2008-07-01 GnuCash IRC logs
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05:54:31 <romkyns> i've discovered a way of entering just one half of a transaction... http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=541050
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08:37:29 <warlord> romkyns: FYI, that's not "half a transaction". It's just a zero-valued split.
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11:02:03 <ercyma6> Hello
11:02:47 <jsled> hello
11:02:57 <ercyma6> could anyone tell me how to direct Qt to Aqbanking wizard ?
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11:46:41 <ercyma6> could anyone tell me how to configure Qt to work with Aqbanking ?
11:47:12 <warlord> I just run "yum install gnucash" and it all just works.
11:47:22 <warlord> But I'm on Fedora
11:50:18 <warlord> ercyma6: perhaps if you provided more information about your environment?
11:51:07 <ercyma6> here is my environment....
11:51:26 <ercyma6> Windows Vista
11:51:42 <warlord> and what version of gnucash?
11:51:51 <warlord> (I thought 2.2.5 included Qt)
11:52:44 <ercyma6> what is "yum install Gnucash.......I am running 2.2.5
11:53:22 <ercyma6> When I tried to run Aqwizard, it said that Qt was not installed
11:53:53 <warlord> "yum install gnucash" is a fedora command. you didn't say anything about your environemnt so I told you what I used.
11:54:02 <warlord> How do you run the "Aqwizard"?
11:54:13 <warlord> Are you running it by hand? or through GnuCash's interface?
11:54:39 <ercyma6> Wait !............I think I just figured it out..........would I maybe have to run a Qt wizard from within gnucash ?
11:54:56 <warlord> andi5 and nathan (nb{something}) are the people to talk to.
11:55:06 <warlord> Ummm. Yes..........
11:55:08 <ercyma6> I run Aqwizard througth gnucash's interface
11:55:28 <warlord> So Tools -> Online Banking Setup
11:55:39 <ercyma6> yes...
11:55:51 <ercyma6> is there a better way ?
11:56:22 <warlord> You're asking the wrong person.
11:57:02 <ercyma6> sorry, I will play with that idea, and see what happens! thanks for the help anyway !
11:57:19 <warlord> According to http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows#2.2.0_only:_Online_Banking_Setup_Druid_.28needs_Qt.29 you shouldn't need to install Qt.
11:57:31 <warlord> On the other hand, you're on Vista, which is just a piece of garbage.
11:57:57 <ercyma6> LOL !!.............
11:58:43 <ercyma6> yes, yes, now I know..........after all the hype, and I am in too deep to go back !
11:59:01 <warlord> That's what you get for listening to M$ Hype
11:59:06 <warlord> Instead of people who really know.
11:59:13 <warlord> sorry.
12:01:03 <ercyma6> Better late than never to ask, but is Gnucash compatible with Vista ?
12:01:18 <jsled> People report it works, people report it doesn't.
12:01:27 <jsled> So, "yes?" :)
12:01:35 <ercyma6> aargh !......
12:01:53 <jsled> ercyma6: Also note <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows#Windows_Vista_Problems>.
12:02:04 <ercyma6> I am persistent, I will keep trying !.................
12:02:27 <jsled> Which references Gnucash Portable, which I have no experience with.
12:02:36 <jsled> None of the windows stuff, really.
12:02:40 <ercyma6> thanks, I will try that link as well, maybe between them both I will get it resolved
12:05:21 <warlord> good luck.
12:05:31 <warlord> I wish andread and nathan hung out here more.
12:20:37 <ercyma6> Thanks !
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12:31:50 <Rolf> warlord: how about bug 144669?
12:31:50 <gncbot> Rolf: Sent 2 days, 2 hours, and 22 minutes ago: <warlord> I'm not holding it up, I'm just busy with other stuff. Why don't you bug andreas?
12:32:09 <Rolf> Got the answer ;-)
12:32:29 <Rolf> is Andreas around here in IRC?
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12:36:12 <warlord> i dont see him. (andi5)
12:36:21 <jsled> @seen andi5
12:36:21 <gncbot> jsled: andi5 was last seen in #gnucash 2 weeks, 5 days, 16 hours, 8 minutes, and 12 seconds ago: <andi5> ciao
12:38:38 <dngor> Is there developer documentation for plugins?
