2009-02-11 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:52:21 <n> looking at /home/n/.gnucash, it looks like gnucash is referencing all accounts in a file as "books". Instead of manually deleting these files that hold the Account Hierarchy, and letting gnucash not find them on startup... is there a way to delete a "book" from within gnucash? so I can start fresh?
02:59:27 <bluefox> i know there's a way to cook them but I can't think of how to make them taste good. It's kind of like tofu.
02:59:35 <joslwah> n, I believe the standard way is just to delete the main file, where ever you put that, and not worry about it.
03:00:21 <n> joslwah: ok thanks
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06:16:02 <n> Why would the Due Date cell be empty on a Business Custom Report? I did enter a due date when i posted the invoice. and the due date does show up when printing he invoice.
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09:29:19 <djMax> might be a bug in install.sh, that it doesn't make $GLOBAL_DIR\tools
09:29:46 <djMax> should I just note that in the build section of the wiki, or all the way down in the "problems" where nobody will see it? :)
09:36:02 <warlord> Huh.... I don't know much about the win32 build, but.. where is \tools used?
09:37:18 <djMax> it seems to put stuff in it, but fails when it doesn't exist
09:37:28 <djMax> stuff like a2dll dos2unix drmingw, res2coff, etc.
09:37:49 <djMax> anyhow, I added a note. Conceptual problem with stock splits...
09:37:53 <warlord> Interesting. Maybe the mkdir got moved?
09:38:49 <djMax> I couldn't find a mkdir for it at all, but it's obviously not that simple to find (since there are all sorts of derivative vars)
09:39:38 <djMax> so splits. Let's say I buy a stock on 1/1/01 and sell it on 1/1/03, and it splits on 12/1/02.
09:39:52 <djMax> The problem is, with the way splits are implemented, lots will be totally wrong.
09:40:32 <djMax> because it will consider the split a 'purchase date' which it isn't. Now I think the only solution here is to just adjust the buy quantities retroactively for splits, but not sure if I'm missing something again.
09:41:10 <warlord> Interesting point.. I dont think people thought about that aspect.. And I'm not sure about it, either.
09:41:52 <djMax> yeah, clearly GnuCash isn't primarily an investment tracking tool, but since that impacts cap gains tracking, seems like it's worth a discussion. I'll add it to the wiki
09:49:02 <djMax> I assume that install.sh is going to get trunk of SVN. Is this wildly different than 2.2.8? (i.e. is the DBI stuff on by default or something?)
09:50:44 <warlord> The trunk packaging scripts will pull down trunk. the 2.2 packaging scripts should pull down 2.2
09:50:51 <warlord> But if you're doing dev you should work off trunk.
09:53:16 <djMax> just wondering if that means the version I have will not be "usable" for actual cash management.
09:53:32 <djMax> i.e. I'm not saying "is trunk super stable" but more "has trunk diverged greatly from 2.2.8"
09:55:43 <warlord> Yes
09:55:52 <warlord> But should be usable ... (I use it)
09:58:05 <djMax> ok. (Does it still use XML, or SQLLite?)
10:00:56 <warlord> trunk can use either, but it defaults to SQLite for new files.
10:17:20 <djMax> bah, failed on aqbanking
10:18:11 <djMax> lib*.la: No such file or directory
10:23:29 <djMax> ah, I guess I have to build qt
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10:55:16 <warlord> Hmm....
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11:59:15 <djMax> perhaps there was a binary installer, but already 40 minutes into it so maybe it'll be done today sometime.
12:01:28 <warlord> I was under the impression that 'install.sh' should pull in everything you need.
12:09:29 <djMax> not these days. It does say in the docs that you need to get QT manually, just doesn't say build/etc
12:12:45 <warlord> Hmm.. I thought there was a binary installer?
12:17:04 <djMax> didn't see it on the QT site
12:27:16 <djMax> hrmph, still no joy. I don't totally understand what it's doing, it seems like it's looking for things named lib*.la and changing them to DLLs, but can't find them
12:38:09 <djMax> Actually, it's trying to create <x>.la files.
12:39:39 <djMax> ah. Does gcc make .a on windows also?
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12:52:48 <warlord> I have very little idea.. I dont do windows, and haven't run a windows build in over a year.
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13:31:05 <djMax> k. (Looks like I had to build qt under ming)
13:37:16 <warlord> If so then you should ask andi5 why it's not part of the install.sh script.
13:37:41 <djMax> yeah, especially because even doing that QT builds with errors.
13:37:53 <djMax> I generally feel like I must've been able to get a binary at one point, but can't now
13:38:52 <warlord> Qt3 or Qt4?
13:38:58 <djMax> Qt4.4.3
13:41:02 <warlord> What happens if you try Qt3?
13:42:52 <djMax> yeah, the page linked from the wiki that had QT binaries is gone, that's the root of this.
13:43:52 <djMax> I bet this'll be a crapload easier if I steal them from the GnuCash install
13:44:46 <djMax> the instructions say QT 4 is required.
