2010-01-05 GnuCash IRC logs
02:34:23 *** jean has joined #gnucash
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05:04:39 <daedeloth> Hello! Happy newyear!
05:04:59 <daedeloth> I'm wondering, what do I do know, do I start a new gnucash file or do I keep using my current one?
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07:35:38 <Jimraehl> daedeloth: the usual advice here for personal finances is to keep going with the same file.Some people with business finances like to export their accounts to a new file, then open that new file to start the new year. I use Gnucash for personal finances, and have transactions back to mid-2005 in my file. Reports can be tuned to whatever range of dates you want.
07:36:15 <daedeloth> it's not personal, it's business, small business :)
07:37:38 <Jimraehl> You can choose whichever way you want. I'd check the Email lists for more advice.
07:45:45 <Jimraehl> Also, chat logs with advice are here: http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/
07:48:46 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
07:49:16 <warlord> FWIW, my biz file goes back to 2002. I would copy/save/checkpoint the file every year, but I just keep going.
07:49:24 <warlord> (same with my personal file)
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07:59:25 *** helidude20 has joined #gnucash
08:01:58 <helidude20> I am having a font issue with Windows 7 using GNUCash verision 2.2.9. Every new register that I open the font appears larger until I click on an entry and then it looks a little smaller. Any ideas ?
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08:10:42 <warlord> helidude20: sorry, none.. Windows is a second-class citizen here. 2.4.0 should be better, but... that doesn't help you
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10:40:56 *** Teka has joined #gnucash
10:41:51 <Teka> Help please with split deposit in checking account
10:43:04 <Teka> I have created accounts for the deposits (gifts) to come from with zero opening balance
10:44:06 <Teka> I'm getting an "imbalance" account selected by the program
10:45:24 <Teka> I have followed the help guide for split withdraws where the total is withdrwn from the salary account
10:45:54 <Teka> what am I mssing/doing wrong?
10:46:29 <warlord> not supplying the split accounts in the txn
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11:28:53 <daedeloth> hm, stuck
11:29:01 <daedeloth> I have an account "incoming vat"
11:29:03 <daedeloth> and "outgoing vat"
11:29:14 <daedeloth> it seems to be impossible to split those up
11:35:28 <warlord> What do you mean "split those up"?
11:35:50 <daedeloth> well, when I make an incoming invoice it should use "incoming vat"
11:35:57 <daedeloth> when I send an invoice it should go to "outgoing vat"
11:36:04 <daedeloth> well, it's actually "vat to receive" and "vat to pay"
11:36:10 <daedeloth> you get the idea :)
11:36:22 <daedeloth> every time I make an incoive now I need to... oh wait... I think I get the idea
11:36:29 <daedeloth> just add "21% outgoing" and "21% incoming" :p
11:36:32 <daedeloth> in the tax table
11:36:34 <warlord> No, I dont.. No VAT here. There's "VAT Collected" and "VAT Paid" -- The former is collected from Customers, and the latter is paid to Vendors..
11:37:07 <daedeloth> yea, that's what I mean
11:37:22 <warlord> So yes, you'll need two tax tables, one for customers and one for vendors.
11:37:54 <daedeloth> yea, I thought the system automatically knew which account to pick, that incoming invoices used a different table automatically
11:38:20 <warlord> Nope.
11:40:52 <daedeloth> aargh, government wants to know how much vat I should have paid to international companies
11:41:21 <daedeloth> any cheap belgian accounts in this channel? I really should get an accountant :p
11:45:11 *** cripton-bilbobil has joined #gnucash
12:00:00 *** MatzeB has joined #gnucash
12:01:28 <MatzeB> Hi, since I updated my mac and recompiled lots of macports packages I miss alot of report types in gnucash
12:01:35 <MatzeB> anyone has an idea on how to debug this further?
12:05:06 *** felichas has joined #gnucash
12:07:49 <daedeloth> is there a report where you can see what vat type is used for how much monies?
12:09:28 <daedeloth> or I should just split up my "vat collected" in the different types from my tax form...
12:15:16 <warlord> MatzeB: Not much MacPorts support in here I'm afraid.. Did you rebuild and re-install GnuCash?
