2010-01-27 GnuCash IRC logs
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08:57:50 <raleightile> pow
09:04:51 <kimmo_> wow
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09:18:37 <raleightile> I just noticed on my accounts page that my income is showing this year and last, shouldn't it roll over at the start of a new accounting period?
09:19:00 <kimmo_> nope
09:19:12 <raleightile> I was just thinking that after a few years that might be a crazy number
09:19:16 <kimmo_> the accounts page shows the grand total
09:19:35 <kimmo_> however when you run the income statement report, it defaults to current financial year
09:21:15 <raleightile> I guess if it doesn't bother anybody else I'll get over it
09:23:22 <raleightile> kimmo_ your in finland?
09:27:57 <kimmo_> yeah
09:28:33 <kimmo_> I used the previous datafile for 8 years, and only changed because I changed my account tree structure
09:35:10 <raleightile> cool
09:36:23 <raleightile> Using gnucash has changed the way I think about a lot of things, I can't tell you how many times I have set out to change the way something works, only to find out it really is better the way it already is!
09:37:25 <raleightile> Still need to make credit memos for customers -- that is the only "ugly"
09:38:47 <raleightile> thanks for the help
10:08:28 <warlord> Yeah, not something I knew about when I designed the system originally.
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14:55:04 <curioskim> \ curiouskim
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14:56:06 <curiouskim> hello all you brainy people!
14:56:38 <curiouskim> i'm wondering if there is a way to display the totals in my transaction report, without displaying the total for each month as well?
14:56:50 <curiouskim> thank you if you know
15:17:47 *** cristiklein has joined #gnucash
15:17:54 <cristiklein> hello everybody
15:19:11 <cristiklein> I have a question to which I can't find an answer on the Internet. I use gnucash for personal accounting and reconcile from time to time. Supermarkets have very random prices, so that reconciliation usually has a unique solution. Is there a way to make gnucash attempt to automatically do this?
15:23:38 <warlord> I dont understand the quesiton, cristiklein.. How does supermarket prices have anything to do with reconciliation?
15:24:49 <cristiklein> well, if you had transactions like 10, 10, 10, 15, 15 and you had to reconcile 30, you couldn't tell which transactions to choose
15:25:23 <cristiklein> but since I usually have something like 15,52; 42,27; 12,24 etc. the solution is unique
15:35:19 <warlord> What do you mean "reconcile 30"?
15:37:40 <warlord> You get your statement from the bank and it says "on Jan 15th you spent $30 at Costco". Why would you not have a $30 txn from the bank, desc costco? Even if you split it into $15 for groceries and $15 for home goods... It's still $30 in your bank account.
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15:43:51 <cristiklein> I don't want to individually tick transactions
15:43:59 <cristiklein> I just want to check if the final amounts agree
15:44:42 <warlord> That's not was reconciliation is. Reconciliation is all about reconciling the transactions, and in so doing verifying the ending balance.
15:45:21 <cristiklein> I get from the bank "you now have 100$" and I would like gnucash to automatically tick the transactions which should be ticked
15:46:23 <warlord> There's no way for gnucash to know which ones should be ticked. Not all transactions you've entered may have cleared the bank.
15:47:10 <cristiklein> exactly! it should deduce
15:47:23 <warlord> HOW?
15:47:29 <cristiklein> I mean, if you have transaction of 1$, 2$, 4$, 8$
15:47:31 <warlord> Reading your mind?
15:47:38 <cristiklein> and I tell you "the difference is 12$"
15:47:52 <cristiklein> you can immediately say "oh, so I'll check 4$ and 8$"
15:48:02 <cristiklein> you didn't guess, you simply didn't have any other possibility
15:48:36 <warlord> Ah, but what if you have $1, $2, $2, $3.50, $4, $5.50, $6, $8, $10 and you say "difference is $12". Now what?
15:48:50 <warlord> (and my case is MUCH more likely than yours)
15:49:31 <cristiklein> like I said, supermarket prices are so "unround" more often than not, there is a single solution
15:49:51 <warlord> You're assuming all your bank transactions come from the supermarket. Another bad assumption.
15:49:59 <cristiklein> if there is none, gnucash should just say "I can't help you", but that happens rarely for me
15:50:02 <warlord> ... Or are you trying to reconcile Expenses:Groceries?
15:50:53 <cristiklein> look, it would work for me, I don't see why it wouldn't work for somebody else
15:51:12 <cristiklein> with today's Internet banking you can reconcile more often, so you get even less likely into multiple solutions
15:51:12 <warlord> Fine, send in a patch.
15:51:18 <warlord> No, you cannot.
15:51:23 <warlord> Well, I guess you CAN.. But you'd be wrong.
15:51:33 <warlord> Reconciliation is for when you get your monthly statement.
15:51:44 <warlord> You can certainly CLEAR your txns more often!
15:51:56 <warlord> (and yes, that requires ticking them off in the register)
15:52:06 <warlord> Adding an automatic clearing function would be.. interesting.
15:52:10 <warlord> ... patches always welcome!
15:52:45 <cristiklein> okey, I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss this feature, before starting to hack
15:53:16 <warlord> Nope, it's not there.
15:53:43 <cristiklein> okey, thanks, I'll work on it
15:53:56 <cristiklein> but I don't really understand why it shouldn't be integrate with reconciliation
15:54:09 <cristiklein> is it just because of an already established accounting procedure?