12:39:40 <warlord> What kind of plugin? There's the (limited) gnc-module documentation
12:45:25 <dngor> I'll need to think about that more.
12:48:18 <warlord> well, why are you asking? What itch are you trying to scratch?
12:54:48 <dngor> I'd like a high-level dashboard of my finances. I use quickbooks right now, and I'm looking at alternatives that give me more options for customization.
12:58:39 <warlord> What do you mean, "high level dashboard"? Could you explain what would be in that?
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13:20:02 <dngor> Not really. I'm not looking for specific advice; I'd just like to read the documentation for now.
13:20:38 <dngor> I was looking for "gnucash plugins" but gnc-module is a better search angle.
13:20:57 <warlord> I'm still not sure a plug in (or gnc-module) is what you'd want for this.
13:24:14 *** micah has joined #gnucash
13:24:31 <micah> hi all, I've upgraded my gnucash, and now split's aren't being expanded
13:24:48 <micah> and I'm not sure how to get them to do that, I turned on 'auto split ledger', but that didn't change anything
13:25:07 <jsled> What happens when you click on a row in the (auto-split) ledger?
13:25:09 <micah> ah, it did when I closed the open account and then re-opened, thanks :)
13:25:15 <jsled> Ah.
13:25:28 <micah> i expected the settings to be applied to the open tabs :)
13:25:30 <jsled> Hmm. It should change the view when you change the menu item.
13:25:35 <jsled> Only the current tab.
13:25:54 <jsled> The view is local to the account (I believe).
13:26:06 <warlord> But if you changed the default in Edit -> Preferences it will only affect NEW tabs
13:27:29 <micah> that is what I did
13:49:07 <micah> i have another simple question
13:49:16 <micah> when I enter a transaction into an account, I hit enter at the end
13:49:32 <micah> it doesn't leave me at the next blank entry, is that a setting I am missing?
13:49:48 <micah> in fact it is!
13:49:50 <micah> I just found it
13:49:59 <micah> wow, its great coming to this channel, I resolve all my own problems :)
13:52:27 <warlord> hahah
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14:28:55 <jonesgen5> Hello, Im having problem with price editor in gnucash
14:29:57 <jonesgen5> I just installed gnucash on windows xp a few days ago and have been working with it
14:31:07 <jonesgen5> I moved my accnts from Microsoft money using qif exports
14:32:04 <jonesgen5> trying to update a price of a bond the price editor crashed and now it will not open again but a tab for it appears windows tabs
14:33:05 <jonesgen5> Tried uninstalling and reinstalling but didnt fix, any ideas?
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14:33:42 <jsled> A tab for the price editor is showing up in your normal window?
14:33:44 <jrgenolsen> my gnucash is stuck at "loading data" in the splash screen - what should i do? i'm very worried about my books and i dont have backup
14:34:05 <jsled> jrgenolsen: there's probably another modal dialog being obscured elsewhere on the screen.
14:34:08 <jsled> Maybe behind another window.
14:34:19 <jsled> Try minimizing all the other windows.
14:35:06 <jrgenolsen> ah i see something behind the splash screen but i cannot get to it and read it
14:35:27 <jsled> if you click on the splash screen, it should disappear.
14:36:14 <jrgenolsen> ah it didnt but i could somehow get focus to it and press enter to the error... weird
14:36:29 <jrgenolsen> i have some problems with the fink version
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14:38:49 <jonesgen7> I got disconnected
14:39:14 <jsled> jonesgen7: apparently. You say a tab for the price editor is showing up in the main gnucash window? What's on that tab?
14:39:17 <jonesgen7> Yes windows tab appears at bottom of windows
14:39:31 <jsled> Oh, the Windows window list?
14:39:49 <jonesgen7> not in gnucash, only at the bottom of windows
14:40:02 <jonesgen7> the price editor window does not appear
14:40:15 <jsled> Is the price editor simply behind the gnucash window, somehow? Can you minimize the gnucash window?
