2009-09-10 GnuCash IRC logs
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08:02:05 <gjanssens> For my completion code, I used qof_object_printable.
08:02:41 <gjanssens> Now I find a little further up in the code from my changes, someone used gncObjectPrintable in a similar context
08:02:55 <gjanssens> Which function call is the preferred one ?
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09:06:07 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:06:37 <warlord> I suspect one #defines to the other.
09:07:17 <warlord> yep, in gncObject.h: #define gncObjectPrintable qof_object_printable
09:08:54 <gjanssens> So which one should I use in general search ?
09:09:08 <gjanssens> Is one considered "more public" than the other ?
09:10:12 <warlord> Nope. I think one is the 'deprecated' name -- I'm guessing they are moving from gncObject -> qof_object. The #define was just there to keep the old code working. Use qof_object
09:10:46 <gjanssens> Ok, I'll fix the other reference in the same source file then as well
09:10:57 <warlord> No need.
09:11:11 <warlord> It's a #define, which means they are the same.
09:11:28 <warlord> Don't change the old code, it'll just clutter up your changes.
09:12:09 <gjanssens> Ok. Such a change should only be made when the old API is effectively removed I suppose.
09:12:18 <gjanssens> Makes sense
09:12:32 <gjanssens> Regarding code clutter
09:12:47 <gjanssens> I have been developing in Eclipse
09:13:05 <gjanssens> It adheres nicely to the indentation style already in the source files with one exception:
09:13:23 <gjanssens> It removes trailing white space automatically
09:13:50 <gjanssens> This has no impact on the code obviously, but it creates additional diff entries.
09:14:38 <gjanssens> Would it be ok if I first sent a patch that does these space cleanups and a second patch afterwards with the actual code changes?
09:14:51 <gjanssens> I really would like to continue to work in Eclipse
09:15:36 <gjanssens> The space cleanups won't affect indentation in other editors as far as I understand, so there's no impact on other developers afterwards
09:18:55 <warlord> Yes, those should be sent separately..
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11:46:09 <warlord> gjanssens: Question: do you still keep the "Search" button on the RHS of the widget so you could theoretically go through the full search dialog? (I haven't looked at your patch yet)
12:27:29 <warlord> @op linas
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13:24:38 <gjanssens> warlord: yes, the direct text entry is only for one specific search option, so the search button remains for other searches
13:25:44 <warlord> Just making sure :)
13:25:57 <warlord> I do think you should limit the searches to only the Active objects.
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13:47:37 <gjanssens> ok, let's see if we can do this.
13:48:15 <gjanssens> Is "Active" a common property of all QofObjects, and if so, how do I retrieve it (pseudo-code would help already)
13:50:10 <warlord> see gnome-search/dialog-search.c
13:50:41 <warlord> ( QUERY_PARAM_ACTIVE )
14:18:11 *** jamarier has joined #gnucash
14:23:11 <jamarier> Hi, I have a bank account and a subaccount "ATM card" when I do a transaction in my ATM card I want to see the same transaction in Bank account. Is this possible?
14:27:21 <mark1> jamarier, GnuCash is pretty flexible, it allows any combination of debits and credits across different accounts
14:27:42 <jamarier> other way to say: I want to see in a account the transactions of that account and its sub-accounts
14:27:44 <mark1> debit ATM, credit Bank or credit ATM, debit Bank are certainly allowed by it
14:27:45 <warlord> jamarier: why do you have your ATM Card as a separate account?
14:27:46 <rockfx01> In the accounts tree, right click the bank account and select 'open subaccounts'
14:28:04 <jamarier> im going to try...
14:28:10 <warlord> jamarier: You could use File -> Open Subaccounts
14:28:11 * jamarier is triing
14:30:07 <jamarier> great. But I only can see as a "Diary book" I like the "Major Book" because is a more compact view...
14:31:16 <warlord> jamarier: you can't do that with subaccounts because you need to be able to see which 'local' account a transaction belongs to.
14:32:07 <warlord> But I still question why you have ATM as a subaccount. Is it actually a credit card? Or a debit card? If a debit card (or a true ATM card) then why not just enter transactions directly into the checking (or savings) account and mark it as an ATM Withdrawal?
