2012-09-17 GnuCash IRC logs
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07:48:49 <warlord> foo: you're welcome.
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11:42:57 <john_> It will, eventually, if you run "close books" at the end of the accounting period. In the meantime it's tracked as an expense. Income is the same, but in the other direction. This is standard pen-and-paper accounting practice.
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11:55:44 <warlord> john_: to whom was that responding?
11:56:34 <john_> daofeishi… I didn't notice that he'd asked last night rather than this morning.
11:57:57 <warlord> No worries.
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13:14:44 <Hinnerk> Hi
13:14:44 <gncbot> Hinnerk: Sent 2 days, 17 hours, and 14 minutes ago: <fell> Why are you not simply trying ipmt(), ppmt() and pmt() for your splits?
13:15:36 <Hinnerk> question about booking of stocks (and yes, I did read the tutorials :)
13:16:00 <Hinnerk> The tutorial about booking the realized gain is of course correct.
13:16:15 <Hinnerk> However, how can you do this in gnucash?
13:16:39 <Hinnerk> The "Stock" account type want to know how many pieces I have sold and the entire price.
13:16:57 <Hinnerk> The cash must be booked to the proper account it flowed to...
13:18:12 <Hinnerk> Is there a gnucash solution to this, or should I manually split the booking and generate two trx, one which returns the orignal aqusition costs and another that contains the gain?
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13:31:26 <warlord> Hinnerk: type in '0'
13:32:34 <warlord> (for # shares)
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13:37:13 <fell> Hinnerk: Because private german users have to use FIFO, while business users use HIFO, you can simply enter the full amount and then use lots.
13:38:36 <fell> HiFo is not implemented in lots.
13:43:07 <Hinnerk> I don't understand that. In my stock account, I enter -150 pieces, sold for X EUR.
13:43:15 <Hinnerk> then total pieces is at zero.
13:43:29 <Hinnerk> the other account is my checking account of the depot.
13:43:38 <Hinnerk> by then it is too late to split it.
13:44:09 <Hinnerk> so I need to enter the sum of the aq cost in the stock account and enter manually a second on to book the realized gain.
13:45:22 <fell> enter full amount; then Action->View Lots->scrub account
13:53:11 <fell> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/De/Aktienhandel#Vorsicht_beim_Verkauf and http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/De/Buchungsbeispiele#Aktien_und_andere_Wertpapiere should probably get an update to clarify it.
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14:43:51 <warlord> Hinnerk: what do you mean, "too late to split it"?
14:45:16 <Hinnerk> ah, cool, I didn't know this scrub account.
14:45:25 <Hinnerk> it is exactly what I was looking for.
14:45:28 <Hinnerk> awesome. thank you.
14:54:26 <Hinnerk> another question:
14:54:37 <Hinnerk> I had some puts. I sold them before they expired.
14:55:02 <Hinnerk> obviously there is no point anymore to create the security using the editor.
14:55:33 <Hinnerk> can I just use the above scrub mechanism on soemthing like a generic security?
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15:14:40 <warlord> Hinnerk: what do you mean, "no point ... to create the security"?
15:15:05 <Hinnerk> well, why go through the entire hassel, if the option has expired and is not traded anymore
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15:17:29 <warlord> Ah, true.
15:17:39 <warlord> Sure, for something that isn't trading, there's no point.
15:21:47 <Hinnerk> I currently entering old transactions and and it would be nice if I could use the scrub mechanism
15:21:58 <warlord> Why enter old txns?
15:22:18 <Hinnerk> to get a full view of the last year and my overall investment success of course
15:32:09 <Hinnerk> well, does that work somehow?
15:34:45 <fell> at least you should enter that commodities you are still holding with their original buy data and obey tax implications.
15:36:28 <fell> To get a correct (extended) portefolio report you should enter the complete history.
