2010-07-01 GnuCash IRC logs
00:18:49 *** esperegu has joined #gnucash
00:45:00 <davr> I think it's based on when the invoices are posted, not when they're due
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01:52:30 <blathijs> scar: The post date is the date when the income for an invoice is counted, it doesn't really matter when it is payed (you've got a right to the money, so payment date isn't relevant)
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08:11:02 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:11:18 <warlord> scar: All the reports handle invoices in an accrual manner.
08:11:36 <warlord> For "Cash based" accounting you need to manually change it.
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08:37:32 *** Zordrak has joined #gnucash
08:38:10 <Zordrak> My bank allows several types of file for downloading statements.. but there are *3* different OFX filemoptions.. and I dont know why they should be different nor which is preferable for gnucash
08:38:31 <Zordrak> theres Microsoft Money, Quicken (2001 onwards) and Sage Line 50
08:38:33 <Zordrak> all OFX
08:39:21 <warlord> They probbaly aren';t different.
08:39:37 <warlord> Althogh you could download all and run "diff" to see for sure
08:40:16 <Zordrak> *nod*
08:40:28 <Zordrak> i imagine they must be different, just probably only in a very obscure way
08:41:38 <Zordrak> theF? Except for the DTSERVER line, theyre identical
08:41:47 <warlord> :)
08:43:39 <Zordrak> stupid bank
08:45:19 <warlord> lol
08:54:19 <kimmo> Quicken always reminds me of Globodyne
08:54:22 <fbond> They do that for the same reason that GnuCash has both P&L and Income Statement reports. It avoids user confusion.
08:54:35 <fbond> Most users don't want to know what OFX is.
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08:57:26 <Zordrak> *nod*
08:57:51 <Zordrak> Can you advise why during import it is making assumptions to not import certain transactions?
08:58:20 <Zordrak> They are marked red, with a few veritcal coloured bars in the comment followed by Do not import (no action selected)
08:58:24 <kimmo> maybe they are deemed financially not viable? ;)
08:58:28 <Zordrak> I dont see anything special about these transactions
08:59:32 <kimmo> hmm, my gnucash doesn't have a P&L report
09:00:00 <warlord> kimmo: it's in 2.3.x again. (it was in 1.8/2.0, removed in 2.2 -- renamed Income Statement)
09:00:09 <kimmo> oh ok
09:00:13 <warlord> Zordrak: the importer could consider it a duplicate.
09:00:20 <warlord> (I dont recall what the colors mean)
09:02:06 <Zordrak> hm.
09:02:34 <Zordrak> There's nothing complex about my accounts.. it seems random.. suddenly decided that it shouldnt remember i paid burger king for food..
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09:04:18 <warlord> maybe it thinks there's a similar-looking transaction already in your accounts.
09:04:28 <warlord> Honestly, I dont know. I dont use the import mechanism for anything.
09:07:53 <Zordrak> kk.. guess ill just manually force "A" on all transactions
09:12:17 <warlord> Make sure you assign accounts corectly.
09:21:51 <Zordrak> Indeed.. am only exporting from the bank per account
09:22:18 <Zordrak> just struggling with a few concepts... ie. I can only go back to 1st July 2003 at which point i was -1024 into my overdraft
09:22:56 <Zordrak> So not sure if I should create an "Overdraft" liability to match it against.. or leave at as the default Opening Balance Equity account
09:25:33 <warlord> It sounds like 1 July 2003 your bank balance was -1024, so... that's fine
09:26:34 <Zordrak> you mean leave it as negative equity?
09:26:38 <Zordrak> which i guess would make sense
09:27:00 <warlord> yes
09:28:31 <Zordrak> now to work out the quickest way to balance out 7 years of history
09:30:55 <warlord> Me, I would ignore it.
09:30:57 <warlord> but that's me
09:34:13 <Zordrak> if i can i probably will except for the last 6 months or so.. but im concerned about makikng everything agree.. im new to double-accounting, want to get it to a valid state.. so far all my transactions show as imbalance
09:34:51 <Zordrak> all the docs i can find are very good for starting fresh.. but not so much for importing history in non QIF format
09:40:48 <warlord> I recommend starting fresh.
