2010-04-08 GnuCash IRC logs
00:54:10 *** jpetersen has joined #gnucash
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06:41:06 <shahsag> hello, I've searched around the web and couldn't find the answer/solution to my problem, but still apologies if I've missed it...
06:41:17 <shahsag> The problem I have is running Gnucash on Windows 7 64-bit
06:41:25 <shahsag> I have seen gnucash work fine on 32-bit windows 7
06:41:44 <shahsag> on 64-bit it seems to load my file but hten displays a blank screen other than the menubar, save and close toolbar buttons
06:41:54 <shahsag> is there an option that will provide greater debugging info?
06:48:04 <shahsag> have tried this in the .cmd file:
06:48:04 <shahsag> start gnucash-bin --debug --log gnc.scm=debug --logto stderr %*
06:48:11 <shahsag> but get no additioal info to stderr
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08:21:18 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:23:09 <warlord> shade304: File -> Open ?
08:23:19 <warlord> shahsag: that was to you....
08:23:27 <warlord> ... and also try File -> New -> New Account Page
08:24:06 <shahsag> I do beleive i can create new account files, I just can't open an existing account file that I have successfuly used on Win7 32bit and Ubuntu 9.10
08:25:39 <gour> warlord: have those patches to enable gnucash t obuild with guile-2.x landed in the repo?
08:26:28 <shade304> good morning
08:26:40 <warlord> gour: No clue. You can search trac as easily as I can...
08:27:15 <warlord> shahsag: If it's showing an empty page with no tabs, just the menu and toolbar, try creating an accounts page.
08:27:36 <warlord> As for why it's not doing that automatically.... I dont know, I don't run Windows.
08:29:31 <shahsag> as per my earlier question is there anything I can do to help idenityf the cause - e.g. get futher debugging info out?
08:29:51 <shahsag> your suggestion of "Ne Accoutns Page" works :)
08:30:24 <shahsag> And persists across exit/start
08:30:34 <warlord> It DOES persist?
08:30:41 <shahsag> yes :)
08:30:46 <shahsag> I guess this could be added to the Windows FAQ - I don't remember having to do this with 32bit win7
08:30:48 <warlord> Huh! That's... odd.
08:30:52 <shahsag> indeed
08:30:58 <shahsag> i didn't expect your suggestion to work tbh
08:30:59 <warlord> Well, you can always add it to the FAQ.
08:31:18 <shahsag> ok that answers my next Q, whether the FAQ was publiccally editable
08:31:20 <shahsag> will do shortly :)
08:31:42 <shahsag> i noticed that the most recent release on the unstable branch supports new file formats (if that's the correct term) including an SQLite db
08:31:53 <shahsag> is it possible to convert from the existing stable branch format to SQLite ?
08:31:58 <warlord> The FAQ is just a wiki :)
08:32:14 <shahsag> sure, but some products have wikis that are only editable by blessed users etc. etc.
08:32:18 <warlord> shahsag: yes, but I wouldn't do that until 2.4, unless you want to play tester and keep two data files.
08:32:29 <warlord> Just File -> Save As
08:32:33 <warlord> .. and choose SQLite
08:32:42 <shahsag> cool, i might give it a go, but as you say, keep a backup
08:32:58 <gour> warlord: afaics, those patches were jsut sent to the dev list. does it make sense to open ticket in bugzilla for them?
08:33:43 <warlord> gour: sure.
08:33:49 <gour> ok
08:34:51 <shahsag> warlord: looking at the wiki page (Windows), to keep consistency I should perhaps raise this issue as a bug and then add the bugzilla link to the "Known issues" section. Is that an acceptable course of action? (i.e. raising something this minor as a bugzilla ticet)
08:35:17 * warlord shrugs
08:35:25 <warlord> It may be worth it.
08:37:50 <warlord> depends if it's completely repeatable with different data files, or it just happened this one time.
08:38:51 <shahsag> it was repeatable with the same datafile on two different versions of gnucash (latest released on stable and unstable branches). I could try other dummy datafiles before I submit the bug.
08:40:39 <warlord> would probably be good to make sure you can repeat it with a dummy data file, so you could submit the data file and say "put this file *here*, do *this*, ..."
08:54:01 <shahsag> indeed, that would make a better quality bug report
08:54:22 <shahsag> speaking of 2.4, is there a target release schedule for it?
