2010-04-20 GnuCash IRC logs
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07:30:54 <adabo> what is the word/term for the system you use for getting out of debt?
07:31:09 <adabo> or phrase
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11:03:50 <gary> Hi, wondering if someone can assist in trying to work out a problem I have with gnucash. I have an FC13 beta box with gnucash 2.3.11 install from rpm. Everything i've used on a previous gnucash install seems to work fine, but i've been trying to add logos and things to invoices. But it's just not working.
11:04:02 <gary> I followed the documentation I could find about creating a new stylesheet, i've confirmed that the invoice i'm creating is using the new stylesheet as the colour of the total part of the invoice has changed from yellow to white.
11:04:19 <gary> But I also tried adding various different types of images to the logo/banner/background
11:04:37 <gary> But they never seem to actually appear on my invoice
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12:06:29 <warlord> gary: Are you making the changes to the running configuration of the open report?
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14:23:47 <gary> warlord: I was originally. I've since then tried to create the report and specifying the previously created stylesheet
14:24:47 <warlord> And is that working? (Note that gnucash stylesheet support is weak at best)
14:27:08 <gary> neither seemed to work
14:27:37 <warlord> For some reason that doesn't suprise me
14:27:45 <warlord> 2.4 will be better, with e-guile.
14:27:46 <gary> The only stylesheet change i've made that seems to work is that i've changed the background colour of the totals part from yellow to white. But in the same stylesheet i've tried various images and they don't seem to display in the slightest
14:31:38 <warlord> Maybe the type of image you used isn't supported?
14:31:43 <warlord> What kind of image?
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14:36:52 <gary> I tried png, jpg and gif
14:36:59 <gary> None seemed to work
14:38:36 <warlord> Sorry. I suspect it's a little-tried/used feature.
14:45:19 <gary> Is there anything I can do to try and work out why it's not working in case it's something specific to the way fedora have packaged it or anything like that?
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14:48:36 <warlord> Umm.. Personally I would give up and just double-print your paper.
14:48:43 <gary> :D
14:48:47 <warlord> ... or use a different report.
14:48:54 <gary> fair enough
14:51:47 <warlord> Like I said, the style sheet support is weak at best. The new e-guile reports should make it easier by enabling CSS
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15:02:08 *** TaoWang has joined #gnucash
15:03:03 <TaoWang> hi, i'm translating gnucash. I'm not sure on some words, is there anyone can help me?
15:05:07 <TaoWang> If we create gnucash account by selecting "Common Accounts", several accounts are created. Some accounts' name are not clear to me.
15:07:01 <warlord> sure, TaoWang. go ahead
15:08:06 <TaoWang> What is the exact meanning of "Equity" which contains "Opening Balance" Account? "Right and Benifits", "Property Right", "Stock" or "Net Asset Value"?
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15:14:41 <warlord> TaoWang: did you look at the glossery?
15:16:49 <TaoWang> no, where is the glossary for gnucash?
15:17:23 <warlord> po/glossary/
15:17:56 <TaoWang> ok, I'm looking at it.
15:18:07 <TaoWang> thank you.
15:19:03 <warlord> You're welcome.
15:20:36 <TaoWang> Yeah, I understand the meanning. But I'm familiar with the term, could you tell me is it same to "net asset value"?
15:20:52 <TaoWang> I'm not familiar with the accounting term.
15:21:17 <warlord> Net Asset Value is generally used for the price of a fund share.
15:21:30 <TaoWang> oh.
15:21:36 <warlord> sorry, I need to go find out what happened to my lunch order before my 1pm meeting.
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15:21:50 <TaoWang> :)
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15:29:11 <TaoWang> I'm still not able to find a word for "Equity", is there any synonym for it? or Accouting term for it? For the meaning of "The money value of a property after all charges on it have been paid. Equity isn't debt, it's a representation of long-term capital"
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15:33:31 <TaoWang> Is "Federal" under "Taxes" for tax of whole country? That is, in USA, it should call "State", for other country, should we translate it to "Country" for the country don't have Federal? or "Federal/Country"?
15:33:38 <TaoWang> What is the difference bewtween "Groceries" and "Supplies"? Which includes food? Which include miscellaneous goods?
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15:50:21 <TaoWang> "CD and Money Market", What is CD? Certificate of Deposit? Is it a term deposit?
15:59:35 <jsled> Certificate of Deposit, yes. It's usually a fixed-length deposit at a fixed interest rate, often with early-termination penalties.
16:00:20 <jsled> "Federal" is the whole country; it might not translate directly to other countries, yes.
16:02:02 <jsled> Equity is tricky … probably the best general translation is "Ownership". http://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/equity.asp
16:04:48 <TaoWang> <jsled> Thank you very much. I understand them now.
16:06:02 <TaoWang> Could you tell me the difference between "Groceries" and "Supplies", which is food and which is goods?
16:06:14 <jsled> Groceries is food. Supplies are goods.