15:39:16 <Hinnerk> well, securities I still hold I of course model as complete as possible
15:39:59 <Hinnerk> (bit trick with the greek PSI, where they forced 20 bonds on me, which I never bought :)
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15:43:31 <fell> But before you got a few percent more than for Bundesschatzbriefe.
15:45:30 <Hinnerk> I didn't.
15:45:33 <Hinnerk> I bought late.
15:45:46 <Hinnerk> Anyway.
15:46:12 <Hinnerk> For the extended portoflio report it would be usefull to also have assets recognized that have expired.
15:46:19 <Hinnerk> so, coming back to the option:
15:46:49 <Hinnerk> is it necessary to fully add the security if one doesn'T care about market values anymore?
15:49:44 <fell> If you wish to know the success of your _current_ commodities you should add all payments (interests, dividends, splits, ...) they had.
15:56:02 <Hinnerk> yes. what is the proper way for that?
15:56:16 <Hinnerk> can "scrub" also help with that?
15:58:32 <fell> scrubing lots is really useful, if the profits are reinvested.
16:01:15 <Hinnerk> how would you go about dividends?
16:05:09 <fell> did you read the above wiki pages?
16:05:49 <Hinnerk> Not sure, I read some but it was usually about accounting in general, less about gnucashs support of it.
16:06:08 <Hinnerk> but maybe you have a different page in mind?
16:06:11 <Hinnerk> which one?
16:06:55 <fell> The please read Aktienhandel and tell me what is missing or unclear.
16:07:28 <Hinnerk> i think i did that ( a while ago). I'll glance over it again.
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16:12:10 <Hinnerk> sorry, I don't understand from that how to go about dividends
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16:16:44 <Hinnerk> would I enter the dividend in the buy column and book against my account for dividends and then have a second one where i transfer the cash to the proper checkings?
16:18:43 *** fell_ is now known as fell
16:22:02 <fell> in the register of the commodity just start a new transaction, leave the account in the 1. split as a link and put in split 2 the increase of your bank account and in the 3. income:capital gains...
16:24:51 <fell> I often use instead of the bank account an interim account, if the bank gave a part of the money to the tax office or the bookings were made at different dates.
16:25:54 <fell> If you put the tax in the 1. transacion it shows up as fees in the extended portefolio.
16:27:26 <tlevine> Hi. I want to invoice my customer for expenses. The charges for these expenses are already in Gnucash, so I feel like I should be able to like these to the invoice editor rather than copying them over, but I don't see a way to do so. Is there one, or should I do something different?
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16:33:54 <fell> tlevine: If you use the business fearure also as you buy the items, you can assign jobs.
16:44:06 <tlevine> fell, I'm having trouble looking up that process in the documentation; could you send me a link?
16:47:12 <fell> http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/guide/bus-ar-jobs1.html
16:49:56 <warlord> tlevine: you needed to have entered them using a Vendor Bill, and marked them as Chargebacks to the Customer.
16:57:10 <fell> Hinnerk: If it works for you, can you update the wiki?
16:58:37 <Hinnerk> I'll try. I think some screenshots would help the uninitiated as well :)
16:58:47 <tlevine> fell warlord: ah! Cool. Most of these are one-off travel expenses; would it be fine to create one dummy vendor to handle all of them?
16:59:25 <warlord> tlevine: sure, but you'd have to delete the existing transactions because the bill will wind up creating it again
17:00:08 <tlevine> warlord, okay.
17:00:12 <tlevine> fell warlord Thanks
17:00:23 <warlord> you're welcome
17:20:23 <fell> Hinnerk: For some reasons (e.g. spammer) images are diabled in the wiki, but if you like to work on the translation of the gnucash-docs ...
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23:26:44 <vivace> just a question since I am new to this kind of bookkeeping, whenever I buy food or other objects I will never be able to sell back, shouldn't that reflect in lowered equity?
23:26:57 <vivace> Buying food should lower my "net worth", shouldn't it?
23:27:10 <vivace> the only account I have that affects my equity is my opening balance
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