2012-08-29 GnuCash IRC logs
00:03:35 *** ilisten_ has quit IRC
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04:34:57 <mikee> @op gncbot
04:34:57 <gncbot> mikee: Error: I need to be opped to op someone.
04:35:19 *** mikee sets mode: +o gncbot
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06:34:08 *** boris has joined #gnucash
06:38:32 <boris> Long time no problem butsince this week I can't update quotes in price editor. I am using Ubuntu 10.04, Gnucash 2.20 Finance quote 1.17 What could this be?
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07:23:12 <Elysiun> Hello gnucash
07:23:57 <Elysiun> I am wondering whether there are reports for SX's
07:24:35 <Elysiun> specifically I want to see my future balance based on SX's
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07:42:42 *** gour1 is now known as gour
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07:50:10 *** boris has joined #gnucash
07:51:50 <boris> Long time no problem, but since last weekend no quotes update anymore. Ubuntu 10.04 Gnucash 2.2.9 Finance quote 1.17 with patch
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09:18:50 *** boris has quit IRC
09:30:00 <warlord> @tell boris 1) 2.4.11 is current. 2.2.9 is old and no longer supported. 2) Which quote source? Most likely the website changed requiring an update to Finance::Quote
09:30:00 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
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09:57:16 *** boris has joined #gnucash
10:00:27 <boris> Since last weekend no update of quotes possible. Use Ubuntu 10.04 Gnucash 1.2.9 Finance Quote 1.17 and a perl quote patch
10:00:27 <gncbot> boris: Sent 30 minutes ago: <warlord> 1) 2.4.11 is current. 2.2.9 is old and no longer supported. 2) Which quote source? Most likely the website changed requiring an update to Finance::Quote
10:01:59 <boris> Why not supported.Its the only one in the repository of Ubuntu 10.04. Quote source is yahoo
10:03:30 <warlord> because 2.4.11 is current. the 2.2 series is years old. 10.04 is two+ years old, the 2.4 release was released around then.
10:03:46 <warlord> Yahoo.. Ahh, yahoo. Yeah, they change their website often, breaking F::Q
10:04:11 <warlord> Also, you don't need to keep asking your question over and over and over again. Ask and just wait for a response.
10:04:22 <boris> ok sorry
10:04:57 <boris> was just thinking that my question would be lost over time
10:05:21 <warlord> Nope.
10:05:30 <warlord> Just the answers, because you kept leaving
10:06:53 <boris> so what can i do. I cant upgrade Ubuntu and Gnucash at the moment because i am travelling
10:07:08 <warlord> Well, upgrading gnucash wont help this issue.
10:07:11 <warlord> It's a F::Q issue.
10:07:21 <warlord> Most likely you will need to manually patch F::Q
10:07:29 <warlord> (assuming there is a fix, which I don't know if there is)
10:07:38 <boris> i have no idea
10:07:54 <boris> but i assume more users will be affected
10:07:56 <warlord> You can *try* emailing the gnucash-user mailing list; someone there might know. I don't use F::Q muself.
10:08:04 <warlord> myself, even
10:08:32 <boris> ok i will 'try"
10:08:38 <boris> thanks anyway
10:09:51 <warlord> Sorry I can't help you. Is there another place to get your quotes? You could try a different quote source?
10:10:07 <warlord> (hopefully one day there will be a F::Q to Google Quotes)
10:10:44 <boris> Yah i hope so, I will try to find a alternative source. Thank you so much
10:12:28 <warlord> good luck
10:14:59 <boris> thnx
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10:29:11 <DimStar> https://live.gnome.org/GnomeGoals/PortToGstreamer1 lists evo being in need of being ported to 'gsteramer 1.0' and it says 'only configure magic' needed.
10:29:27 <DimStar> I do feel rather confident with autofoo and think I could take that one...
10:29:45 <DimStar> uch.. sorry.. wrong chan :(
10:42:10 <warlord> DimStar: heh
10:54:55 <gour> i plan to brush my C skills by re-learning it a bit (to be able to use it with python & cython extensions), but wonder how much is required to fix something in GC?
10:58:16 <warlord> Depends on what you need to fix
10:59:46 <gour> well, how is GC code approachable in general? it's huge project..
11:00:05 <gour> Sx is one thing...pretty broken atm
11:00:10 <gour> *SX
11:01:54 <warlord> Usually it starts with having an itch to scratch, so you learn that piece. And then grow from there.
11:02:00 <warlord> In what way are SXes broken?
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11:02:54 <gour> ok...another concern...atm i use uncompressed XML back-end so i can keep my *.gnucash files under git, but wonder if there might be any filesize concern after several years of usage?
11:03:43 <gour> postponing SX transaction creates mess...i already wrote you about it...even have sxtest repo @bitbucket demonstrating the problem
11:05:30 * gour --> afk. bbs
11:05:40 <warlord> Yeah, it might get pretty big..
11:05:45 <warlord> XML is very verbose.
11:05:55 <warlord> Ah, I've never tried postponing one.
11:06:07 <warlord> I see no reason to ever postpone one, but maybe that's just due to how I use them
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12:01:53 <gour> warlord: i've practical reason - (somtimes) not enough bucks to pay all the bills according to the schedule :-)
12:02:16 <warlord> so let the SX apply and then change the date?
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12:02:55 <gour> well, postponing looks as natural option, but, for now, workaround is to use 'reminder' instead
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14:32:38 <gour> GC is not (yet) compatible with guile-2.x?
14:36:58 <warlord> Nope
14:39:01 <gnucash> Hi there. I want to start by saying thanks!
14:39:20 <gnucash> (Ooops. Wrong name. First time using Adium.)
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14:41:31 *** arig has joined #gnucash
14:41:53 <arig> Thats better
14:43:36 <warlord> You're welcome
14:44:58 *** jmd has joined #gnucash
14:47:18 <arig> My wife and I run a small farm-to-table pub and we're going with GnuCash
14:48:13 <arig> I'm also a developer so maybe when things slow down I can help out.
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15:14:22 <warlord> okay
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