2010-03-05 GnuCash IRC logs
00:03:47 <cads> Oh, I was wondering.
00:04:00 <cads> I've understtod that parts of gnucash are written in scheme.
00:04:08 <cads> What kinds of parts are they?
00:07:00 <roe_> the reports are in scheme
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00:45:30 <cads> thanks roe_
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07:54:44 <mib_bqx8qw> hi ?
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08:00:38 <Alonso> i have one doubt.
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09:52:25 <samychow> Hello, I am wondering if it is possible to do automated report generation with GNU cash through a bash or python script.
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10:03:36 <roe_> samychow, don't quote me on this, but there are some utilities for a CLI to gnucash on sourceforge, I don't know how up-to-date they are though
10:06:25 <samychow> roe_: alright, thank you. I'll look around there first
10:07:06 <roe_> I'd stick around here for, perhaps, some better advice though
10:07:15 <samychow> roe_: will do
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11:11:04 <bbbrowning> are there known issues wrt .LCK files on cifs shares? I'm seeing neither Mac OS nor Ubuntu gnucash remove them on exit; Windows seems to work.
11:11:50 <warlord> Yes, there are known issues with SMB
11:13:09 <bbbrowning> thanks. didn't see a bug.
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11:33:45 <warlord> Not sure if the bug is in the system, but there are certainly known issues.
11:34:02 <warlord> Windows (and therefore by definition SMB) has always been a second-class citizen
11:35:47 <bbbrowning> I went ahead and filed a bug. oddly, in this case Windows is what works properly.
11:36:28 <bbbrowning> in our shop I think everyone except me will be using Windows, and I can deal, so no biggie
11:36:39 <warlord> Okay.
11:36:42 <warlord> Anyways, I gotta run. Laters.
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14:51:25 <Qingwen> When I use the loan druid, it skips the first payment of a 360 payment loan. Has done this repeatedly. Am I missing something?
14:52:13 <Qingwen> BTW: I'm using Gnucash 2.29 in Windows 7.
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15:49:28 <warlord> maybe mis setup the start date?
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19:30:56 <yes> we refunded an ar payment but in our accounting program it was refunded out of the wrong account. How can I fix this?
19:36:31 <yes> Can I void the record of the refund being applied and the AR record, or do i have to create 2 new entries to revers them out?
19:36:45 <yes> reverse*
19:39:34 *** ElBano has joined #gnucash
19:41:12 <ElBano> hi
19:41:13 <ElBano> help friends help
19:41:18 <ElBano> help help help
19:41:23 <ElBano> how do i move a filter to another account?
19:41:33 <ElBano> in other words, i have an account i want to split between years 2009/2010
19:41:44 <ElBano> i want to move every transaction after 01/01/2010 to another account
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19:48:28 <ElBano> how to move transactions to another account?
19:49:10 <Antisoche> Hi. I've used GnuCash for a total of about 20 minutes (productively, anyway) but the save file is gzipped XML. You could edit the XML, save it as another file name, and see if it comes out right when you load it.
19:49:35 <jsled> ElBano: you cant, really.
19:49:38 <ElBano> ugh
19:49:47 <ElBano> i cant copy and then delete the old ones?
19:49:58 <jsled> editing the datafile is an option … unsupported, of course, but also not totally crazy.
19:50:08 <jsled> you can't do basically anything against multiple transactions.
19:50:16 <ElBano> jsled, i mean just one transaction
19:50:22 <ElBano> i just want to move one transaction, that would be fine
19:50:27 <jsled> oh.
19:50:31 <jsled> just change the account, then.
19:50:37 <ElBano> how, sir?
19:50:47 <jsled> it might be more obvious if you click the Split button in the toolbar
19:51:00 <jsled> or change into Auto-Split mode (in the View menu)
19:51:31 <ElBano> oh woops
19:51:32 <ElBano> thanks!:)
19:51:46 <jsled> you're welcome.
19:51:59 <jsled> I dislike that we do "basic" view by default.
19:52:11 <ElBano> hey
19:52:12 <jsled> s/we/GnuCash/
19:52:13 <ElBano> jsled,
19:52:21 <ElBano> can i have two accounts open at once to make this faster?