16:08:00 <TaoWang> so, meat, rice are Groceries, and Shampoo, batteries, tissue are Supplies, right?
16:08:31 <jsled> if someone wanted to use "Supplies" for that, yes.
16:10:06 <TaoWang> in my dictionary, Groceries is both for food and goods, so I'm confused.
16:10:39 <jsled> "Supplies" is usually used in the context of consumables for a specific project.
16:11:09 <jsled> If someone wanted to record food expenses differently from non-food expenses, they might choose "Cosmetics" or "Housewares" or something rather than "Supplies".
16:11:42 <jsled> Oh, it's very likely that someone would go to the grocery store, get meat, rice, shampoo, batteries and tissues and just enter the whole thing under "Groceries".
16:11:46 <jsled> s/Oh/Or/
16:12:19 <TaoWang> I get it, could you give me an example for supplies?
16:12:23 <jsled> If you're comparing the words "Groceries" and "Supplies" … then your questions above are right.
16:12:39 <jsled> But, end users might just not use "Supplies", as such.
16:15:32 <jsled> glue. nails. paper. batteries.
16:16:17 <TaoWang> The translation of Chinese in 2.3.11 makes me confused on those, I put all my foods under "Supplies", and goods under "Groceries". However, during my working on the translation, I realize it might be wrong.
16:16:56 <jsled> it might be, yes.
16:17:24 <TaoWang> ok, I think I understand it, I will use other words in the translation to make them clear. Thanks very much for your help.
16:17:30 <jsled> yw
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16:30:10 <skorasaurus> !reports
16:31:12 <skorasaurus> hi, does anyone here use any reports ?
16:31:32 <jsled> what's your actual question?
16:31:37 <skorasaurus> I'd rather customise an existing one than write one from scratch
16:33:09 <skorasaurus> one that would state, in the past month, how much I spent each category, and a percentage of that, as my income.
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16:43:43 <TaoWang> Reports -> Income and Expenses -> Expenses Piechart.
16:44:32 <TaoWang> And click "Option" to choose time period and the accounts you want.
16:46:02 <TaoWang> I have a question, for the translation, should I translate /accounts/zh_CN/*.gnucash-xea ? or, they are generated from some files?
16:51:42 <jsled> yes, translate those. They are not generated.
16:52:48 <TaoWang> Thanks.
16:55:02 <TaoWang> "Interest" under "Expense" means "hobby" or "interest rate"'s "interest"?
17:05:00 <jsled> like "interest rate".
17:06:56 <jsled> it's primarily for loan repayments, where each payment has two parts: one part that repays principal and one that pays interest. That last split would go against Expenses:Interest
17:07:13 <jsled> (or some sub-expense-account related to the loan specifically0
17:10:18 <TaoWang> oh, I'm cleared. Thank you very much.
17:14:50 <TaoWang> Can I translate "Supplies" to "Living Goods"? or "Goods and Materials"?
17:16:27 <jsled> sure. The latter sounds better to me, but both are reasonable.
17:19:36 <TaoWang> ok, thanks :)
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17:26:30 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
17:27:25 <TaoWang> "checkbook" is the book contains pre-printed cheques? or a book contains transaction for Cheque only? or just a account book?
17:28:22 <jsled> yes. :)
17:28:38 <TaoWang> umm, which one?
17:28:45 <jsled> depending on how it's used, all 3 work.
17:29:00 <TaoWang> i'm confused.
17:29:04 <jsled> Though … "Checking" is usually used for the later two.
17:29:11 <jsled> "Checkbook" is usually the first one.
17:33:08 <TaoWang> for example, "checkbook register" is 1) "transaction list of Cheques"? or 2) "transaction list of account book"?
17:36:42 <warlord> Yes
17:37:15 <jsled> I don't know quite what you mean by "account book".
17:37:22 <warlord> It could refer to the register that is in the paper book-of-checks that you got from your bank. Or it could refer to the list of transactions thereof.
17:38:59 <TaoWang> There is a sample sentence for using the word "account book". "You must enter up the money you spent in the account book."
17:39:46 <warlord> reference?
17:40:19 <TaoWang> I got a explain. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Account_book
17:40:40 <TaoWang> Account book is the recording of financial transactions.
17:43:05 <jsled> TaoWang: A conventional american "checking" account does have a checkbook, but also contains other transactions unrelated to writing checks … transfers in/out, debit-card transactions, online bill payments, direct-deposits, &c.
17:43:17 <jsled> So … (2) is the more general term.
17:43:29 * jsled can't recall the last time I actually wrote a paper check.
17:43:36 <jsled> But I use my checking account all the time.
17:48:33 <TaoWang> I think I understand the meaning. checkbook could be "account book" which used for recording every transactions, or the book have many paper cheques. It just depends on the context.
17:49:41 <jsled> Mostly. "Checkbook" usually does refer to the book of printed checks. The account associated with those checks is more often referred to as a "Checking Account".
