2010-01-07 GnuCash IRC logs
01:00:14 *** ddd has joined #gnucash
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01:32:23 <photosin> test
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01:33:42 <photosin> Hey, guys! I have Mortgage Druid failed, some trouble with formula calculations - zero values showed on the amounts page, What should I check first?
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01:43:48 <photosin> hey!
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03:26:50 <photosin1> hey
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07:47:05 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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09:10:09 <bob25801> I need a report to find any invoices or bills entered (posted and not) from 12/18/09 to 12/23/09
09:10:45 <bob25801> I'm looking for why I have a deposit of 36.19 for no reason
09:14:37 <warlord> Customer -> Find Invoice and then select 'date after 12/17/09' and 'date before 12/24/09'
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09:18:43 <bob25801> Thanks
09:18:54 <bob25801> I really wished it would show the amount on the find screen
09:19:30 <bob25801> Especially when you are receiving payments and you have to select an invoice from the list, it is hard to guess which one, but you know the amount
09:21:56 <bob25801> Is there a way to make a search like that into a report?
09:26:55 <warlord> Nope.
09:27:06 <warlord> Certainly not with UNPOSTED invoices.
09:27:39 <warlord> With posted invoices you could just open A/R and A/P and look
09:28:12 <warlord> Payments don't apply to invoices per se... It's the CUSTOMER that's paying their account.
09:32:02 <warlord> Adding the invoice amount to the search results wouldn't be TOO hard.
09:32:08 <warlord> (I dont think)
09:40:35 <warlord> adding this column would require adding the total getter to the invoice qof settings, and then adding a column definition.
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10:02:46 <bob25801> Not sure if I could jump in and do that real quick, I'll just keep clicking for now. Thanks though, I wish I could.
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11:14:20 *** ronny_ has joined #gnucash
11:14:59 <ronny_> how do I delete a bill from the system. It is empty and was messed up and never posted. However even though I closed it and never saved it it still got stuck in the system and shows up on searches
11:17:36 <ronny_> I see a delete results from the current search option but no way to process it
11:19:12 <warlord> Mark it inactive.
11:19:49 <ronny_> @warlord thanks I did that already, was just wondering if there was a way to completely remove it from the system or not
11:19:49 <gncbot> ronny_: Error: "warlord" is not a valid command.
11:20:07 <warlord> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_can_I_delete_an_Invoice.2C_Customer.2C_Vendor.2C_or_Employee.3F
11:20:57 <ronny_> thanks I did that just was wondering if there was a way to completly remove it
11:22:16 <warlord> ronny_: See the FAQ
11:24:15 <ronny_> yah I read it thanks
11:24:29 <ronny_> cd
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13:18:33 *** Owner has joined #gnucash
13:19:18 <Owner> pardon me, but does anyone know of a good way to do automatic invoicing (plugin, etc). I have a web-based business and I was hoping I may be able to send data to GNUCash
13:19:38 *** Owner is now known as fishhead2567
13:21:50 <warlord> Sorry, there's no way to do that.
13:22:17 <machtfuernacht> Hi warlord, I think the update of aqbanking and gwenhywfar by Chrstian is not applied to the windows builds.
13:23:14 <warlord> probably because the build server doesn't refresh deps automatically
13:24:40 <machtfuernacht> ah ok, can you do it manually?
13:25:48 <warlord> not sure I can from here... I can try.
13:27:55 <machtfuernacht> thx, I'm still hoping that it will resolve the crashes when I try to use onlinebanking.
13:29:33 <warlord> Which deps needs to be reset?
13:30:41 <machtfuernacht> He changed aqbanking and gwenhywfar
13:31:56 <machtfuernacht> hmm "He has changed..." is correct, isn't it?
13:32:28 <warlord> You were correct the first time. okay, AqB and Gwen.
13:32:56 <fishhead2567> is there a repo of plugins for GNUCash outside of the svn list?
13:34:46 <warlord> OKay, I've moved aqb and gwen aside, so it should rebuild with the new deps tonight.
13:35:10 <machtfuernacht> thx
13:35:26 <warlord> fishhead2567: nope, I know of none.. pretty much anything donated gets put into the source tree
13:36:22 <machtfuernacht> Has gnucash a plugin api?
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13:51:51 <warlord> Yes, in C and Scheme, depending on how you want to plug in
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14:59:54 <fishhead2567> warlord: could one use a scripting language (a la python) to hack the c api?
15:00:20 <warlord> Not as a plugin.
