2013-02-15 GnuCash IRC logs
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09:13:02 <Richard> Good Morning.
09:18:03 <Richard> I have contacted Warlord yesterday and was discussing my problem with the Advance Portfolio. I have tried meny things and even went into my lesson file program to try secveral things. What I have found out is, I can enter my Dividend Re-Investments and the Advance Portfolio works. As soon as I enter a "Sales" it crashes. I need help on the "Sales" entry part of this. Strage as it may seem, I
09:18:04 <Richard> haven't really changed what I was doing before for my other Mutual Funds. I need help here.
09:20:34 <Richard> Here is how I have been entering my sales:
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09:43:32 <Richard> Good Morning
09:44:48 <Richard> Thunderbi@82, any thoughts on what my problem is here?
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09:49:04 <Richard> I 1st enter my net sales into my asset cash account
09:49:47 <Richard> 2nd I enter my loss into my "buy" column
09:50:49 <Richard> 3rd I enter into my icome account for the mutual fund my same loss in the Sell column
09:52:48 <Richard> 4Th I enter the actual sale info of the sale into the mutual fund account in the Sell column
09:54:44 <Richard> The shares will be entered as a negative, the share price is a positive # and the Dollar sales is placed in the sell column.
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10:05:51 <Richard> Hello
10:09:44 <Richard> I have been trying a few things in my Sell transaction process. I have chaged the order in which I enter my data. It worked this time. Can thisbe part of my problem? Is there a certain order of events that I must enter the information?
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10:14:02 <Richard> hello
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10:33:07 <warlord> Richard: are you entering/creating the transaction from your Fund account or your Cash account?
10:33:52 <warlord> It's possible the order matters. Unlikely, but possible.
10:35:10 <Richard> It's really crazy as I have tried to follow the help section and it rearranged the entry order. It was working and now my last entry failed.
10:36:05 <Richard> I am entering the data in my Investment asset account.
10:36:06 <warlord> What did you do differently for this last entry?
10:36:21 <warlord> The investment Asset, not the Fund account?
10:36:37 <Richard> That's what's so crazy. I did it the same way.
10:37:15 <Richard> What is the preferred entry process. Is there one?
10:38:29 <Richard> The way I have just enterred my dada is: 1st I put the sales amount in the Buy colume in my asset cash bank account.
10:39:44 <Richard> 2nd I enter the data in my Investment account with the shares sold, share price and then the Dollar amount
10:40:12 <warlord> Yeah, I saw your entry.. I would recommend doing it from the FUND account, not the Asset. From there, enter the Sell directly, -# shares and "sell" value.
10:40:25 <warlord> Then you can add out the Cap Gain/Loss splits.
10:40:43 <Richard> Then I enter my loss in the same investment asset account in the buy column (since it was a loss)
10:42:00 <Richard> Lastly, I entered the data in the income account for this mutual fund showing the same loss and place this in my Buy column.
10:43:01 <Richard> I miss-stated the above, My loss is put in the Sell column for the mutual fund asset account. Sorry.
10:44:06 <warlord> That all sounds right -- just do all the entry from the Fund account. I don't know why previous sells would work and this one would not.
10:44:54 <Richard> I have been so rattled lately trying to get this working, I miss-stated that. I do work in the mutual fund account for the data entry.
10:45:53 <warlord> Sorry, you sound like you're doing it correctly.
10:46:09 <warlord> Make sure you put in the correct Actions?
10:46:25 <Richard> I am mostly bald and already grey, so I need to fine an answer here before I go crazy.
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10:47:03 <Richard> I really love this program and hve turned myself away from Quicken.
10:47:52 <warlord> Alas, you're using features I don't, so I can only guess what might be wrong.
10:47:53 <Richard> I will keep at this. I really do appreciate your help here. Thank you.
10:48:50 <Richard> I will close now. You have a Great day! Bye
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10:48:54 <warlord> You can also try subscribing to and asking on the gnucash-user mailing list. Many more people there than here. Just not as interactive.
10:49:27 <Richard> How do I get there?
10:50:05 <warlord> http://www.gnucash.org/ -- follow the links to the mailing lists
10:50:27 <Richard> Wait, I found the web page. I will check it out as well.
10:50:39 <warlord> good luck. Gotta run for a bit.
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11:20:24 <thomas> Returned.Am having trouble with employee expense reports. Using GnuCash 2.4.10 from Debian Wheezy 32-bit.
