> You rarely need to open an Expense (or Income) register.
22:15:26 <tlhiv_laptop> well i'm trying to do a budget
22:15:32 <jsled> I usually have 3 registers open ... Checking and the two credit cards I use. When I enter receipts/transactions, I just switch between them.
22:15:38 <tlhiv_laptop> i want to track where everything goes
22:19:32 <jsled> okay. You can still enter transactions against the relevant Expense accounts from both of th Asset/Credit-Card registers.
22:19:48 <jsled> In terms of tracking, you'll probably find the reports more useful to do an analysis of where the money is going.
22:20:01 <jsled> There's also the budget feature, but I've not used it.
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