2013-02-12 GnuCash IRC logs
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01:23:18 <sagar> hello
01:23:28 <sagar> are any developers of gnucash on the channel
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06:16:58 <Franck> gjanssens: hello :) Thank you for your consern the other day. I, for the moment, couldn't find the time to resolv my problem, but i'm still hoping i'll be able to remove the entry desired.
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06:23:02 <gjanssens> Franck: you're welcome
06:23:29 <gjanssens> Did you try to rewrite your code as follows :
06:24:03 <gjanssens> if gncEntryGetDescription(entry) == description:
06:24:09 <gjanssens> in odontux ?
06:24:29 <gjanssens> I would expect that to be the proper way to call the function
06:24:40 <gjanssens> Not as a member function of an Entry object
06:24:49 <Franck> no, i didn't... but i'll try right now
06:27:02 <Franck> (Pdb) p gncEntryGetDescription(entry)
06:27:02 <Franck> '1729_SC7'
06:27:18 <Franck> gjanssens: looks like it's gonna work... :)
06:27:34 <gjanssens> good :)
07:09:51 <gjanssens> warlord: ping
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08:32:29 <warlord> gjanssens: pong.
08:32:57 <gjanssens> hey warlord
08:33:19 <gjanssens> Did you see Linas' mail re the triggers for the website update?
08:34:06 <gjanssens> Just wanted to know when you think you have time to configure the gitolite side of these triggers
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08:35:09 <warlord> gjanssens: It wont take me long.. I'm just waking up, so give me a bit?
08:35:24 <gjanssens> Heh, sure.
08:35:38 <gjanssens> I'm never sure when is too early
08:35:59 <gjanssens> I'm living ahead quarter of a day here...
08:36:51 <warlord> More than that right now -- I'm in UTC-0800
08:40:26 <warlord> Done.
08:40:47 <warlord> $HOME/bin/update-website{,-beta}
08:47:40 <gjanssens> Just to be sure: do you have independent trigger scripts for svn and git now ?
08:48:33 <warlord> Yes
08:48:57 <warlord> SVN's are in ${REPO_HOME}/hooks/
08:49:14 <gjanssens> Oh, right. Indeed
08:51:21 <warlord> :)
08:51:33 <warlord> But I did have to check to make sure I did a cp and not an ln.. ;)
09:10:20 <gjanssens> I have pushed an update to the website, but I don't see anyting happen
09:10:35 <gjanssens> Can you check if there was an error in the cron mails ?
09:31:50 <warlord> I see no errors in the email.
09:32:37 <warlord> Hmm, is there an order of operations issue:
09:32:39 <warlord> Running git svn fetch
09:32:39 <warlord> remote: To ssh://git@github.com/Gnucash/gnucash-htdocs.git
09:32:39 <warlord> remote: 9fb799d..22890e7 beta -> beta
09:32:39 <warlord> remote: Everything up-to-date
09:32:39 <warlord> To ssh://git@code.gnucash.org/gnucash-htdocs.git
09:32:40 <warlord> 9fb799d..22890e7 svn/beta -> beta
09:32:44 <warlord> Everything up-to-date
09:33:11 <warlord> It almost looks like it is pushing to github BEFORE it pushes to gitolite?
09:33:27 <warlord> Unless it's just a reverse-order to logging?
09:33:35 <warlord> But I don't see a call out to the website update, per se.
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09:41:49 <gjanssens> That's a logging artifact indeed
09:42:27 <gjanssens> The lines related to push to github are prefixed with "remote"
09:42:39 <gjanssens> This is output generated by the post-receive hook script
09:42:50 <gjanssens> Once the post receive hook completes
09:43:09 <gjanssens> The normal git push output in the local tree is printed
09:44:04 <gjanssens> This only shows the post-receive hook runs and finishes completely before the local svn-git push command finishes
09:44:40 <gjanssens> Could you add an echo command in the update-website-beta script ?