13:45:23 <warlord> I wish andi5 was here more often
13:45:26 <warlord> @seen andi5
13:45:26 <gncbot> warlord: andi5 was last seen in #gnucash 2 weeks, 4 days, 1 hour, 19 minutes, and 35 seconds ago: <andi5> i am not sure that is the correct report for that question, or at least gain/loss... someone else should know that ;-)
13:45:26 <test-gncbot> warlord: andi5 was last seen in #gnucash 2 weeks, 4 days, 1 hour, 19 minutes, and 35 seconds ago: <andi5> i am not sure that is the correct report for that question, or at least gain/loss... someone else should know that ;-)
13:45:35 <warlord> I feel an echo in here.
13:45:47 <djMax> indeed. Careful what you say lest we end up in a death spiral
13:47:10 <warlord> hahaha
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14:48:41 <djMax> Is AQBanking a completely separate program? Just wondering if I can build w/o it and still use it as a user
14:50:29 <warlord> yes, it's sep.
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15:41:12 <fbond> Hm.
15:41:15 <fbond> @death-spiral
15:41:15 <gncbot> fbond: Error: "death-spiral" is not a valid command.
15:41:16 <test-gncbot> fbond: Error: "death-spiral" is not a valid command.
15:41:19 <fbond> Dang.
15:41:23 <warlord> LOL
15:41:24 <fbond> @seen gncbot
15:41:24 <gncbot> fbond: I have not seen gncbot.
15:41:25 <test-gncbot> fbond: gncbot was last seen in #gnucash 8 seconds ago: <gncbot> fbond: Error: "death-spiral" is not a valid command.
15:42:21 <harlan> fbond: what sort of a bot is gncbot?
15:44:32 <warlord> supybot
15:45:00 <fbond> harlan: the bots are warlords, I only taunt them.
15:45:08 <harlan> thanks guys.
15:46:52 <harlan> I was curious because we run a supybot for the ntp channels, and I'm looking for a volunteer for some care and feeding.
15:49:53 <warlord> I barely know how to do anything with it myself.. I'm mostly duplicating and migrating the configuration.
15:50:01 <harlan> me too...
15:50:39 <harlan> Finding somebody to do this has been on my list for a few years now. It will happen when the time is right.
15:51:11 <harlan> we've also been quietly advertising, and every several months I post something on a supybot channel.
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15:51:28 <warlord> heh. what kind of "care and feeding" are you looking for?
15:52:01 <harlan> the info module needs some work - there are certain phrases I want it to ignore, for example.
15:52:14 <harlan> That's the big one
15:52:43 <warlord> Sorry, that's beyond my ability.
15:54:08 <harlan> I think we already have it talking to our bigzilla, for example
15:55:08 <warlord> @bug 324271
15:55:08 <gncbot> warlord: Error: "bug" is not a valid command.
15:55:08 <test-gncbot> warlord: Error: "bug" is not a valid command.
15:55:14 <warlord> Maybe not.
15:56:43 <djMax> no aqbanking, but I did indeed get a build on windoze
15:57:07 <warlord> Cool
15:57:33 <harlan> I'm not sure what sort of hacking we had to do, but there was some.
15:57:59 <harlan> We also have it announcing new releases to the channels - I think we use an email interface for that.
16:00:38 <warlord> We just set the topic.
16:01:45 <harlan> We can have announcements daily, and we announce for -dev and -stable. Our topic is already way too long. But since this is now automated it's thankfully not a problem anymore. Usually.
16:02:22 <warlord> :)
16:03:06 <harlan> Given "we" are already spread way too thin we try and look for ways to automate and also find more volunteers.
16:03:14 <harlan> I'm sure you understand that one.
16:03:46 <warlord> absolutely
16:04:02 <djMax> so is there no keyboard accelerator for "enter transaction" other than mapping the enter key to it?
16:04:39 <warlord> The enter key is already mapped to it.
16:04:46 <warlord> Or you can tab off.
16:04:52 <warlord> or you can arrow-key out.
16:04:59 <djMax> For me it goes inside the splits
16:05:40 <warlord> Well, if you changed the keybindings....
16:05:49 <warlord> (or if you're in auto-split view mode)
16:05:51 <djMax> I didn't, or at least not on purpose. I'll check
16:05:56 <djMax> oh, yeah I'm in autosplit
16:06:07 <warlord> OH. Well... that would do it...
16:06:15 <djMax> there's no generic keybinding stuff though right?
16:06:18 <warlord> Yes, it will go into the splits.. and then you can enter out of it.
16:06:23 <warlord> Gtk's
16:06:31 <djMax> (for example, I have a num pad, so binding that enter key would work)
16:06:38 <djMax> ok, I'll google that
16:06:48 <warlord> I dont think there's a difference.
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16:07:46 <djMax> ok, perhaps Alt-Enter.
16:11:10 * warlord shrugs
16:11:25 <warlord> I've never found it necessary to click on the 'Enter transaction' toolbar button.
16:11:30 <warlord> But I only use basic mode.
16:11:37 <warlord> ... not auto-split
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17:13:39 <djMax> is it possible to transfer securities from one account to another?
17:16:05 <warlord> Yes.. BUT you might need to edit the transaction from both accounts.
17:17:05 <djMax> you mean to make the lots work out, or just to complete the transfer?
17:20:01 <warlord> To make sure the values are correct in all the splits.
17:21:02 <warlord> (like I said... 'might')
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