2010-03-15 GnuCash IRC logs
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05:18:31 *** AlexStacey has joined #gnucash
05:20:01 <AlexStacey> Hi, If I want to see the activity on all of the accounts in gnucash for last month, how would I do that? Is it a case of writing a custom report?
06:45:25 <AlexStacey> nm. I've found a solution. (I didn't realise the included reports had changable options!)
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08:06:44 <AlexStacey> I'm trying to set up some tax stuff for a business and am a bit unsure of the best way to do it. I was thinking of creating a liability account called "VAT owed" and ideally, I'd like values automatically entered in there that are 17.5% of the entries in a couple of income accounts.
08:08:32 <AlexStacey> Then quarterly, when we pay VAT, I'd do a payment from a bank account, into the liability account to zero it. Does that sound sensible? Does gnucash have some way to calculate %age tax payments into another account?
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08:41:42 <AlexStacey> hmm.... ok. i guess i'll be doing something other than accounting today
08:47:19 <ChoHag> There's a faq about that.
08:47:27 <ChoHag> Followed it. Can't remember what I did.
08:47:58 <ChoHag> I say followed. I probably had to change it slighly, as is the way with howtos and such.
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12:05:25 *** cfp has joined #gnucash
12:07:31 <cfp> hey, do tax payments automatically get rounded to whole numbers of pence? my import code is finally working but a few accounts are being left with 0.01p in because of a rounding issue
12:07:50 <cfp> more precisely, i have a load of invoices with entries with tax included at 100%
12:08:13 <cfp> (so e.g. a £10 entry means £5 for us and £5 for the tax)
12:08:41 <cfp> but when entries have non-even values this gets confused, e.g. £9.99 / £10.01
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12:15:02 <warlord> yes, every tax lineitem gets rounded to the nearest pence.
12:15:44 <cfp> right but that means invoices in which tax is included end up not adding up to the value of the entries
12:16:29 <warlord> They both get rounded.
12:16:36 <warlord> The "value" gets rounded, too.
12:17:19 <cfp> right. i'm not sure rounding the value helps for me since the payment we receive is for the non-rounded value
12:17:43 <warlord> The payment you receive is for the total value.
12:17:55 <warlord> .. which should always be correct in the Taxincluded cases
12:18:00 <cfp> maybe i should give up on treating this transaction as a tax, since i'm already adding extra splits programmatically
12:18:18 <cfp> i'll tell you what i'm doing
12:18:33 <warlord> That would help
12:18:44 <cfp> we're importing a load of donations. half of the value of these donations goes to us, half goes to the wikimedia foundation
12:19:09 <cfp> for each donation, i create an invoice post it and mark it as paid programmatically
12:19:51 <cfp> so if someone donates e.g. £5.11 (as someone did)
12:19:52 <warlord> Okay.....
12:20:16 <cfp> then your system marks both us as the foundation as getting £2.56
12:20:23 <cfp> e.g. £5.12 total
12:20:33 <cfp> but in fact we only got £5.11 total
12:22:21 <warlord> Hmm.. I'd have to go look at the code again. I *thought* that with tax-included it computed one and then substracted.. but maybe not.
12:22:33 <cfp> it doesn't appear to
12:22:43 <cfp> if it did that it would be fine
12:23:01 <warlord> Take a look at the code?
12:23:20 <warlord> (honestly, the system wasn't really designed to do what you're doing)
12:23:22 <cfp> gncInvoice.c?
12:23:27 <cfp> no i guess not
12:23:27 <warlord> but..... there ARE rounding issues.
12:23:41 <warlord> Um, either gncInvoice.c or gncEntry.c -- it's a combination of both.
12:27:33 <cfp> one sec, just fixing something else.
12:28:25 <warlord> k
12:29:22 <warlord> There *is* a gnc_numeric_sub in gncEntry.c that subtracts the tvalue from the aggregate...
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12:38:40 <cfp> ahh but isn't the tvalue for non-percent based taxes
12:38:48 <cfp> this is a percent tax
12:39:43 <warlord> Honestly, I dont remember -- I just did a grep; didn't look at the surrounding code.. I wrote that code so long ago I honestly dont remember all the details.
12:40:10 <cfp> the tax value is computed further down i think around line 1123
12:40:30 <cfp> and it's not subtracting from the total
12:42:36 <cfp> from looking at that code though i tlooksl ike i can just override the "SCU"
12:53:30 <warlord> okay...
12:56:48 <cfp> pretty sure the rounding behaviour is a bug though, so it'd certainly be nice if you'd add it to the end of your (no doubt) lengthy to do list.
12:57:58 <warlord> Make sure it's filed in bz
12:58:30 <cfp> k
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13:35:50 <cfp> filed here: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=612957
13:37:29 <warlord> Yes, I know. I got the emails ;)
13:37:54 <cfp> haha ok sorry.
13:38:19 <warlord> no worries.
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15:56:06 *** thexa4 has joined #gnucash
16:02:31 <thexa4> I see gnucash cannot import comma seperated value files, what is the simplest format gnucash can import from that I could convert my cvs file to?
16:04:21 <jsled> QIF
16:04:53 <jsled> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_do_I_convert_from_CSV.2C_TSV.2C_XLS_.28Excel.29.2C_or_SXC_.28OpenOffice.org_Calc.29_to_a_QIF.3F
16:05:10 <thexa4> ah, thanks, didn't find that one
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16:20:02 *** gjanssens has joined #gnucash
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16:20:22 <gjanssens> Hi all
16:20:41 <gjanssens> I hit a situation I'd like some input on
16:20:53 <warlord> Don't do it! ;)
16:21:12 <gjanssens> I have been working on factoring out the file access into a more generic uri access
16:21:22 <gjanssens> warlord: lol
16:21:32 <gjanssens> You're probably right..
16:21:53 <gjanssens> The thing is, this works fine for the xml and db backends,
16:21:59 <warlord> Keep in mind that both xml: and sqlite: are both "file"
16:22:18 <gjanssens> but I discovered there's another backend, the sqf backend in libqof
16:22:28 <warlord> Oh, QSF..
16:22:49 <gjanssens> I could easily solve this by having it use my gnc-uri-utils library
16:22:51 <warlord> Channeling jsled... "QSF should just go away"
16:23:03 <jsled> word
16:23:05 <gjanssens> but if I do, this creates a circular dependency.
16:23:13 <gjanssens> between core-utils and qof
16:23:35 <gjanssens> Hmm, are you saying I should just forget about qsf ?
16:23:52 <jsled> yup
16:24:00 <jsled> Is it even used anywhere?
16:24:11 <gjanssens> There are some bugs open for it.
16:24:19 <jsled> good; those would go away, too! :)
16:24:31 <gjanssens> Some people seem to use it aparently.
16:24:36 <jsled> I doubt that.
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16:26:22 <gjanssens> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=557002
16:26:46 <gjanssens> That's on fedora, Bill Nottingham forwarded it to gnucash bz
16:27:27 <gjanssens> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=607565
16:27:35 <warlord> I think if we just ripped out QSF nobody would care.
16:27:38 <jsled> Either that's not QSF related, or it's easily wontfix by removing "export CoA (as QSF)"
16:27:49 <jsled> (for 557002)
16:28:18 <jsled> ah, same thing. Yeah QSF import/export never worked, really.
16:29:02 <gjanssens> Yes, I just displayed the forwarded bug as well.
16:29:40 <gjanssens> So, ok, you guys agree I remove the whole qsf thing ? I will do so after 2.3.11 then.
16:30:05 <warlord> Well, you do need to make sure that "make check" passes...
16:30:26 <gjanssens> Obviously. Rip out, but check that everything continues to work, including make check.
16:31:26 <gjanssens> But that's more than just a quick fix. That's why I'd better wait until after Phil did his 2.3.11 release.
16:31:40 <gjanssens> I don't want to potentially desabilize just now.
16:37:29 <warlord> Isn't it already destabilized?
16:37:35 * warlord wishes that QSF worked
16:38:06 <gjanssens> Just out of curiosity... What is/was qsf supposed to do ?
16:38:32 <warlord> QSF == Qof Serialization Format.. It was supposed to let you save off and reload/merge any set of (known) QOF objects
16:42:01 <gjanssens> So... the current situation is that qsf would be a nice feature to have, but the current implementation falls short and noone really cares enough to fix it. Is that about it ?
16:42:51 <jsled> I don't know that "QSF" would be a nice feature to have. "Merge" is a nice feature. You don't need QSF to do Merge.
16:43:13 <jsled> And trying to do object merging is, I think, *inherently* a non-abstract problem.
16:43:35 <jsled> s/abstract/generic/
16:43:47 <jsled> you need domain knowledge to know how to resolve concepts.
16:43:58 <jsled> and that was the part that was substantially broken.
16:44:16 <jsled> it was simply unfinished, but also had programming errors.
16:44:32 <warlord> It would be nice to have a biz-aware, value-aware, "start a new file" feature.
16:44:44 <jsled> that too.
16:44:57 * gjanssens is learning here...
16:45:10 <gjanssens> What do you mean with that, warlord ?
16:45:36 <gjanssens> And how is that related to what qsf could have been ?
16:45:52 <warlord> Well, we have File -> Export Accounts, which creates an empty account tree without anything.
16:46:28 <warlord> It would be nice to have a version that also included Customers, Vendors, Tax Tables, and Billterms... And yet another version that included opening balances and unpaid invoices.
16:47:04 <gjanssens> Oh, an easy way to start a new book year with a new file
16:47:15 <gjanssens> I see
16:48:37 <gjanssens> But I suppose there also, qsf is not really needed ?
16:48:53 <warlord> No, I do not think qsf is needed.
16:48:55 <gjanssens> But there is nothing else either right now that does this ...
16:50:44 <jsled> The current export accounts could be modified, of course.
16:50:55 <jsled> Of course, as well, modularity makes it more trouble than it could be. :(
16:51:10 <warlord> yep
16:51:18 <gjanssens> Yes, clearly...
16:51:52 <gjanssens> Anyway, thanks for these explanations. That was very enlightening.
16:52:43 <gjanssens> Back to my original issue. Before I go and rip out qsf, I'll query the devel list if anybody uses it or has any intentions with it.
16:53:00 <gjanssens> If negative, I'll just go ahead and drop it.
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16:55:41 <kimmo> warlord, any chance of seeing a double date entry in the future? I'd like to record accurately both the transaction date, and the processing date for credit card purchases...
16:56:57 <warlord> kimmo: nope
16:58:23 <kimmo> mmmkay
17:01:01 <kimmo> any way to get an intra-day sort order by Num/Action so that if the counter rolls over, the sorter would understand? so that the sort order would be e.g. 38, 39, 40, 1, 2?
17:01:26 <warlord> No
17:01:33 <warlord> Num takes precedence.
17:04:05 <warlord> Your intra-day counter cannot roll over..
17:04:23 <warlord> But you can re-start your numbers every day
17:04:34 <warlord> also not that there's a bug in 2.2 where the num column sorts as octal
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17:17:52 <kimmo> what do you mean sorts as octal? how does '8' and '9' sort in octal?
17:19:01 <warlord> Now you understand the problem. :)
17:19:37 <kimmo> heh
17:19:56 <kimmo> I'm also curious as to how in the world you'd go about implementing that bug ;)
17:21:17 <warlord> strtoul()
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