19:52:26 <jsled> I guess it's more familiar to quicken users, but it less obvious
19:52:45 <jsled> yes, but how would it make it faster?
19:53:10 <jsled> you only need to work in one register to make the change.
19:53:21 <Antisoche> I have a question - when I want to create an interest-bearing account (2.2.9) I have to create an "Asset" class and an "Interest" class separately. Is there a function (druid?) to make this happen in one sequence?
19:53:35 <ElBano> hmm
19:53:45 <ElBano> jsled, is it possible to see a total at the bottom of an account?
19:53:48 <ElBano> for deposit, withdraw, etc
19:56:11 <jsled> ElBano: I don't believe so. you could run a report to get that.
19:56:16 <ElBano> k
19:57:01 <jsled> Antisoche: no, there's not. But … creating two accounts isn't something that should happen frequently, is it?
19:57:41 <Antisoche> jsled, I have a CD that rolls over every 3 month and I get a new account number each time that happens. I'm recording the CD number in the 'Description' field.
19:57:58 <Antisoche> But I should preface this by saying that I really have no idea what I'm doing...
19:58:22 <Antisoche> Or what I should be doing
19:58:24 <jsled> I personally wouldn't create a new set of accounts for each iteration of the CD … just one for the CD overall.
19:59:57 <Antisoche> And if I had a CD ladder? Also 1 CD? Or one for each independent maturity sequence?
20:01:49 <Antisoche> And then ... if the ladder CD was at a different bank, would I create a group for the bank?
20:02:23 <Antisoche> Should I take a CPA course at the local community college? Or just hire an accountant?
20:02:33 * Antisoche gets confused so easily. :(
20:03:15 <jsled> personally, I'd probably still do one account for a ladder of CDs. Different banks, I'd probably have one account per bank.
20:03:55 <jsled> But, if you wanted to model it as one account per CD, that would work, too.
20:04:19 <jsled> It's really a function of how much effort you want to put into it, and how much value you get out the different levels of detail.
20:04:43 <Antisoche> It's the latter that I don't understand.
20:05:00 <Antisoche> I'd like to start a small business, so I want this to be as "correct" as possible.
20:05:12 <jsled> ah.
20:05:15 <Antisoche> I'm starting with my personal finances just to get a feel for the tool(s)
20:05:29 <jsled> if there are legal implications, you should probably consult an accountant.
20:05:32 <jsled> As I am not one. :)
20:06:04 <Antisoche> But to answer your question, I think creating an account is an often-enough process to warrant some wizardry.
20:06:32 <Antisoche> My bank was one of those that went under and got purchased by a large conglomerate. I'm thinking I'd like to change to another.
20:07:09 <Antisoche> Maybe that's not a good justification, but for people who buy CDs, rates can vary quite a bit.
20:07:21 <Antisoche> Especially these days with rates so low... :-\
20:07:22 <jsled> oh, certainly.
20:07:35 <jsled> I'm not even interested in buying CDs, right now. :)
20:07:51 <Antisoche> You're in the market? Bonds? Cash?
20:08:09 <Antisoche> Don't tell me real estate :)
20:08:41 <jsled> heh, no. bond funds and stocks. some cash, but trying to minimize that.
20:08:53 <Antisoche> hmm
20:10:22 <Antisoche> I've never dealt with bonds, though I do have a bond fund. I think stocks are very risky. Not sure where you are, but I think the US market is going to be in a lot of pain within the next 18 months.
20:10:31 <Antisoche> But of course, I'm no financial advisor either (clearly)
20:11:08 <Antisoche> Actually, I should try to stay on-topic. :)
20:11:46 <ElBano> jsled,
20:11:53 <ElBano> no way to move multiple transactions?
20:11:59 <jsled> nope.
20:12:35 <jsled> if they're all in a child account and you want to move (all of) them to the parent, I *think* if you delete the child it'll ask if you want to reparent them all.
20:12:37 <jsled> but I forget.
20:14:54 <jsled> I'm off. have a good one, folks
20:15:02 <Antisoche> bye
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