2010-08-31 GnuCash IRC logs
04:40:33 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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04:45:51 <jmm> hi.
04:53:00 *** HerrK has joined #gnucash
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10:23:37 <roe_> what is the current state and future map for being able to export/import from/to quickbooks? I remember there being an export feature a while ago that never really worked well.
10:28:41 <warlord> There has never been import/export from/to QB
10:28:51 <warlord> the QB data format is not published
10:29:16 <roe_> maybe I am thinking qif?
10:30:38 <roe_> there was a file format available that QB supported thus making it possible to move data between the two (if the export/import worked)
10:31:14 <warlord> GnuCash does have QIF Import, and there is QIF Export via the (external, not owned by us) GnuCash2QIF
10:31:24 <roe_> ah
10:38:25 *** Slurpee has joined #gnucash
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16:15:25 <shact> Does anyone know if it's possible to use Smile (uk online bank) with GnuCash via aqbanking? I've been looking for half an hour and kind find anyone even asking the question on the web. Searches like "Smile HBCI" turn up nothing
16:16:45 <cpm80_> Hi, I doubt that you UK bank uses HBCI...
16:16:57 <cpm80_> its only used in Germany.
16:17:13 <cpm80_> If your bank supports OFX DirectConnect then it might work.
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18:47:18 *** hardeep has joined #gnucash
18:47:56 <hardeep> hello I'm a bit confused about gnucash's system on double booking
18:48:31 <hardeep> when I enter some income and then transfer that paycheck into my banking account the amount is also deducted from my income
18:48:50 <hardeep> How can I view how much income I have recieved over the year?
18:49:45 <jsled> hardeep: have you read the gnucash tutorial and concepts guide? it has a great example of income, http://gnucash.org/docs/v2.2/C/gnucash-guide/txns-registers1.html#txns-registers-multiaccount2
18:49:52 <jsled> s/of income/of accounting for income/
18:50:07 <hardeep> ok thanks I will read that
18:55:19 <hardeep> ok so from my understanding when I recieve a pay check I do not put it under my income but rather under the account and do the split?
18:55:45 <hardeep> or do I need to keep reading, sorry I am quite new to the whole finance management scene
18:55:50 <hardeep> :)
18:58:15 <jsled> hardeep: it's the same Transaction that references Income and your Checking account, fundamentally
18:58:48 <jsled> (there might also be tax related accounts like that example, but fundamentally it's Income:Salary -> Assets:Checking)
18:59:03 <jsled> Income can be thought of as a funds "source" account.
18:59:20 <jsled> as such, both your Income account and your Checking account will "increase"
19:00:32 <hardeep> and then say when I make a transaction from the assets:checking then both should decrease?
19:00:37 <hardeep> or only the checking?
19:00:58 <jsled> "a transaction from assets:checking" to where?
19:01:15 <hardeep> lets say I have an expense that comes from my checking
19:01:22 <jsled> that's just one split … all transactions have at least two Splits that must balance to zero
19:01:36 <jsled> ah, then that would be
19:01:42 <jsled> from Assets:Checking to Expenses:Whatever
19:01:55 <jsled> and only Assets:Checking would "decrease" (and Expenses:Whatever would "increase")
19:02:26 <hardeep> and income should remain the same correct because logically my income has not decreased but my checking has
19:02:30 <jsled> yes
19:02:52 <hardeep> ok so I am doing something wrong here haha because my income was decreasing as well
19:03:02 <hardeep> >.<
19:03:21 <hardeep> jsled that you very much
19:03:40 <jsled> sure. those docs are pretty useful.
19:03:52 <jsled> it took me a while, too, before I got the hang of double-entry.
19:04:14 <jsled> you might want ot create a few test datafiles, enter things as you think they should go, and see if they match the examples in there
19:05:22 <hardeep> I think I may have too :) this has been quite the learning curve so far but It will make it a lot easier for me when I have to go to my accountant
19:05:48 <jsled> the recommendation I can make…
19:06:00 <jsled> … is to a) switch to "auto-split" ledger view
19:06:25 <jsled> b) usually enter transactions from the Asset or Liability account registers
19:06:57 <jsled> c) use the column labels in those register to figure out which cell an amount should go, since they make conventional sense.
19:08:33 <hardeep> ok thanks I will try that
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