12:15:27 <MatzeB> yes
12:15:28 <warlord> What do you mean by "miss alot of report types"?
12:15:37 <MatzeB> well the menu with the reports is alot smaller
12:15:45 <MatzeB> I miss several of my reports which where there before
12:15:46 <warlord> daedeloth: there is no VAT report. You'll need to split them up.
12:15:56 <warlord> MatzeB: such as?
12:16:16 <MatzeB> extended portfolio thingy...
12:16:23 <MatzeB> or income/expenses summary
12:16:52 <MatzeB> there are still some reports left though (like account overview)
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12:18:58 <MatzeB> maybe guile or something isn't working correctly...
12:19:05 <MatzeB> but I just hoped that gnucash woudl somewhere tell me what goes wrong
12:19:18 <MatzeB> but I haven't seen any debug messages or anything
12:19:24 <MatzeB> the reports just aren't there
12:24:00 <warlord> Maybe you upgraded to gnucash1 to gnucash2?
12:24:09 <MatzeB> no
12:24:17 <MatzeB> I upgrade the OS (to snow leopard)
12:24:21 <MatzeB> the gnucash version is the same...
12:24:32 <MatzeB> but I had to rebuild nearly all applications in 64bit instead of 32bit...
12:24:49 <warlord> I have no idea what "Income & Expense Summary" is. I've never heard of that report.
12:25:01 <MatzeB> well I only know the german names :)
12:25:03 <MatzeB> maybe I translated wrong
12:25:11 <warlord> Maybe..
12:26:00 <warlord> Under the Reports menu I have 5 sub-menus and then 4 regular reports.
12:26:37 <MatzeB> I have 3 rpoerts and 2 submenus currently
12:26:45 <MatzeB> I guess I had 5/4 too before
12:27:32 <warlord> I recommend you uninstall all remnants of GnuCash, and then reinstall it.
12:27:58 <warlord> Or better yet, uninstall all of MacPorts and then use the OSX Gnucash.app DMG
12:28:03 <MatzeB> already did this 2 times (one times only gnucash, the second time the whole macports)...
12:28:18 <MatzeB> there is a GnuCash.app?
12:28:26 <MatzeB> didn't know that maybe that works better
12:31:25 <warlord> Yes, there's been a Gnucash.app for a while.
12:32:06 <MatzeB> I guess it wasn't there when I started using gnucash on my mac (or I was simply too blind :)
12:32:35 <MatzeB> nice the GnuCash.app works without X11 and all reports are there :)
12:32:52 <MatzeB> thanks for pointing it out :)
12:33:49 <warlord> You're welcome.
12:34:02 <warlord> (thanks to JRalls for doing it!)
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14:40:07 <felichas> my mother gave me 60$ cash to get her an iron and I got her one for 58.50$ with my credit card. I'm sure keeping the change. How do you account this transaction?
14:41:24 <jsled> either model the $60 from Income:Misc into your asset account, and with a $58.50 Expense, or just have the extra $1.50 from Income:Misc and don't account for the Expense that not really yours.
14:45:50 <felichas> tnx
14:47:55 <Simon> alternatively it's a liability involving your cash account, if you have one
14:51:17 <felichas> simon, can you please elaborate your answer? The only liabilities I have in my model are credit cards and mortgage
14:52:48 <Simon> you effectively owe $60, which you then pay with the credit card transaction and put the rest as income
14:58:58 <felichas> OK, I see, but I would have to create a new Liability category for that. As this is exceptional, I think I'll go the other way.
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16:23:45 <daedeloth> hm, I don't completely underestand the "grouped accounts"
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16:56:22 <bob25801> When entering a bill from a vendor you can specify a default customer, were is this information recorded, is it part of the bill?
16:57:44 <bob25801> The reason I have a gasoline purchase I would like to bill against the same customer, but I didn't want to make a bill for the gas station and then pay it, can you think of a way to handle this?
17:17:43 <daedeloth> for international purchases I have to add 21% to "vat for the government" and add 21% to "vat to receive from government"
17:18:04 <daedeloth> is that possible? or do I have to make the "add 21% to vat to government" manually?