14:40:18 <jonesgen7> and i think gnucash is making a lock file in the process
14:40:28 <jonesgen7> not behind
14:40:44 <jonesgen7> it is not opening
14:40:47 <jsled> gnucash holds a lock file while opening a file, until it closes successfully.
14:40:52 <jsled> If the program crashes, the log file does't get removed.
14:40:58 <jsled> And you'll get a warning on startup.
14:41:11 <jsled> well, a confirmation/warning, really.
14:41:33 <jonesgen7> no warning messages
14:41:39 <jsled> Uh, can you right-click on the price editor dialog tab and close it that way?
14:41:46 <jonesgen7> yes
14:41:54 <jonesgen7> usually
14:41:55 <jsled> Okay. And then if you re-open the price editor?
14:42:07 <jonesgen7> nothing
14:42:31 <jonesgen7> except it looks like something is trying to happen
14:42:40 <jonesgen7> because the window tab appears
14:42:51 <jonesgen7> in windows
14:43:03 <jonesgen7> nothing in the gnucash gui
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14:43:58 <jsled> Well, the price editor is a separate dialog.
14:44:00 <jonesgen7> I tried removing some backup files and log files and reopening and didnt change
14:44:24 <jonesgen7> tried making a new file entirely but no change
14:44:26 <jsled> Uh, it sounds like the dialog is getting mapped off-screen for some reason.
14:44:34 <jonesgen7> ok
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14:45:02 <jsled> You're on Windows, eh? hmm.
14:45:07 <jonesgen7> yes
14:45:10 <jonesgen7> sorry
14:45:22 <jsled> at a prompt, if you type `gconftool-2 --help`, what happens?
14:45:40 <jonesgen7> i'll try, give me a bit
14:46:07 <jonesgen7> do I need to go to c:
14:46:19 <jsled> I don't think it matters at first.
14:46:22 <jsled> It might.
14:47:13 <jsled> All I really want to know is if it's "command not found" or "command works"
14:47:58 <jonesgen7> it was not recognized as a command
14:48:22 <jsled> Oh, also … if you're in a position to get into that state again (the dialog doesn't appear, but shows up in the task list), then try right-clicking on the label in the task list, and selecting Move ... then it *might* do a sane thing, and let you move it into the current screen/viewport.
14:48:51 <jonesgen7> the price editor was initially working ok and I had added all my investment to it
14:49:33 *** matzo has joined #gnucash
14:49:40 <matzo> hi =)
14:50:15 <matzo> does gnucash support (hbci) rsa-chipcards ?
14:50:28 <matzo> in this case from volksbank (germany)
14:50:51 <jsled> I know that it supports hbci and chipcards, but I don't know about rsa-chipcards or that bank in particular.
14:51:18 <matzo> ok, i will read docu =)
14:52:12 <jonesgen7> ok I cliked move in the task list tab and got a different cursor so I single clicked in the screen and nothing happened
14:52:36 <jonesgen7> now move is no longer an option in the right click menu either
14:53:39 <jonesgen7> sorry the move option is still available
14:54:00 <jonesgen7> but still the price editor window does not show
14:54:51 <jonesgen7> i could close the tab with close
14:55:59 <jsled> I don't know, man. If you can figure out how to get a gconf – either with gconftool-2 or the Configuration Editor gui app – then you should look at the /apps/gnucash/dialogs/edit_prices/window_position and window_geometry keys.
14:56:18 <jsled> My theory is that the window is positioned off the screen, or is maybe really small.
14:57:17 <jonesgen7> Ok Ill look, I am using two monitors set up as one desk top
14:57:26 <jsled> Ah!
14:57:31 <jsled> Is it on the other monitor?
14:57:49 <jonesgen7> not that i can see
14:58:43 <jsled> Well, it shouldn't be likely in mid-2008, but it might be the case that they way the multi-monitor geometry is setup, GTK (or we) get confused and maybe even position the window at, like, negative screen coordinates, or something.
14:59:39 <jonesgen7> the price editor may have beem overlapping the two monitors when the problem arose
14:59:49 <jonesgen7> i dont remember
15:00:14 <jonesgen7> can i find hidden objects?
15:00:37 <jsled> huh?
15:01:08 <jonesgen7> a program that is open but not visible, how to find it?
