2009-09-30 GnuCash IRC logs
00:02:32 *** rockfx02 has joined #gnucash
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00:34:36 <uncategorized> the suggested fix didn't work
00:34:43 <uncategorized> i suppose i should roll back a revision
01:01:54 *** fid|os has joined #gnucash
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02:24:28 *** blizgerg has quit IRC
02:29:41 *** XiXaQ has joined #gnucash
02:33:36 *** Jimraehl has quit IRC
03:36:28 *** bentob0x has joined #gnucash
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06:04:33 *** RobotCow has joined #gnucash
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07:14:24 *** Jimraehl has joined #gnucash
07:27:36 *** twunder has joined #gnucash
07:50:10 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:04:00 *** Jimraehl has left #gnucash
08:15:48 *** rockfx01 has quit IRC
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10:47:48 *** KaiForce has joined #gnucash
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13:08:30 *** fid|os has quit IRC
13:17:56 *** KaiForce has quit IRC
14:54:57 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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16:53:20 *** thepanu has quit IRC
17:15:26 *** cortana has joined #gnucash
17:38:07 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
18:51:25 *** Zoolooc has quit IRC
18:51:55 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
19:34:17 *** sjc has quit IRC
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21:45:22 *** JimRaehl2 has left #gnucash
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22:34:40 *** tradiuz has joined #gnucash
22:34:51 <tradiuz> Hello.
22:35:38 <tradiuz> Does anyone have any experience setting up gnucash with postgres or mysql?
22:54:04 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
22:54:21 <warlord> tradiuz: the sql backend is still in test release.
23:41:20 <tradiuz> any word on how to configure it?
23:41:32 <tradiuz> just trying to start it causes it to crash
23:41:38 <warlord> File -> Save As and plug in your db info
23:41:46 <tradiuz> does it make the tables?
23:41:57 <warlord> start "it"?
23:42:02 <warlord> of course
23:42:36 <warlord> i think you might have to create the database first, but gnucash certainly creates the tables.
23:44:15 <tradiuz> ok
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23:44:18 <tradiuz> I'll try again
23:44:31 <tradiuz> but, last time i did that, it caused it to crash
23:44:38 <tradiuz> this is the windows version btw
23:45:01 <warlord> i know nothing about windows.
23:45:17 <warlord> what version of gnucash are you using?
23:45:36 <tradiuz> 2.3.5
23:45:48 <tradiuz> i cannot get 2.3.6 to run on this machine
23:46:06 <tradiuz> it gets halfway through loading, and just crashes out, every time
23:46:09 <warlord> yeah, known issue with 2.3.6
23:47:43 <warlord> keep in mind that 2.3.x are all test releases.