09:45:06 <gjanssens> A simple output like "Updating live beta website"
09:45:30 <gjanssens> That should also appear in the remote lines in the log
09:45:41 <gjanssens> In the cron mail, I mean
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10:11:07 <gjanssens> warlord: I tried to add some debugging output in the hook
10:11:21 <gjanssens> But it looks like it contains errors
10:11:36 <gjanssens> Can you check the most recent cron mail again ?
10:11:44 <gjanssens> You may want to pm it
10:11:53 <gjanssens> it could contain sensitive info
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10:34:11 <warlord> I'll take a look. hold on.
10:35:05 <warlord> No errors that I can see.
10:43:31 <gjanssens> More verbose output ?
10:44:09 <gjanssens> If not, the update script isn't even triggered
10:44:50 <warlord> I didn't see anything different than the last one I copy-and-pasted to you.
10:45:23 <gjanssens> Ok thanks. I'll have to move up in the script for my debugging output then
10:45:38 <warlord> ok.
10:49:29 <gjanssens> Found the problem
10:49:56 <gjanssens> I was checking for the existence of the update script as I had called it
10:50:07 <gjanssens> But you changed the existing scripts, which have different names
10:50:12 <gjanssens> Should be fixed now
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10:53:47 <gjanssens> Still no automatic update...
10:54:06 <gjanssens> warlord: any difference in the most recent cron mail ?
10:54:15 <gjanssens> I removed the debugging info again
10:54:28 <warlord> * looks *
10:55:17 <warlord> nothing in the output that I see..
10:55:28 <gjanssens> Grmbl
10:55:38 <gjanssens> Ok, more verbosity coming up...
10:55:39 <warlord> Running git svn fetch
10:55:39 <warlord> remote: To ssh://git@github.com/Gnucash/gnucash-htdocs.git
10:55:39 <warlord> remote: 1c6a32f..84ae220 beta -> beta
10:55:39 <warlord> remote: Everything up-to-date
10:55:39 <warlord> To ssh://git@code.gnucash.org/gnucash-htdocs.git
10:55:40 <warlord> 1c6a32f..84ae220 svn/beta -> beta
10:55:42 <warlord> Everything up-to-date
10:56:46 <warlord> Note that it is possible that the script that pushes to gitolite doesn't output anything from the triggers. But I find that unlikely since I do see the output from the push to github.
11:01:08 <gjanssens> When I was doing local tests the post-receive hook output was displayed.
11:01:38 <gjanssens> Anything that goes to stdout from the hook ended up on a remote: line
11:01:58 <gjanssens> I have just pushed another test, with some more verbose output
11:02:15 <gjanssens> Is there something more in the cron mail ?
11:03:07 <warlord> remote: Reponame: gnucash-htdocs, got main: no, got beta: yes
11:03:36 <warlord> and remote: Home
11:03:44 <warlord> (path printed elided here)
11:03:49 <warlord> ... but it is correct.
11:04:09 <gjanssens> ok
11:04:23 <gjanssens> So the parameters are set properly
11:04:48 <gjanssens> I'll go one step further now and see of the update script is actually called
11:05:31 <warlord> okay.
11:06:24 <warlord> Maybe I should try running the tickle script by hand to make sure it works?
11:08:40 <gjanssens> Yes, that could be a good idea as well
11:08:56 <gjanssens> The website is currently behind by a few commits
11:09:21 <gjanssens> So let's see what happens in you run it manually
11:10:36 <gjanssens> Oh, it could be that it was working, but couldn't write on the server
11:10:42 <gjanssens> Hang on, I'll first have to fix this
11:11:46 <warlord> ok
11:11:53 <warlord> let me know if you want me to test by hand.
11:13:26 <gjanssens> Fixed permissions
11:13:35 <gjanssens> Can you run a test by hand now ?
11:17:03 <warlord> Just ran it...
11:17:14 <warlord> Didn't see any output.
