2008-07-23 GnuCash IRC logs
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07:13:20 <merc> I created a new bill. I am in the middle of the bill's interface. What on earth do I need to do to get the amount to go into "Payables"?
07:13:32 <merc> It's something about "posting a bill"...
07:14:19 <merc> I have opened "Edit bill - 000" but I don't know what to do to make this bill "operative"...
07:17:02 <merc> The docs say: "When you finish editing a bill, you should Post the bill. You do not have to post the bill, you can close it and return to it later. You have to post the bill eventually. Posting a bill places its transactions into an accounts payable account. The Post Bill window appears and asks you to enter information:"
07:17:08 <merc> The post bill window appears WHEN?!?!?
07:17:10 <merc> :-D
07:17:36 <StocksR> it's a button on the toolbar
07:18:18 <merc> Jesus
07:18:19 <merc> 2 days on this
07:18:21 <merc> Thanks mate
07:22:09 <merc> Hummm I press "post bill" which was supposed to do it. However, the expenses account hasn't been credited, and there is only an entry in "Accounts payable" with a $0 balance...
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07:22:13 <merc> Any hints?
07:22:32 <StocksR> sorry dont use business features myself.
07:23:13 <merc> It's still in the eraly stages, the business part, isn't it?
07:23:20 <merc> It feels a little rudimental
07:24:29 <warlord> merc: currencies?
07:24:40 <warlord> The business parts have been there for 7 years.
07:26:24 <merc> Warlord: ugh... OK. Maybe it's just me then. The currencies should be all US$
07:26:40 <merc> But now the new bill in the "search bill" comes out as "paid". Weird!
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07:30:20 <merc> I am supposed to get the bill's amount, aren't I?
07:30:26 <merc> I mean, in the A/P account
07:32:26 <merc> ugh
07:32:35 <merc> gotta reboot
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07:42:27 <warlord> well, it's "paid" because the balance was $0.
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08:42:22 <merc> Help!!! I managed to close the "Accounts" tab. Now when I open the file, I don't have _any_ tabs open... how do I get the "accounts" tab?!?!
08:44:12 <warlord> File -> New -> New Account Tree
08:44:25 <warlord> Er, New Accounts Page
08:44:30 <warlord> also, merc:
08:44:34 <warlord> <warlord> well, it's "paid" because the balance was $0.
08:45:03 <merc> Warlord: ah yes
08:45:13 <merc> Warlord: I think I am giving up on the "business" side of GNUCash...
08:45:24 <warlord> *shrugs*
08:45:30 * warlord uses it all the time.
08:45:36 <merc> The interface is a little too cumbersome. And it may not be GNUCash's fault...
08:45:57 <warlord> Oh, the interface *is* a little cumbersome, in terms of the 'search' stuff.
08:46:02 <merc> Yeah
08:46:28 <warlord> When I designed it I was trying to make it work for large systems, but I made it way too hard for the simple user with only a handful of customers/vendors.
08:46:36 <merc> (My computer died earlier, sorry)
08:46:39 <warlord> I should have just used a dropdown list (with an optional search)
08:46:54 <merc> Warlord: oh dear, you designed it! I didn't mean to offend your work in ANY way. Sorry.
08:47:23 <merc> Warlord: yeah, a "browsing" system would have been great
08:47:36 <warlord> Heh. Hey, I know it's over-engineered. I sort of ran out of time in about '03 and never got around to adding the PhraseWheel (now called GtkCompletion)
08:48:01 <warlord> but yeah, I wrote all the business features back around 2001.
08:48:02 <warlord> or 2002
08:48:16 <warlord> (they were in the 1.8 release)
08:48:32 <merc> Also, with the eeePC's screen, the invoice interface takes a *little* too much space and the program ends up becoming a little bigger than the screen, which is very annoying. But this is hardly something that should be fixed...
08:48:59 <merc> Warlord: I am just afraid of losing invoices, etc. This is the feel you get if you can't "browse" things as a profane, idiotic user
08:49:21 <merc> Yes, my main computer is an eeePC and I run Free Software Magazine with it
08:49:30 <merc> I won't suppose I could interview you for FSM BTW?