17:50:02 <jsled> "Checkbook account" and "checkbook register" are the weird ones.
17:50:12 <TaoWang> "checking account" is a kind of everyday account, which has lower interest rates than "saving account". And CD has higher interests than "saving account".
17:50:34 <jsled> Yes.
17:50:45 <jsled> (though these days they're all basically returning 0%, so … ;)
17:53:14 <TaoWang> So, I should care that whether it's capital of the first letter during the translation.
17:54:55 <TaoWang> I mean, "checkbook" and "Checkbook" could refer different stuff. I should be careful on it.
17:56:30 <warlord> It's generally context dependent.
17:56:37 <TaoWang> yeah.
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17:58:36 <jsled> There no reason to capitalize it in normal conversation; neither Checking nor Savings are proper nouns or titles that deserve capitalziation.
17:58:50 <jsled> But … as a headline in a software setting, they might be capitalized.
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17:59:38 <jsled> e.g. http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Usability/HIG/Capitalization
18:00:45 <TaoWang> I think "Checking Account" under "Current Asset" is "checking account", which is everyday banking account, right?
18:01:33 <jsled> (Or, really, http://library.gnome.org/devel/hig-book/stable/design-text-labels.html.en#layout-capitalization for the GTK/GNOME ui. But it's just examples anyways)
18:01:59 <jsled> It should probably be Checking Account, as all those Account labels are "Header" capitalized.
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18:06:51 <TaoWang> All accounts under "Current Asset" are "Header" capitalized. So, I think "Checking Account" is a current account, rather than an account for paper cheque.
18:08:13 <warlord> If you're working on template accounts you can make it look however is appropriate for your locale..
18:14:35 <TaoWang> In China, almost nobody use personal paper cheque except the transactions between companies. So, translate "Checking Account" to "current account" should be ok.
18:15:39 <jsled> TaoWang: one thing about those account templates is you should feel free not only to localize the labels, but also the structure overall.
18:15:49 <jsled> If an account doesn't make sense, feel free to remove it.
18:16:09 <jsled> Or combine accounts together.
18:16:32 <warlord> Or add accounts that do make sense.
18:16:33 <jsled> Or whatever. And the whole "Current Account" level of the tree is probably a mistake in any case.
18:17:39 <TaoWang> We have a term for Checkbook, which is a book of pre-printed cheque, or a folder for paper cheque. Since, the Cheque cannot be fold in China, otherwise it will not be accepted by bank, so it has to be treated specially. That makes me confused on what "checkbook"'s meaning. But I think I understand them now.
18:18:40 <TaoWang> ok, I get it.
18:27:44 <TaoWang> <warlord> can this kind of cheque be accepted by bank? it is not printed by bank.
18:28:16 <warlord> Yes
18:28:43 <warlord> Often Banks contract out to companies to create the checkbooks (i.e., books of checks).
18:28:53 <warlord> All banks require are the ABA and Account Number..
18:29:02 <warlord> ... which all companies print in a standard form.
18:29:18 <TaoWang> wow, incredible.
18:29:49 <warlord> Technically you could even print a check yourself on a laser printer. The important piece is your signature. ;)
18:33:33 <TaoWang> That's wonderful, I hope one day we could have same thing in China. Currently we can't. There are many things in the paper cheque to stop fraud in China. Signature is not sufficient. So, only bank printed cheque can be used.
18:35:09 <jsled> Check fraud is increasing here, as well … some retailers, especially grocery stores, make it increasingly annoying to pay with a check.
18:38:38 <warlord> Well, the banks often dont care; the consumers do. A consumer needs to prove check fraud to the bank.
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21:29:23 <Micha> Hi, there!
21:31:02 <Micha> As you might recognize I came here to look for help with a gnucash problem (sorry for my bad English!)
21:31:27 <Micha> I hope sometime one of you will see this message :)
21:32:28 <Micha> I am running the windows version of gnucash and everything was working fine until now I can not open my current gnucash files any more.
21:34:26 <Micha> Evertime I open my gnucash file there is a message which says (translation): Error reading file "C:\Data\Documents\Finance\GnuCash\Finance"
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21:34:58 <Micha> I tried to open one of the last .xac-files but I receive the same message
21:36:05 <Micha> I did a manual binary search for the last working .xac-file and it came up to one of about 60 savings before. I restarted gnucash inbetween several times
21:39:02 <Micha> The current gnucash.trace file says:
21:39:11 <Micha> * WARN <qof.engine> [guid_init()] only got 2078 bytes. The identifiers might not be very random. * WARN <gnc.app-util> Could not spawn perl: Kindprozess konnte nicht ausgeführt werden (No such file or directory) * CRIT <gnc.io> [dom_tree_handlers_all_gotten_p()] Not defined and it should be: trn:date-posted * CRIT <gnc.io> [dom_tree_generic_parse()] d
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22:05:59 <Micha> Somebode in here?
22:06:03 <Micha> Somebody in here?
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