08:59:46 <warlord> only what's on the wiki
09:14:59 <warlord> gour: you should attach the patch to the report, not use a gmane URL as that could change (theoretically) -- it's outside our control
09:46:25 <gour> warlord: ok
09:54:15 <warlord> Oh right, I forgot that it was a series of like 13 patches.
09:56:05 * gour attached all of 'em
09:58:19 <warlord> I noticed.
09:58:38 <gour> :-)
09:58:59 <warlord> jsled: clearing out the backlog, eh?
09:59:08 <warlord> @op linas__
09:59:08 *** gncbot sets mode: +o linas__
09:59:32 <jsled> yeah. hadn't moderated for a while. Thinking about making an open call for moderators; getting bored of doing it.
09:59:43 <warlord> ok
10:00:02 <jsled> I'll see if I can get back into the habit, first, though. if I do it every morning, it doesn't take too long.
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10:12:36 <warlord> k
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11:04:01 <shade304> if I receive a payment from a customer on 4/1, can I later change the date in the check register to 4/3, or do I have to delete and re-enter?
11:08:06 <warlord> you can safely change the date
11:08:24 <shade304> :)
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11:51:12 <fell> Hi, I get compile errors in src/engine/swig-engine.c. So, what is the input, to generate that file?
11:56:41 <fell> Ah, it seems to be engine.i. I will try to understand that.
12:07:59 <warlord> it's created by swig.
12:08:07 <warlord> What version of swig do you have?
12:14:41 <fell> at the moment, I believe, the problem is, that I try to build in git,
12:15:31 <fell> because in makefile the section is commented out.
12:16:39 <fell> configure.log says: BUILDING_FROM_SVN_FALSE=''
12:16:59 <fell> BUILDING_FROM_SVN_TRUE='#'
12:17:38 <warlord> That could be a problem, yes. But I thought we had fixed that. What branch/version are you trying to build?
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12:21:22 <fell> I try to build from trunk, to check Bug 573702
12:35:28 <warlord> fell: is there a .git in your checkout dir?
12:35:37 <warlord> how are you running configure?
12:37:01 <fell> yes, probably I should use a separate build dir.
12:38:05 <fell> ./configure --prefix=/home/frank/test ...
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12:52:43 <warlord> Hmm, using ./configure... So you're working in the same dir as the srcdir.. Which should be fine. So something must be wrong with gnc-svnversion
12:52:52 <warlord> is 'git' not in your path?
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12:53:43 <fell> > which git
12:53:45 <fell> /usr/bin/git
12:54:08 <warlord> Huh.
12:54:28 <warlord> what do you get from: util/gnc-svnversion .
12:55:12 <fell> file or directory not foundnot
12:56:02 <fell> Oh, sorry, a little misunderstanding
13:01:58 <warlord> okay, so is it working now?
13:03:44 <fell> Hm, I killed util/gnc-svnversion by wrong klicking :-(
13:09:00 <warlord> :(
13:11:50 *** forky has joined #gnucash
13:11:57 <forky> Hi!
13:14:36 <fell> util/gnc-svnversion . answers with nothing.
13:17:57 <forky> I have got an question... I am trying to create a new account tree template. SKR20 btw. That worked, but on the second step; making the account tree creation assistant accept that XML file fails. The list is empty when I add that XML to the accounts/de_DE directory. I already used xmllint to check it and also debugged into it a little. Unfortunately I have compiled with optimization and could not exactly locate where it fails; I could see that the
13:17:58 <forky> global_data, parse_result); in sixtp.c (backend/xml/sixtp.c) L 754 returned a NULL pointer.
13:18:23 <forky> Anyone idea how to proceed or even more knowledge in the XML- parser part?
13:20:34 <warlord> fell: Interesting.. It should give you the git revision number of the source tree. Are you sure that '.' is a valid git checkout?
13:21:33 <warlord> forky: did you add the necessary gnucash-xea wrapper XML around the exported account tree?
13:24:26 <fell> I am a socratic, I only know, I know nothing ;-). fatal: invalid --pretty format: %h
13:26:27 <fell> forky, did you read http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/AccountHierarchyTemplate
13:28:24 <forky> @ warlord, fell: yes and fixed the missing namespace statement on the wiki. Additionally I already found that it does not say that the account type needs be change to "new" for tag act:parent and act:id.. which I observed when reading through the existing XML - templates.
13:28:24 <gncbot> forky: Error: "warlord," is not a valid command.
13:28:29 <fell> warlord, without --pretty ... I get commit 14ed517e2d9b7bd54364420c4f8698e90e9ea1d0
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13:29:08 <warlord> fell: Interesting. I didn't put that in there. I have no idea what --pretty is supposed to do.