08:50:24 <warlord> yeah, minimum screen size is 1024x768
08:50:51 <warlord> Sure, I'm happy to be interviewed.
08:51:18 <warlord> I'm not sure how you'd lose invoices.. There are so many ways to see what you're owed (or owe). E.g. Reports -> Business -> <Aging>
08:52:54 <warlord> As for why your invoice/bill was $0 --- did you put any line-items in there?
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09:00:27 <merc> (sorry, my accountant called me. Irony :-D )
09:00:42 <merc> Warlord: I did have a line there, and it was saved. I am going to do it again.
09:00:55 <merc> Warloer: I am using GNucash on an eeePC and it works great :-D Just so that you know!
09:01:01 <merc> Well, apart from the invoicing.
09:01:29 <warlord> Other than the screen size, what about invoicing doesn't seem to be working?
09:01:36 <warlord> What's your eeePC "locale"?
09:02:11 <merc> Australia, but I set GNUCash so that it uses USD in the configuration
09:02:27 <merc> LC_MONETARY="en_AU.UTF-8"
09:03:09 <merc> If I was 10000% sure that it was a bug, I'd send you the GNUCash file. However, I _hate it_ when people do that to me -- I waste time loading their data, and discover that they were idiots. I don't want to be the idiot :-D
09:03:23 <merc> (I don't care about privacy)
09:03:26 <merc> OK let me try again
09:04:04 <merc> Business, find bill, found an old one. Unpaid, unposted, no billing id
09:04:21 <warlord> Okay, here's what's going on!
09:04:33 <warlord> Your computer is telling GnuCash, "the default currency is AUD"
09:04:49 <warlord> your settings only tell it "create accounts in USD"
09:04:50 <merc> I know. But GNUCash is configured to ignore Locale
09:04:55 <warlord> No, it's not.
09:05:00 <merc> Oh
09:05:05 <merc> So the invoices are created in AUD?
09:05:12 <warlord> Probably.
09:05:21 <warlord> What's the currency of your Customer?
09:05:23 <warlord> (or Vendor)
09:05:31 <merc> Shit you're right
09:06:27 <warlord> All is not lost.
09:06:38 <warlord> Fix your customer/vendor setting.
09:06:43 <warlord> then go to the invoice.
09:06:46 <warlord> unpost it.
09:06:53 <warlord> then click on "Edit"
09:07:04 <merc> Doing exactly that
09:07:07 <warlord> then re-select the customer/vendor, going through the whole selection process.
09:07:34 <warlord> then "ok"
09:07:35 <warlord> then post.
09:09:14 <merc> Bloody hell still "0"
09:09:35 <merc> Is this a bit of a bug? This currency clash...
09:09:51 <merc> Maybe this particular bill is doomed
09:14:56 <warlord> i wouldn't consider this a bug.
09:15:00 <Rolf1> does trac offer a way to list contributions by author?
09:15:07 <Rolf1> commiter?
09:15:08 <warlord> Rolf1: I dont think so
09:15:12 <Rolf1> :-(
09:15:21 <Rolf1> That sucks
09:15:26 <warlord> merc: So the customer currency is set as...???
09:15:28 * Rolf1 looks for svn
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09:16:14 <merc> The customer set is set to US$
09:16:21 <Rolf1> svn does not allow this either?
09:16:27 <Rolf1> That sucks even more
09:16:29 <Rolf1> :-D
09:16:33 <warlord> merc: and what's the currencies of your Income and A/R accounts?
09:16:57 <warlord> Rolf1: what are you trying to find out? You could: svn log | grep <name>
09:17:39 <Rolf1> trac does offer to search
09:17:52 <Rolf1> So unless the committer name is a common word that should work
09:18:07 <merc> Everything is US$
09:18:09 <Rolf1> reasonably well
09:18:48 <warlord> merc: okay, and you went through and re-selected the customer after you made the currency change?
09:19:06 <warlord> is there a /value/ in the line entry in the invoice?
