2013-03-11 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:38:52 <melvster> hi all, im a new gnucash user and creating a new set of accounts, i wanted to save to mysql but the dropdown only shows xml ... any ideas?
03:39:05 <melvster> GnuCash 2.4.11
03:39:41 <melvster> on ubuntu
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06:31:08 <mossyfunk> gnucash rocks! It has helped me substantially. Thanks!
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07:16:39 <mossyfunk> How would I deal with customer deposit's held? Would I create an account type "Income" and Log the deposit as income in that account then transfer to accounts payable? Seems over complicated.
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08:16:07 <warlord> mossyfunk: just Process Payment.
08:16:24 <warlord> GnuCash handles the pre-payment. Then when you invoice it will apply the pre-payment to the invoice.
08:16:50 <warlord> melvster: do you have the dbi/dbd mysql driver installed?
08:17:19 <warlord> (BIAB)
08:17:22 <melvster> warlord: i do now, got help from the ML, so everything works now thx :)
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09:04:40 <joslwah> Hiya warlord. Did you see my previous message about qif? Or should I repeat it?
09:07:11 <warlord> i did not. please do
09:08:12 <joslwah> Anyone doing anything with qif importing? I've got things set up pretty well apart from the problem that you have to manually match transactions that are already entered. It is great at identifying the one correct transaction and giving no other options, but it won't auto-match. Not sure whether I've just missed or mis-set an option somewhere.
09:09:07 <joslwah> Context is that I'm importing a list of transactions, but can only get the complete list, most of which are already previously imported. Marking the identical duplicates is a pain.
09:09:34 <joslwah> Is there a knob to turn to get it to auto-mark things that are sufficiently close rather than just selecting them accurately?
09:12:33 <mossyfunk> warlord: So I need to have an Assets account for the deposits? When I process payment it wants to transfer the money from an Assets account, otherwise it creates an Imbalance account.
09:14:09 <mossyfunk> warlord: sorry just RTFM i'm so tired
09:14:14 <warlord> joslwah: the importer will ALWAYS ask you to verify, it will not automatch. This is a feature.. Alas, there is no way for QIF to say "this transaction has already been imported" as opposed to this is a new tranasction that happens to match exactly the old one. (e..g, two ATM withdrawals on the same day for the same amount)
09:14:52 <warlord> mossyfunk: Well, it wants to transfer *to* an Asset account (if this is a Customer Prepayment, it would be A/R -> Bank)
09:16:17 <joslwah> warlord: I realise that, but is there not a way of setting it up in such a way as the default is to assume that something with a high enough match ratio is a match, and then if you're not sure you have to check that the matches are correct? I'm not saying have a default of being this, but a way of tuning things so that it can?
09:16:30 <joslwah> Alternatively, is there another import method which can do the matching?
09:16:50 <warlord> No, there is not. Pre-process your QIF and remove the dups?
09:16:54 <warlord> OFX
09:17:35 <joslwah> The problem is identifying the dups without being able to dump the gnucash stuff. I suppose I could try and use the stubs from the python interface to just do it manually.
09:17:36 <warlord> OFX has a stable transaction it (FITID) that gets stored in GnuCash so the importer can see immediately that a particular txn is a repeat-import
09:17:54 <warlord> joslwah: dump everything prior to the last import date.
09:18:04 <joslwah> O.k. So, instead of writing qif I write OFX?
09:18:16 <joslwah> Since I'm writing the qif, writing OFX may well be just as easy.
09:18:44 <joslwah> Is there a simple spec somewhere where I can find the format for an OFX import file. The only stuff I could find had rather too much detail about interacting with online banking etc.
09:19:16 <warlord> define "simple". (alas, no, OFX is not "simple", IMHO)
09:19:30 <warlord> Also, you hopefully have no split txns?
09:19:40 <joslwah> O.k. Let me rephrase. Some examples that include splits.
09:19:54 <joslwah> Almost all the txns have splits.
09:20:07 <warlord> okay, the ofx wont work -- it doesn't support split txns
09:20:18 <joslwah> Looking at the specs, it rather looked like splits just weren't part of things.
09:20:26 <joslwah> O.k.
09:20:28 <warlord> if you're writing the qif yourself, why write out everything every time instead of only the 'new ones'?
09:20:49 <joslwah> Because I can't easily tell which are the new ones.
09:21:08 <joslwah> Unless I do it by hand.
09:21:12 <joslwah> I'm trying to fully automate.
09:21:55 <joslwah> I have to manually identify which are the new ones. I've got it down to a relatively simple method, but it is more work than I'd like to do.
09:21:59 <warlord> What do you mean? In your source system you can mark it 'exported', or just look at the date.
09:23:05 <joslwah> I'm getting dumps from another system. There are multiple sets of transactions, mostly future dated, and the 'new ones' are interleaved datewise with the old ones.
09:23:15 <joslwah> I know. It is a mess.
09:23:47 <joslwah> So, unless I create my own database to monitor what is already known then identifying what's new is rather hard.
09:24:59 <warlord> Like I said, QIF has no way to specify that a transaction is a true duplicate versus a very-similar-looking txn. I would never want the system to automatedly assume it's dup.
09:25:24 <joslwah> The alternative would be to use the SWIG stubs.
09:25:34 <joslwah> And then just do everything programatically.
09:25:54 <joslwah> O.k. I wasn't asking for a new feature, just wanting to check whether I'd missed anything.
09:27:30 <joslwah> Thanks for the help. I'll try and work out some method myself. Although going the programmatic direction would help with other problems as well.
