2010-03-26 GnuCash IRC logs
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07:59:45 <gour> anyone has some experience with customizing invoices/reports using eguile?
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11:49:01 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
11:49:08 <warlord> gour: probably very few people.
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12:18:02 *** UukGoblin has joined #gnucash
12:18:05 <UukGoblin> hi :-)
12:18:25 <UukGoblin> just starting to read the manual, and I have a question. "everything that accounting deals with can be placed into one of these 5 accounts
12:18:38 <UukGoblin> : assets, liabilities, equity, income, expenses"
12:18:56 <UukGoblin> what category would it be if I borrow money to a friend and want that tracked?
12:19:34 <jsled> asset
12:20:05 <jsled> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_do_I_account_for_loaning.2Fborrowing_money_to.2Ffrom_a_friend.3F
12:20:07 <UukGoblin> ah, I see
12:20:12 <UukGoblin> thank you :-)
12:20:49 <UukGoblin> looks awesome, I love it when software I want to use is smarter than me :-)
12:23:43 <UukGoblin> one more question/concern: I bank with halifax (UK), and as far as I'm aware they only provide a web-based transaction display. I don't see any option to export my transactions as a file. Are there any automated converters, or is there a way I could write a parser for that www? (I'm good with perl and know how to use WWW::Mechanize for instance)
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12:29:12 <warlord> Anything is possible, it's just a simple matter of programming. However sometihng like that would most likely be an external-to-gnucash tool.
12:30:02 <UukGoblin> are there such tools already?
12:30:21 <warlord> Probably not
12:30:37 <UukGoblin> ok, thanks :-) I'll keep reading for now ;-)
12:33:14 <warlord> Okay
12:33:27 <warlord> For what it's worth, I don't use the importers for anything.
12:33:42 <warlord> (although I'd love to be able to import my retirement fund account info)
12:45:52 <UukGoblin> I'm not sure what I can do with gnucash yet, but I'd like to have everything as automated as possible
12:46:13 <UukGoblin> so make the software connect with my online banking regularly and get recent transactions
12:46:34 <UukGoblin> I'd also like to be able to insert stuff from my mobile and then have it sync with the computer
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12:47:46 <warlord> The only online syncing we support is OFX-DC and HBCI. The latter is only in Germany.
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12:47:59 <warlord> .. all that is provided by AqBanking
12:48:04 * UukGoblin nods
12:52:49 <UukGoblin> hmmm... section 2.3.1, "When you open GnuCash the first time, you will get this [New Account Hierarchy Setup] dialog"
12:52:52 <UukGoblin> not true...
12:53:04 <UukGoblin> I got a main window + a help window containing the manual...
12:53:17 <UukGoblin> can't find the New Account Hierarchy Setup druid :-O
12:54:58 <gour> warlord: i'm curious if one can experiment with eguile in guile's repl?
12:55:17 <warlord> UukGoblin: File -> New -> New File
12:55:24 <warlord> repl?
12:56:01 <UukGoblin> warlord, ah, thanks
12:56:17 <gour> warlord: read-evaluate-print-loop, using guile's cli
12:56:37 <warlord> gour: no clue
12:58:28 <gour> warlord: i.e. modify something in *.scm files and evaluate to see what's going on...calling e.g. taxinvoice.scm guile complains about missing 'no code for module (gnucash main)'
12:59:30 <warlord> gour: are you trying to load the report directly in guile, outside gnucash?
12:59:52 <gour> warlord: yes
12:59:59 <warlord> gour: you cannot do that.
13:00:16 <warlord> ... at least not without setting up a BUNCH of environment variables first.
13:00:28 <gour> i assume that modules used in report are available somewhere...ohh
13:00:53 <warlord> Try: gnucash-env guile
13:00:56 <gour> so, it means, that, in theory, it is possible
13:01:17 <warlord> in theory anything is possible!
13:01:31 <gour> warlord: that is better
13:02:16 <gour> i get Unbound variable: N_ for the 'myinvoice.scm:160:22: In expression (N_ "Headings 1"):' line
13:02:52 <gour> what is the meaning of N_...wiki page mentions it but i didn't find any explanation for it
13:03:10 <warlord> It means "mark this string for translation, but don't translate it now"
13:03:31 <warlord> It's generally used when you want access to a string in both translated and untranslated forms.
13:03:53 <gour> ahh, kind of 'gettext' mechanism
13:04:17 <gour> and when it's just '_' ?
13:05:02 <warlord> _ == gettext()
13:05:25 <gour> ok. thanks
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13:11:45 <gour> i wanted to find some simple invoicing-only app as interim solution until i 'cook' reports in gnucash, but it was horrible experience...4 out of 5 apps cannot handle croatian characters (3 due to using crap of dompdf php lib, one due to unknown reason), so i have quite a bitter taste in my mouth and consider better to spend time with gnucash than tinkering with php crap
13:16:59 <warlord> heheheh
13:18:05 <gour> it's hard to believe that in 21st century they cannot handle utf-8 :-/
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13:29:11 <warlord> LOL
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13:32:38 <gour> otoh, it's no wonder considering their domain name (http://www.digitaljunkies.ca/dompdf/)
13:32:41 <UukGoblin> hmmm
13:33:01 <UukGoblin> is it possible to record a "I'm not sure what happened, but here's the new balance" event?
13:33:17 <UukGoblin> like for instance I got drunk and don't remember what I spend the money I had in my wallet for?
13:33:38 <UukGoblin> and then perhaps I'll remind myself later by finding a receipt for something?
13:33:54 <gour> UukGoblin: don't do that and don't count on that :-D
13:34:29 <UukGoblin> or when I have a bank statement missing, for instance
13:34:35 <warlord> UukGoblin: I just periodically do a "Balancing Transaction" to Expenses:Miscellaneous
13:34:45 <UukGoblin> warlord, right
13:35:25 <UukGoblin> I was trying to do something like that and enter amount in 'balance' rather than deposit/withdrawal, but it seems it wants me to calculate that on my own ;-]
13:36:55 <warlord> Use math. In the withdrawal column type "<lastBalance>-<currentBalance>" E.g. 283-192
13:37:12 <warlord> Just type it in directly and GnuCash will calculate that for you
13:37:18 <UukGoblin> ah, cool
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14:26:25 <gour> hmm, now i see that when i commented exprs of the form "(define headingpage (N_ "Headings 1"))", can use procedures defined in myinvoice.scm
14:27:58 <gour> otoh, using "(define headingpage "Headings 1")" works, of course, but i wonder what kind of impact it has...maybe it's ok for tweaking the report and then revert to 'translatable' string...what do you think?
14:29:16 <warlord> sure. There's no difference between "xxx" and (N_ "xxx") except the translation, which doesn't matter when you're testing.
14:29:29 <gour> cool
14:30:12 <gour> there is another procedure i had to comment - (gnc:define-report) which, probably, installs the report in gnucash's menu
14:30:41 <warlord> yes
14:30:51 <gour> good
14:32:04 <gour> now here is the essence - (define (report-renderer report-obj) ), so we'll have to dive into api docs
14:32:30 <warlord> Note that without the report infrastructure I'm not sure what your report will actually do
14:32:36 <warlord> .. or how you can really debug it
14:33:18 <gour> is it possible from cli guile to fetch gnucash's data?
14:34:05 <gour> otoh, by playing a bit with the sample, we'll, at least, become more familiar about this eguile mechanism...and that is also something :-)
14:34:26 <warlord> Umm.. It should be, but you need to do a lot of work in scheme to read it.
14:35:08 <gour> ..since, iirc, there are plenty of other reports 'waiting to be converted' to eguile, right?
14:35:38 <warlord> There are.
14:36:13 <gour> ok. then we'll just study the 'code' and play with individual procedures
14:36:22 <warlord> ok
14:36:37 <gour> i hope it will be much more rewarding than installing php crap ;)
14:38:04 <gour> the sample has lines like (use-modules (gnucash report eguile-gnc)), or (use-modules (gnucash business-utils))...is it safe to assume they provide door to report infractructure?
14:38:50 <warlord> maybe.. dunno.. but i have to go.
14:39:04 <gour> ok. thank you for helping
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15:06:43 <gour> manual says that "It is also necessary to access data from the engine to get information for your report. This is performed by a set of Scheme wrapper functions that are documented in the file src/g-wrap/gnc.html." anyone can say where is this stuff now?
15:08:27 <jsled> gour: look for the .i files.
15:08:33 <jsled> all the g-wrap stuff moved to swig.
