2010-12-12 GnuCash IRC logs
00:48:19 *** felle has quit IRC
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07:02:48 *** Slurpee has quit IRC
07:58:47 *** jmd has joined #gnucash
08:14:09 <jmd> With version 2.3 presumably it's possible to have the database on a remote machine?
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09:19:32 <jmd> Whenever I try to run gnucash it crashes with the following error:
09:19:52 <jmd> Backtrace:
09:19:52 <jmd> In unknown file:
09:19:52 <jmd> ?: 0* [primitive-load-path "slib/guile.init"]
09:19:52 <jmd> <unnamed port>: In procedure primitive-load-path in expression (primitive-load-path name):
09:19:52 <jmd> <unnamed port>: Unable to find file "slib/guile.init" in load path
09:20:28 <jmd> Version 2.3.17
10:05:38 *** bentob0x has joined #gnucash
10:17:05 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
10:17:18 <warlord> jmd: What OS/Distro? Looks like slib isn't installed/configured properly.
10:17:39 <jmd> warlord, GNU/Linux debian lenny
10:17:41 <warlord> And yes, with 2.3/2.4 you can use MySQL/Postgres for your data to be remote, but you're still limited to single-use
10:17:56 <warlord> jmd: Do you have multiple versions of guile installed?
10:18:05 <jmd> No.
10:18:08 <warlord> And did you build gnucash yourself or use the prebuilt version?
10:18:17 <jmd> Built it myself.
10:18:31 <warlord> And how did you install the dependencies?
10:18:34 <warlord> By hand?
10:18:39 <jmd> apt-get
10:19:20 <warlord> Huh! apt-get build-dep gnucash should install the proper deps.. And configure should test for a working guile/slib...
10:19:32 <warlord> Can you verify that you've only got one version of guile installed?
10:19:45 <warlord> Please pastebin the output of the apt command to list all 'guile' packages
10:19:59 <jmd> But I'm on stable and I want to build the latest gnucash
10:21:24 <warlord> That's fine. Please pastebin the output of the apt command to list all the 'guile' packages installed.
10:23:45 <jmd> http://pastebin.com/Lj1KCyjW
10:24:03 <jmd> There's a library from 1.6 - perhaps that's the problem.
10:24:17 <warlord> Yep, probably.
10:24:22 <warlord> That's what I wanted to check.
10:24:31 <warlord> Most likely it's using a combination of 1.6 and 1.8.
10:24:56 <jmd> removing it now.
10:26:01 <jmd> And apt-get build-dep gnucash says "E: Build-dependencies for gnucash could not be satisfied."
10:27:26 <jmd> Running make install again...
10:28:35 <warlord> You'll need to do more than make install..
10:28:41 <warlord> You'll need to restart from configure.
10:28:58 <jmd> Ahhhh!!!
10:33:13 <jmd> Hmm. Now I get Cannot find SLIB. Are you sure you have it installed?
10:33:17 <warlord> Your dependencies changed, you need to make sure gnucash finds the right one.
10:33:19 <jmd> I didn't get that before.
10:33:29 <warlord> You'll need to add a symlink so that guile 1.8 can find it.
10:33:36 <warlord> Right, because gnucash was still using 1.6
10:33:58 <jmd> OK. What symlink do I need to create?
10:34:22 <warlord> I don't know -- I don't use Ubuntu/Debian.
10:34:34 <jmd> So what file is it looking for?
10:34:37 <warlord> I know all I know because it's been discussed on the list.
10:34:49 <warlord> Please search the email archives or the FAQ or look at the Wiki.
10:35:14 <warlord> Or better yet, google for "ubuntu slib guile-1.8" -- the first link looked promising
10:35:28 <warlord> (which is a link to the wiki)
10:36:37 <jmd> Not on my configuration it isn't
10:36:48 <warlord> ??
10:37:03 <warlord> your configuratoin of google?>
10:37:16 <jmd> nm found the wiki page.
10:42:06 <jmd> configured succesfully. Running make now.
10:43:56 <warlord> Cool.
10:58:52 <jmd> OK. Built. Installing now.
11:02:30 <warlord> Cool.
11:05:30 <jmd> Seems to start ok now. Thanks.;
11:08:10 <warlord> you're welcome. you build .17, right?
11:08:20 <warlord> built
11:08:40 <jmd> GnuCash 2.3.17
11:08:40 <jmd> Build vom 2010-12-12, Revision r19850M
11:13:08 *** kleinerdrache has joined #gnucash
11:13:11 <warlord> col
11:13:12 <warlord> cool
11:13:14 <kleinerdrache> hi there
11:13:15 <warlord> just making sure
11:13:42 <kleinerdrache> i just found a posting from 2005 where it says to save as "postgres://localhost/mydbname" would save my actual file to the database
11:14:02 <kleinerdrache> but here in gnucash 2.2.9 this seems not to work
11:14:05 <kleinerdrache> is there any other way?