11:17:31 <warlord> Did the beta site update?
11:21:02 <gjanssens> No...
11:21:21 <gjanssens> And I don't know where to look if the script has run or not.
11:21:38 <gjanssens> It should write some log output, but as things are now, it can't
11:21:57 <gjanssens> Because it can't create the log files it wants to write to
11:21:59 <warlord> gjanssens: I think we may need to go back to linas ..
11:22:05 <gjanssens> Exactly
11:22:13 <warlord> :(
11:22:33 <warlord> Well, we're set up (AFAICT) on code. so it's now a scripting and 'www' issue. ;)
11:22:46 <gjanssens> Yes I think so
11:24:46 <warlord> Okay. I'm going to have to leave in a bit; I should be back online at the top of the hour.
11:26:48 <gjanssens> Ok, I'll have to leave as well.
11:26:56 <gjanssens> We'll have to wait for Linas' response anyway.
11:27:20 <warlord> Did you send another email to him?
11:27:36 <gjanssens> Working on it :)
11:28:52 <gjanssens> Done
11:30:17 <warlord> k
11:34:20 <warlord> biab
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12:34:01 <warlord> gjanssens: FYI:
12:34:02 <warlord> remote: Update script found and executable
12:34:02 <warlord> remote: Calling beta website update script
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12:39:08 <gjanssens> warlord: thanks
12:39:26 <gjanssens> Those confirm that the setup on code is working properly
12:41:20 <warlord> I figured you'd want to know that ;)
12:47:46 <gjanssens> Yeah, just waiting for Linas now
12:48:03 <gjanssens> I hope he finds some time in between his work deadlines
12:50:04 <warlord> Me too..
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12:59:17 <warlord> gjanssens: is it worth sticking with jqplot? Or maybe choose another javascript graphics engine? E.g., I've been using highcharts myself.
13:02:32 <gjanssens> warlord: I have no idea
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13:02:47 <gjanssens> jqplot is currently integrated, highcharts is not
13:03:12 <gjanssens> I don't know either engine
13:03:52 <gjanssens> So I wouldn't know if highcharts would be sufficiently better to warant the effort to get it integrated
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13:10:48 <warlord> gjanssens: good point.
13:10:50 <warlord> is jqplot currently still supported upstream?
13:11:29 <gjanssens> warlord: good point as well :)
13:11:38 <gjanssens> I don't even know where it has come from
13:12:52 <warlord> no clue.
13:13:04 <warlord> I didn't do the integration
13:13:12 <warlord> I think it wasn't fully integrated because we were still supporting GtkHTML.
13:13:19 <gjanssens> https://bitbucket.org/cleonello/jqplot/downloads/
13:13:32 <gjanssens> it still seems to be actively maintained
13:13:44 <gjanssens> GtkHTML was for 2.4
13:14:02 <gjanssens> Support has been dropped in trunk
13:18:08 <warlord> Ah, right.
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14:26:01 <pelliott50> I have followed everyone's advise and created a sepreate set of books for my sole proprietorship. But I have a question:
14:27:35 <pelliott50> How do I track the flow of money in and out of the sole proprietorship from the point of view of my PERSONAL books?
14:29:22 <pelliott50> For example when I started the bussiness, money disappeared from one of my personal bank accounts. On my PERSONAL books, what is the "other half" of that transaction?
14:30:33 <pelliott50> When I withdraw money from the business and money appears in my PERSONAL accounts, what will be the other half of the transaction on my personal books?
14:46:27 <warlord> pelliott50: I would consider it an Asset, an investment in your business.
14:55:21 <pelliott50> Well, when I withdraw money from the asset would not its value become negative pretty quickly? The business is a black box from the point of view of my personal books, so there would not be anything to show the moeny created inside it.
14:57:34 <warlord> true, but it shows your equity in the business. Think of it like buying stock in the company. The value of that stock can go up or down based on how the business does.
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