2010-05-13 GnuCash IRC logs
00:48:47 *** gour has joined #gnucash
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05:57:09 *** daedeloth has joined #gnucash
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08:39:43 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:46:23 *** Jimraehl has joined #gnucash
09:01:03 *** KaiForce has joined #gnucash
09:54:31 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
10:25:24 *** fbond has joined #gnucash
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10:33:42 *** gmc has joined #gnucash
10:33:49 <gmc> howdy y'all
10:34:18 <gmc> sooo i've got a challenge.. i'm the treasurer of har2009 / hxx foundation, and have never bothered to do year end closing..
10:34:48 <gmc> so now i have one big gnucash file over '08, '09 and '10.. i'm gonna split it up now.. any tips you might have, would be welcomed :)
10:35:45 <warlord> Why do you want to split it up?>
10:36:14 <gmc> hmm, because of financial years
10:36:26 <gmc> and also..
10:36:43 <gmc> accounts that were relevant in '08 and '09 are not so relevant for '10
10:38:10 <warlord> Well, you have a few options:
10:38:33 <warlord> 1) File -> Export -> Export Accounts / File -> Open (create a new empty file with only your account tree). Then adjust as necessary
10:38:48 <warlord> 2) Hide all the non-relevant accounts
10:38:58 <warlord> 3) Manually edit the data file to remove older transactions
10:39:00 <warlord> 4) Nothing
10:39:08 <warlord> I recommend either #4 or #2
10:39:26 <gmc> well, 4 is not an option because of tax regulations
10:40:29 <gmc> also, i want to properly administrate things.. it's a bit long to explain, but i want to have expenses paid in 2010 in the budget accounts in 2009
10:40:45 <gmc> see we made a budget for the event, which is in 2009.. so i want all expenses and income in the 2009 end of year report
10:41:03 <gmc> basically i thus need accounts in 2008 that transfer over to 2009..
10:41:09 <gmc> and.. ah, i've lost my way explaining already :)
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10:46:11 <warlord> Tax regulations?? What tax regulations say "you must delete older years data"?
10:47:26 <warlord> (honestly, I think #2 is still your best option)_
10:49:19 <gmc> nono
10:49:26 <gmc> not tax regulations.. more like foundation laws
10:49:38 <gmc> and it doesn't say i have to delete data.. only i have to make yearly financial reports
10:49:56 <gmc> but i want to concentrate all expenses of the event in 2009. even thouhg some were paid in 2008 and 2010..
10:50:13 <gmc> i know how to do it, book-keeping wise, just brainstorming how to do it with gnucash
10:50:48 <gmc> i just thought that splitting up the files would not clutter up my gnucash view with transfer accoutns from 08 to 09 and 09 to 10 in future years..
10:54:56 <warlord> GnuCash is harder... because you want project-based accounting but gnucash is all date-based.
11:12:05 <kimmo> project-based ain't that hard, it's just a little more work to set up the accounts and custom reports properly
11:25:26 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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11:59:57 <gmc> i don't think it should be that hard indeed, the hard part is getting the accounting right, gnucash supports all i need
12:00:27 <gmc> i just want to split it up in one file per year, just to make it easier for me to keep yearly budgets and reports
12:01:01 <gmc> i guess i'm just gonna copy the file to three files, one for each year, then delete all transactions not pertaining to that year, and then create the accounts to transfer income/expense to the other years to make the balances work out again
12:12:05 <warlord> I think splitting it up into years is going to make it harder for you
12:13:27 <gmc> warlord: how would i arrange it otherwise? put accounts under several trees for each of the years, or?
12:21:20 <warlord> Like I said, use the 'hidden' flag to hide accounts that are no longer relevant
12:22:09 <warlord> But you've already stated that you cannot base your stuff on dates because you might have transactions in 2010 that are based on 2009 (or potentially even 2008 or earlier if you have a very long running budget process)
12:41:44 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot`
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12:42:12 <warlord> @nick gncbot
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12:45:33 *** andyt has joined #gnucash
13:19:13 *** KaiForce has quit IRC
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15:37:42 <kimmo> what's the proper terminology for recording a sale when you send out the invoice, and recording it when you receive the money?
15:41:38 <warlord> Define "proper". The GnuCash terminology is "posting an invoice" and "processing the payment"
15:45:59 <kimmo> types or accounting
15:46:19 <kimmo> looking for the accounting-legalese term here
15:47:23 <warlord> No idea. Ask a lawyer or accountant?
15:52:39 <kimmo> hrm, google translator gives me "contributive" and "accrual"...
16:58:10 <gmc> in the gnucash xml, the date-posted is the transaction date ?? and date-entered is the date of the actual data-entry ??
16:58:51 <gmc> <trn:date-entered> and <trn:date-posted> i mean
17:05:07 <warlord> Yes.
17:11:23 *** gour1 has left #gnucash
17:35:14 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
17:55:03 *** fbond has quit IRC
18:53:38 *** qwarlock has joined #gnucash
18:53:42 <qwarlock> hey guys
18:53:48 <qwarlock> anyone here play with stocks?
18:55:13 <qwarlock> I know I can update prices automaticaly. But will gnucash add account entries to reflect the price change?
18:55:21 <qwarlock> or should this be done manually?
19:00:50 <qwarlock> hmmmm looks like I have to do manuall entries
19:01:11 <qwarlock> I dont mind doing it actually but the people I have recomended this to will likely not
19:02:47 <qwarlock> So I guess I need to create an income account for unrealized gains and transfer the differene there and probably unrealized losses
19:04:11 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
19:04:28 <warlord> qwarlock: you shouldn't be adjusting entries based on price changes..
19:05:02 <warlord> Just because a stock you bought for $1/share is now at $2/share doesn't mean that the 50 shares you bought changed to 75 shares. You still have 50 shares. And you basis is still $50.
19:05:18 <warlord> You only add transactions when money flows. I.e., when you buy or sell.
19:05:42 <warlord> The fluctuation in value due to price changes is purely theoretical (i.e. "on paper").
19:08:14 <warlord> anyways, gotta run again
19:08:16 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
19:08:23 <qwarlock> see you warlord... thanks
19:08:30 *** qwarlock has quit IRC