11:14:21 <warlord> kleinerdrache: a) that required building gnucash with PG support, and b) that support was removed in 2.2 because it was out-dated, broken, and incomplete.
11:14:56 <warlord> In 2.4 we're re-adding SQL support, and you'll be able to Save-As and choose SQLite, MySQL, or PG as your backends, if your system is configured to support them.
11:15:13 <warlord> SQL will not be the default file format for 2.4.
11:15:20 <warlord> (we're still working the bugs out of the system)
11:15:50 <kleinerdrache> warlord, so i could use a newer version? but this would be unstable, right?
11:16:04 <kleinerdrache> for 2.3.17 the announcement says it would work
11:16:42 <warlord> right, but 2.3.17 is still only a 2.4 release candidate, and there are known issues.
11:17:17 <warlord> I personally wouldn't use the SQL backend for my real data yet.. not without keeping a duplicate copy in XML and making sure I make entries in both places.
11:20:47 <jmd> When I tell it to create a new account. It asks me what currency and defaults to USD. It should get that default from my locale?
11:23:41 <warlord> I believe it should. What's your locale?
11:23:56 <jmd> de_DE.UTF-8
11:24:01 <kleinerdrache> warlord, ok, but in 2.4 you would do use the sql interface? when will it come?
11:25:03 <warlord> kleinerdrache: it'll come in 2.4, but I'd still be wary. The XML backend has had over a decade of real-world usage to work out all the issues. The SQL code is new; nobody has used it in production yet.
11:25:23 <warlord> So no, even through 2.4 I'd still keep duplicate books. By 2.6 I think all the bugs will be worked out.
11:26:11 <jmd> Oh my Bad.
11:26:25 <warlord> jmd: odd. Not sure what to tell you. It's possible the code is using the setting from GConf (default report/account currency) instead of the locale currency. Then again, when you create a new file in the german locale you should have german hierarchies available.
11:26:29 <jmd> I was running from an environment where the locale was disabled.
11:26:55 <warlord> Oh.
11:26:58 <warlord> Well, that would do it. ;)
11:27:04 <warlord> That would default to C == en_US
11:28:27 <jmd> But it's not respecting the LC_MONETARY environment variable.
11:29:48 <warlord> It should..
11:30:18 <jmd> Wait. Yes it is. I'll shutup.
11:30:58 <warlord> LOL
11:33:10 <kleinerdrache> warlord, one of my reasons to change would be that it is easyer to make reports, because a an use the sql language for getting out information which i know, and there its not necessary to know scheme or any special gnucash functions
11:33:22 <kleinerdrache> is there a way to get the same informations out of a gnucash file?
11:34:01 <jmd> Anyone here experienced setting up the HBCI feature?
11:34:03 <kleinerdrache> (i.e. just the average monthly income and expense from that year or an analysis of the future income/expense)
12:04:13 <warlord> kleinerdrache: Have you looked at the Income/Expense Bar Charts?
12:04:25 <warlord> jmd: only Germans, of which I am not.
12:04:58 <warlord> kleinerdrache: in 2.4 there is also a set of python bindings to access the data file..
12:05:11 <warlord> Although the scheme really isn't that hard to manipulate.
12:05:14 <kleinerdrache> warlord, yes, i know much about the available reports, but for individual analysis of the data, i would like to have it in a readable way, maybe the csv converter from the gnucash file can help me, im looking on.
12:05:21 <kleinerdrache> warlord, python would be great...
12:05:34 * warlord doesn't understand why so many people are afraid of Scheme but are willing to write reports using SQL, which isn't even a turing-complete language
12:05:54 <warlord> The data is completely readable.
12:06:03 <warlord> Just not necessarily to a human ;)
12:06:54 <kleinerdrache> warlord, yes, i know i could use also any xml libraries, but that seems also to be to much work for me...
12:07:30 <kleinerdrache> the best thing would be an csv format when there is no database at the moment. I could analyse my finance with R (statistical analysis)
12:08:16 *** Slurpee has joined #gnucash
12:09:31 <warlord> kleinerdrache: Run a transaction report, export the report as HTML, load into OOo..
12:11:24 <kleinerdrache> warlord, thanks i'll try
12:13:20 <kleinerdrache> warlord, hum not really the best format, maybe i should write a converter....
12:13:41 <warlord> Or change the report characteristics to get the format you want.
12:21:28 *** jmd has quit IRC
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13:45:20 *** rhn has joined #gnucash
13:46:24 <rhn> I'm trying to print an invoice with gnucash, but I can't find a way to enter my company name and address. can anyone help?
13:47:38 <warlord> rhn: File -> Properties
13:52:12 <rhn> thanks, warlord! it shows up as intended now. it's a wonder that I couldn't find any info on the net either
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20:53:16 <cappicard> good evening. I'm attempting to download my JP Morgan Retirement Services account into 2.2.9, but I get OFX: Invalid date (Invalid date).
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22:06:38 <warlord> cappicard: check your gnucash.trace file or OFX logs for more info.. Or check the OFX itself?
22:28:26 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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