2010-07-28 GnuCash IRC logs
00:43:28 *** Askarii has quit IRC
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02:55:34 *** opalepatrick has joined #gnucash
02:56:51 <opalepatrick> Is the 2010.1 OK to download as a powerpack? Not l;ong purchased the 2010.0 version and wondering if it is worth upgrading?
02:57:06 <opalepatrick> Sorry wrong channel
03:19:54 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
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05:19:39 <piropiro> warlord: thank you for the info
05:19:46 <warlord> you're welcome
05:19:52 <piropiro> how to use the gnucash api?
05:20:09 <piropiro> is the only way writing a guile script and running it from inside gnucash?
05:20:44 <warlord> yes, or a C application and building against the GnuCash libraries.
05:21:18 <warlord> Your best bet is still probably QIF. Once you get the mapping rules set up (takes manual intervention the first time, but subsequent runs will remember the mappings) then it can be pretty quick.
05:21:54 <piropiro> yes, i've noticed the mapping is stored, that would be helpful
05:22:15 <piropiro> but i've not been able to use both the P and the M fields in the .qif
05:22:30 <piropiro> if the P is not set every transaction comes from unknown
05:22:48 <piropiro> if it is set to an account, P is copied in the memo and M is ignored
05:23:03 <piropiro> at least in gnucash 2.2.6
05:23:14 <warlord> Oh, I dont know about 2.2.6. 2.2.9 is the most recent stable release.
05:23:21 <warlord> and in 2.2.9 the M field is copied into the Split Memo.
05:23:27 <piropiro> yes, I should try with that
05:24:02 <piropiro> the biggest issue with the .qif i'd like to solve is
05:24:12 <piropiro> how do i record the "last stransaction imported"
05:24:24 <piropiro> so that i can generate incremental .qif's
05:24:30 <warlord> You dont. you have to remember that out of band
05:24:45 <piropiro> i may store it "server side" - yes oob as you say
05:26:28 <piropiro> maybe it is easy enough to modify the importer to store the last "N" field
05:26:44 <piropiro> i'd still prefer to have it on gnucash side for robustness
05:27:57 <warlord> Well, you can always look at the account in question and see the most recent transations.
05:28:33 <piropiro> the imported file would add transactions to several accounts
05:29:55 <warlord> Ah, hmm.
05:30:01 <warlord> Then yeah, you need to store it OOB
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08:01:10 <piropiro> Hello. Still can't import qif files with both payee and memo.
08:01:16 <piropiro> example: http://pastebin.org/425029
08:01:43 <piropiro> the P is used as memo instead of the M
08:01:51 <piropiro> is there a way to specify both?
08:10:28 <warlord> piropiro: look at the register, expand the transaction. The M field will go into the Split Memo.
08:25:33 <warlord> (I could be wrong -- it could be going into the txn notes field, which is visible only if you turn on View -> Double Line Mode )
08:33:13 *** bentob0x has joined #gnucash
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09:22:46 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
09:40:35 <piropiro> warlord: no, i've checked in "transaction journal" style but the memo is still not there
09:40:50 <warlord> piropiro: Try View -> Double Line Mode
09:40:52 <piropiro> but at this point I think I have a mixed 2.2/2.3 installation
09:40:59 <warlord> shouldn't matter.
09:41:09 <piropiro> warlord: you are right, it's there
09:41:22 <piropiro> in "double line"
09:42:06 <warlord> Okay, so it got put into the "Transaction Notes" field.
09:42:13 <warlord> I knew it was stored /somewhwre/
09:42:35 <piropiro> is there a way to make it appear in the split lines memo?
09:42:55 <warlord> Umm.. *looks at the code*
09:42:59 <piropiro> just to explore the possibilities...
09:43:21 <piropiro> are you looking at qif-to-gnc.scm ?
09:43:36 <warlord> I haven't started looking, yet.
09:43:48 <warlord> But yeah, look in src/import-export/qif-import/*
09:54:17 <piropiro> i'm reading all the history behind bug 495219 which talks about that memo
09:55:00 <piropiro> no problem, i was just surprised because i don't use the double line in my personal files
09:58:17 <warlord> I rarely use it.
11:12:18 *** daedeloth has joined #gnucash
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11:28:24 <bradgers> I've been trying to get bill chargebacks to work in svn r19216, but am having a hard time
11:29:01 <bradgers> I think the xml might be malformed; see http://pastebin.com/4Rj59nnv
11:29:53 <bradgers> shouldn't those lines be <billto:type> and <billto:id> rather than <owner:type> and <owner:id>?
11:31:19 <warlord> No
11:31:28 <warlord> That XML is correct.
11:31:53 <bradgers> OK. thanks for looking.
11:31:57 <warlord> Although the "version" part looks weird.
11:33:54 <bradgers> what should it look like?
11:37:14 <bradgers> interesting. Are jobs for vendors and customers supposed to be separate?
11:38:22 <bradgers> because when, in the new bill dialog, I click to select a job, I can't find the customer's job I want, but autocomplete will give it to me.
11:38:47 <warlord> No
11:38:56 <warlord> Well, define "separate"
11:39:27 <bradgers> separate, in that the find job window from new bill won't find a customer's job
11:40:12 <warlord> Well, it depends if you went to customer or vendor invoice . No, a vendor invoice shoudl not find a customer job for the owner
11:41:24 <bradgers> ahh. Well, it did (at least autocomplete did). S'pose I ought to submit a bug report.
11:42:50 <warlord> What "autocomplete"?
11:42:54 <warlord> the namespace is somewhat overlapped..
11:44:58 <bradgers> I'll type in the vendor name (again, new bill dialog) and the job box immediately below will become available.
11:45:33 <bradgers> Then I type in a few letters of a customer's job, and matching customer jobs will appear below for me to select from.
11:50:42 <bradgers> Of course, there's the chargeback account box even further down the new bill dialog, but that's not the one I'm talking about.
11:54:45 <warlord> You must be using 2.3.x
11:54:48 <warlord> Yes, that's a bug!
11:55:29 <bradgers> using svn. I love the autocomplete feature.
11:56:10 <bradgers> a bit older, r19216, as I said above. What shall I title the bug, "Autocomplete brings in all jobs", or some such?
12:01:13 <warlord> Maybe, or better "Autocomplete does not honor query search limitations"
12:01:52 <warlord> The Vendor Job should be limited to that of the chose vendor. The Chargeback Job to that of the chosen customer (or all customers if no particular customer was chosen)
12:13:28 <gary> :q
12:13:31 <gary> oops
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19:52:35 <xggx> Hello everybody. Gnucash newbie here. I live in the US and am wondering how people would typically classify their income tax refund. Is it income? or something else?
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