2008-11-22 GnuCash IRC logs

01:03:50 *** MechtiIde has quit IRC
02:35:04 *** JimRaehl has quit IRC
04:35:10 *** cortana has joined #gnucash
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08:06:35 *** twunder has joined #gnucash
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08:48:01 *** MechtiIde has joined #gnucash
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09:46:24 *** IanL has quit IRC
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10:01:43 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
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10:18:33 <cortana> ooh, *that* why the loan calculator never worked for me
10:18:50 <cortana> i was putting in '74' instead of '-74' into the 'periodic payment' field
10:24:31 <cortana> is there a good reason why 0 - abs (user entered value) should not be used?
10:24:40 <cortana> 'cos that way you can enter either sign and have it still work
10:31:03 *** Demitar has quit IRC
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11:26:36 *** IanL has quit IRC
11:47:12 *** warlord has quit IRC
12:40:07 *** eukreign has quit IRC
12:42:40 *** HerrK has quit IRC
12:53:31 *** andyt has quit IRC
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13:12:32 *** Darmito has joined #gnucash
13:12:58 <Darmito> Hola
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13:44:26 *** tobias has joined #gnucash
13:53:49 <tobias> hi all, .. is there any channel how speaks german?
14:00:45 <tobias> no, .. ok, .. thanks, .. CU
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14:04:56 <warlord> well, geeze, if you're only going to stick around for 7 minutes..
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14:51:19 *** programm3rq has joined #gnucash
14:52:19 <programm3rq> I just want to complement the gnucash developers and community-- The documentation is very well done. I'm not just learning how to use gnucash, but I'm learning about accounting as I go along.=
14:57:36 *** sjc has joined #gnucash
15:19:21 *** Pavel has joined #gnucash
15:24:22 <Pavel> I've gotten stock accounts set up and can have Gnucash download latest stock quotes from Price Editor. Is there a way to import stock price history into Gnucash short of manually adding a price for every stock for every day?
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17:35:10 <Pavel> Is it safe to run "gnucash --add-price-quotes <gnucash-file-name>" when <gnucash-file-name> is open?
17:36:02 <benjamin> if it doesn't give an error because it's locked, then yes, probably
17:36:29 <benjamin> maximum possible disclaimer of liability applies, of course
18:06:26 <Pavel> And will the running instance of gnucash incorporate the new information?
18:07:02 <benjamin> very probably not, unless you close the file and reopen it
18:10:16 <Pavel> And if I save the file before closing it, it would clobber the file with the new quotes?
18:26:03 <Pavel> If I were to write the XML-formatted (i.e. taking the formatting of a quote from a saved file, and substituting guid, date, and price) quotes into the '<gnc:pricedb version="1">' section, would Gnumeric read them?
18:28:11 *** Jimraehl has left #gnucash
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20:09:46 <Pavel> Apparently, it does.
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20:13:28 * Pavel now has a clumsy but functional Pytyhon script to take a Yahoo-formated spreadsheet of stock price history and import the quotes into a Gnucash file.
20:29:39 <benjamin> hurrah!
20:33:42 <Pavel> benjamin: Nothing to Hurrah about --- it's an ugly hack that isn't even XML-aware.
20:34:03 <Pavel> It's all string substitution.
20:37:34 <Pavel> Also, so far, it only works with mutual funds.
20:43:36 <benjamin> ¬.¬
20:43:53 <benjamin> the root of all evil
20:43:56 <benjamin> :P
20:44:45 *** sjc has quit IRC
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21:50:37 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
21:50:38 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
22:01:07 <Pavel> benjamin: Money?
22:01:13 <Pavel> benjamin: XML?
22:01:17 <Pavel> benjamin: Python?
22:01:21 <Pavel> benjamin: Mutual funds?
22:01:31 <benjamin> mutual funds
22:01:36 <benjamin> also XML, according to many people...
22:01:51 <benjamin> and lust for money, according to the bible, but not money itself.
22:02:41 <Pavel> benjamin: Eh? Why are mutual funds root of all evil?
22:03:42 <benjamin> well, the majority of UK mutual funds operate on short-selling
22:07:45 <warlord> the color of money?
22:08:33 <benjamin> green, statistically
22:09:23 <benjamin> but also, in minorities: blue, red, purple, pink (GBP) and grey (EUR)
22:09:43 <benjamin> I sometimes wonder why all US money is the same colour and the same size
22:09:57 <benjamin> doesn't that make it horrifically easy to confuse?
22:10:06 <warlord> benjamin: only to blind people
22:10:43 <benjamin> ah
22:10:52 <benjamin> I forgot, blind people don't handle paper money
22:11:52 <warlord> they just ask they friends to help.. There are definitely workarounds, like how they fold it.
22:11:59 * warlord knows a blind person closely
22:12:23 <benjamin> ¬.¬
22:12:49 <benjamin> I can nonetheless think of several ways to defraud someone like that
22:13:00 <benjamin> oh well
22:13:33 <benjamin> I'm not likely to come into contact with any US bills for the foreseeable future...
22:13:54 <benjamin> my country will probably join the euro tomorrow, so our currency will become a little more secure
22:14:14 *** twunder has joined #gnucash
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23:49:37 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk