2010-03-18 GnuCash IRC logs
02:36:57 *** thomas_ has joined #gnucash
02:52:01 *** gour has joined #gnucash
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04:26:55 <gour> morning
04:30:08 <gour> wiki (http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Custom_Reports) says: "Mastering Scheme is highly eased after reading The Scheme Progamming Language by R. Kent Dybvig " and it provides link to the 2nd ed of the book. now i see there is also 4th ed. do you recommend it for learning in order to be able to customize gnucash with guile?
04:51:17 <kimmo> gour, guile is a scheme interpreter
04:51:38 <kimmo> gour, and scheme as such is an excellent programming language to master
04:51:58 <kimmo> plus IMO it's the best language there is to use for teaching programming
04:52:39 <gour> kimmo: i'm asking 'cause 4th ed. of the book covers R6, while guile supports R5. is it any obstacle for learning 'scheme for guile for gnucash' ?
04:52:52 <gour> kimmo: well, i'm in the process of learning haskell
04:53:48 <kimmo> (I however recommend "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" for learning scheme, the book is available at http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/ )
04:55:07 <kimmo> there might be some small differences, but otherwise it's analogous to asking "is learning to maintenance an inline 4 engine useless if I'm going to be working on an inline 5?"
04:55:09 <kimmo> ;)
04:56:14 <gour> heh, i hope so :-)
05:00:28 <gour> i compiled svn trunk...but get libdbi: Failed to load driver: /usr/lib/dbd/libdbdsqlite.so
05:00:53 <gour> what's requried besides '--enable-dbi' to get database back-end working?
05:05:35 <kimmo> does the referenced library exist? you have to have the dbi driver installed...
05:06:52 <gour> kimmo: yes, http://pastebin.com/ukVtV1T5, but ldd on gnucash-bin does not show it
05:08:18 <kimmo> :o
05:08:56 <kimmo> I guess I'm useless, I don't use the dbi backend
05:11:20 <gour> ok
05:11:36 <kimmo> then again I'd recommend against using "bleeding edge" features in a development environment when working on features unrelated to the said bleeding edge features...
05:13:13 <gour> i'm interested in customizing invoices in gnucash, and, afaik, to use eguile, one needs 2.3.x
05:13:44 <kimmo> true, I'm not saying you shouldn't use the latest svn trunk, but why dbi?
05:14:37 <gour> well, that's another interesting feature - database back-end...but, ok, maybe it's not ready
05:14:51 <gour> let's modify build script to disable dbi
05:16:15 <kimmo> interesting, sure, and useful when it's ready, but if you're not developing that feature or testing that feature, I don't really see why you should enable it, and expose yourself to unnecessary build complications and possible bugs unrelated to your work
05:16:58 <gour> well, in order to produce (as noob) some interesting bug report
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05:26:56 <gour> it seems that '--enable-webkit' as it is written in 2.3.10 ann. moved to '--with-html-engine=webkit'
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05:33:45 <gour> another thing which i notice is that '-j3' break build and i have to use '-j1'
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05:36:40 <gour> even after disabling dbi and with '-j1', build fails - http://pastebin.com/0KW0Kn2x
05:39:41 <gour> although glade is installed :-/
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06:30:16 <gour> bah, gmane says 'posting allowed' for gnucash-user, but the message is held :-/
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07:14:18 <Jimraehl> kimmo: you may be interested in looking at http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/18428 for two editable dates in the register. That was reverted later, due to some users wanting an option to turn it off. I haven't had time to learn how to add the option.
07:15:07 <Jimraehl> The feature borrows the date-entered field in the data, which is normally invisible and uneditable. You would sort on date-entered.
07:15:52 <kimmo> thanks
07:16:29 <kimmo> too bad it's such a minor issue for me I don't think it ranks too high on my gnucash-to-do list :(
07:17:58 * gour is curious what is on the top of kimmo's todo list
07:18:55 <kimmo> the same stuff that's been there for a few years now ;)
07:20:01 <kimmo> fixing the account list collector part in the report subs, updating a custom report, cost center info, regex-based and more flexible account selector etc
07:24:35 <gour> ahh, i'm too new to appreciate it
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08:36:38 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
08:39:07 <warlord> gour: What do you get from: ldd /usr/lib/dbd/libdbdsqlite.so
08:39:41 <warlord> As for the guile.h error, what base distro are you using to compile, and are you sure you have the development packages installed?
09:11:58 <gour> warlord: i use archlinux which has dev packages included
09:12:35 <gour> warlord: subsequent attempt to compile trunk failed, and i've reverted to 2.2.9, but i can try again
09:13:57 <gour> let me build ldbi again
09:14:42 <warlord> No need to recompile dbi, unless you found a problem with it?
09:15:13 <gour> warlord: i rm-ed it being adviced not to tinker with 'bleeding edge' :-)
09:15:29 <gour> warlord: i've re-installed it and here is the output - http://pastebin.com/ERDf27qv
09:15:49 <warlord> There's your problem:
09:15:50 <warlord> libsqlite.so.0 => not found
09:18:45 <gour> hmm
09:19:13 <warlord> where is libsqlite.so.0 located?
09:19:54 <gour> it looks like it wants sqlite2
09:21:12 <warlord> Nope, it should want sqlite3
09:21:50 <gour> /usr/lib/
09:21:51 <warlord> Er, yeah, maybe you're right.
09:22:00 <warlord> Why is it asking for sqlite2?
09:23:01 <warlord> Ohh... I have libdbdsqlite3.so, not /usr/lib/dbd/libdbdsqlite.so
09:23:11 <gour> check this - http://pastebin.com/ESSaZE9R
09:23:15 <gour> right
09:23:27 <gour> the required lib is part of sqlite2 :-/
09:23:47 <warlord> well, that's bogus.. Sounds like the DBD isn't compiled correctly.
09:24:09 <gour> hmm, it might be...let me check pkgbuild script
09:25:10 <gour> it requires both sqlite2 & sqlite2...i'll disable sqlite2 and rebuild
09:25:35 <warlord> k
09:26:28 <gour> is postgres back-end usable or better to focus on testing with sqlite3?
09:26:48 <warlord> i dunno
09:28:33 <gour> ok
09:30:33 * gour is trying to build trunk again
09:31:27 <gour> warlord: what do you say about my problem to build with '-j3', i.e. that i had to use '-j1' ?
09:31:50 <warlord> We don't support -j3
09:31:52 <warlord> or -j2
09:32:11 <warlord> The build system doesn't work with parallel builds
09:32:23 <gour> i see...that's default in my makepkg.conf :-(
09:32:34 <warlord> sucks for you then
09:32:37 <warlord> ;)
09:32:53 <gour> yep
09:35:15 <warlord> FWIW, I dont consider it a bug. However a patch that fixes it would be accepted.
09:35:28 <warlord> (many things break with 'make -j')
09:44:49 <gour> build failed due to 'missing' glade - although it is present - http://pastebin.com/sFxcUc3z
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09:46:49 <warlord> find /usr -name glade.h
09:47:49 <warlord> That does look like a bug...
09:47:57 <warlord> I don't see anything in the includes path for glade.
09:50:04 <gour> http://pastebin.com/jbtFA11b
09:50:27 <warlord> gour: no need to pastebin for 2 lines
09:50:54 <gour> ok.
09:54:45 <warlord> Hmm, gnome-utils uses glade_cflags..
09:55:09 <warlord> So i dont see why it's not working for you.
09:55:21 <warlord> grep GLADE config.status ?
09:57:13 <gour> S["GLADE_LIBS"]="-lglade-2.0 -lgtk-x11-2.0 -lxml2 -lgdk-x11-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgio-2.0 -lpangoft2-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lcairo -lpango-1.0 -lfreetype -"\
09:57:14 <gour> S["GLADE_CFLAGS"]="-I/usr/include/libglade-2.0 -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/include/cairo -I/"\
09:57:15 <gour> S["GNC_GLADE_DIR"]="${GNC_SHAREDIR}/glade"
09:57:37 <warlord> Okay... grep GLADE src/gnome-utils/Makefile
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09:58:05 <warlord> Are you using the most recent SVN checkout?
09:58:35 <gour> yes
09:58:40 <gour> GLADE_CFLAGS = -I/usr/include/libglade-2.0 -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/pixman-1 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng14
09:58:42 <gour> GLADE_LIBS = -lglade-2.0 -lgtk-x11-2.0 -lxml2 -lgdk-x11-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgio-2.0 -lpangoft2-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lcairo -lpango-1.0 -lfreetype -lfontconfig -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lglib-2.0
09:58:44 <gour> GNC_GLADE_DIR = ${GNC_SHAREDIR}/glade
09:58:46 <gour> ${GLADE_CFLAGS} \
10:00:24 <warlord> Okay, for THAT much you should pastebin
10:01:36 <warlord> Huh... I dont understand why I don't see -I/usr/include/libglade-2.0 in your includes line in that compile line.
10:04:13 <gour> ok, so here the rule is to use pastebin for >=3 lines :-)
10:05:53 <warlord> Pretty much, yeah
10:06:20 <gour> ok
10:09:22 <gour> maybe confusion is due to ../glade.h owned by libglade
10:10:10 <warlord> ??
10:11:01 <gour> there are 2 glade.h headers
10:11:18 <gour> /usr/include/libglade-2.0/glade/glade.h
10:11:20 <gour> /usr/include/libgladeui-1.0/gladeui/glade.h
10:11:31 <gour> one is from glade and another from libglade
10:12:25 <gour> the 1st one belongs to libglade pkg
10:19:59 <warlord> Hmm.. I only have /usr/include/libglade-2.0/glade/glade.h on my system
10:20:18 <gour> to which pkg it belongs?
10:20:19 <warlord> However that's not the issue. The failure is not finding glade/glade.h
10:20:29 <warlord> ... to which there is only one.
10:21:09 <warlord> As to why it's not finding it, well, that's because -I/usr/include/glade-2.0 isn't in your include path.. But I don't see why that would be the case.
10:21:18 <warlord> Can you pastebin your src/gnome-utils/Makefile ?
10:24:54 <gour> http://pastebin.com/ue7w5bBG
10:34:42 <warlord> Sorry, I just don't get it. Everything is there. Your compile line is broken, but I don't see why.
10:34:52 <warlord> Maybe start with a clean checkout and try again?
10:35:14 <gour> i tried again from the scratch
10:36:37 <warlord> from 'svn co' ?
10:36:52 <gour> yes
10:38:00 <warlord> I honestly don't know what to tell you. I'm trying to clean build here just to see.
10:38:10 <gour> maybe something is wrong with the build script. i'll check later...
10:38:28 <warlord> stick around for 20min?
10:38:40 <gour> ok
10:41:12 <warlord> I've made it past gnome-utils.
10:42:03 <warlord> So there's nothing wrong with the build.
10:42:06 <warlord> It must be on your end.
10:42:34 <gour> ok
10:42:46 <warlord> I doubt the glade v. gladeui is an issue.
10:42:59 <warlord> Build just completed.
10:43:14 <gour> it's not. i rm-edglade and same
10:44:02 <gour> do you enable dbi?
10:44:21 <warlord> yes
10:44:31 <warlord> I use: /configure '--enable-error-on-warning' '--enable-compile-warnings' '--prefix=/opt/gnucash-svk' '--enable-ofx' '--enable-hbci' '--enable-dbi' '--enable-debug' '--with-html-engine=webkit' '--enable-locale-specific-tax' 'CFLAGS=-g -O0'
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13:34:26 <tedcx> any quick way to export an account from one gnucash and import into another?
13:36:36 <warlord> Not really. There is "GnuCash2QIF", but I dont think that lets you export only a single account.
13:36:49 <warlord> I suppose you could use gnucash2qif, then hand-edit the qif before you import it?
13:42:56 <warlord> be back shortly.
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14:21:45 *** smo has joined #gnucash
14:23:08 <smo> hi everyone. I notice that I often have to add these "patchwork" lines to my checking account in GnuCash, to represent the imbalance in USD from my records there to the actual available balance in my banking account. I notice I can remove these patchwork lines after a few weeks but is there a better way to keep a permanent record of them?
14:23:50 <smo> Basically I may be keeping my checking account balance too close to zero and it feels like the bank is utilizing various holding periods to keep my transactions "in flight". I'm not sure if that made sense but the end result may be I need to keep a bit higher reserves at all times, to buffer for this.
14:25:00 <jsled> you could make some sort of Assets:Being-Transfered account.
14:25:15 <jsled> If you're moving stuff from, say, Checking to Savings and want to account for the in-process time.
14:25:27 <jsled> Or between institutions, where the time is often non-trivial.
14:25:42 <jsled> Assets:Bank-of-Example:Checking -> Assets:Transfer
14:25:53 <jsled> Assets:Transfer -> Assets:Bank-of-Investment:Money-Market
14:26:00 <smo> yes that sounds good. So basically I pass everything through that first, and only finalize out the entry on it when I see that the available balance or whatever ticked up at the other institution
14:26:02 <jsled> Or just choose one date or the other.
14:26:21 <jsled> It's all how much fidelity you really want or, perhaps more importantly, need.
14:27:21 <smo> i think I'll try that for a while. alternatively maybe I just have to wait a few until things get "caught up" again and I won't have these imbalance concerns. but I guess it's better to be prepared because I've been running into this for months. kind of like I've been compacting the issue, running the account too close like a debit account which was the intended use.
14:27:31 <smo> (a few meaning a few weeks)
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14:31:49 <warlord> linas: any chance you could op gncbot, please?
14:40:31 <tedcx> looks like the Java app is the best way to go - thanks.
15:04:11 <warlord> ok.
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15:34:41 <kimmo> smo, I use the Memo field for tracking the status of said payments (for private money where you don't need to memo field for anything else)
15:38:36 <warlord> "status"?
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15:56:21 *** davidfetter has joined #gnucash
15:59:20 <davidfetter> hello
15:59:52 <davidfetter> anybody interested in doing a fork of gnucash that depends on CTEs and windowing functions for the RDBMS back-end?
16:00:40 <jsled> CTE being "common table expression"?
16:00:57 <davidfetter> yes
16:01:22 <davidfetter> basically, the RDBMS can do a *lot* of the heavy lifting if allowed
16:01:38 * davidfetter of course is thinking of postgresql, but firebird might also do in a pinch
16:02:05 <jsled> davidfetter: are you familiar with the current DB backend work?
16:02:53 <davidfetter> not really, but i'm familiar with the problems inherent in supporting multiple back-ends, and have concluded that it's not worth doing
16:03:58 <jsled> well, I don't have a horse in this race, really, so I'll just leave it at that. :)
16:04:49 <davidfetter> http://people.planetpostgresql.org/dfetter/index.php?/archives/32-Portability-Part-I.html
16:04:57 <davidfetter> http://people.planetpostgresql.org/dfetter/index.php?/archives/33-Portability-Part-II.html
16:05:02 <jsled> I see http://fetter.org/ , too.
16:05:07 <jsled> you're hardly an unbiased observer. ;)
16:05:09 <davidfetter> 15 years of distilled hard knocks, there ^^
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16:06:08 <davidfetter> "portability" is basically a benefit, if it is one at all, to the maker of a proprietary piece of software. no real benefits otherwise
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16:22:56 <smo> kimmo: for the memo do you mean on a full on invoice and payment? that's useful but what I have in mind is different
16:23:30 <smo> kimmo: the issue was just on transactions to a regular checking account
16:24:18 <smo> so my idea then is to basically quarantine the thing by using as Astes:CheckingTrasfers-In and Assets:CheckingTransfers-out
16:25:12 <smo> this way I can keep track of all the in-flight transfers. if there is a discrepancy between my checking balance and the actual balance as reported at the bank, i should have a record of it and be able to track things down.
16:35:41 <cinex> smo
16:35:49 <cinex> what do u mean 'in flight'?
16:36:13 <smo> it adds a horrendous amount of complexity I think but maybe I won't have to do it for all transactions after a while, if at all
16:36:29 <smo> so the scenario is that if you have a bunch of transactions going to your checking account (say a debit card)
16:36:35 <cinex> it takes 3 days to clear a check
16:36:39 <cinex> 3-5
16:36:40 <smo> the bank will often hold onto that transfer for 3 days or maybe more?
16:37:06 <cinex> a debit from a debit card can take up to a weekl
16:37:13 <smo> sometimes it seems like it enters a mysterious hold period. i have to add these little "patchwork" Imbalance-USD transactions to make up the difference
16:37:14 <cinex> is that what u mean ?
16:37:20 <smo> then like two weeks later I can rip them out, but I lose the recods.
16:37:29 <smo> oh i didn't know it takes a week, interesting.
16:37:33 <smo> that would explain it :)
16:37:54 <cinex> it can. it depends on US regulation, the time it takes the store to actually pass the request to the bank
16:38:01 <cinex> and what time of day u do it
16:38:26 <cinex> you asked this in the other room rigth?
16:38:28 <smo> right. i see the time the transaction goes though because when the bank posts the entry to the account they show the original time it entered the system
16:38:57 <smo> ah I see you are still there in the other room, yes.
16:38:58 <cinex> i dont see how this affects your account in gnucash
16:39:38 <cinex> when u spend your money, you enter it into gnucash?
16:39:42 <smo> i think I just needed some more patience
16:39:48 <smo> that's right i do.
16:40:07 <smo> in the US we don't see the difference between what is earmarked and what is available
16:40:11 <smo> we just see what is available from the banks perspective.
16:40:21 <cinex> then you do that, and when u get your bank statement you use the reconsile function and you tick the transactions that are complete
16:40:36 <cinex> then in the summary bar it tells u how much money the bank hasn't processed
16:40:37 <cinex> i think
16:40:43 <cinex> I learned that yesterday
16:40:43 <jsled> yeah. I don't know why you care to record their different timestamp stuff.
16:41:51 <cinex> the idea of gnucash - in this sense - is that its more accurate than your bank and you can not bother checking your balance :P
16:42:11 <cinex> and u can spot the bank robbing money etc
16:42:37 <smo> it's probably my own doing. but I have this overall sense that the banking process is very dynamic. the 1-week to debit time might explain things though. i knew there was a 3-5 day for transfers but in some cases I have to leave these "patch" statements in place for a couple weeks until it finally makes sense to remove them to get the balances (mine, and the banks) to sync up again.
16:43:12 <cinex> if u think about it smo, there is a large network filtering a lot of transactions, it wont be instant
16:43:24 <cinex> but the bank will earmark the cash to stop u spending it twice
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16:44:13 <jsled> smo: you really might just want to use reconciliation to track that stuff.
16:44:15 <smo> for example, if I order a bunch of computer products online and only some of the transactions go through the remaining may end up in some kind of hold at the bank
16:44:18 <cinex> people used to go into the bank and withdraw all their money, then run to the atm to pull it out again before the system caught up lol
16:44:24 <smo> kind of in dispute for a few weeks until it is released, maybe a month?
16:44:43 <cinex> yeah, the bank delays it
16:45:08 <cinex> I know that in the UK these procedures are slowed down on purpose (the ATMs run slower than they are able too) to stop fraud
16:45:23 <smo> so my point is, the bank has a full on perspective but they onl;y show you what they want you to have available. in the UK like you said at least they list off what is earmarked and what's available
16:45:38 <cinex> yeah.
16:46:09 <cinex> the bank lent all your money to someone else anyway
16:46:19 <cinex> they juggle what they have left
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16:47:15 <cinex> by law, the bank has to keep a certain percentage of your money available, the rest is loaned out and invested. thats why when everybody pulls all their money out a once ('a run on the bank') the bank collapses
16:47:36 <cinex> which is what happened in the UK like 2 years ago
16:47:40 <cinex> possibly in the US too
16:47:59 <warlord> c.f. It's a Wonderful Life
16:50:33 <cinex> anyway, try to use the reconcile function to keep tabs on what has left the bank and what hasn't (however often you can get a statement/ledger from the bank.
16:51:08 <smo> yeah I was just reading about that. i think i'll use that approach and also keep in mind the longer (behind the scenes) transaction time for debit
16:51:11 <kimmo> cinex, actually in fractional reserve banking that's not exactly the case. For every $10 deposited, banks can loan out about $90
16:51:26 <cinex> what?
16:51:34 <cinex> they are always - $80 ?
16:51:45 <smo> yes I enjoyed watching the google video on fractional reserve lending. it puts our whole system in perspective
16:52:04 <cinex> yeah man, the muslims say interest is evil - they aint wrong eh
16:52:10 <kimmo> the actual fraction varies by country, in finland it is something like 1/12
16:53:37 <kimmo> so when I deposit $10, the bank can loan out 12 times $10. This is of course not government issued money, but instead a bank-certified IOU, with my deposit as the collateral
16:53:42 <warlord> smo: this is why we have three reconciliation states: 'n'ot reconciled, 'c'leared, and 'yes' reconciled
16:54:19 <cinex> they the only debt free money is the cash in your pocket
16:54:26 <cinex> not anymore though
16:54:35 <cinex> cos they are all printing money they dont have
16:54:48 <kimmo> warlord, speaking of issuing notes, do the very old banks still have their own license to print legal tender in the US?
16:54:56 <cinex> noo
16:55:03 <warlord> ummm... no.
16:55:13 <jsled> this is the claim.
16:55:16 <kimmo> ok
16:55:23 <jsled> But I can't imagine it's legit
16:55:37 <smo> warlord my current statement from the bank starts feb 1st and ends feb 28th, 2010. so should I enter the start date to begin the reconciliation process? any other tips to get started with this?
16:56:01 <smo> my concern is whether certain items are still not reconciled and the balances aren't lined up.
16:56:12 <warlord> No, you enter the ending date. Reconciliation is always from "the start of time" to the reconcile date.
16:56:20 <kimmo> (I just read Warren Buffet's bio and it says he keeps a Rockford bank note in his wallet and it's legal tender, as the bank's license to print money dates from before the US treasury monopolized printing money)
16:56:21 <smo> ok thanks
16:56:23 <cinex> smo the summarry bar should give u all that data
16:56:32 <warlord> You're just making sure that your records match the bank statements.
16:56:42 <warlord> It's possible that not everything in your account actually hit the bank..
16:58:34 <cinex> smo go down the funds out/in columns looking for them on your statement, check the amounts etc, and use the tick button to tick them once checked
16:58:36 <kimmo> there was a case in Finland this summer where a supplier of credit/debit card swipers had some buggy code which resulted in the affected units not transmitting the transactions to card companies. They only noticed this after 18 months, as most of the units worked just fine
16:58:56 <cinex> do it from the statement to pc, when your through your statement. it will tell you how much off your balance is
16:59:21 <cinex> or i think it does
17:00:26 <cinex> actually, just clicking on the item ticks it
17:01:45 <cinex> i have a difference of $0 :p
17:09:08 <warlord> that's good.
17:15:17 *** Rolf has joined #gnucash
17:20:21 <Rolf> For the last couple of days I unsuccessfully tried to recompile version r18249 which I apparently had installed previously. I tried recompiling the tarball and debian packaging information I had kept and even set up a karmic chroot to closely remember my earlier setup. Things fail (I currently don't have the error log).
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17:21:55 <Rolf> I also tried to recompile from a plain svn checkout with -r 18249. The result is http://paste.debian.net/64774/ and I don't think that is because of missing packages on the compile host (I resolved a couple of those).
17:23:12 <Rolf> I'm a bit desperate now to get back to my earlier installation so that I can export the sqlite file to XML as warlord said would be necessary to fix an issue I have with scheduled TX in one of my gnucash files.
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17:24:24 * gour still has compile problem with missing glade/glade.h :-/
17:28:41 <warlord> Rolf: what version of goffice?
17:28:59 <warlord> gour: don't know what to tell you..
17:29:19 <Rolf> libgoffice-0-8 0.8.0-1ubuntu2
17:29:21 <Rolf> too old?
17:29:24 <Rolf> too new?
17:29:36 <Rolf> gour: what compile host?
17:29:43 <Rolf> what distro?
17:29:43 <gour> warlord: libglade-2.0.pc is on place, it's correct, Makefile in gnome-utils has correct cflags
17:29:47 <gour> Rolf: x86_64
17:30:12 <gour> Rolf: archlinux, but i'm trying compile from co which fails as well
17:30:35 <Rolf> are you sure that file is on the host?
17:30:57 <gour> Rolf: ../../src/gnome-utils/dialog-utils.h:29:25: error: glade/glade.h: No such file or directory
17:30:59 <warlord> Rolf: maybe too new.
17:31:03 <gour> yep. it is
17:31:05 * warlord has goffice-0.6.6-4.fc12.x86_64
17:31:26 <Rolf> warlord: thanks. I'll see about installing an older version and retry.
17:31:33 <gour> i've 0.8.1
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17:31:55 <warlord> I think there was a patch to get it compiling with 0.8, but I dont know if/when that was committed.
17:32:33 <warlord> gour: as for your problem..... It makes no sense to me. The Makefile is correct, but the deps aren't being built properly. What happens if you try building from the 2.3.10 tarball?
17:32:55 <gour> yeah, archlinux has patch for gconf-0.8
17:32:59 <gour> warlord: i'll try
17:33:31 <warlord> gour: gconf? or goffice?
17:33:49 <gour> ahh, goffice :-)
17:34:18 <gour> http://repos.archlinux.org/wsvn/packages/gnucash/repos/extra-x86_64/03_goffice_0-8_support.patch
17:35:41 <warlord> gour: so maybe you should talk to the arch people if gnucash isn't building...
17:35:55 <warlord> (although no idea why they'd package SVN)
17:37:13 <gour> warlord: well, the version in arch's repo is 2.2.9
17:38:06 <gour> warlord: pkgbuild scripts are in svn and since goffice in repo is 0.8, there is need for patch
17:39:59 <gour> warlord: same problem with 2.3.10 :-/
17:41:29 <gour> now i'm trying to build 2.2.9 from src
17:42:26 <warlord> gour: Also note that patches against 2.2.9 might not properly apply against SVN
17:47:30 <gour> 2.2.9 built from the src
17:47:41 <Rolf> jsled: looks like somebody else already packaged 2.3.10
17:47:52 <Rolf> not sure if they turned on the sqlite thing
17:48:15 <Rolf> https://launchpad.net/~khaeru/+archive/ppa
17:49:06 <warlord> gour: Sorry, I really don't know what to tell you. Your makefile looks fine, it has the glade includes, but your compile line does not, which doesn't make any sense.
