2013-03-04 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:24:40 <ftc> i'm a total n00b to accountanting, but one thing that i don't understand is why it's so uncommon for accounting software to let you bulk classify transactions? i.e. on my bank account ledger, i should be able to bulk select all transactions with "Linode" in the description and assign them to my "Expense:Web Hosting" account at once rather that having to do every transaction individually.
03:24:49 <ftc> but maybe my whole process is wrong?
03:24:55 <ftc> anybody got any tips?
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10:35:28 <warlord> ftc: How are you entering the transactions in the first place?
10:35:39 <warlord> Why not assign the target when you enter the txn?
10:35:48 <ftc> CSV import
10:36:04 <ftc> just started using gnucash
10:36:05 <warlord> Then assign it in the importer window.
10:36:20 <warlord> The importer will learn from previous imports and apply it to future imports.
10:37:04 <ftc> it seems to be a bit random, transactions with the exact same description get assigned to random different accounts, even ones where the dr/cr are usually the other way round
10:37:43 <warlord> Do you have Bayesian matching turned on?
10:37:59 <warlord> (Honestly, I don't import anything, so I have no personal experience with those importers)
10:38:39 <ftc> in the end i decided to save my file in mysql, so at least i can make bulk changes with SQL
10:38:53 <warlord> Um, don't do that.
10:39:09 <warlord> If you modify the database from under gnucash you could seriously break your data.
10:39:40 <warlord> All the backends should be considered read-only.. Only gnucash (or an app using the gnucash api) should make changes to the datastore.
10:39:52 <ftc> yeah bayesian is ticked
10:40:25 <ftc> does gnucash store any data outside of the sql tables? i.e. local files or anything?
10:41:03 <warlord> all the real data is stored in your datastore. The only info stored outside is the metadata, such as which windows you have open.
10:41:12 <warlord> .. or user prefs.
10:41:13 <ftc> ah yep cool
10:42:40 <warlord> Also there may still be data-saving issues with SQL, which is why it's not the default,
10:42:59 <ftc> yeah fair enough
10:43:15 <ftc> i've got nightly db dumps, so can always go back if i need to
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10:45:09 <warlord> good.. but the issure is more that you'd enter something into the UI and it doesn't make it into the DB.
10:46:21 <ftc> ah k
10:47:48 <warlord> We don't have a full test suite to test that. So if you do find something then please file a BZ report
10:51:06 <ftc> yep will do
10:52:21 <ftc> was just reading the last post at the bottom here: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/Simple-GnuCash-web-interface-td4451973.html - does gnucash rewrite the entire database each time it saves? is that still the case?
10:53:17 <warlord> I have no idea..
10:53:36 <warlord> It shouldn't for incremental updates (e.g., when it commits a new txn)
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12:31:56 <ftc> thanks for your help warlord
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12:44:19 <warlord> ftc: you're welcome
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