13:29:10 <forky> warlord, fell: yes and fixed the missing namespace statement on the wiki. Additionally I already found that it does not say that the account type needs be change to "new" for tag act : parent and act : id.. which I observed when reading through the existing XML - templates.
13:29:24 <warlord> forky: please add that to the wiki?
13:30:14 <fell> and forky, the script needs also your update.
13:30:24 <forky> warlord; yes I can do that. Is it correct then, that the type attribute needs to be changed? If so, why does it still not work?
13:30:43 <warlord> yes, it needs to be changed.
13:30:48 <forky> I'd like to update the wiki when I found a working procedure, not when I am still struggeling myself.
13:31:26 <warlord> Okay
13:33:28 <forky> How were the other templates generated, if that question is allowed?
13:34:43 <fell> warlord: git help log
13:36:24 <warlord> Huh.
13:36:55 <warlord> I wonder why it doesn't like --pretty=%h ?
13:37:16 <fell> forky, uh that was lightyears ago
13:37:17 <forky> fell, update of script to sample done.
13:37:22 <fell> thx
13:37:42 <forky> hmm...
13:38:08 <warlord> probably by hand
13:38:29 <forky> anyone you know of how did recently work on the xml parser stuff?
13:38:38 <fell> can be one of oneline, short, medium, full, fuller,
13:38:39 <fell> email, raw and format:<string>
13:40:55 <fell> probably it should read "--pretty format:%h" instead of =%h ?
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13:44:44 <warlord> Could be -- I dunno. I've never used git.
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13:55:09 <fell> warlord, do you know the source of util/gnc-svnversion?
13:58:03 <warlord> Well, I did write the original version. But only the svn and svk parts. The git parts were added more recently by other people.
13:59:53 <fell> I know, but how is it generated? by makefile, some svnversion.in or magic?
14:01:22 <warlord> What do you mean, "how is it generated"? It's not generated.
14:02:57 <warlord> It's just a shell script.
14:04:35 <fell> Oh sorry, I can see it in gitk. Geert made some changes.
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14:10:12 <fell> forky: I think act:parent type is never new. It was created before.
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14:33:48 <forky> fell, in acctchrt_skr03.gnuc it is.
14:38:37 <fell> the guy, who created skr03 doesn't answer since last(?) year. So it is more or less unmaintained.
14:40:08 <fell> When we worked on SKR04 we applied some changes also on SKR03 ...
14:40:46 <forky> ok. there it is the same as in SKR03
14:41:17 <forky> and the account assistant eats those XML files. Why not mine? ;)
14:42:23 <forky> there is also another error: If you add the gnc header blindly from the account hierarchy template in the wiki, you end up with a duplicate root account.
14:47:26 <forky> erm.. in the XML- File itself.
14:47:39 <forky> not in the GUI
14:49:20 <intangir> jsled: i got that split entered, just noticed your reply
14:49:33 <intangir> and fit is federal income tax really
14:51:38 <intangir> and ya the way it is being implimented against most citizens is illegal
14:52:09 <intangir> we arent liable according to the law nor their own code, and it is in there for all to see, it is a bit more obfuscated now though but you can still track down the fact that we arent liable
14:52:50 <intangir> theres also dozens of supreme court cases that verify this
14:53:05 <intangir> unfortunately there are thousands of lower court cases where people are stolen from or imprisoned anyway
14:53:43 <intangir> even some where the judge literally says stuff like "I WILL NOT ALLOW THE LAW IN MY COURTROOM" "THE LAW IS WHATEVER I SAY IT IS" and "i will instruct the jury as to the law"
14:54:35 <intangir> these are direct quotes also gems like these one where a defended tried to bring up one of the supreme court rulings and the judge said "IRRELIVANT DENIED", and the defendant says 'the supreme court is irrelivant?' 'IRRELIVANT DENIED!"
14:54:45 <intangir> crazy stuff
14:55:36 <intangir> but you try not paying it and they come after you, thats why i said its intimidation, its like a maffia protection racket..
14:56:47 <intangir> theres a great video that sums it all up called "america: freedom to fascism" its on youtube or googlevideos for free
14:57:42 <intangir> theres also another great video that helps you track it down in the actual codes/regulations/laws etc.. and track their history, and brings up relevant courtcases and whatnot, its called 'theft by deception' its also free online
14:58:21 <jsled> All this? http://ask.metafilter.com/50248/Is-Income-Tax-Illegal-in-the-USA
15:03:41 <intangir> thats the video ya
15:03:58 <intangir> id suggest watching it for yourself and not just believing a paragraph that tries to debunk it
15:04:17 <jsled> noted.
