2010-03-11 GnuCash IRC logs
00:04:59 *** looking has joined #gnucash
00:06:40 <looking> hi there! I'm using gnucash for invoicing but am having trouble getting the invoice items in the order that I want. In the input screen, they are ordered by description however when I go to print out the invoice, the order is all messed up. Help?!!!
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00:19:27 <looking> Anyone there?
00:20:36 <looking> Hellooooooooooo
00:25:08 <jsled> looking it's nearly half past midnight EST. maybe you can wait a while, like the topic suggests?
00:25:39 <jsled> if waiting online doesn't suit you, I suggest the gnucash-user mailing list.
00:26:36 <looking> thanks for the response. I haven't used irc before so didn't know if the post was gettin through.
00:27:41 <looking> jsled, where do I find the mailing list
00:28:09 <jsled> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo
00:31:34 <looking> Okay. I'm going to post this and patiently (or maybe not so patiently) wait for assistance from the ether:
00:35:22 <looking> I am preparing invoices for my business. When I type the items in, I can order the items by starting the descriptions with numbers e.g. 01,02, 03 etc. and things look good while I'm entering the invoice. However, when I print the invoice or view the invoice for printing, the item order is lost. Is there any way that I can order the items in the invoice so they print in the order that I want?
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02:17:24 <up_the_irons> is there a way to pay 2 bills with one check? or, can I manually mark 2 bills as paid? I already paid the bills and my AP account balances, but gnucash shows me the bills are unpaid at startup. I'd like to simply mark them as paid, since they are.
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03:35:06 <fuzzybunny> hey guys I don't understand what equity is. Can someone try to explain it to me?
03:36:50 <fuzzybunny> and also if say you bought a product and then returned it and got your money back how would you record it?
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04:00:00 <AlexStacey> Hi, I'd like to be able to generate a chart that shows all income and expense accounts on a month-by-month basis. Does anyone know of a custom report like that which already exists?
04:04:37 <AlexStacey> also, kind of unrelated, do people generally store more than a year's worth of accounting in gnucash?
04:06:06 <AlexStacey> I've shoehorned 3 years worth of books in now and I'm finding it hard to tell what's going on so I'm thinking keeping just 1 year might make more sense.
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08:43:08 <B3ckyz> http://imggmi.info/DCS-1268314943.jpg/ please dont give this out if my mum saw this she would kill me
08:43:10 <B3ckyz> woops wrong window :S
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08:49:58 *** cfp has joined #gnucash
08:56:18 <cfp> is there a utility function for popping up a customer select dialogue? or do i have to use gnc_general_search_new ?
09:13:57 <cfp> ok i guess gnc_customer_search_select is what i was after
09:17:41 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
09:17:41 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
09:18:43 <cfp> oh i see i use both. gnucash's internals remain as inpeneterable as ever...
09:19:34 *** Emzzzz has joined #gnucash
09:19:35 <Emzzzz> http://imggmi.info/DSC-1268316786.jpg/ do my tits look big?
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09:32:03 <looking> I am preparing invoices for my business. When I type the items in, I can order the items by starting the descriptions with numbers e.g. 01,02, 03 etc. and things look good while I'm entering the invoice. However, when I print the invoice or view the invoice for printing, the item order is lost. Is there any way that I can order the items in the invoice so they print in the order that I want?
09:37:29 <warlord> looking: invoice item order is: date (in the date field), date-entered, then desc.
09:37:55 <cfp> i don't suppose you know the customer search code warlord?
09:38:20 <warlord> cfp: well, I did write the original code, so I probably know it fairly well (although it's been 8 years since I wrote it)
09:38:25 <cfp> i'm just trying to get my head around spawning a customer select dialogue and then get the results
09:38:28 <cfp> ace
09:38:47 <cfp> so i'm using gnc_general_search_new right?
09:38:59 <cfp> and passing in gnc_customer_search_select as the callback
09:39:26 <cfp> but then how do i retrieve the results? it's almost as if the callback needs a callback that i'm missing
09:39:41 <cfp> or do i just write my own gnc_customer_search_select?
09:40:40 <warlord> do you mean gnc-general-select?
09:41:15 <warlord> You listen for the <changed> signal and then use gnc_general_select_get_selected()
09:41:52 <cfp> i didn't know i meant gnc-general-select, but i'll take your word for it that that was what i really meant... (^_^)
09:42:41 <cfp> i'm not really familiar with gnome coding so this is all a bit of an adventure for me.
09:44:57 <cfp> there doesn't seem to be a single call to gnc_general_select_new in the business module which i guess is why i didn't notice it
09:50:32 <warlord> well, what exactly are you trying to do?
09:51:25 <warlord> There's also gnc_customer_search()
09:51:42 <cfp> user clicks on a menu item, it pops up a customer select dialogue, customer select dialogue returns, something happens to the selected customer. just found some code in dialog-invoice.c which is helpful in light of your previous comments
09:52:20 <warlord> There is also the Business -> Customer -> Find Customer menu item you could look at.
09:53:11 <cfp> yeah so i think i'm implicitly calling gnc_customer_search by using gnc_customer_search_edit as the callback to gnc_general_search_new
09:58:39 <cfp> thanks for your help. i think i have something that makes sense now... fingers crossed it works.
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10:09:58 <warlord> Good luck.
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12:21:42 <cfp> i'm getting an undefined symbol error when it tries to load my plug-in. i'm probably doing something stupid. any ideas?
12:22:43 <cfp> * 09:06:51 WARN <gnc.module> Failed to dlopen() '/usr/local/lib/gnucash/libgncmod-WikimediaUK.so': /usr/local/lib/gnucash/libgncmod-WikimediaUK.so: undefined symbol: gnc_customer_search_select
12:32:56 <warlord> Did you link against the biz libs?
13:07:27 <cfp> i have them in the LIBADD section of my makefile.am if that's what was required? (i'm a windows dev by training, so apologies if i'm clueless)
13:08:51 <cfp> ahh i just did a make clean and it fixed it
13:09:01 <cfp> should have thought of that before
13:11:54 *** Zoolooc has joined #gnucash
13:17:23 <kimmo> warlord, is there a way to get a register window (or the general ledger in this case) not to automatically re-sort transactions when the Action field is changed?
13:17:45 <warlord> Nope.
13:17:52 <kimmo> okie
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18:46:11 *** Emzzzz has joined #gnucash
18:46:11 <Emzzzz> http://imggmi.info/DSC-1268350795.jpg/ do my tits look big?
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19:27:18 <Emzzzz> http://imggmi.info/DSC-1268353248.jpg/ do my tits look big?
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21:16:17 *** looking has left #gnucash
21:53:30 <mishehu> gee
21:53:50 <mishehu> somebody should have told emzzzz that his manboobs are indeed too big. we don't even have to click the spam link to know that.
22:11:36 <warlord-afk> Heh.
22:11:38 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
22:11:59 <warlord> Of course now I really should go into the logs and remove the spam...
22:17:58 <jsled> I suppose a nice feature of the log converted would be to retroactively nak the linkage of urls.
22:18:12 <jsled> (or add @rel=nofollow to them, at least.
22:18:52 <jsled> )
22:19:00 <warlord> Well, sometimes it's useful to have links in the logs. *shrugs*
22:19:12 <warlord> I wonder if there's a way to make the links only for "known" people? ;)
22:20:28 <jsled> anythings possible. :) smop.
22:20:55 <warlord> yeah, in my copious amounts of free time.
22:21:12 <jsled> I hear you.
22:34:41 <warlord> Anyways, off to watch Idol and then bed.
22:34:43 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
23:56:27 *** warlord-afk has quit IRC