2010-01-13 GnuCash IRC logs

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11:00:00 <Kirill> Hi, I'm not sure how to work with debtors - the money I lend someone isn't usable for me until it's back, but it's shown as my Asset.
11:00:13 <jsled> yes
11:00:19 <jsled> it's not a particularly liquid asset.
11:00:22 <jsled> but it's still an asset.
11:00:59 <Kirill> What should I do, if a debtor wan't be able to pay?
11:01:08 <jsled> won't?
11:01:14 <Kirill> will not be able...
11:01:18 <jsled> write it off, I suppose.
11:01:49 <Kirill> How do I tell this to gnucash?
11:02:41 <jsled> hrm, good question. I suppose it'd go against something like Expenses:Lost … but you really should ask an Accountant, if this is of any real consequence.
11:03:08 <jsled> I don't know how it should be handeled GAAP-wise, or anything.
11:06:13 <Kirill> I use this program only for private purposes... Where is Equity used? (Not sure, whether I can use it for "write off")
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11:08:11 <warlord> Equity accounts are generally only used for starting and ending period balances. For instantaneous equity you should use income and expense..
11:08:17 <warlord> A write off is usually considered an expense.
11:08:37 <warlord> Think of this loan the same as if you bought some stock and then the company when chapter-11
11:13:19 <Kirill> Ok. Thx.
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14:21:09 *** santiago has joined #gnucash
14:22:49 <santiago> I need to migrate my files from GnuCash 1.8.9 under SuSE 10.0 to 2.2.9 under Ubuntu 9.10. Is this possible? If so, how is it done?
14:23:12 <santiago> These files are on two different machines.
14:26:56 <jsled> 1.8.9 ?
14:26:57 <jsled> wow.
14:27:25 <santiago> Yes, 1.8.9
14:27:28 <jsled> In short: just copy your datafile.
14:27:37 <jsled> I believe 2.2 will still open and migrate 1.8 data files.
14:28:07 <santiago> I know this is a naive and unknowledgeable question, but how do I identify the data file?
14:28:09 <jsled> If you have custom or saved reports, it'd be more involved.
14:28:20 <jsled> it'll be in the title bar when you start gnucash.
14:28:30 <jsled> Or, let's see.
14:28:42 <jsled> I forget where 1.8 stored last-open-file data.
14:30:25 <santiago> Let's see.. I have an export menu, which says it will export the accounts. Is this likely to create the files I need?
14:30:47 <jsled> no
14:31:06 <jsled> does the title bar not have the file's path?
14:32:53 <santiago> It gives the path to a file name, but it is a name I recently created.
14:32:53 <warlord> santiago: try to go to File -> Open Recent (or something like that -- 1.8.9 is like 5+ years old) -- that should tell you the name of the file.
14:33:01 <warlord> Also, you MIGHT need to step through 2.0.x
14:36:08 <santiago> The recent files are application logs. When I open them, they are either empty, or contain a very limited amount of information.
14:36:46 <santiago> I find myself wondering about 2.0.x, and whether (if necessary) I could install it on the SuSE machine, and get files more compatible with the current version.
14:37:01 <jsled> find the file with the same base name as the .log file
14:37:52 <jsled> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_Where_is_my_.XML_data_file.3F and http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_What_are_all_these_.xac_and_.log_files_filling_up_my_directory.3F
14:39:14 <santiago> There is an XML file which has the same base name. It looks like the log files might be modifications to it, but that's a guess.
14:39:31 <jsled> yes; they're akin to a database's transaction log.
14:39:45 <jsled> (if that helps)
14:39:56 <warlord> You file is going to be XXX, and then you'll have XXX-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.log and XXX-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.xac. You want XXX
14:40:48 <santiago> Yes, it does. Actually, if I could establish an account baseline within a month or so, life would be good. I'm mostly concerned about loosing data from 2003-present, and the configuration.
14:41:29 <jsled> which configuration?
14:41:30 <santiago> Yes, the base file name and log file names match what you describe. May one assume I want to import a base file name?
14:42:00 <santiago> The configuration of my accounts. EG, house account, personal account, business account, and their interrelationships.
14:42:07 <jsled> the stuff stored outside of the datafile is things like: saved/openend reports. window size. open account tabs.
14:42:17 <jsled> oh, that's all just part of the datafile itself.
14:42:24 <jsled> the configuration of accounts, that is.
14:43:29 <santiago> Good. Then possibly what I need to do is migrate the base file to the new machine and try to import it?
14:46:31 <santiago> The import options under 2.2.9 are QIF, OFX/QFX, replay gnucash log file, MT940, MT942, DATUS. None of these appear to be XML. Or am I further misunderstanding something?
14:47:37 <jsled> just open the file
14:47:45 <jsled> File > Open
14:48:51 <santiago> I think that did it. Obvious, and I should have thought of that! Thanks for the help!
14:50:05 <thomas> Is there a way to print a vendor address on a check?
14:50:27 <thomas> I'm on 2.3.8.
14:50:41 <jsled> santiago: you're welcome.
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14:56:49 <warlord> thomas: nope, sorry
14:58:56 <thomas> Thank you.
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16:11:39 <fishhead2567> warlord: i think i found a solution to the import by digging thru mailing lists. Didnt know if this chat was logged but if it is i wanted to post it
16:12:19 <fishhead2567> warlord: from what they suggest QIF importing ought to be able to handle invoicing imports. just need to read up on it =)
16:13:16 <warlord> Um, no, QIF import does not handle invoices.
16:14:03 <fishhead2567> warlord: ahh then they were mistaken on the mailing lists =(
16:14:14 <warlord> could be.
16:16:17 <fishhead2567> warlord: in that case. I remember someone mentioning an API in version 2.3, would this API be able to import or generate invoices?
16:18:13 <warlord> The API exists as far back as 1.8 (otherwise GnuCash itself couldn't create invoices)
16:22:24 <fishhead2567> warlord: i thought there may have been a more general purpose api. Perhaps I was mistaken. Sorry =)
16:23:09 <warlord> src/business-core/*.h
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18:58:09 <Dany> Hello, I accidentally deleted the account file and when I try to open a .xac file I get an error "error processing the URL", is there a solution or an explanation for this? thanks
19:29:24 <warlord> Try copying the most recent .xac file to the original name and then restart gnucash?
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19:49:11 <Dany> I did it, but every .xac file throws the same error
19:55:57 <warlord> if you: exit gnucash, cp xxx-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.xac xxx ; start gnucash .... GnuCash throws an error?
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20:18:47 <Dany> same error, "error processing the URL:..."
20:42:50 <warlord> How are you opening the file?
20:46:10 <warlord> Dany: Sorry, that was to you (and sorry for the delay)
20:47:25 <warlord> If File -> Open doesn't work... What do you see in your gnucash.trace file?
20:47:31 <warlord> (note -- I need to leave really soon now)
20:55:21 <Dany> i'm on windows 7, how do I see the gnucash.trace file?
20:57:10 <Dany> if you need to live it's ok, we can continue tomorrow
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21:53:20 <warlord> Dany: you open it. I dont know where Windows puts it.
21:53:28 <warlord> It's just a text file.
21:53:50 <warlord> And sorry, I have to go now... But hopefully someone else will come around to help. Or you can ask on gnucash-user via email.
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