2009-09-23 GnuCash IRC logs
00:03:36 <warlord> jsled: can you op gncbot when you get the chance?
00:03:43 <warlord> thx.
00:03:45 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
00:03:49 *** jsled sets mode: +o gncbot
00:03:57 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
00:04:18 <warlord> thanks... Had some network done today -- I got my T1 back, so pulling from gnucash will be good again.
00:04:27 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
00:25:00 *** Epoxy has joined #gnucash
00:27:38 <Epoxy> anyone have a solution to email invoices from gnucash? (besides attaching a previously saved .pdf)
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07:52:40 <warlord> @op
07:52:40 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
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10:40:06 <jellifish> Hello from a new gnucash user :)
10:42:03 <jellifish> Is there a way that I can import my bank statement history, and then when assigning transactions to accounts on the register, not have to repeat myself. ie. the same description (supplied by bank) should always go to the same account (say MCDONALDS is always Expenses:Dining)?
10:42:24 <jellifish> Dining that is
10:43:58 <warlord> jellifish: using which import method?
10:44:38 <jellifish> I exported from my bank as an .ofx file
10:44:51 <jellifish> but I did have other options...(I think I can see where this might be going)
10:46:05 <jellifish> They imported nicely into my current account, but obviously they all come up as "Imbalance-" so I've been manually assigning each one to its relevant account...but there are loads of transactions that are the same (like TESCO STORE for expenses:Grocery for example)
10:46:40 <jellifish> I was hoping there would be a way to say "All transactions with a description TESCO STORE" should be expenses:Grocery"
10:47:52 <warlord> jellifish: your mistake was not selecting the accounts in the importer itself.
10:48:13 <jellifish> ah, perhaps my mistake was importing before I'd created the accounts in the first place!
10:48:49 <warlord> You should: 1) turn on Bayesian Matching (it's turned on in recent 2.3.x test releases), 2) import a small set of data to prime the system, making sure to properly assign accounts.
10:49:05 <warlord> then 3) import the rest, and check the accounts.
10:49:14 <jellifish> ah...
10:49:34 <warlord> no, you can create the accounts during the import, but you have to manually assign the transactions to the income/expense accounts DURING the import process.
10:49:38 <jellifish> so perhaps I can use some of the last hours tedious assigning transactions to accounts still...
10:49:45 <warlord> Nope.
10:50:00 <warlord> Unfortunately that's lost time. sorry.
10:50:12 <warlord> Well, it's lost in terms of teaching the importer.
10:50:14 <jellifish> ah well, my fault for diving headlong into the thing before I knew what I was doing
10:50:51 <jellifish> I was half hoping I might be able to delete those transactions I haven't yet assigned, keep the ones I have done, and re-import the missing data
10:51:28 <warlord> You could, but you'll still need to do the multi-step process to get the importer to learn.. It wont learn during an import, only between imports.
10:51:29 <jellifish> but the importer wouldn't look at the existing transactions as a clue
10:51:36 <warlord> Correct.
10:52:06 <jellifish> ok thanks for the help
10:52:40 <jellifish> One other thing, how do I delete multiple transactions from the register? shift select doesn't seem to work.
10:53:23 <warlord> Unfortunately, there's not a good way..
10:53:31 <warlord> Honestly I'd recommend you just start over.
10:53:45 <jellifish> :( ok thanks
10:53:55 <warlord> File -> Export Accounts --- to create a new data file with your existing account structure.
10:54:06 <warlord> Then you can File -> Open that and start the import process.
10:58:09 <jellifish> I think I still am not understanding something. The importer isn't asking me any questions about individual transactions and which accounts they should belong to. Should it be?
11:00:28 <jellifish> ok sorry I re-read your previous message.
11:00:34 <jellifish> bear with me.
11:06:37 *** warlord has quit IRC
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19:58:07 <Azih> Hi, the Cash Flow report is showing zeros for all accounts even though I have a lot of transactiosn.
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20:08:25 <Azih> whoops
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20:32:03 <warlord> Azih: wrong currency setting? wrong set of accounts?
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20:47:36 <Azih> It was currency! Thanks much warlord.
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21:25:17 <arthura1> hello
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