2010-10-25 GnuCash IRC logs
00:55:38 *** Slurpee has quit IRC
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11:19:39 *** faizu has joined #gnucash
11:19:53 <faizu> hai every body
11:20:22 <faizu> i need some small business ideas can u guide me pls
11:21:03 <faizu> hai
11:24:15 *** warlord-slow is now known as warlord
11:24:41 <warlord> faizu: do you have specific questions?
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11:35:35 *** Sir_Konrad has joined #gnucash
11:36:04 <Sir_Konrad> Hola.
11:37:10 <warlord> hi konrad
11:39:12 <Sir_Konrad> long time no see warlord. ;)
11:39:19 <warlord> Yep
11:43:11 *** bentob0x has quit IRC
12:11:47 <mishehu> I guess faizu had no real questions
12:12:16 <warlord> guess not
12:31:59 <Sir_Konrad> bye for now guys
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12:35:23 *** Antisoche has joined #gnucash
13:21:53 *** neighborlee_ has joined #gnucash
13:33:47 <neighborlee_> hi there..installed current gnucash on win7 64bit..import OFX is showing a clear difference of say $50 from bank current balance, and was wondering if its how I imported the data possibly ?
13:35:15 <warlord> Well, when was the last time to performed reconciliation against your paper statement?
13:36:30 <warlord> maybe you're missing an opening balance? Or a transaction hasn't cleared?
13:36:40 <warlord> Or you're missing a transaction
13:59:27 *** arif has joined #gnucash
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13:59:57 <arif> halo met malem.
14:01:34 <neighborlee_> warlord: I just made a new account
14:01:49 <neighborlee_> warlord: and did import into it from my OFX file I downloaded from my bank
14:01:59 <neighborlee_> warlord: same processs I used for quicken
14:02:23 <neighborlee_> warlord: I left all fields blank and let it work from the OFX file entirely
14:03:58 *** k4i has joined #gnucash
14:04:04 <k4i> hi
14:04:30 <warlord> neighborlee_: which means you might have missed an opening balance... And that your transactions are not going to the correct Expense accounts.
14:04:37 <k4i> my gnucash stopped showing charts and generating reports. it says it can't find any data :(
14:04:38 <arif> apakah ada yg dari indonesia? met malem.
14:04:54 <warlord> arif: Try English
14:05:09 <arif> ok. im try
14:05:19 <neighborlee_> warlord: ok I have no clue what opening was..illl check quicken and see what it has
14:05:37 <warlord> k4i: What version of GnuCash? What OS/Distro?
14:07:00 <k4i> 2.2.9 (about windows says: This copy was built from r17949M on 2010-04-28.) ArchLinux, always fresh and up to date.
14:07:05 <neighborlee_> warlord: it seems quicken detected this opening bal. from the OFX file whereas gnucash didn't
14:07:23 <neighborlee_> warlord: I verified how much it was so ill just add it in and see if that works
14:08:58 <neighborlee_> warlord: ok that did it..balanced matches now ,,,
14:09:03 <neighborlee_> balance ^
14:09:31 <warlord> k4i: under the File menu, make sure you're using the correct data file?
14:10:07 <warlord> neighborlee_: there you go. Feel free to file a bug, but you'd need to supply a sample OFX file with the Opening Balance Transaction to get the bug correctly.
14:10:09 <warlord> corrected
14:10:27 <k4i> warlord, and what does that mean in English? :)
14:10:53 <warlord> k4i: which word don't you understand?
14:11:41 <k4i> I understand every single word it's just that the meaning they're trying to convey isn't really clear.
14:11:45 <neighborlee_> warlord: so supply the OFX file that is known to work, and make note that opening balance wasn't brought in to gnucash you mean ??
14:12:13 <warlord> k4i: make sure it's using the file you THINK it's using.
14:12:23 <k4i> ah
14:12:24 <warlord> neighborlee_: yes.
14:13:01 <k4i> warlord, yeah, I closed and reopened the file I want to and always do use
14:13:10 <warlord> What is the exact error message you get when you try to run a report? And do you see any data in the CoA and registers?
14:13:31 <k4i> warlord, everything seems fine it's just that the reports/charts don't work anymore for some reason
14:14:16 <warlord> k4i: "Don't work anymore" isn't a useful error message. What's the text it says?
14:14:24 <warlord> ... and what changed since the last time it did work?
14:14:59 <k4i> nothing really changed (except that I obviously updated a bunch of software in the course of routine full system upgrade)
14:15:23 <warlord> Huh. Maybe you broke a dependency as part of your upgrade.
14:16:06 <k4i> http://simplest-image-hosting.net/png-0-cash-flow
14:16:13 <k4i> that's how cash flow report looks
14:17:24 <k4i> http://simplest-image-hosting.net/png-0-screenshot7 // Assets chart
14:17:54 <warlord> And do you have data from 10/1-10/31?
14:18:06 <warlord> Did your version of Guile change?
14:19:23 <k4i> data - yes
14:19:30 <k4i> guile - I don't know!
14:19:37 <k4i> not helpful but true
14:19:55 <k4i> guile 1.8.7-2
14:19:56 <warlord> My guess is that your upgrade broke something. Contact your distro and ask for help from them?
