2008-12-13 GnuCash IRC logs
00:01:38 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
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01:46:46 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
03:19:01 *** sam01 has joined #gnucash
03:19:45 <sam01> hi
03:20:43 *** Salacryl has joined #gnucash
03:20:53 <Salacryl> moin moin
03:21:02 <sam01> i'm a gnucash user would like to make custom reporst
03:21:08 <sam01> reports
03:21:29 <sam01> i know some programing using other langauses and read about scheme
03:21:41 <Salacryl> is there any chance to get my chipdrive micro get work under windows?
03:22:15 <sam01> any recomendations for a good IDE
03:22:15 <sam01> ?
03:22:42 <Salacryl> vim and make?
03:22:50 <Salacryl> emacs and make?
03:24:26 <sam01> these are text editors right
03:24:37 <Salacryl> sure
03:24:52 <sam01> need something fancy
03:24:53 <sam01> :D
03:24:57 <Salacryl> ok they need time to get handle these
03:25:07 <sam01> easier
03:25:34 <Salacryl> but I can say after time you're faster with these than a GUI-Based IDE
03:25:35 <sam01> i have worked with netbeans bfr
03:27:07 <sam01> any recomened guides where i can start
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03:28:24 <Salacryl> In my humble opinion NONE of the GUI-Based IDE under Linux is reliable for an effience work
03:29:03 <sam01> i know sayin this would be an offense
03:29:13 <sam01> bass i do use windows still
03:29:14 <sam01> :D
03:29:28 <Salacryl> than
03:29:42 <Salacryl> Visual C++ Express
03:30:16 <sam01> alrighty then
03:30:23 <Salacryl> But I guess to cross-compile with mingw .. because the MS Compiler has some strange things
03:30:55 <Salacryl> But this is only if you use Templates
03:30:58 <sam01> mmm
03:31:08 <sam01> ok
03:31:29 <Salacryl> mmmh and the optimization ist better on gcc/g++
03:31:35 <Salacryl> -t
03:31:52 <Salacryl> the programms are faster
03:32:03 <Salacryl> not smaller ... (really not)
03:32:46 <Salacryl> But I have made experiences with like DirectX where Programms was faster at 30%
03:34:16 <sam01> i realy love working on a linux machine
03:34:32 <Salacryl> no problem
03:34:32 <sam01> bass i had bad experience bfr
03:34:39 <Salacryl> use a windows VM
03:35:12 <Salacryl> yeah ... but bad experiences can you make on every BS
03:37:13 <sam01> BS?
03:38:30 <Salacryl> oh sry german short for betriebssystem
03:38:39 <Salacryl> like Windows, Linux
03:38:54 <sam01> ok
03:39:05 <sam01> anyways
03:39:22 <sam01> i tried fedora and debian ubuntu was the easiest
03:39:37 <sam01> but thats not wat i'm here for
03:39:38 <sam01> :D
03:39:51 <sam01> so u suggest i use mingw
03:41:13 <Salacryl> mh
03:41:33 <Salacryl> mingw is like a ported shell for windows
03:41:54 <Salacryl> you have the same problem here ... no IDE
03:42:29 <Salacryl> so I suggest, Code and debug (well MS built the best debugger I've ever seen) in VC++
03:42:42 <sam01> ok
03:42:51 <Salacryl> and than if you want to release, create patches, etc.
03:42:58 <Salacryl> use mingw
03:42:59 <sam01> bass how scheme is realted to C++
03:43:13 <Salacryl> well
03:43:30 <Salacryl> u have to look what is compatible
03:44:01 <Salacryl> ok .. I must go now ... Installing a new server ;)
03:44:11 <Salacryl> bye :)
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03:45:20 <sam01> 10x
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08:35:00 *** Marquel has joined #gnucash
08:35:13 <Marquel> morning.
08:37:29 <Marquel> how do i make a bill "paid"? the money is paid online, so online functions have been used and the payment does not mark the corresponding bill as being paid.