09:19:09 <merc> Yeah
09:19:18 <merc> Of course
09:19:21 <merc> Let me check
09:19:39 <merc> Subtotal 20000
09:19:55 <merc> Then there's a column after that but it's tine, I can only see "Bi"
09:20:30 <merc> But, it says "20000" not "$20000", I wonder if it's a problem
09:20:53 <merc> OK it's not
09:22:05 <merc> Yeah OK the invoice is utterly fucked
09:22:11 <merc> I just created a new invoice, and now it works
09:23:18 <merc> Warlord; this LOOKS like a bug. I have two invoices, they are from the same vendor, and one says "10000" one says "20000", however the first one adds a $0 debt and the second one adds a correct debt to A/P. The first one was created when the vendor's currency was incorrect
09:23:29 <merc> You can probably reproduce it
09:23:56 <merc> Oh nice, I have just reported a bug in IRC rather than filing a proper report. I would *castrate* my users if they did that :-D Do you want me to file a bug?
09:25:01 <warlord> Please.
09:25:05 <merc> URL?
09:25:11 <merc> For the report
09:25:37 <merc> However... isn't it a bug the fact that if the currency doesn't match, the invoice is still created but this weird $0 columns appears in A/P?
09:27:00 <merc> It's a p ity because it's not reusable. I might go and edit the XML files to delete it
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09:27:49 <warlord> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Bugzilla has all the info
09:28:30 <warlord> It SHOULD be re-usable. When you go and re-select the customer (or vendor) it should pull in the new currency selection.
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09:30:52 <merc> If I click on "Edit" in the Bill screen, I get the company and the right currency
09:31:41 <merc> And yet, balance: $0
09:33:11 <warlord> merc: what do you mean you "get the company and the right currency"?
09:33:34 <warlord> did you go through the selection process, bring up the search dialog, and re-select the company?
09:34:51 <merc> Yeah
09:34:54 <merc> I closed everything
09:35:44 <merc> Warlord: I mean that if I press on "Edit" in the bill, in the "Vendor" field, it opens up a little window, and in the tab "Payment information" it says that the currency is USD
09:35:55 <merc> And yes, I reselected everything. I closed everything apart from "Accounts"
09:36:10 <warlord> no...... You need to select "edit" from the toolbar in the invoice window. Not "edit vendor"
09:36:18 <warlord> .. you need to edit the /invoice/
09:37:16 <merc> I did
09:37:32 <warlord> So when you clicked on the edit button, what did it pop up?
09:38:28 <merc> From the toolbar in the invoice window
09:38:28 <merc> OK
09:38:30 <merc> So,
09:38:53 <merc> Business -> Vendor -> Find bill
09:39:07 <merc> Found it
09:39:13 <merc> Click on "View/Edit bill"
09:39:33 <merc> New tab opens
09:39:46 <merc> Added a line
09:39:47 <merc> 20000
09:39:51 <merc> no, 10000
09:39:53 <merc> Post bill
09:40:08 <warlord> Okay, so Fild Bill.
09:40:14 <warlord> Then View/Edit bill.
09:40:16 <warlord> New tab opens.
09:40:19 <warlord> Now, click EDIT
09:41:02 <merc> go to A/P, and there's a line with $0
09:41:06 <merc> Uh...?
09:41:15 <merc> Did I miss something?
09:41:22 <merc> EDIT
09:41:24 <merc> Where's "EDIT"?
09:41:48 <merc> Which "Edit" button? for the vendor? For the bill?
09:42:43 <merc> Gotcha
09:42:49 <merc> "Edit this invoice", the first button?
09:43:45 <warlord> Yes.
09:43:52 <merc> OK worked
09:43:58 <merc> But...
09:44:06 <merc> Although this *did* fix it... err...
09:44:22 <warlord> Yes... you need to RE-SELECT the company for the invoice!
09:44:24 <merc> Can I still file a bug? It's a little strange that a line with $0 is added if the currency doesn't correspond.
09:44:32 <warlord> No, that's not a bug.
09:44:53 <merc> How come?