14:20:01 <k4i> that's the one currently installed and in use
14:20:06 <warlord> ... and what was it before?
14:20:54 <warlord> Is anything printed into /tmp/gnucash.trace?
14:21:15 <k4i> no, it's empty
14:21:24 <warlord> completely empty?
14:21:33 <k4i> yep
14:21:52 <k4i> File: `/tmp/gnucash.trace'
14:21:52 <k4i> Size: 0 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 regular empty file
14:22:33 <warlord> Huh. But you do have data in your register?
14:22:45 <k4i> yes and I can manipulate it
14:22:56 <k4i> I just added an entry today
14:23:08 <k4i> saved, reopened all works fine
14:23:39 <warlord> My guess is that there is a guile or slib dependency that changed in a way that gnucash isn't happy.
14:23:47 <warlord> I'd file a bug report with your distro
14:24:06 <warlord> You can try asking on the mailing list for additional debugging help.
14:24:17 <k4i> I see, thanks for the help!
14:24:35 <k4i> I'm inclined to this version myself.
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14:30:05 <warlord> arif: did you have a question?
14:30:14 <warlord> k4i: sorry I couldn't solve it.
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14:50:59 <k4i> warlord, no problem, it's not like you have an obligation to ;)
14:51:51 <warlord> heh
14:58:01 *** daedeloth has joined #gnucash
15:09:49 <arif> not yet, now i'm still try to learn directly in gnu cash
15:10:19 <arif> try simulate to make transaction
15:11:05 <arif> do you know forum indonesia people?
15:15:17 <warlord> I'm afraid I do not know of an indonesian forum. Sorry.
15:31:40 <arif> i have already invoice form. Can i edit layout invoice?
15:47:26 <warlord> what version of gnucash? in 2.2.x, no. in 2.4.x you will be able to run the Tax Invoice and edit the HTML template.
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15:56:24 <warlord> @op linas
15:56:24 *** gncbot sets mode: +o linas
16:03:58 <arif> i use 2.3.8
16:05:48 <warlord> eeep!! that's bad
16:06:00 <warlord> First, 2.3.x are all test releases.
16:06:09 <arif> oh...
16:06:15 <warlord> Second, 2.3.8 has many known bugs; 2.3.15 is the current test release.
16:06:23 <arif> so what your prefered
16:06:30 <warlord> For real data, you should use 2.2.9
16:06:37 <warlord> Unless you want to be a guinnea pig
16:07:12 <arif> where i can download 2.4.x?
16:08:36 <warlord> Nowhere -- it does not exist yet.
16:08:56 <warlord> 2.3.x will before 2.4.x once it's baked and finished. But there are still a half-dozen blocker bugs.
16:11:53 <arif> so, how to edit invoice layout (adjust in my printout form)?
16:12:20 <arif> ok. i download 2.2.9
16:14:50 <warlord> There's not an easy way to edit the invoice layout in 2.2.x; Although it depends what you want to change. If you only want to hide some columns, that's easy. If you want to add other things, well, that could be more difficult depending on what you want.
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16:22:24 <arif> i wont move some columns, how?
16:22:35 <arif> just adjust position
16:23:13 <warlord> You can't change the order of the columns.
16:23:20 <warlord> (without hacking on Scheme)
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17:00:10 *** roe_ has joined #gnucash
17:00:18 <roe_> can I import transactions from a csv
17:00:20 <roe_> ?
17:01:19 <jsled> roe_: I don't know if the csv importer ever got into 2.3/2.4 … but not in 2.2; http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_do_I_convert_from_CSV.2C_TSV.2C_XLS_.28Excel.29.2C_or_SXC_.28OpenOffice.org_Calc.29_to_a_QIF.3F might be useful
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17:05:10 <roe_> thanks for the link
17:05:20 <roe_> I hope 2.4 has the importer
17:13:01 <warlord> It might, it might not.
17:13:09 <warlord> BUt there are scripts to convert CSV to QIF.
17:17:24 <roe_> I wish banks would make it easier for us to use OFX
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17:25:48 <warlord> Would be nice.
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18:10:54 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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19:36:12 *** ^robertj has joined #gnucash
19:36:54 <^robertj> Hi, does GNUCash do a cash-flow forecast?
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20:08:50 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
20:09:16 <warlord> robertj: not using scheduled transactions, yet. Only with actual booked transactions; although you CAN book transactions in the future
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21:16:26 *** yawar has joined #gnucash
21:19:57 <yawar> reconciling my credit card statement with gnucash ... one thing i like is i can click the `R' field for a transaction to change it from `n' to `c' when i've matched it with the statement ... instead of having to use the reconcile window
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21:41:53 <yawar> anyone using the auto-reconcile patch that came out a while back? i think it tried to match transaction amounts between personal accounts and downloaded bank transactions and auto-reconcile them as much as possible
22:09:27 <warlord> c == cleared. the reconcile window turns that into 'y'
22:14:58 <yawar> warlord: hi derek. yeah i just like doing the prep work for the reconcile right in the account register itself
22:15:18 <warlord> sure, you can preset to c
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23:07:29 *** Mer|in has joined #GnuCash