15:56:18 <warlord> Yes
15:56:37 <cristiklein> okey
15:56:45 <cristiklein> so there should be some separate menu item or smth?
15:56:55 <warlord> I dont know.
15:57:06 <warlord> Maybe a "make a guess for me" button?
15:57:38 <cristiklein> I'm asking because I would have added this at the startup of the reconcile window, but I see that this would not be accepted among developers
15:58:02 <warlord> Honestly, I dont know where this feature should be added.
15:58:43 <warlord> Note that when you start the reconciliation, any cleared transactions start out checked. So perhaps it should be a register function "auto-clear", that is similar to reconciliation but does what you suggested and just 'clears' the transactions.
15:59:00 <warlord> So you run the 'auto-clear' in the register to clear everything, then you can run reconcile and everything will be pre-checked for you.
16:00:43 <cristiklein> but why have two steps? auto-clear then reconcile?
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16:00:50 <cristiklein> why not directly auto-reconcile?
16:02:51 <warlord> because auto-reconcile is just wrong. It violates GAAP
16:03:17 <cristiklein> okey
16:03:31 <cristiklein> so you think doing weekly internet banking check is actually clearing?
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16:08:46 <curiouskim> wow, that was a complicated discussion!
16:09:10 <curiouskim> anyway, disregard my question above about the monthly totals displaying cuz i just found out how to do it
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16:09:11 <curiouskim> thank you
16:13:27 <warlord> curiouskim: good.
16:13:44 <warlord> cristiklein: Yes, I believe weekly banking check is clearing.
16:14:06 <cristiklein> warlord: okey, will implement it as a menu item or smth
16:15:08 <warlord> ok
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17:35:09 <Finder> Hey all, I am trying to set up something like a live ($0) budget with subaccounts to my checking account so I can see the balance of each budget item, but it's proving very difficult to balance since I can't really see current values of the whole account and subaccount. Is there anything like a ledger that will show the master balance? or a better way to do this? (I know about the budgeting feature, but it's not really live enough for me on a day to day basis)
17:36:19 <Finder> or even a way to restrict all of my views to the current date, like the accounts tab
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17:45:57 <Simon> cristiklein: that's not going to work when you have a transaction that takes longer than expected to clear
17:46:11 <Simon> cristiklein: it will automatically clear it and then you won't be able to reconcile :)
17:46:18 <cristiklein> simon: why?
17:47:13 <Simon> I just told you why...
17:47:30 <Simon> the one non-cleared transaction will be cleared every time you try to reconcile
17:47:32 <Simon> so it won't balance
17:47:54 <cristiklein> still don't get it :(
17:48:04 <Simon> I just clear each transaction that appears in the online banking statement, and then I can see that everything is there
17:48:13 <cristiklein> okey
17:48:16 <Simon> cristiklein: if you have a £5 transaction in the middle of the week and it doesn't clear immediately,
17:48:25 <Simon> cristiklein: when you go to reconcile at the end of the week, the balances won't match
17:48:55 <cristiklein> simon: gnucash should not "reconcile until date", it should "reconcile to reach amount"
17:49:32 <Simon> then I can't really help you
17:49:34 <Finder> you can leave transactions unreconciled
17:49:37 <Simon> that's not how reconciliation works
17:49:58 <Finder> you don't want to reconcile things that aren't on a statement...reconciliation is to help you also track down things that never cleared
17:50:09 <Simon> the idea is you get a statement and you reconcile everything
17:50:30 <Simon> with online banking you may see things clear before others and so it's more complicated
17:51:02 <Finder> ah, depends on the bank I guess, mine has a "pending cleared" section too...
17:51:23 <Simon> I just have an available balance to show things pending
17:51:58 <Simon> as for supermarket purchases not being rounded, a lot of things keep rounding to £x.00 for me
17:52:25 <Simon> I can easily keep making transactions for the same amount and be buying different things each time
17:52:53 <cristiklein> simon: that's cool, I specifically avoid paying by cash, because the last two digits are always different from zero :D
17:53:16 <Simon> I hate small change
17:53:40 <Simon> self-checkouts are great for getting rid of it
17:53:51 <Simon> er, self-serve checkouts
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17:54:59 <cristiklein> I'm about to compile gnucash from sources
17:55:08 <cristiklein> does anybody know how to run it without make install-ing?
17:55:35 <Simon> use --prefix to install it to its own base path
17:55:58 <Simon> (note: preferences and last open file are stored in gconf so they're shared)
17:56:03 <mick> Hi All, I want to transfer last year's customer and supplier account data, into this year's gnucash file. What's the best way to do this?
17:57:46 <cristiklein> simon: and without having to make install, like running it from the source directory directly
17:58:08 <Simon> cristiklein: I don't think you can
17:58:20 <Simon> /usr/bin/gnucash is a script
17:59:10 <cristiklein> simon: I feared that too, but I assumed developers are more efficient than "make install"-ing after every change
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18:55:13 <raleightile> you can assign a customer to a vendor bill, would it be a train wreck if you had a customer "stock" to assign inventory purchases to for the purpose of getting a subtotal of stock purchases for the month? What would the preferred method of tracking purchases for inventory?
19:10:04 <warlord> Right now, gnucash doens't do inventory
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