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17:19:31 <daedeloth> "vat to receive" is activa, "vat to sent" is passiva, I thought that would do the trick, but both accounts are credited
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21:05:53 <sledford> I had a glitch installing gnucash on an intel macbook. I need to do a complete uninstall but so I can try again, but can't find any info. Suggestions?
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21:26:00 <Rain> I can't find any direct discussion of this on the web or on the GC forum. Is GC having any issues with Windows 7 64-bit?
21:32:15 <sledford> Yeah, I searched everywhere and couldn't find anything. I did send an email to the listed email on the gnucash site, so I guess I'll see what comes of that.
21:32:28 <Rain> Hmmm.
21:33:13 <Rain> Is there a specific compiler to use for Win 7 64-bit or is that not something you'd not have knowledge of (like me :)?
21:34:08 <sledford> I, for one, will plead ignorance on that... sorry.
21:34:15 <Rain> Heh.
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22:43:17 <shade304> When entering a bill from a vendor you can specify a default customer, were is this information recorded, is it part of the bill? The reason I have a gasoline purchase I would like to bill against the same customer, but I didn't want to make a bill for the gas station and then pay it, can you think of a way to handle this?
22:45:00 <warlord> unfortunately there's no good way to link a non-vendor-bill expense to a customer-bill... You could just do it manually, using something like Income:Reimbursed Expenses for the "income" from te gas.
22:49:47 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
23:06:06 *** khaeru has joined #gnucash
23:06:36 <khaeru> Hallo?
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23:37:53 <khaeru> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Bazaar I'm running into this error
23:42:32 <jsled> khaeru: which? the one complaining that you're not "building from subversion"?
23:44:21 <khaeru> Yes
23:44:43 <khaeru> I was just wondering if there was a known workaround that hadn't been added to the wiki
23:45:01 <jsled> well, you're not, if you pulled the sources from some 3rd party copy off launchpad. :)
23:45:28 <khaeru> "There is a branch in bazaar that automatically follows the svn trunk,"
23:45:51 <jsled> "but doesn't work".
23:45:53 <jsled> :)
23:46:43 <khaeru> Sorry
23:46:44 <khaeru> To be clear
23:46:56 <khaeru> I wasn't asking if I was building from Subversion
23:47:06 <khaeru> I actually managed to figure that part out on my own *proud*
23:47:08 <jsled> so, there are apparently "12 active branches" as per https://code.launchpad.net/gnucash , so presumably someone's got past that point, or they're fooling themselves.
23:47:38 <jsled> I'd suggest looking at the configure script and figuring out exactly what it's trying to do to grab the version info.
23:48:13 <khaeru> Or I suppose see if those people have patched the configure script somehow
23:48:32 <jsled> You could either: a) comment that thing out and sub in a dummy version number (that you'd obviously need to fix before doing anything more than your own building or development, but would at least let you build, or …
23:48:48 <jsled> b) making the configure script more robust to include a suitable bzr revid.
23:49:00 <jsled> (in place of the svn repo version)
23:49:17 <jsled> the only real reason for that bit is to be able to identify the build if someone complains.
23:49:34 <khaeru> Nothing functional? I see.
23:49:39 <jsled> So if it had a suitable revision id and repo url (from the lp sources), that'd be good enough.
23:49:59 <jsled> naw … it shows up in the Help > About… dialog and `gnucash --version` and whatever.
23:50:10 <khaeru> OK
23:50:24 <khaeru> Well, I'll try to see if that works
23:50:44 <khaeru> FWIW, the same person who added that complaint on the wiki page owns two of these branches
23:51:03 <jsled> tim abell. sure.
23:51:24 <jsled> also looks like he hasn't soutched things in nearly a year. :/
23:51:38 <jsled> s/sout/tou/
23:54:16 <shade304> thanks
23:58:05 <khaeru> You're welcome?
23:58:55 <khaeru> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/gnucash/trunk/annotate/head%3A/util/gnc-svnversion looks easy enough to patch
23:59:40 <jsled> oh toally … looks like it's already setup for multiple VCS.
23:59:56 <khaeru> Indeed