2009-05-23 GnuCash IRC logs
00:46:41 *** bob has joined #gnucash
00:47:01 <bob> Hi there, I wonder if anyone would be so kind as to help me with a problem with finance-quote
00:47:03 <bob> ?
00:48:10 * warlord looks into his crystal ball to divine what problem bob is having with F::Q but the reading is fuzzy....
00:48:28 <warlord> as the /topic says, just ask your question, don't ask-to-ask.
00:48:46 <bob> It was working fine for both stocks and currencies, but now it wont work within Gnucash for getting a currency quote
00:48:59 <bob> still seems ok when i run gnc-fc-dump on the command line
00:49:04 <warlord> yahoo changed their website.
00:49:12 <bob> i figured that may be the issue
00:49:14 <warlord> Are you sure that gnc-fq-dump works for currencies>
00:49:17 <bob> can i hack a scheme file somewhere?
00:49:36 <warlord> no.
00:49:37 <warlord> perl
00:49:48 <warlord> check the -user archives
00:49:52 <bob> gnc-fq-dump yahoo usdcad=x <--- works
00:50:14 <bob> I have no idea what string Gnucash uses ("usdcad=x" was deduced from Yahoo! website)
00:50:26 <bob> Perl is easier (I suck at Lisp) ;)
00:50:32 <warlord> I dont know.
00:50:57 <bob> what the the -user archives to which u refer?
00:51:43 <warlord> uhh, the mailing list archives?
00:51:58 <bob> ah ok - i can find those
00:52:11 <bob> i am just grepping the source right now ;)
00:55:21 <warlord> ok. not sure if 'grep' will help here.
01:08:16 <bob> i found the patch to Quote.pm in the archive, but it wont apply to my Quote.pm ...
01:09:12 <warlord> what version do you have?
01:09:36 <bob> libfinance-quote-perl 1.13-4
01:09:52 <bob> And CPAN says: Finance::Quote is up to date (1.16).
01:10:03 <bob> (I've no idea where Ubuntu get's their version number from)
01:14:11 <warlord> You might have two different versions of F::Q installed.
01:14:21 <warlord> one via dpkg, one via cpan
01:14:33 <bob> that is possible
01:14:39 <bob> i guess the cpan is more up to date by the looks of it
01:15:02 <bob> i ran gnc-fq-update earlier to attempt to fix this, so that probably updated Quote.pm
01:15:08 <bob> I think I can manually apply the patch
01:17:06 <warlord> Yeah...
01:17:13 <warlord> so you might have two copies lying around now.
01:18:53 <bob> actually the on in /usr/share/per5/finance turns out to be 1.13
01:19:50 <bob> how do i force gnc-fq-update to update?
01:20:14 <bob> it claims Finance::Quote is 1.16 and up-to-date, but it is actually 1.13
01:20:53 <warlord> remove the dpkg?
01:21:02 <warlord> As I said, you have 2 copies.
01:21:04 <warlord> remove 1
01:21:10 <bob> let me try that
01:22:12 <warlord> anyways it's bedtime here. good night.
01:22:14 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
01:22:20 <bob> ok have a good one!
02:01:48 *** bob has quit IRC
02:20:36 *** MechtiIde has joined #gnucash
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14:19:44 <linas> curious .. ever since I got the new internet connection, people have started pounding the web site much harder
14:20:36 <linas> something tries to scrape the whole site, hitting max bandwidth for 6-12 hours in a row, a few times a week.
14:20:55 <linas> This used to happen before, but not as frequently.
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14:39:59 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
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15:14:06 * warlord waves from SJC
15:14:20 <warlord> I love free wifi in airports and wish more airports provided it.
15:23:11 *** sjc has joined #gnucash
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15:36:46 *** SundriedStudios has joined #gnucash
15:37:01 <SundriedStudios> Any body have there own business?
15:37:13 <warlord> Lots of people have their own business!
15:37:41 <SundriedStudios> that is true my friend
15:38:16 <SundriedStudios> i represent a small company called sundried studios, located in middletown, ny.
15:38:33 <warlord> Anyways, I'm afraid I must take my leave; my plane is about to board. Unless you have a VERY quick question?
15:38:44 <SundriedStudios> we're here to help promote your business as well as ours
15:38:56 <warlord> Nope. Not interested, and this is not the forum for that.
15:38:58 <warlord> Bye
15:39:06 <SundriedStudios> goodbye
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