14:33:04 <jamarier> thank. sorry, As you can think english is not my mother language. I'm dont know how to translate that terms, Its a debit card
14:35:36 <warlord> then why put it into an account on its own? Are there any times you'll have a ATM Card transaction that WOULDN'T be a transaction in your checking or savings from that bank?
14:37:43 <jamarier> no, every card transaction take money of my bank account. I want to measure what amount of expenses are done with the card and what are invoices...
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14:38:23 <rockfx01> Warlord, out of curiousity, why is it that a general ledger view is required? Bc there is no acct balance for that view? In which case, should other ledger views be allowed if/when my reg_run_balance patch is applied?
14:40:18 <warlord> jamarier: don't use accounts for that. Use an action (or description) and then use reports to differentiate the different items.
14:40:51 <warlord> rockfx01: as I said, so you know which account the txn belongs to.
14:41:51 <jamarier> ok, I'm going to look for that possibility. bye
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14:45:38 <rockfx01> Yes but if u just want to see the running balance of the act+subacts, it would be useful to have a compact ledger view like there is for single accts. This is only relevant with the patch of course
14:48:01 <rockfx01> W/o the patch u have to see the splits to know how much is coming in/out of each acct, but if you can see the transaction debits/credits and acct balance for the subaccts, its not always necessary to use the general ledger if the user doesn't want to see individual splits
14:48:28 <warlord> It's not a question of how much, it's a question of which account.
14:48:57 <warlord> Sure, it's fine for a READONLY view, but if you enter a transaction, which is the 'local' account?
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14:58:52 <rockfx01> Ah so u mean strictly for entering transactions
15:00:48 <warlord> well, it's required for entering transactions. It's also required for seeing which (sub)account a transaction actually came from.
15:01:22 <warlord> If ALL you care about is seeing the running balance, then sure, basic mode is all you need... IFF you don't care about which sub-account a transaction came from, and IFF you dont plan to enter any transactions.
15:01:28 <warlord> Those are a lot of iffs!
15:08:46 <rockfx01> After the rest of the plugin, that sounds like a piece of cake!
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15:10:58 <rockfx01> btw irc on the blackberry is sweet! Now I just need a mobile copy of gnucash and I'm golden...
15:11:26 <warlord> hahahaha
15:11:49 <hvx> rockfx01: well its open source, go ahead;)
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15:18:37 <rockfx01> Haha yeah right. I probably already butchered the code enough! No need to do more damage trying to convert a C app to a mobile java app...
15:19:19 <warlord> heh
15:30:22 <rockfx01> I will perhaps look at implementing other reg views for the subaccounts viewm though. That would be useful imo
15:32:08 <rockfx01> speaking of which, is there any way to access the ld->type value of the ledger display once the display has been created?
15:35:14 <warlord> i dont know.
15:35:26 <warlord> But honestly, I think it would cause more problems than it solves.
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15:49:51 <rockfx01> Adding the register views? Shouldn't it just require adding a new register layout type and changing the ledger display function so it uses the new layout when opening subaccounts?
15:51:25 <warlord> Adding the register views would be relatively straightforward, but I think doing so would cause more problems and confusion than it solves to make it look pretty for your one extremely-limited use-case.
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16:01:27 <rockfx01> What do other people use the subaccounts view for? I've never found it very useful without a balance or split totals
16:02:03 <warlord> I have no idea. I've never used it myself.
16:02:14 <warlord> Adding a running balance would be useful.
16:02:31 <warlord> but changing the view mode, however, would cause more trouble than it would solve.
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16:13:49 <rockfx01> Well, no big deal then ... The other guy's question sparked my interest. I can see the use in it but its not terribly important
16:21:56 <warlord> be back shortly.
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16:40:24 <rockfx01> warlord: one other thing I was wondering was whether it would be worthwhile to also have a running balance for single acct view. So you would have proper running balances with any sort method and such. It would be very easy to add another function to do this excluding the subaccounts
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16:45:37 <warlord> rockfx01: might be a good idea, yes.
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17:56:29 <warlord-afk> jsled: can you fix gncbot?
17:56:48 *** jsled sets mode: +o gncbot_
17:56:51 <jsled> @nick gncbot
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17:56:54 <jsled> @op warlord-afk
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22:41:31 <warlord> thanks jsled
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