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08:59:57 <Marquel> nobody?
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09:30:45 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:30:54 <warlord> Marquel: Process Payment
09:31:27 <Marquel> warlord: that produces a new entry, but the entry already exists.
09:31:57 <warlord> then you'll have to delete the already existing one.
09:32:04 <warlord> Only Process Payment works.
09:32:46 <Marquel> *sigh* are there any plans for future versions?
09:33:46 <warlord> Sure! 2.4 is coming out soon and it will have some cool SQL features. :)
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09:35:33 <warlord> But if you're really asking "are there plans to change this particular feature" the answer is that there is an open bug for it, but nobody working on it.
09:37:35 <Marquel> seems i need to find time to work on that myself. especially since "process payment" is mutually exclusive with online banking actions. and that's ... not really making things easy... ;)
09:37:50 <Marquel> however, thank you for your time, have to do some housework now.
09:38:26 <warlord> It's not at all mutually exclusive.
09:38:39 <warlord> You just have to perform the PP first.
09:38:48 <warlord> Then the online banking will mark is Cleared.
09:44:02 <Marquel> huh?
09:45:07 <warlord> s/mark is/mark it
09:47:53 <Marquel> yeah, seen that. but what about a bill i have to pay? so i have to process payment - that's okay. but then i need to make an online transaction. which produces a second entry for the very same transaction, but otherwise i have no opportunity to transfer the data to my bank, right?
09:49:10 <warlord> Oh, HBCI.. Yeah, it wont work with HBCI initiated transactions.
09:50:48 <Marquel> if i ever find time (or cancel all my employments) i'll try to work on that too... would be just too great, wouldn't it? ;)
09:54:06 <Marquel> oh, and on a side note: what do the letters I, P and ? stand for in a liabilities account?
09:54:46 <warlord> it's not in a liabilit acct. they only appear in AR and AP accts.
09:55:02 <warlord> I == Invoice. P=Payment. ?=Unknown
09:57:14 <warlord> anyways i gotta run.
09:57:21 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
09:57:22 <Marquel> thx
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18:43:12 <docyoung> brand new to linux, currently using openSUSE 11.0. it came with gnucash 2.2.4 built in, but i'm trying to upgrade to 2.2.7. i downloaded the newest version, but when I try "configure" or "make" i get errors saying: "libgncmod-engine.so: undefined reference to `scm_sym2var'" what's going on?
18:44:30 <docyoung> is there something i need to have installed that i don't?
18:50:55 <andi5> docyoung: that is not the whole error, right? please use http://pastebin.ca to give us more context
18:56:27 <docyoung> k... let me try making it one more time and see if i can get the error again
18:56:31 <docyoung> stand by
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19:30:50 <docyoung> well, it seems to have successfully installed now (i had to install subversion as well, apparently)... however, there was an error when i ran "make check" as described here: http://pastebin.ca/1284626
19:30:56 <docyoung> i don't know if it's really all that important
19:35:12 <andi5> docyoung: actually, it is highly recommended not to use configure without a prefix so as not to clutter /usr/local, which is the default prefix... (e.g. --prefix=/opt/gnucash) ... anyway. running 'make check' is not necessary to run the application, only "make" and then "sudo make install" (make check is mainly for developers)
19:36:55 <andi5> i do not really understand what you needed subversion for though
19:38:07 <docyoung> not sure either... i just googled SCM (as in: undefined reference to `scm_sym2var'; there were a bunch of scm_* variable errors), and google came back with Subversion, so i installed it and it worked after that
19:38:38 <andi5> well, scm stands for scheme :)
19:39:56 <docyoung> haha... well now
19:40:34 <docyoung> i dunno... new and confused... maybe i accidentally did something else in the meantime that resolved the error
19:40:43 <andi5> (i.e. indicating the dependency on guile, a scheme interpreter)
19:40:50 <docyoung> anyway, thanks for the help
19:40:52 <andi5> probably :)
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