09:27:46 <joslwah> I'm assuming there is no simple scripting way to find out the current balance of an account, by name say?
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09:46:42 <warlord> from which language? Yes, there is a 'xaccAccountGetBalance()'
09:47:00 <warlord> So you would need to lookup the Account from the name and then get its balance.
09:47:20 <warlord> There is also an 'xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDate()' api, to get the balance at a particular date..
09:47:26 <warlord> (too bad that's not tied into the SX system ;)
09:47:35 <joslwah> Well, I've just generated a common lisp set of bindings from the swig stubs.
09:48:12 <joslwah> Just looking through it now.
09:51:41 <joslwah> Thanks for the help. I'll look into it, and use the python docs to get me started.
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10:00:45 <warlord> Why common lisp? We already support scheme..
10:02:19 <joslwah> Because I write common lisp much more easily than scheme, and I'm lazy.
10:02:34 <joslwah> And I have lots of common lisp code that would like to call into gnucash.
10:02:48 <joslwah> I suppose I could just write it as scheme.
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10:03:05 <joslwah> And rewrite some of my other code as scheme.
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10:04:07 <warlord> It might be easier from the gnucash side -- the scheme bindings are well debugged.
10:04:36 <joslwah> Having said that. Given I have already generated a common lisp interface. I just used the swig files, which I'm guessing the scheme bindings are generated from.
10:05:11 <warlord> yes they are
10:05:43 <joslwah> So I've probably go exactly the same effective code and interface, just using a different language binding.
10:05:55 <joslwah> Having the swig code there is really useful.
10:06:28 <joslwah> And I'm not intending to do anything with the gui.
10:17:15 <joslwah> O.k. The python examples seem to give me enough information. I'll play with it at some point. Thanks for all the help.
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10:36:12 <sfalanga> I'm using v2.4.10 w/mysql backend, after using Business,Vendor,Process Payment ... to pay A/P the reminder still shows when I open the program for items I've already paid
10:37:02 <sfalanga> I've verified the balances are correct and the payments show up in the appropriate A/P account - but still the reminder shows. Any ideas?
10:50:38 <warlord> good luck, joslwah
10:51:21 <warlord> sfalanga: could be a bug in the mysql save. first, 2.4.11 is current.. But it's possible the Lot data is wrong.
10:52:17 <warlord> sfalanga: another thing to check is to look in your AP account to make sure you ONLY have your bill and payment transactions.. Did you ever unpost/repost a bill, or perhaps accidentally change a process-payment transaction amount?
10:57:09 <sfalanga> warlord: everything in there is either "I" or "P" and the ending balance is zero. Do I have to unpost, delete, recreate and Process payment ...?
10:57:42 <warlord> sfalanga: look at all the amounts -- are they all whole-amounts of bills/payments?
10:58:52 <sfalanga> Some of the bills are "splits" with freight and handling charged to separate accounts
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10:59:38 <sfalanga> but the whole-amounts add up fine and the invoices and payments match exactly.
11:00:35 <warlord> Hmm..
11:00:48 <warlord> Try with an XML backend?
11:00:58 <warlord> File -> Save As ... into XML
11:01:07 <sfalanga> I could do that.
11:02:11 <sfalanga> warlord: I used to compile the latest version and this may have been v2.4.11 in the past. This most recent install I just used the repository version. Do you think that's a clue?
11:02:46 <sfalanga> warlord: I'll save as XML and see what happens.
11:04:46 <warlord> Honestly I dont know.. But it's quite possible that you've hit a bug; in particular with using the sql backend
11:04:53 <warlord> there are still potential data-loss issues there.
11:06:12 <sfalanga> warlord: I've saved it as XML and opened it up - same reminders are there (of course), when I first started using MySQL backend I had these problems (data not writing properly) but after upgrading to 2.4.11 they went away. Perhaps I should upgrade this v2.4.10 to v2.4.11 and see if that helps. Thanks for your input.
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11:20:48 <warlord> it's possible the data got lost. using XML remove the payment and then process payment again?>
11:21:31 <warlord> BIAB..
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11:34:41 <sfalanga> warlord: that worked fine. No more annoying notice(s). I guess I'm going to move back to XML for a while - this bug is probably already fixed but I don't have time right now to recompile from source to get the latest version. Thanks again for your help!
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12:47:15 <volker> Is it possible to virtually combine accounts if you do a budget?
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13:01:55 <warlord> volker: I dont think so.
13:02:39 <volker> warlord: don't think or not possible?
13:02:49 <volker> assumptations never help
13:02:52 <warlord> I dont know. I don't use the budget features.
13:02:58 <warlord> so I dont know.
13:04:01 <warlord> But I dont think you can combine accounts within a budget; i think the assumption is that if you want the detail of spending on X vs Y then why would you not want to budget X and Y separately?
13:09:20 <volker> warlord: assume you have a budget for rent+gas+water+electricity. You don't care if gas is higher in winter (because electricity is lower) and vice-versa in summer
13:10:05 <warlord> That's why budgets can (and IMHO should be) over a year..
13:10:08 <volker> but you don't want to mix all the different expenses together, so you won't see long time changes in electicity/gas costs.
13:10:57 <warlord> But that's also an argument why you don't want to lump them together: you do care that your electricity and gas charges change over time, even if they do fluctuate over a year.
13:11:19 <volker> warlord: another example is montly dining+grocery costs. You want to have there a limit, but you don't care if this months grocery or dining out is higher.
13:11:58 <volker> warlord: if one value is higher, the other one is automatically lower. Therefore combining two to a virtual one would be great
13:12:09 <warlord> Patches always welcome.
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