11:25:50 <thomas> I have linked expense reports to customer invoices for chargeback and posted those invoices. Charges from my employee vouchers were accidentally deleted from the their "credit/cash" accounts When I "replaced " them. they do not show up as being credited to the employee, so againg payables and employees reports and bills due notifications are inaccurate.
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12:00:32 <warlord> thomas: how did you delete them from the accounts? The only way to create proper accounts is via the biz features. So if you somehow manually deleted the voucher transaction (I'm not sure *how* you could do that), then only way to recover is to unpost and re-post the voucher.
12:00:43 <warlord> You cannot just re-enter the transactions -- they wont have the proper metadata.
12:00:52 <warlord> Similarly, payments *must* be made via Process Payment.
12:00:58 <warlord> (gotta run -- biab)
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12:27:42 <thomas> My Posted vouchers when opened show a value , and that value has been transferreed to customer charge back invoices. However my employee report shows those same vouchers with a ZERO value. So payments due to my employees are reported incorrectly. The vouchers were not deleted, but rather the payment, directly from the account to which it was applied for instance "employees Credit card". A liability account.
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12:29:16 <warlord> thomas: i am back.
12:34:13 <thomas> Does my last post make sense?
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12:42:29 <warlord> I didn't see anything.. I was offiline after my "gotta run" message from 39 minutes ago.
12:42:36 <warlord> (well, 42 minutes ago now)
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13:32:40 <warlord> thomas: can you re-play your "last post" so I can see if it makes sense? :)
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13:42:48 <thomas> My Posted vouchers when opened show a value , and that value has been transferreed to customer charge back invoices. However my employee report shows those same vouchers with a ZERO value. So payments due to my employees are reported incorrectly. The vouchers were not deleted, but rather the payment, directly from the account to which it was applied for instance "employees Credit card". A liability account.
13:44:35 <warlord> Ah, if the charges are on a CARD then no, you don't owe the employee -- you owe the credit card.
13:45:01 <warlord> (that is for a "corporate card", where you pay the credit card directly)
13:47:51 <thomas> I thought when I set up the employee I was able to assign a card to an employee on their vouchers they pay their invoice/receipt on thir cash or credit account correct?
13:49:10 <thomas> For instance I would set up for my self Thomas Credit Crd or cash account and pay for say fuel on that account. Than I reimburde that account with a check from the organization.
13:50:59 <thomas> when I process that check I do it with Business>Employee?process Payment>Employee>"MAybe a specific Voucher> from my asset account of choice
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13:54:28 <swi> Hello! Did anyone used gnucash app for android?
13:58:12 <warlord> thomas: The design is that an employee's card is a "Corporate Card". It's not tied to A/P. So you don't process payment to a CC. You only need to Process Payment to the Cash portion.
13:59:29 <warlord> swi: hi, you might have better luck on the gnucash-user mailing list. Unless you have specific questions?
14:00:41 <swi> warlord: well, i just don understand how to use it to import transaction to desktop gnucash. Is this question for maillist ? :)
14:01:25 <warlord> swi: you export the file from the mobile app to a file on your desktop and them import it into gnucash file File -> Import -> OFX
14:02:47 <swi> warlord: i mean 'how to make it import successfull'. i mean when i import this file it' ask me to specify every account and then just show that it dont match from where to where transaction must be done
14:03:35 <warlord> swi: it's a standard OFX import -- yes, you have to specify, for each transaction, what income/expense account it goes to.
14:04:36 <swi> hm
14:05:01 <swi> so it' useless
14:05:03 <swi> :(
14:06:06 <thomas> are there plans to include customer and vendor import/export in GNUCASH soon?
14:06:20 <swi> warlord: thanks anyway
14:06:27 <warlord> thomas: I believe there is a customer import plugin
14:06:37 <warlord> swi: good luck!
14:06:43 <thomas> thanks for your help
14:06:46 <warlord> feel free to talk to the mobile app developer
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14:07:08 <warlord> (I've been trying to convince him to use QIF instead of OFX so that users wont have to re-specify the target accounts)
14:08:29 <swi> warlord: may be i continue with financisto
14:08:47 <warlord> I have no idea what that is.
14:09:18 <swi> a personal account soft for android :)
14:09:28 <swi> with export/import with qif
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16:55:09 <warlord2> @nick warlord
16:55:09 <gncbot> warlord2: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
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16:55:16 <warlord> @op
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16:55:19 <warlord> phew
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