15:01:02 <warlord> But yes, there are python bindings (well, WILL be, in 2.4) that will let you write a python applicatoin that uses the gnucash API, but there wont be a python interpreter to write python plugins
15:02:47 <fishhead2567> warlord: k thanks. I've been trying to think of how to do the automatic invoicing i asked about earlier. I know gnucash can do quicken imports, would that include invoices. If so, I may be able to do a quickbooks export from online then pop that in
15:03:03 <fishhead2567> if not, I can await 2.4 and try to write an app to do that
15:05:19 <warlord> No, QIF doesnt do imports.. and right now there isn't a biz importer.
15:05:28 <warlord> Someone WAS working on a biz importer, but I dont know the current state
15:05:37 <warlord> er, QIF doesn't do INVOICES.
15:06:23 <fishhead2567> warlord: kk. thanks. I've been following the email thread (i think) for the importer on the mailing lists. Doesn't seem to be quite deployable
15:07:09 * warlord hasn't looked.
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15:24:34 <fishhead2567> warlord: one last thing. Pre 2.4 - the api has no hook to generate an invoice correct?
15:27:35 <warlord> which API?
15:31:47 <fishhead2567> the gnucash api
15:31:50 <fishhead2567> either scheme or c
15:34:45 <warlord> Oh, there's absolutely a C API to create an invoice!
15:34:58 <warlord> I dont know if it's wrapped into scheme.
16:13:11 <fishhead2567> warlord: awesome. I can use the C api then I am sure
16:13:22 <warlord> ok
16:13:44 <jsled> note that hte "API" here is just the internal API. It's not a dedicated API for external consumption.
16:14:05 <warlord> True..
16:14:13 <jsled> (/me drive-by comments and goes afk)
16:14:16 <fishhead2567> jsled: i do not think i follow.
16:14:16 <warlord> LOL
16:14:36 <fishhead2567> warlord: i would not be able to hook into the C api from an external app then?
16:14:51 <warlord> fishhead2567: what he means is that the APIs we have are not guaranteed stable. We don't provide a .pc file or help to build third-party apps against the gnucash libs
16:15:05 <fishhead2567> warlord: ahh ok.
16:15:39 <fishhead2567> warlord: where might i find the docs on the create invoice functions
16:15:54 <warlord> Having said that, it's certainly possible to build third-party apps, but unless your intention is to write a plugin that gets included in gnucash, you will have maint issues down the road.
16:16:04 <warlord> http://code.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/
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16:45:47 *** bradgers has joined #gnucash
16:47:03 <bradgers> having a problem with the sql backend; when I save my xml file to sqlite, the transactions disappear
16:47:47 <bradgers> I've tried another, older file, and it seems to work.
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17:06:36 <warlord> what version of gnucash are you using? And on what platform?
17:06:57 <bradgers> I've tried the most recent SVN, and 2.3.8, on Debian Squeeze
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17:12:08 <warlord> Huh.. What do you mean by "transactions disappear"? And what do you mean by "another older file"? Do you mean a backup of the same datafile?
17:12:55 <bradgers> I mean all the accounts are there, but balances of $0, and no transactions
17:13:03 <bradgers> and yes, a backup of the same datafile
17:14:03 <bradgers> from about a month ago
17:15:49 <bradgers> so it's something specific to the xml file, but I'll be hanged if I can figure out what
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17:30:53 <bradgers> I'm trying to come up with a diff of the two closest files I can find, one good, one bad
17:31:47 <warlord> Please do that.
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17:37:50 <bradgers> doggone it, the diff is 3/4 the size of the smaller of the two files, over a meg
17:38:58 <bradgers> is there any better way to do that?
17:43:00 <warlord> Not particularly.. BUt note that the XML items might move around within the XML document.
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17:43:18 <bradgers> yeah, that's why it's so big
17:51:38 <warlord> Just need to manually look for "moved" sections.
18:11:35 <bradgers> so, what should I be looking for? Any idea?
18:12:16 <bradgers> I notice that in the root account, the "good" xml file does not have a "<act:commodity-scu>0</act:commodity-scu>" line
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18:33:44 <warlord> Interesting....
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18:47:42 <bob25801> sending out 1099 to subcontractors, is there a specific report for this? I was wondering if there was a better way to record transactions to make tax prep easier next year..
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19:19:49 <warlord> bob25801: sorry, no, gnucash has no 1099 forms. you'll have to do that yourself.
19:19:51 <warlord> gotta run
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