17:50:03 <Rolf> jsled: well, looks like he tried. but did not succeed
17:50:07 <Rolf> all builds failed
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17:58:06 <warlord> BIAB
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19:38:07 <Rolf> r18249 compiled now. it seems that indeed goffice-0.8 was incompatible at that revision.
19:38:22 <Rolf> Unfortunately, the binary coredumps at startup
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19:42:13 <warlord> gdb + backtrace?
19:47:26 <Rolf> well, in the end I just want to remove that scheduled tx
19:47:29 <Rolf> and get on with life
19:47:37 <Rolf> :-(
19:47:45 <warlord> I understand.
20:01:35 <Rolf> http://paste.debian.net/64797/ is what I get
20:02:15 <Rolf> http://paste.debian.net/64798/ are the last couple of lines from the terminal
20:11:10 <warlord> Cool.. You should send the full backtrace to Phil.
20:11:46 <warlord> I'm not sure what he'll say to you........
20:11:52 <warlord> Do you have any XML-based backups of your data?
20:12:08 <Rolf> from about 2 years ago?
20:12:10 <Rolf> yes :-/
20:12:15 <warlord> :(
20:12:23 <warlord> When did you start using the SQL backend?
20:12:24 <Rolf> But I don't the data itself is corrupted
20:12:28 <warlord> Not 2 years ago.
20:12:30 <Rolf> sqlite sees the data fine
20:12:43 <Rolf> Don't know, but I'm sure I was one of the first
20:12:53 <Rolf> It's certainly well over a year, I'm sure
20:13:26 <Rolf> and it may be that I created that file after using sqlite
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20:15:40 <Rolf> warlord: could the python bindings have an effect here?
20:15:48 <Rolf> I used to compile with that feature turned on
20:15:58 <warlord> Unlikely.
20:16:05 <Rolf> but I had to disable it or else I just would have never gotten a binary
20:16:06 <Rolf> OK
20:16:07 <warlord> This is a crash in the SQL loader
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20:53:14 <Rolf> Maybe I'm in luck
20:53:23 <Rolf> I finally managed to resurrect X on my old laptop
20:53:33 <Rolf> and that one's got the old version of gnucash installed
20:58:54 <warlord> SWEET!
21:02:30 <Rolf> well, that version of gnucash crashes on the file as well
21:02:44 <Rolf> But that computer has an old file as well
21:02:54 <Rolf> I wonder if there is a diff tool for sqlite
21:04:36 <Rolf> looks like there is
21:04:39 <Rolf> http://www.fmpromigrator.com/products/sqlite_diff/index.html
21:05:08 <Rolf> albeit that's paid
21:13:08 <Rolf> It must be related to some of the libs, too
21:13:35 <Rolf> old file and old gnucash also gets me the "unable to save database" message
21:14:58 <Rolf> but at least the file does open and I can explicitly save it
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21:35:07 <warlord> well, can you save-as XML?
21:57:41 *** linas sets mode: +o warlord
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21:58:33 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot
21:58:35 <warlord> thank you linas
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23:00:38 <gpoo> is there any way to create an extension/plugin for gnucash?
23:01:44 <jsled> the system is built up of modules as runtime-loaded libraries.
23:02:08 <jsled> at the same time, it doesn't have a trivial plugin interface, or even install headers to build against.
23:02:19 <jsled> so, yes, but it's not trivial.
23:02:27 <jsled> gpoo: what are you looking to do
23:02:27 <jsled> ?
23:03:23 <gpoo> I would like to import paypal data.
23:03:37 <gpoo> however, I have found the data may be exported as qif
23:04:55 <gpoo> the idea of importing paypal data is to avoid to add the transactions manually (which are a lot)
23:09:37 <gpoo> it seems qif file format does not have a way to detect the character set. The importer tells me a lot of "conversions" which basically discard any non-ascii character :-/
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