15:01:54 <jsled> I don't know windows that well.
15:03:05 <jonesgen7> ok i will look into conf
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15:10:40 <micah> thanks all for gnucash, its really awesome
15:10:42 <micah> adios amigos
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15:23:44 <jonesgen7> I'm wondering why uninstalling and reinstalling didnt affect it
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15:26:19 <jsled> If it's what I think it is, those setting are stored as data, and are not affected by un/re-installation.
15:26:29 <jsled> Moreover, they're stored as data by another process entirely.
15:30:41 <jonesgen7> so I need to find that data and edit it?
15:31:08 <jsled> You can, but…
15:31:27 <jsled> Actaully, that'll probably work to verify the problem.
15:31:41 <jsled> What's in Documents and Settings/${user}/.gconf/ ?
15:31:59 <jsled> (or whatever the full path is?)
15:33:37 <jonesgen7> lots of interesting stuff
15:34:12 <jonesgen7> ...\.gconf\apps\gnucash
15:34:16 <jsled> Alright. If you open the file ~/.gconf/apps/gnucash/dialogs/price_editor/%gconf.xml what are the values for the window settings?
15:35:56 <jonesgen7> "window_position" mtime="1214864597" type="list" ltype="int
15:36:07 <jonesgen7> i type="int" value="177
15:36:22 <jonesgen7> li type="int" value="177
15:36:36 <jonesgen7> ame="window_geometry" mtime="1214864597" type="list" ltype="int
15:36:39 <jsled> We just care about the values.
15:36:53 <jonesgen7> int" value="289
15:37:03 <jonesgen7> type="int" value="230"
15:37:08 <jsled> Well damn.
15:37:35 <jsled> So that says that gnucash believe the price editor is 289 by 230, and at offset 177, 177.
15:37:48 <jsled> Which are all very reasonable values.
15:38:06 <jonesgen7> could there be a conflict with zone alarm or virus scanner?
15:38:14 <jsled> I highly doubt it.
15:38:52 <jsled> Well, one very heavy weight option is to uninstall. Then remove ~/.gconf/apps/gnucash/ (the whole sub-tree), then make sure any processes that are named something like "gconf" are terminated, then re-install.
15:39:15 <jsled> Of course, then the uninstall/reinstall is probably optional.
15:39:37 <jsled> Another other option is to look for anything interesting in ~/.gnucash/books/${database_base_name}
15:39:49 <jsled> But I don't think any window geom information for the price editor is in there.
15:39:52 <jonesgen7> Is all of my acct data safe from being affected by radical moves like this?
15:40:25 <jonesgen7> It is all separate from the program right?
15:40:35 <jsled> Well, the first will just trash any settings you've saved.
15:40:40 <jsled> And the latter is a read-only operation.
15:40:50 <jsled> Presumably your actual datafile is safe somewhere else.
15:41:20 <jonesgen7> settings not including the account hierachy i made and names etc i hope
15:41:36 <jsled> that's correct; that's in your datafile.
15:41:42 <jonesgen7> ok
15:48:03 <jonesgen7> where would i find /.gnucash/books/database do you think, in windows
15:48:58 <jsled> As far as I know, "~" translates to c:\documents and settings\${user}
15:49:32 <jonesgen7> got it
15:52:32 <jonesgen7> there are a number of backup files there for my several trial files
15:52:48 <jonesgen7> .xac files
16:03:12 <jonesgen7> I found another xml doc under \gnucash\dialogs\edit_prices indstead of dialogs\ price_editor
16:03:48 <jonesgen7> in it there is window geometry also
16:03:59 <jonesgen7> this may be it
16:04:11 <jonesgen7> <li type="int" value="-32000">
16:04:34 <jonesgen7> <li type="int" value="-32000">
16:04:43 <jonesgen7> ?
16:12:36 <jsled> Oh. That looks like it.
16:14:11 <jonesgen7> I tried changing the values to 177 177 and restarting gnucash but it didnt fix it
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16:14:53 <jsled> jonesgen7: Yeah, it's not quite that easy.
16:14:55 <jonesgen7> is it read only maybe it didnt change yet
16:15:01 <jsled> There's probably a running daemon process that has the value cached.