09:41:14 <warlord> It works best if you start fresh from the beginning of your year, e.g. 1/1/<year> or 7/1/<year> or...
09:41:35 <Zordrak> .. Except the reason im starting to do this is so i can work out whats been going on in the past year or so... analyse my shit :)
09:42:37 <warlord> why not analyze it in your previous program?
09:49:18 <Zordrak> warlord: what previous program? :)
09:49:34 <warlord> Whatever you were using that you're trying to import from!
09:49:50 <warlord> (importing from banks alone is not sufficient to get your full story)
09:51:22 <Zordrak> Im importing from my online banking service alone
09:51:48 <Zordrak> has 4 mths of credit card history and 7 years account history
09:57:45 <warlord> What about cash expenses?
10:02:31 <Zordrak> not sure what you mean
10:02:49 <Zordrak> all my cash is salary -> main account -> ATM
10:03:07 <Zordrak> and anything unclear can go against Expenses:Miscellaneous
10:08:14 <warlord> Ummmmmmmmmm
10:08:18 <warlord> ohkay...
10:14:43 <Zordrak> please.. if im missing something important, do say
10:22:44 <Zordrak> i've said that "ohkay..." before myself.. im just not sure *what* it is im doing that doesnt make sense
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10:29:38 <Zordrak> could really do with an "Undo" feature... when you accidentally null a date with a keypress.. theres no way to go back
10:34:38 <andrewsw> up-arrow from the date box (Moving to another txn) and it will prompt you to discard the changes.
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10:37:35 <Zordrak> kk
10:38:11 <Zordrak> Also.. it doesnt seem to like something leaving one account on one date, but not entering another til later
10:38:25 <Zordrak> that might be just me actually
10:40:39 <Zordrak> yeah.. thats just me.. im was dealing with the wrong problem
10:41:14 <Zordrak> the real problem is i need to schedule a payment for the first of each month, but it actually happens on the first weekday of each month as transactions dont happen on Sat/Sun
10:42:21 <Zordrak> the scheduler seems to have no option for that
10:52:45 <andrewsw> you can't split the dates ona txn. both ends happen at the same time. if you really have enough lag that you need to track it, use an intermediate account (often called Suspense)
10:53:30 <andrewsw> my version of sched-txn allows adjusting for weekends.
10:53:59 <andrewsw> in the "Frequency" tab, is a drop down labeled "except on weekends" that provides this.
10:54:12 <andrewsw> but I don't know what version that might have been introduced in.
11:05:21 <Zordrak> im on 2.2.9 so should be there.. will look
11:06:00 <Zordrak> hmm.. nope
11:16:06 <Zordrak> long shot: Any way to automate assignment of "transfer" based on description? i.e. I want to assign all transactions with the description "CASH" to "Expenses:Miscellaneous" and all with the description "SAINSBURYS S/MKT" to "Expenses:Groceries"
11:16:11 <Zordrak> its a bit tedious doing them all manually
11:19:47 <jsled> Zordrak: as you start to enter a transaction with the same description as a previous transaction, gnucash will auto-complete the splits based on that last transaction.
11:19:59 <jsled> Or, are you doing this during an import?
11:29:42 <Zordrak> during import
11:29:59 <Zordrak> well.. ive imported a very large number of transactions from OFX files
11:30:11 <Zordrak> im now going through and balancing them to their purposes
11:30:53 <jsled> you have to do the mapping during import for the importer to learn.
11:31:02 <jsled> for the OFX importer, you also need to enable bayesian matching, in preferences.
11:31:25 <jsled> in the register, no, there's no way to do such pattern-based transaction editing.
11:32:41 <Zordrak> right
11:32:51 <Zordrak> my fault for not starting a long time ago i guess
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11:41:05 <Zordrak> im now going through and balancing them to their purposesi could shift-select and then set a detail for all
11:41:15 <Zordrak> uh
11:41:37 <Zordrak> that should have been: ack.. i wish i could just shift-select and then set a detail for all
11:41:51 <jsled> yup. long standing feature request.
