2008-08-16 GnuCash IRC logs

00:13:46 *** nomeata has quit IRC
01:35:24 <ashikase> Rolf: thanks for the info about guile; after a few more attempts, I was able to compile the svn and the python-bindings
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07:31:29 <Rolf> great
07:31:45 <Rolf> ashikase: what are you trying to do with the python bindings?
07:38:42 <ashikase> Rolf: I use gnucash for my personal budget; I hope to make a simple client/server interface to add transactions via my phone
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08:20:13 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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10:22:09 <eduardo> Hello
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10:34:40 <eduardo> is anyone around/awake?
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10:43:27 <warlord> of course
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10:56:51 *** mathieu_ has joined #gnucash
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10:59:06 <mathieu_> Hi, I have a question about closing books when having income in different currencies. When closing books you get the retained earnings in the currency of the income. However, in the meantime that money could have been converted to another currency, making those retained earnings meaningless (because the exchange rate changes). Is there a standard way to handle this?
11:01:35 <mathieu_> Since I have income in dollar and in euro, and dollar is mostly converted to euro to pay the expenses in euro, I get retained earnings like + 2000 dollar and - 1000 euro. The balance uses the current exchange rate to add those up, but some money was already exchanged.
11:02:54 <mathieu_> So basically my question is: how to compute retained earnings when the currency is changed?
11:05:13 * warlord just never uses multiple currencies
11:05:58 <warlord> I keep track of everything in USD.. Even the CA$, €, ¥, etc. that I own.
11:06:57 <mathieu_> how do you compensate for changing rates then?
11:07:41 <warlord> Why would I need to? I buy the EUR at a particular value and then I spend them for /something/ -- I'm not converting back and forth.
11:08:07 <mathieu_> I see
11:08:49 <warlord> So I buy 100€ for $161.65.. Then I spend 20€ on dinner. I record that as $32.33 (and put the 20€ in the txn desc)
11:09:04 <mathieu_> I'm getting some income on PayPal in USD *and* in EUR (depending the customer). That money is staying there for a while so the changing rates are important.
11:09:26 <mathieu_> Unless I immediatly exchange every dollar I receive.
11:09:47 <warlord> considering how sucky the dollar is, that's not a bad idea. ;)
11:09:55 <mathieu_> hehe
11:10:07 <mathieu_> the dollar went up a bit again however :)
11:10:51 <mathieu_> That idea is not feasible with accounts payable/receivable either
11:11:07 <mathieu_> since you don't know beforehand what the rate will be at payment
11:11:29 <warlord> True.
11:11:53 <warlord> Luckily I do not work in a real multi-currency environment so that issue doesn't happen to me.
11:12:03 <mathieu_> lucky you
11:12:14 <mathieu_> it makes things so much more complicated
11:12:38 <mathieu_> I can make profit or loss just by doing nothing
11:13:43 <mathieu_> I have no idea how to compute this in gnucash
11:14:00 <mathieu_> The income statement doesn't take it into account
11:14:01 <warlord> Unfortunately gnucash really doesn't handle that well.
11:14:28 <mathieu_> known issues?
11:15:52 <warlord> as much as all the multi-currency issues are "known"
11:16:03 <warlord> I dont know if there's something specific to /this/ issue
11:16:15 <mathieu_> lets wander through the mailing list archives
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12:43:56 <mathieu_> warlord, found a tutorial: http://www.mscs.dal.ca/~selinger/accounting/tutorial.html
12:44:25 <warlord> * sigh *
12:44:36 <warlord> That "tutorial" is not written by an accountant..
12:44:46 <mathieu_> you know it?
12:44:49 <warlord> And he conflates different types of gains.
12:44:50 <warlord> Oh yeah.
12:44:54 <warlord> I know it.
12:45:08 <warlord> He doesn't differentiate between Realized and Unrealized gains.
12:45:19 <mathieu_> so it's useless?
12:45:23 <warlord> Not useless.
12:45:29 <warlord> He does make a bunch of good points.
12:45:34 <warlord> But it's certainly not gospel.
12:46:44 <mathieu_> so your message is: use it, but... ?
12:47:23 <warlord> My message is "don't treat that doc as "The One Way"
12:48:13 <mathieu_> the main thing for me in that document is something he doesn't explicitly say: keep expenses and income in local currency
12:48:28 <mathieu_> that solves the retained earnings problem
12:48:32 <warlord> It does.
12:48:43 <mathieu_> but maybe creates other probs :)
12:49:48 <warlord> maybe
12:52:21 <mathieu_> If I get it right, the solution he presents is to never have transactions that convert money, so you don't care about changing rates until you want to have a report
12:57:28 <mathieu_> How does gnucash calculate the 'unrealized gains' on the balance sheet?
12:59:27 <warlord> I'm not exactly sure. I haven't read the report code recently.
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21:41:16 <mfwitten> D-bus has what I think is a flaw, so on Mac OS X:
21:41:18 <mfwitten> TMPDIR=/var/folders/dbus/
21:41:18 <mfwitten> sudo mkdir -p $TMPDIR && sudo chmod -R a+rw $TMPDIR
21:41:18 <mfwitten> sudo sed -E -i '' -e "s#<listen>.*</listen>#<listen>unix:tmpdir=$TMPDIR</listen>#" /usr/local/etc/dbus-1/session.conf
21:41:33 <mfwitten> Then GnuCash works like a charm
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