09:45:13 <merc> if I have an Australian vendor, and they send me an invoice for $450 Australian dollars...?
09:45:17 <merc> I end up with $0 due?
09:47:05 <warlord> The requirement is that all the currencies need to match. If you have a 450AUD invoice you need an AUD expense account and an AUD A/P account.
09:47:15 <warlord> You DO have $0 (USD) due.
09:47:58 <merc> Warlord: but I I really ,really don't think you should be able to even PICK a A/P account with a mismatching currency if you end up with a $0 due balance...
09:48:13 <merc> Because you DO have a debt... and that's getting lost.
09:48:14 <merc> No?
09:49:23 <merc> Hey, thank you for helping me fix the bill anyhow :-D
09:49:28 <warlord> You're welcome.
09:49:38 <warlord> And yeah, arguably you shouldn't be able to pick it that.
09:50:16 <warlord> then
09:50:39 <warlord> But that doesn't help you if you pick the wrong currency accounts for the line-items.
09:52:21 <merc> You can set a currency in the line item?
09:52:22 <merc> How?
09:52:51 <merc> Ah I see
09:53:09 <merc> Well it's the same. You shouldn't be able to pick the wrong currency for the line items either...
09:53:11 <merc> But then...
09:53:19 <merc> I see the problem.
09:55:08 <warlord> It's set via the account.
09:55:20 <warlord> So.. yeah.. you see the problem.
09:55:29 <warlord> Then what happens if you go and change it..
09:55:46 <warlord> I mean, I could pop up a dialog when you MAKE the account selection in the line-item to let you know there's a problem..
09:56:19 <warlord> And I probably could also pop up a warning during the post process if the Post-To account currency != the Invoice currency.
10:06:36 <merc> I think that's an _excellent_ idea
10:06:57 <merc> Actually
10:07:11 <merc> What about STOPPING the "posting" process if there is a mismatch anywheree in the invoice?
10:07:22 <merc> It's probably a little nastier, but it's the
10:07:27 <merc> Ah
10:07:43 <merc> Could this be a solution?
10:07:47 <merc> I think it might
10:07:54 <merc> But again, what about *changing* things?
10:08:55 <merc> I am not suree :-D
10:09:01 <merc> Warlord: are you the main developer?
10:09:10 <merc> That is, you don't get much help from other developers?
10:09:27 <merc> The one problem I have with GNUCash is that I am trying to convince my accountant to install it. And that's hard work.
10:10:04 <merc> It would be cool if we were able to put it "online", but it's basically impossible. Especially now that the postgres backend is dead. And especially considering that the interface is a major part of the program
10:10:09 <warlord> I was at one point the "lead developer". Now I spend a little more time on user support and architecture and much less time implementing. I just dont have the time/cycles.
10:10:11 <merc> But that's gonna be part of the interview
10:10:27 <merc> Is there a lead developer at the moment?
10:10:29 <warlord> There is a "GnuCash Portable"
10:10:33 <warlord> probably me.
10:10:39 <merc> Gnucash portable?
10:10:46 <merc> For Windows as well?
10:10:55 <merc> I sent my accountant the link for the Windows download...
10:13:43 <warlord> only for windows
10:14:31 <merc> Alright
10:14:33 <merc> Thank you
10:14:37 <merc> Please send me an email
10:14:40 <merc> merc followed by
10:14:41 <merc> at
10:14:46 <merc> and then mobily1.com
10:14:50 <merc> For the i nterview
10:14:51 <merc> OK?
10:15:19 <merc> Gotta run :-D
10:15:21 <merc> BYE!
10:20:09 <warlord> okay. ttyl.
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14:47:53 <suhas> I am trying to compile gnucash 2.2.5 on suse linux box, I am getting the folowing error engine-helpers.c: In function ‘gnc_query2scm’:
14:47:53 <suhas> engine-helpers.c:1609: error: ‘scm_block_gc’ undeclared (first use in this function)
14:47:53 <suhas> engine-helpers.c:1609: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
14:47:53 <suhas> engine-helpers.c:1609: error: for each function it appears in.)