16:15:08 <jsled> The "processed named something like gconf"
16:15:22 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
16:15:23 <jsled> er ... s/processed/process/
16:15:39 <jsled> Ideally, you'd use `gconftool-2 --shutdown` to stop the daemon
16:15:51 <jsled> (or, really, to safely set the value.)
16:16:03 <jsled> But it should work to just force-kill that process, edit the file, then restart gnucash.
16:16:25 <jsled> Anyways, I've gotta run. hth.
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16:20:36 <jonesgen7> ok thanks
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16:36:13 <romkyns> warlord: is this zero-amount split supposed to be possible?
16:41:43 <romkyns> if not, could someone confirm the bug please - i think it's pretty major, since there's no "disbalance" test (that I can see) that would enable me to spot an error like this
16:41:49 <jonesgen7> Problem seems to be fixed the last advice worked - shut down gconf process and edited the %gconf.xml file and restarted gnucash now price editor shows up ok
16:42:15 <jonesgen7> thanks to jsled
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16:48:50 <warlord> romkyns: it means you didn't enter an exchange rate.
16:49:03 <romkyns> oh
16:49:25 <warlord> gnucash cannot auto-balance a multi-currency transaction...
16:49:38 <warlord> (without knowing the exchange rate)
16:49:49 <romkyns> yeah
16:50:41 <romkyns> wouldn't it be better to use the last exchange rate than none?
16:51:20 <romkyns> (also, in the bug i reported i think the exchange rate dialog should be displayed anyway)
16:51:30 <warlord> Well, there are bugs in the register about exchange rates, and I suspect you hit one.
16:54:21 <romkyns> right. Ok, fingers crossed that this will be fixed eventually :)
16:55:10 <warlord> Unfortunately it's a very subtle issue.
16:55:13 <romkyns> would be neat if such no-exchange-rate txns were highlighted in something highly visible
16:55:23 <warlord> Yeah, that would be nice, wouldn't it?
16:55:37 <romkyns> hehe :) I take that as a hint
16:55:45 <warlord> But the same logic that prevents the exch-rate dialog from coming up would probably prevent that colorizing, too.
16:56:20 <romkyns> i'm sure the logic can be adjusted. It's subtle but logical
16:56:38 <warlord> One would think......
16:56:52 <warlord> But there are so many (way TOO many, IMHO) code paths that the register takes
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19:46:47 <lters> Any way to set the sort order in gnucash and have it stay that way in an account register view?
19:48:03 <jsled> View > Sort By... I guess there' no way to set the default, at least that I can see.
20:00:09 <lters> I see that option but wish it would stick ;)
20:04:44 <jsled> could leave the tab open ... I usually just switch between the handful of account registers I pay for stuff from.
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20:26:50 <jonesgen> Hi, my gnucash instal on windows xp does not have the alternating horizontal color bar on the main accounts page
20:27:00 <jonesgen> that makes it easier to read
20:27:25 <jonesgen> is there a way to get color rows on the main accts page in windows version?
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21:37:13 <jonesgen> Does anyone know how to get alternating color rows on the main page of accounts
21:37:37 <jonesgen> I am on windows xp and the main page is only white with no row distictions
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23:42:17 <wilco> Is there any better way to classify the transactions that I import with QIF than manually selecting every one in the import druid?
23:42:58 <jsled> well, no ... that's the idea. The importer should start to remember the mappings for subsequent batches, however.
23:43:11 <wilco> Lots of the "payee/memo" fields seem to have transaction or serial numbers included, so ones that are obviously the same end up being separate
23:43:21 <jsled> :(
23:43:37 <jsled> OFX/generic importer is Bayesian; QIF importer needs to be re-written.
23:43:54 <wilco> Oh, hm
23:44:35 <wilco> I started using QFX/OFX because it was more obviously letting me do transactions in groups for the handful that it works out right
23:45:41 <wilco> But I've got like 7 entries from parking at a CC-enabled meter, because they're all "CITY OF PORTLAND DEPT T ... Date 06/XX/08 XXXXXXXXXX"
23:48:23 <wilco> I'd be nice if I could at least select multiple transactions to change at once