2010-06-03 GnuCash IRC logs
00:21:45 *** lupine_85 has joined #gnucash
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00:47:55 <lake> Hi guys, I'm a gnucash noob and would like some help setting up online banking.
00:48:34 <lake> I'm banking w/ Bank of America, and have read the wiki: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/OFX_Direct_Connect_Bank_Settings
00:49:02 <lake> But, when I try to Retrieve the transactions or the balance, nothing happens. any takers? :)
00:49:25 <lake> (I've asked my bank to give me access, already)
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04:43:06 <lake> Is it possible to assign an Account to multiple transactions at once?
04:53:11 <lake> I'm freshly importing a lot of transactions and I see there are many transactions that will be assigned to the same Account. Do I have to update each individually? Does Gnucash have some sort of batch edit feature? I'll be here all night. Thanks! :)
05:32:07 <kimmo> no batch editing, but you might want to use the bayesian thingy in the import...
05:32:26 <kimmo> split your import into multiple smaller ones, and the filter will learn what to do with them
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07:54:28 <warlord> lake: during the import process you can do it.
07:54:36 <warlord> (to some extent)
07:54:45 <warlord> But it depends on which import method you're using (QIF or OFX)
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10:45:09 <tuco> hi guys... writing a little utility to output transactions to a file, which i'd like to import from gnucash. what's the easiest/most supported, etc file format i should use? my file will already have gnucash account id's.
10:45:39 <jsled> QIF is probably the easiest
10:47:20 <l-b> suppose I import machine-readable logs from two bank accounts. Won't booking transactions between the two against each other cause some problems? What do? Book them to a new third account for compensation or some-such?
10:47:45 <tuco> ok. do you know if the qif format already supports double entry format? the file i'm generating will have all account ids already.
10:48:31 <tuco> well, i already know what accounts the funds are transfered to and from...
10:49:15 <tuco> so there may not be any need for compensation
10:51:27 <l-b> tuco: my question was not related to your problem. Still good luck in finding a solution :)
10:51:57 *** jsled changes topic to "Free GPL Personal and Small Business Accounting || Please don't ask to ask, just ask and wait! || publically-logged channel || latest stable: 2.2.9 || www.gnucash.org"
10:52:34 <jsled> l-b: yes, a third account is probably the highest-fidelity way to account for that.
10:52:39 <jsled> otherwise, drop one of the transactions.
10:53:01 <jsled> tuco: QIF supports double-entry only in the sense that it only describes transactions between one asset account.
10:53:38 <jsled> But, even still, you need to manually map all the transactions therein to the appropriate income, liability and expense accounts.
10:54:02 <jsled> the QIF importer will learn which transaction descriptions map to which accounts, as you do the mapping.
10:54:26 <jsled> So, I suppose, if you use those gnucash account ids *as* the transaction descriptions, it'll key off that.
10:54:51 <jsled> with the downside of crappy transaction descriptions. :)
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11:23:19 <tuco> l-b: jsled: sorry lost internet for a bit
11:23:58 <jsled> tuco: http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2010/06/2010-06-03.html#T10:53:01
11:24:34 <tuco> jsled: ah perfect. thanks for the log.
11:26:24 <tuco> jsled: "<jsled> But, even still, you need to manually map all the transactions therein to the appropriate income, liability and expense accounts."
11:28:01 <tuco> the file i'm generating will already have gnucash ids for liability/income/expense accounts
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11:29:54 <jsled> sure. but none of the importers know anything about gnucash account ids.
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13:08:15 <scar> if i want to pay myself a stipend, i added myself as an employee, then i processed a payment. it came out of the checking account and went into Accounts Payable and now A/P is negative. is that all done right?
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13:10:07 <Askarii1> actualy
13:10:19 <Askarii1> i take it you're your own business owner, correct?
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13:11:42 <Askarii1> scar
13:13:28 <Askarii1> bah
13:13:53 <Askarii1> comme askin for help then they split before 3 min go by
13:13:55 <Askarii1> geez :P
13:14:52 <jsled> he's still in channel, at least. some people /part after 2 minutes of no response.
13:15:00 <Askarii1> true
13:18:27 <roe_> congrats on the newest unstable release
13:19:46 <Askarii1> ?
13:20:05 <roe_> 2.3.13 was released yesterday
13:20:16 <Askarii1> ahhh
13:20:21 <Askarii1> unstable, as u say
13:20:27 <Askarii1> thats why it didn,t pass by to me :P
13:21:04 <roe_> I'd love to see 2.4 in squeeze (Debian)
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13:37:56 <fbond> wq
13:38:13 <fbond> Ah, sorry. Damn keyboard focus stealing.
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15:12:15 <raleightile> was released yesterday?
15:12:42 <raleightile> warlord said any day now, but i didn't know that was the same day
15:13:25 <warlord> heh
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15:21:17 <raleightile> i sent an email to bill yesterday, he was waiting for the new release, so i was surprised it was already released
15:21:30 <raleightile> but happy for sure!
15:22:08 <Accolade> salutations! can GnuCash handle something like tags, i.e. file a transaction in several account( hierarchie)s? example: college[ books { bus to college ] bus to swimming pool }public transport -- the transaction type "bus to college" would adhere to the college account as well as to the public transport account, so one could graph it according to what is interesting at a given moment
15:23:06 <Accolade> this is an example of tags: http://www.moneytrackin.com/tour/accounting/ but they lack hierarchy it appears
15:24:45 <jsled> no.
15:25:24 <Accolade> that's a pity :(
15:27:13 <Accolade> any plans on implementing that? and does anyone know a free expenses tracker that supports tags as well as hierarchy?
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15:35:23 <warlord> Accolade: not yet, no.
15:35:51 <warlord> Accolade: but.. it would definitely be a nice feature if you found someone to implement and donate.
15:36:17 <Accolade> yeah
15:37:04 <lake> kimmo_, warlord: thanks for your advice. I'll import the bank statements first, then hook up online billing. :)
15:42:01 <warlord> lake: sounds like a good idea.
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16:04:41 <Accolade> ok, thanks people! FYI, I found a webapp with hierarchical labels: https://www.winancial.com (Caveat: it's only available in French.) Keep it up, cu!
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