14:47:53 <suhas> engine-helpers.c: In function ‘gnc_scm2query_v2’:
14:47:55 <suhas> engine-helpers.c:1855: error: ‘scm_block_gc’ undeclared (first use in this function)
14:47:57 <suhas> make[5]: *** [engine-helpers.lo] Error 1
14:47:59 <suhas> make[5]: Leaving directory `/home/suhas/Desktop/SAMAR/Downloads/gnucash-2.2.5/src/engine'
14:48:26 <jsled> what version of guile?
14:49:14 <suhas> 1.6.7
14:49:38 <jsled> try a 1.8 version?
14:49:46 <jsled> The scm_ symbols are guile-provided, AIUI.
14:50:04 <jsled> I think all the distros moved to guile-1.8 a while ago; so maybe we really depend on it for a while now.
14:50:36 <andi5> surely not, this variable is #ifndef'ed with HAVE_GUILE18 :)
14:51:46 <andi5> that line has not changed for quite a while, so i assume that it worked with guile 1.6.7 as well
14:51:56 <andi5> do you have a mix of guile1.6 and guile1.8 somehow?
14:52:15 <andi5> or did you upgrade guile after configuring gnucash?
14:54:04 <suhas> well I have the guile 1.8.5 as well but that i did in my custom location hopefully shd not interfere...
14:57:53 <andi5> well, i suppose that is not the case then :) ... what is that "custom" location?
15:03:04 <suhas> that cusom location is /externals/Install , here I install any external package I compile by source, hence guile 1.8.5 is also put in that ..
15:04:39 <andi5> any, including others needed by gnucash?
15:05:23 <andi5> i.e., did a check succeeding the guile check add that dir to the CFLAGS?
15:07:30 <suhas> yeah including others needed by gnucash , and I will see to that ...
15:08:17 <suhas> thanks a lot , also I will try removing 1.8.5 as well...
15:09:04 <andi5> you are welcome
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16:23:19 <hef> Is there a way to tell aqbanking to use a new password, it seems to use the one I entered, despite telling me that the username/password combo is invalid
16:24:28 <andi5> which version aqbanking?
16:24:31 <andi5> +of?
16:25:08 <hef> 2.3.2
16:25:22 <andi5> well, easy solution: restart gnucash
16:25:25 <hef> I should point out that this is using the aqbanking wizard in gnucash
16:25:39 <andi5> hm?
16:25:55 <hef> what is "hm"?
16:26:19 <andi5> what exactly are you doing?
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16:28:14 <hef> I am in the aqbanking wizard
16:28:39 <hef> oh wait, I might have an idea..
16:28:51 <andi5> so... is it an idea?
16:29:22 <hef> I may have changed some fields around at some point, I was pulling data from the web, and the getfidata scrip
16:29:43 <hef> (I added another modification to the script to the wiki, it got better results)
16:30:50 <andi5> see, we do not control the qt wizard spawed when clicked on "start it" inside the "online banking setup" ... (i do not know the labels in english by heart)
16:30:54 <andi5> spawned
16:30:58 <andi5> we just,.... spawn it
16:31:54 <hef> I see
16:33:55 <hef> is there a aqbanking channel somewhere?
16:34:21 <andi5> there is a mailing list and martin typically responds rather readily..
16:34:56 <andi5> sometimes mail conversions with him feel like irc ;-)
16:35:06 <andi5> conversations... sorry, my keyboard...
16:48:10 <hef> odd
16:48:28 <hef> in the terminal that I launched gnucash form, aqbanking has some debug messages
16:48:39 <hef> and it seems to be missing closeing tags
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19:54:25 <fluffman> hey, does anyone in here use an envelope style system with credit cards?
19:56:06 <fluffman> or have any idea if that would even work in gnucash?
19:57:08 <jsled> Some results at http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Alists.gnucash.org+envelope
20:06:48 <fluffman> thanks for that link jsled...i think I might be looking to do something like accounts payable
20:07:31 <fluffman> which I found out how to do from that info
20:07:33 <fluffman> :)
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