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11:49:06 <Zordrak> stick my name on the requestors list then ;)
11:50:01 <Zordrak> almsot considering working out how to turn "Ctrl-V <cr> <up>" into a macro
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14:01:57 *** DukeOfURL has joined #gnucash
14:02:05 <DukeOfURL> hello
14:10:04 <jsled> hello
14:10:56 <DukeOfURL> my wife's Windows laptop smoked, and it was where I ran QuickBooks. I do have a QBW backup file.
14:11:16 <DukeOfURL> what are my options besides buying QB and another Windows machine??
14:11:40 <jsled> emulation.
14:11:48 <jsled> starting a new data file with gnucash
14:11:57 <jsled> re-entering all the data
14:12:11 <DukeOfURL> yikes!
14:12:13 <jsled> finding something to convert the QB data to, say, QIF that can be imported into gnucash.
14:13:18 <DukeOfURL> does a QBW->QIF converter exist?
14:13:56 <jsled> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quicken_Interchange_Format#Export_Hacks_for_QuickBooks:_exporting_to_QIF
14:14:32 <DukeOfURL> ok, that's a start. Thank you jsled!
14:14:56 <jsled> DukeOfURL: you might also check the gnucash-user mailing list archives for leads
14:15:20 <jsled> I don't know or care about Quickbooks, so I don't have very much internalized.
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14:16:32 <scar> i adjusted my owner-report.scm to age invoices based on due date, but now it is erroring out when there are invoices due in the future... http://pastebin.com/pHU3p0kX any idea how to fix this?
14:24:20 <DukeOfURL> jsled: I know a LOT about QB, and I hate every bit of it (and Intuit). But I've been locked in. With the smoked laptop, I have to get serious about converting away from QB.
14:25:35 <scar> warlord says a future-date doesn't go into the correct bucket... so i guess if we can put those dates into the 0-30 days bucket it would work...
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14:52:58 <andrewsw> DukeOfURL: get yourself a windows machine somehow (virtual?), restore from backup, export to qif if you can, varies by QB version, import into gnucash.
14:53:23 <andrewsw> DukeOfURL: easier said than done. that's my .02
14:53:57 <andrewsw> DukeOfURL: you might also try, if exporting is not an option, just grabbing a snapshot of account balances at a particular date, and manually enter from their forward
14:54:31 <andrewsw> or some QB report that you can send to a spreadsheet and massage into a qif format. probably perl/awk/sed are your friends there.
14:54:40 <andrewsw> that's all I got.
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16:46:37 <scar> warlord: any idea how i can put invoices with future due dates into the 0-30 days bucket? is that even what needs to be done?
16:48:01 <warlord> if diff < 0, diff = 0
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16:55:31 <scar> warlord: i don't see where that's calculated in owner-report.scm
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17:00:35 <warlord> where it computes the buckets... make sure it doesn't compute out-of-bounds
17:07:53 <scar> warlord: i don't even know what language this is ;) does it compute that before it create the '0-30 days', '31-60 days' ... headings?
17:08:29 <warlord> Huh? That question makes no sense.
17:08:48 <warlord> Are you asking if it's earlier in the file?
17:08:53 <scar> yeah. where does it compute the buckets?
17:09:05 <warlord> I dont know. You have the file open, not me
17:09:17 <warlord> look at the apply-invoice and apply-payment
17:14:40 <scar> i see those, but i just don't know what to do ;)
17:14:51 <scar> gotta go run some errands bbl
17:25:50 <warlord> Yeah, I'm out for the night.
17:25:50 <warlord> Later
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18:14:53 <Askarii> I need help in modifying a part of gnucash
18:14:55 <Askarii> anyone here?
18:18:19 <jsled> maybe. what's the problem/question?
18:23:15 <Askarii> nah its cool
18:23:20 <Askarii> I found the .scm file I needed
18:23:22 <Askarii> thx :)
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18:34:09 <Askarii> jsled: finally I'll need your help ;)
18:34:35 <Askarii> I want to modify the "default" elements that are "active" in the invoices
18:34:49 <Askarii> I always have to check: date, tax amount etc...
18:34:53 <Askarii> I want to make them checked by default
18:34:58 <Askarii> which doc am I looking for?
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