2012-09-05 GnuCash IRC logs
00:05:20 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
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00:22:11 *** xfo has joined #gnucash
00:27:10 <xfo> Hi, how 2 import ofx files? Once I've made it, I got generic import mathcer blank... help me, thanks
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00:48:21 <warlord> xfo1: File -> Import -> OFX
00:48:35 <warlord> fell: gnucash doesn't support guile-2
00:50:24 <xfo1> warlord: I've done, I made it once
00:50:40 <warlord> You cannot import the same file multiple times.. There's no new data
00:51:42 <xfo1> I tried another one, generic import matcher show me blank
00:52:09 <warlord> Are there new transactions in that file?
00:52:13 <warlord> Where did you get the OFX file?
00:52:40 <xfo1> creditcard website
00:53:29 <warlord> They could be violating the spec and providing the same FITIDs over and over. Check the file and compare the FITIDs between your last download and this one?
00:54:30 <xfo1> How can I check it?
00:54:51 <warlord> open the file(s) in your fav text editor?
00:56:51 <warlord> anyways, must sleep.. good luck
00:56:54 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
00:57:23 <xfo1> thanks, good night
00:59:05 <xfo1> I downloaded ofx files each month, they have always same FITID(0)
01:26:35 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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02:17:10 *** timfrost has joined #gnucash
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07:24:50 *** fell has joined #gnucash
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08:50:05 *** notizblock has joined #gnucash
08:51:14 <notizblock> hi, is there a way to save the csv import settings (such as date format) for the future imports?
08:52:05 <notizblock> in settings -> onlinebanking one can only change some settings for the QIF import filter
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10:00:06 <fell> notizblock: I don't know a way to save the csv import settings. If you plan to import csv's more often, it might be less work to convert them with xls2qif.
10:01:16 <fell> Probably you should file an enhacement request to bugzilla - with a patch would be nice. ;-)
10:02:46 <notizblock> fell: thx, i could at least fulfill your first request …
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10:33:51 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
10:34:42 <warlord> notizblock: Not in the GnuCash CSV importer. In the AqB CSV importer you can set up profiles. But that requires AqB to have been built with CSV support.
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11:07:44 <fell> warlord: my current workflow for testing 2.4 with guile1* already installed: install guile[-2]-devel;autogen;uninstall guile2*;configure;...
11:07:58 <fell> Do you know an abbreviation?
11:17:38 <warlord> Is having guile1-devel not sufficient for the m4 file?
11:21:22 <fell> No, I gat that configure syntax error yesterday.
11:24:46 <warlord> That's unfortunate packaging. But alas it's probably what you'll have to do if they only package the m4 files with g2
11:29:11 <warlord> But that implies that yes, you will need to continue using that script to build on the platform.
11:29:20 <warlord> at least until we get guile-2 working.
11:29:38 <warlord> anyways, gotta run. I'll be back in about 1h30m
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11:35:57 <fell> libguile1-devel has /usr/share/aclocal/guile1.m4, which is not found as guile.m4 is expected.
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16:17:13 <warlord> @op
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17:23:33 *** Fabzgy has joined #gnucash
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21:04:02 <crabbe> I'm having some strange behavior (2.2.9 on Ubuntu 10.04). I went to open gnucash and it said "Can't parse the URL /home/crabbe/.gnucash/books/acct". I went to look at the file and it was only 4K. I copied one of the backups over and opened with no problem, but when I quit, the file was garbled again. Each time I close any file, the same thing happens. Saving the file while I work seems to work, so right now I do my updates, save, c
21:38:53 *** pnema has joined #gnucash
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