2008-12-20 GnuCash IRC logs
01:42:06 *** andyt has joined #gnucash
02:02:32 *** Rolf1 has joined #gnucash
03:26:58 *** lioux has joined #gnucash
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06:42:36 *** andi5 has joined #gnucash
06:42:36 *** gncbot sets mode: +o andi5
06:43:09 <andi5> anyone here having problems with gnucash-2.2.8 on windows?
07:18:39 *** palatin has joined #gnucash
08:11:01 *** andi5 has quit IRC
08:38:53 *** cort has joined #gnucash
09:08:28 *** benjamin has joined #gnucash
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09:20:49 *** palatin has quit IRC
09:33:09 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:33:27 *** JimRaehl has joined #gnucash
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11:01:33 *** JimRaehl has left #gnucash
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13:26:07 *** jcarter has joined #gnucash
13:29:48 <jcarter> After upgrading to 2.2.8 on my Mac OSX 10.5.6 I am getting new error messages only when I exit from gucash: gwenhywfar-INFO: plugin.c: 577: Plugin type "ct" unregistered, gwenhywfar-INFO: plugin.c: 577: Plugin type "configmgr" unregistered, and gwenhywfar-INFO: plugin.c: 577: Plugin type "dbio" unregistered.
13:35:09 *** JimRaehl has joined #gnucash
13:35:34 <warlord> that's an AqBanking dependency.
13:36:11 <jcarter> I suppose it's something I can ignore then?
13:39:52 <warlord> I dont know.
13:40:03 <warlord> You might need to ask the AqBanking folks.
13:40:17 <jcarter> Where do I start looking?
13:41:12 <jcarter> I found this: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/AqBanking
13:42:29 <warlord> i think they have an irc channel over on freenode?
13:43:29 <jcarter> I think AqBanking has to do with foreign banks, not U.S. banks.
13:43:38 <jcarter> Most likely German stuff.
13:44:50 <warlord> It's all "online" banking.. It's used for OFX DirectConnect too
13:46:19 <jcarter> Thanks. No one home on #aqbanking.
13:47:12 <jcarter> I haven't tried setting up a direct connection with a bank yet. Been just downloading QIF files and importing.
13:47:52 <jcarter> Anyone here had success setting up directconnect?
13:54:33 *** Olipro- has joined #gnucash
13:54:39 <warlord> i know people have had success.
13:59:47 <jcarter> I'm wondering if they followed the instructions provided or figured out their own process.
14:01:44 <warlord> i dont know
14:03:34 *** Olipro_ has quit IRC
14:03:41 <jcarter> I'm preparing a presentation on an introduction to GnuCash for the general public with an emphasis on converting from Quicken. The files are being uploaded to http://www.jrcarter.com/gnucash. Would appreciate any feedback.
14:04:17 *** Olipro_ has joined #gnucash
14:04:32 <warlord> cool!
14:04:48 <warlord> You might want to send that link to gnucash-user for a wider response.
14:08:57 *** Olipro- has quit IRC
14:11:25 <jcarter> Will do, thanks.
14:11:39 *** jcarter has quit IRC
15:07:14 *** bentob0x has quit IRC
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15:33:24 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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18:34:16 <lioux> Hi, quick accounting question. My company supplies us with a "food card" where I get monthly fixed deposits for "food" expenses. It's part of our payment package. How do I register that? An account, a sort of a credit card?
18:49:18 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
18:49:42 <warlord> lioux: what happens if you dont use all of your deposit for a month? Does it roll over to the next month? Or do you lose it?
18:50:17 <lioux> unused funds expire after 3 months
18:51:49 <warlord> Hmmm...
18:52:31 <warlord> Well... The funds are clearly Income. But as they expire I dont think they count until you use them..
18:54:56 <lioux> humm
18:55:20 <lioux> should I add them as an account? even thouhg, it looks like a pre-paid expense card?
18:55:25 * lioux is not sure
18:56:16 <warlord> Income:Food Card
18:56:29 <warlord> I'd just go straight from there to Expenses:Food
18:56:53 <lioux> really? no intermediate account? so, I would balance it directly from income?
18:57:11 <lioux> I am used to transfering directly income to an account, thatīs novelty to me
18:57:38 <warlord> Sure, why not?
18:57:45 <warlord> An account is an Account.
18:57:53 <warlord> GnuCash treats them all the same.
18:58:08 <warlord> (that's the joy of double-entry accounting)
18:59:36 <lioux> it feels weird but it makes more sense than what I have so far. Iīll follow that
19:01:06 <warlord> Well, your other option is a monthly Income:Food Card -> Assets:Food Card for your monthly allowance, then Assets:Food Card -> Expenses:Food as you spend it. But then you need to do an Assets:Food Card -> Income:Food Card for any allowance not used.
19:12:32 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
19:16:39 <lioux> warlord-afk: whenever I register an expense:food withdrawing from income:food... gnucash messes up income:food. It is registering as deposits on income:food
19:30:39 <warlord-afk> lioux: that's correct, it will increase the Income account.
19:35:28 <warlord-afk> anyways, I need to leave.. Be back later.
19:56:01 *** cortana has quit IRC
20:42:51 *** Olipro- has quit IRC
23:27:54 *** joshua has joined #gnucash
23:29:05 <joshua> Can anyone tell me if there is a repository for user contributed reports?
23:38:21 <joshua> I probably should have asked this as well, I'm trying to get the Advanced Portfolio report to accurately report the fees in one of my accounts, but when I set the account up, I had any automatic tax withholding sent directly to an expense account - so the report sees the taxes as fees and I don't want taxes included in fees. I'm trying to get around this by using the tax method in the FAQ on the website and putting tax withholding into