2013-02-23 GnuCash IRC logs
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08:18:15 <wam> Hi, I have a kindergarden and am currently using openerp's financial modules. Now, gnucash has some ui advantages and I'm having a deeper look. One of the things openerp solves for me (and which I haven't found in gnucash) is this:
08:19:43 <wam> Every month I get money from the parents of the kindergarden. That means, I have one transaction on the bankaccount per kid/parent. Each transaction however must be split on 3 accounts: The municipal part, some for the meals and some for additional personnell.
08:20:43 <wam> I know that there are "mehrteilige buchungen" (split entries?), but is there any way to automate this for specific booking lines?
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08:33:41 <plato> Is there some way of preventing the imbalance accounts from being used, along the lines of this old thread: http://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-user/2006-December/018666.html
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12:55:12 <fell> wam: The first time you will have to enter the complete transaction. The next time you start a transaction with the same description, GnuCash will autocomplete it with the previous txn.
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14:04:40 <wabaz> Hello, I've just installed gnucash and I'd like to be able to update it from my android phone. I found an app that seems to be what i'm looking for, but this app can only read sqlite3 files. But I can't find how to save as sqlite3 in gnucash. When I select "save as", there is no way to select a file format
14:06:44 <wabaz> If anyone happen to know how to save as sqlite3, please tell me
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15:42:50 <irctc486> Can anyone help me figure out roughly how to split a repayment mortgage with a fixed rate, so i know how much capital/interest I'm repaying?
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16:14:57 <warlord> irctc486: It's a split from Cash to Liability (Prinicipal) and Expense (Interest)
16:15:02 <irctc486> yes
16:15:09 <irctc486> i was wondering how to calculate that split
16:15:14 <warlord> ... and possibly escrow, if you have it.
16:15:28 <irctc486> but i found an online calculator - not entirely happy seeing as i wanted to calculate myself...but nevermind
16:15:33 <irctc486> what's escrow?
16:15:40 <warlord> You could use the M&L Druid to set up an SX to compute it using the pmt(), ppmt(), and ipmt() functions
16:16:19 <warlord> escrow is an asset account held by the mortgagor (bank) to hold in escrow deposits to pay for e.g. taxes and insurance
16:16:42 <warlord> Note that the SX *pmt functions dont handle over/pre-payments. It's a pre-computed amoritazation table.
16:17:56 <warlord> plato: No, the only way to prevent an imbalance account is to enter a fully balanced transaction before you "enter" (commit) it. Don't use the 'enter' key until you're done.
16:18:11 <irctc486> thanks warlord
16:18:22 <irctc486> yeh I'm planning to make an overpayment - that may screw things up :)
16:18:30 <warlord> wabaz: you need to have built gnucash with dbi support and have the sqlite dbi dbd backend installed on your system.
16:19:02 <wabaz> how do I do that? (i'm running gnucash on linux)
16:19:09 <warlord> irctc486: yep. What I do is just use the SX to compute an estimated amount and then update the transaction when I get my statement showing me how it was actually split by the bank
16:19:15 <warlord> (I overpay every month)
16:20:37 <irctc486> warlord: yeh i don't seem to get the split statements yet
16:20:41 <irctc486> maybe i will at end of year 1
16:20:42 <irctc486> :)
16:21:00 <irctc486> if I have been given some RSUs, how do i give myself those initially?
16:21:08 <irctc486> do i have to set up an equity stock account?
16:21:09 <warlord> RSU?
16:21:23 <irctc486> restricted stock unit (I didn't buy them - company gave them to me)
16:22:28 <warlord> I'm not sure an equity stock account is the right solution.. Possibly an asset.
16:22:45 <irctc486> i can't add them to the normal equity account as that wants CURRENCY - and wont accept my stock "currency"
16:22:58 <warlord> right
16:23:09 <irctc486> warlord: well, yes it is an asset, but in a double entry system - i have to add it somewhere else too
16:23:32 <warlord> True, but the other end of the transaction is the 'value' of that RSU
16:23:41 <warlord> (or you can turn on trading accounts)
16:23:45 <irctc486> hmmm
16:24:01 <irctc486> trading accounts?? - me maybe needs to go read
16:24:02 <warlord> You cannot create a non-currency 'equity' account..
16:24:18 <warlord> Yeah, it's a set of accounts to add 'double-entry' to mixed-commodity transactions.