15:04:22 <intangir> technically the way the income tax is written is legal, and constitutional
15:04:43 <intangir> its just the way its being implimented,.. WHO its being used against and for what is the part thats fraudulent
15:06:36 <intangir> the 'theft by deception' video gets alot more into the specifics than the first
15:06:52 <intangir> it shows you the actual statutes and how they changed over time
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15:06:58 <intangir> to obscure the information
15:07:18 <intangir> the first video is an eye opener
15:07:57 <intangir> the depressing thing about the first video is.. if you look up all the people in it
15:08:04 <intangir> about 1/3 of them have died
15:08:09 <intangir> 1/3 are in prison
15:08:20 <intangir> and 1/3 barely escaped prison
15:08:28 <intangir> or are already out
15:08:33 <intangir> and a few are in prison and dying..
15:08:47 <intangir> 3 of them all got the same extremely rare form of cancer..
15:08:57 <intangir> one guy got it and fought it off and got it again.. 3 times, eventually died from it
15:09:38 <intangir> personally i still pay it for now..
15:09:46 <intangir> i tried not for a while but they came after me pretty hard
15:10:14 <intangir> gouged me for thousands i never owed and they couldnt proove i owed, but in order for me to take them to court, the law at the time was that you first had to pay them off in full before you going to court!
15:10:20 <intangir> that has since changed
15:10:56 <intangir> my idiot banks gave them my money out of my accounts without a real levi
15:11:05 <intangir> because the banks are afraid too
15:11:26 <intangir> a bank isnt going to stay in business for very long going against the IRS
15:11:49 <intangir> so when the IRS gives them an unsigned, notice to levi, which isnt an actual levi, the bank just gives them your money
15:11:56 <intangir> levy
15:12:20 <intangir> and i was paying my taxes the whole time btw...
15:13:13 <intangir> they audited me for 3 previous years and claimed i owed them 92000 dollars when i barely made more than that total during the 3 years. this happened about a month after i contributed to ron pauls campaign for president ;)
15:13:53 <intangir> because ron paul is trying to shutdown the federal reserve (the IRS exists for the sole purpose of collecting interst on the debt to the federal reserve)
15:14:10 <intangir> btw ron paul is in the video i mentioned
15:14:15 <jsled> I'm sure he is.
15:14:47 <intangir> check it out let me know what you think ill probably be hanging around till i get all my stuff setup in gnucash
15:15:08 <intangir> so far so good, i eventually figured out how to play nice with that split feature, i used the tab like you suggested
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20:13:20 <k-man> is there any way to do recurring invoices in gnucash?
20:14:01 <jsled> nope.
20:14:16 <k-man> jsled: heh
20:14:22 <k-man> damn it!
20:14:38 <k-man> is there any plan to add that feature?
20:15:15 <jsled> no one is presently working on it, or has announced they are working on it, to my knowledge.
20:15:26 <jsled> current development has been in other directions
20:18:24 <k-man> what are the current directions?
20:18:58 <k-man> i have been looking at using gnucash for my household cash management, but one thing i do is rent out rooms so it would be good to have a way of automaticaly adding that "income"
20:19:38 <k-man> i know i can do an automatic transaction of the income but often the payment comes at a different time to the "income" if that makes sense? ie, you invoice them for the room and they pay a few days later
20:19:50 <jsled> well, there's the database backend. using webkit instead of gtkhtml for report rendering. And there's a nascent "cutecash" effort to rewrite the ui in QT.
20:20:08 <jsled> http://www.gnucash.org/#100319-2.3.11.news
20:20:09 <k-man> why move to qt?
20:20:37 <k-man> any plans for multi user?
20:25:14 <jsled> re: moving to qt, I can only paraphrase in a SFW way from a wonderfully NSFW joke from http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/1472-Dantes-Inferno: "I have no idea".
20:26:45 <jsled> I don't think people are talking about multi-user, but I'm not really tracking development closely.
20:26:55 <k-man> ok
20:27:00 <jsled> Everyone's been focused on getting 2.3.x closed out and released as 2.4.
20:27:30 <jsled> after that … discussion about moving to git, and I don't know.
20:27:37 <jsled> sorry I'm not more helpful. :)
20:36:45 <k-man> thats ok
20:36:47 <k-man> thanks for the info
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