2010-12-06 GnuCash IRC logs
01:58:29 *** Slurpee has quit IRC
02:20:15 *** nodje has joined #gnucash
02:20:16 <nodje> m
02:52:49 *** puck` is now known as puck
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05:18:48 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
05:33:29 *** fell has joined #gnucash
05:53:32 *** fDavid has joined #gnucash
06:07:53 *** nodje has quit IRC
06:44:04 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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07:48:26 *** Jimraehl has left #gnucash
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07:59:24 *** kpreid has quit IRC
08:09:47 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:11:49 *** Jimraehl has joined #gnucash
08:13:42 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
08:14:19 *** fDavid has quit IRC
08:21:18 *** glennr has quit IRC
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08:30:31 *** fbond has joined #gnucash
09:32:38 *** gncbot has joined #gnucash
09:32:49 <warlord> there he is.
09:39:32 *** kpreid has joined #gnucash
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11:01:23 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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11:30:34 <fell> warlord, what would happen, if jsled, our last remaining op, would loose the connection?
11:31:28 <warlord> fell: we'd go to the IRC Ops and ask them to op gncbot
11:32:03 <fell> Aha.
11:32:06 <warlord> I forget if it's on #sysops or something..
11:33:18 *** jsled sets mode: +o gncbot
11:33:21 <jsled> @op warlord
11:33:21 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
11:33:27 <jsled> @op fell
11:33:27 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
11:33:38 <jsled> @op linas
11:33:38 *** gncbot sets mode: +o linas
11:33:52 <fell> Whow!
11:34:17 <warlord> Thanks. FYI, I think you can do: @op warlord fell linas
11:37:27 <warlord> I wish I could do something about ComCrap's reliability... Other than trying to find an actual hosting service.
11:57:44 *** fDavid has joined #gnucash
12:16:33 *** Slurpee has joined #gnucash
13:15:53 *** edgy has joined #gnucash
13:20:52 <edgy> Hi, for my small business, what's normal? to have a salary expense account where I list all employees or to have a separate account for each one like warlord's salary, jsled's salary, ...?
13:21:39 <warlord> edgy: I dont know. I would ask your accountant.
13:23:31 <edgy> warlord: execuse my inpoliteness but how come you programmed all this gnucash system which is a masterpiece and you don't know basic accouting principles? ;)
13:24:07 <warlord> This isn't a basic accounting principle.
13:24:31 <warlord> It's really a question on what kind of reporting you will need, and that is very much related to your local accounting rules/laws, etc.
13:26:22 <edgy> warlord: Umm! that sounds logic. So, both are used and are correct but laws or reporting can impose one or the other
13:26:43 <edgy> warlord: you are always of great help. thanks a lot
13:26:46 <warlord> Yep.
13:26:48 <warlord> Thanks.
13:26:49 <warlord> :)
13:39:30 <edgy> rephrasing: if I created on account for salary and just put all transactions like warlord's salary as items, there is no way I can get all salaries by warlord taken during a period, right?
13:40:14 <warlord> Well, you could write a report based on the description (which would have warlord's name in it)
13:40:31 <edgy> warlord: ah! great
13:40:34 <warlord> The Transaction Report might give you the ability to sort by desc.
13:40:38 <warlord> But I'm not sure.
13:44:47 *** daedeloth has joined #gnucash
13:46:50 <edgy> warlord: I can't see any option for sorting
13:47:47 <edgy> warlord: ah! got it
13:51:11 <warlord> good :)
14:02:54 *** edgy has left #gnucash
14:32:28 *** fDavid has quit IRC
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15:03:21 *** cjs_ has quit IRC
15:17:14 <fell> warlord: on http://svn.gnucash.org/ "(Beta) Search the GnuCash Mailing Lists" leads to "The requested URL /beta/search/ was not found on this server."
15:18:09 <fell> It is more alpha tan beta ;-)
15:18:16 <fell> than
15:18:54 <warlord> I'm pretty sure the "beta" isn't there anymore.. I think it was there originally to test the new framing around the website.
15:19:01 <warlord> (this is from years ago)
15:20:55 <fell> strike out like csv?
15:21:14 <warlord> ?
15:21:43 <warlord> s/csv/cvs/ ?
15:21:52 <fell> yup
15:22:15 <warlord> Yeah, I'll go do that.
15:23:39 <warlord> Done
15:24:05 <fell> Nice.
15:25:07 <warlord> :)
15:25:12 <warlord> It's good to have root.
15:40:50 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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16:03:19 *** Slurpee has quit IRC
16:34:59 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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17:02:40 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
17:26:32 *** fbond has quit IRC
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18:44:07 *** Slurpee has quit IRC
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19:54:21 *** fbond has joined #gnucash
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21:38:22 *** fell has quit IRC
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23:43:04 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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