16:24:56 <irctc486> ok...maybe that's what I want to do then
16:25:06 <irctc486> I really do want to be able to track the stock as an asset
16:25:19 <irctc486> how do i do that?
16:25:20 <warlord> You have to track it as an asset.
16:25:25 <warlord> Create a stock account
16:25:28 <irctc486> done that
16:25:53 <warlord> Create a commodity for this stock and assign that to the stock account.
16:26:04 <irctc486> is that the tools/security editor?
16:26:31 <irctc486> oh sorry misunderstood
16:26:34 <warlord> Partially -- you can do it all from the Account dialog, where you select a commodity after you set the account type to "Stock"
16:27:05 <irctc486> yeh done that
16:28:03 <warlord> okay, then just create an opening balance transaction for the number of shares you were given, and the value. I'm guessing that would come from "Income"
16:28:26 <irctc486> ahhh of course
16:28:43 <irctc486> So do i need to create an Income account with the stock commodity?
16:28:48 <warlord> no.
16:28:51 <warlord> you can't do that.
16:29:06 <warlord> the income is the *VALUE* of the stock
16:29:26 <warlord> Basically, you're just recording a purchase..
16:29:50 <irctc486> oh....
16:32:12 <irctc486> so I've created a separate income account which has the currency of the commodities trading currency
16:32:39 <warlord> That's what you need. (and you need the parent account of the stock account to also be in the commodity's trading currency)(
16:33:00 <irctc486> ok buy a problem
16:33:02 <irctc486> but
16:33:32 <irctc486> ok - if I am given these......granted they have a price/value when they were given to me
16:33:48 <irctc486> but.......if i see them at a lower price than what they were given to me for....
16:33:54 <irctc486> that would record as a loss right?
16:37:00 <warlord> Well, you dont record the gain/loss until you sell. (at least in the US)
16:37:08 <irctc486> exactly
16:37:22 <irctc486> but for me.....i wouldn't think of that as a loss as they were "given" to me
16:37:27 <irctc486> but i guess it is a loss
16:37:32 <irctc486> in the REAL world
16:38:27 <irctc486> oh pants.....that means.....as they vest over a certain period.....I would actually have to put in the grants of all the stock items and the prices when they were given to me to make the profit/loss accurate
16:39:35 <warlord> The vesting is ... different.
16:40:23 <irctc486> well.....you get taxed (in the UK) based on the price they were when you received them
16:43:54 <warlord> Right, but that doesn't apply to the vesting period, does it? That's based on the grant date, right/
16:43:56 <warlord> ?
16:45:11 <irctc486> right
16:45:24 <irctc486> so.....if i am setting a date to start my accounts from
16:45:31 <irctc486> then any stock i had before that
16:46:03 <irctc486> I need to group into it's vesting periods and add it as separate "income" amounts so that the cost basis matches with the vest date and qty
16:46:10 <warlord> IMHO you should date those at the actual acquisition dates.
16:46:25 <irctc486> yes I probably will
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16:47:02 <warlord> I thought you just said it's based on the grant date, not the vest date. So the vesting date shouldn't apply.. E.g., I give you 4000 shares now but they vest yearly..
16:47:28 <john> If I may jump in, I suggest that you ask on gnucash-user, where there are a couple of Brits who may have experience in stock options.
16:47:29 <warlord> So each year you get 1000. However the value is all about the grant date..
16:47:38 <warlord> True..
16:48:09 <irctc486> oh no it's on the vest date
16:48:26 <irctc486> but anyway
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17:02:01 <irctc486> if I sell stock in usd......and transfer that asset to a gbp account, as it will be a cheque that I will pay in
17:02:15 <irctc486> the current account has a zero value for the deposit
17:02:32 <irctc486> can i safely fill that in with the amount that was on the cheque?
17:02:34 <irctc486> is that how it works?
17:05:25 <warlord> you need to deal with the exchange rate.
17:07:05 <irctc486> how?
17:11:28 <warlord> through the exchange rate dialog when you enter the cross-currency transaction
17:12:08 <irctc486> ahhh
17:12:12 <irctc486> cross currency transaction
17:12:16 <irctc486> that's the ticket :)
17:12:21 <irctc486> not seen how to do that yet
17:12:24 <irctc486> ok
17:12:25 <irctc486> thanks
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