15:08:46 <gour> jsled: thanks
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15:11:52 <gour> i've found report-systen.i, but it's almost empty, but report-system.scm is more interested...hopefully it is relevant
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16:06:53 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
16:08:47 <warlord> gour: i'm back
16:09:05 * gour is happy
16:13:47 <gour> warlord: i'm chatting in guile and the question is how to find out in guile by using 'ls' module what is available in e.g. (gnucash report eguile-gnc)
16:14:33 <warlord> I dont understand what you mean 'ls' in guile?
16:14:46 <warlord> What do you mean "find out in guile ... what is available in ... ?
16:15:53 <gour> ls.scm module in ice-9
16:17:01 * jsled wonders if 'ls' is like python's 'dir'?
16:17:03 <warlord> never heard of it. never uesed it.
16:17:09 <gour> now i got it...(use-modules (gnucash report eguile-gnc)) means to import stuff from ../src/report/report-system/eguile-gnc
16:17:20 <gour> so now we can inspect stuff
16:18:45 <warlord> I means to load the file that has (define-module (gnucash report eguile-gnc)) which happens to be .../eguile-gnc.scm
16:20:00 <gour> (use-modules (gnucash report eguile-gnc)) - that's what sample report uses
16:20:31 <gour> jsled: i also think so...loading 'ls' and evaluating (ls) shows similar stuff
16:20:59 <gour> otoh, it's funny that one always finds out something only after posting to the mailing list :-)
16:23:07 <gour> but i'm also not sure where to look for (use-modules (gnucash main))
16:24:09 <warlord> gour: src/scm
16:26:39 <gour> warlord: thanks. very helpful
16:27:56 <warlord> you're welcome
16:28:19 <warlord> also: find . -name \*.scm | xargs grep 'define-module | grep 'gnucash main
16:28:27 <warlord> (er, missing a trailing ')
16:31:52 <gour> warlord: do you know about http://www.gnu.org/software/kawa/XML-beyond-Scheme.html
16:32:29 <warlord> Nope.
17:00:39 * gour ---> sleep wishing 'night to everyone
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17:20:39 <tedcx1> any way to merge 2 files together? I.e. 2006-2007 and 2008-present?
17:28:47 <warlord> tedcx1: convert 1 to QIF and them import it? (c.f. gnucash2qif)
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19:41:53 <tedcx1> qif doesn't handle transactions, but it could be done one account at a time..
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20:28:30 <warlord> tedcx1: what do you mean "qif doesn't handle transactions"?
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21:48:22 <ny2bass> I have used gnucash windows for a few years, and have started using GNUdebian a few months ago. I have installed gnucash and it's great, but recently it opens the file and quits. any ideas? i have done reinstallation to no avail.
21:48:56 <warlord> ny2bass: anything printed in /tmp/gnucash.trace? Also, what version of gnucash? And... do you have any Scheduled Transactions?
21:49:13 <ny2bass> looking...
21:49:18 <warlord> (there are known bugs in Debian's 2.2.6)
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21:51:45 <ny2bass> ty, GnuCash 2.2.6 . no .trace file contents. i believe i disabled all scheduled transactions
21:52:35 <warlord> Try: gnucash --nofile Then File -> Open your datafile
21:53:44 <ny2bass> yes, i tried that. that's when i see the file open and programn quits
21:54:08 <ny2bass> i problem started after installing wicd network program
21:54:47 <ny2bass> when removing gnucash the first time, aptitude also removed some dhcp items
21:56:43 <ny2bass> a lock file is present after each attempt to open, i am deleting them
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21:58:15 <ny2bass> i just tried starting with termonal
21:58:24 <ny2bass> terminal , sorry
21:58:57 <ny2bass> program must be running, because it has not released the terminal window
21:59:16 <warlord> Did you run "gnucash" or "gnucash &"
21:59:20 <ny2bass> yet, i have no gnucash window
21:59:31 <ny2bass> just 'gnucash'
21:59:49 <ny2bass> i am unfamiliar with "&"
21:59:53 <warlord> Sorry, I need to leave. Try attaching gdb and getting a backtrace
21:59:59 <warlord> The & puts it into the background
22:00:04 <ny2bass> ah
22:00:10 <ny2bass> gdb =?
22:00:33 <warlord> gnu debugger
22:00:36 <ny2bass> ok thanks for your help
22:01:09 <warlord> maybe someone else will chime in. Or you can send email to the gnucash-user mailing list
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