2010-07-11 GnuCash IRC logs
00:10:10 *** aldente has quit IRC
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02:07:56 *** Amadeus has quit IRC
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03:50:44 *** cj has left #gnucash
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07:10:25 *** opalepatrick has joined #gnucash
07:15:26 <opalepatrick> is there a way to use the data from gnucash for cashflow forecasting? Or is it considered a completely separtate operation like with most accounting packages?
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09:36:12 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:36:30 <warlord> opalepatrick: none of the reports take scheduled transactions into account.
09:36:43 <warlord> BUT you could try based on the budgeting features.
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10:01:48 *** bentob0x has joined #gnucash
10:41:44 <opalepatrick> warlord, thnaks a lot I will have a look at that
11:19:09 *** Jimraehl has left #gnucash
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14:28:07 *** Erikw1 has joined #gnucash
14:29:12 <Erikw1> After typing in Debit and Credit in a transfer I press Return. But then the values are erased. Is this a normal behaviour?
14:33:01 <Erikw1> Ah, now I see. I though you make a double transaction by typing the value twice. But this just zeroed the transaction. Nevermind and ignore :)
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14:54:35 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
14:55:00 <warlord> Erikw1: gnucash automatically does double-entry. In the transfer dialog (and in the basic register view) it hides the second split.
15:17:11 <Erikw1> Seems so yes, thanks :-)
15:20:51 <warlord> no prob
15:22:57 *** gour3 is now known as gour
16:05:04 <davr> Hmm, problem adding a new security with the latest gnucash on windows. It always says 'You must enter a non-empty "Full name", "Symbol/abbreviation", and "Type" for the commodity.'
16:05:20 <davr> Even though I entered something into all those fields ("Dow Diamonds", "DIA", "NYSE" respectively)
16:05:46 <davr> suspiciously, if I click the dropdown arrow on "Type", the only choice is "Dummy namespace". But it still lets me type over it, so I tried typing in what I thought was correct
16:06:58 <warlord> davr: define "latest gnucash" -- which version?>
16:07:08 <davr> 2.3.14
16:07:33 <warlord> Hmm.. I know there was a bug in the glade file; I dont recall when it was fixed.
16:13:50 <davr> ah, maybe this one? http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/19239
16:14:22 <davr> is there an easy way to tell if a SVN revision is in a particular release?
16:16:27 <warlord> Yes, that one
16:16:34 <warlord> Help -> About ?
16:16:54 <davr> r19233...just missed it :P
16:21:20 <warlord> yeah. well.. The good news is that it's just a text (xml) file, so you can edit it in-place.
16:35:16 <davr> perfect, thanks
16:45:03 <davr> one other question...say I do things right and I buy a stock low, and sell it high, does this get recorded as income somewhere?
16:52:14 <warlord> not automagically
17:01:10 <davr> I just found the 'Advanced Portfolio' report which shows total gain, that seems to be good enough
17:02:28 *** gour has quit IRC
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17:43:02 <warlord> But your balance sheet will be out of balance if you dont actually add the proper gain splits
17:58:56 <warlord> @op linas
17:58:57 *** gncbot sets mode: +o linas
18:23:46 *** cortana has joined #gnucash
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23:24:25 *** warlord is now known as warlord-akf
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