2013-03-12 GnuCash IRC logs
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09:01:24 *** Shariff has joined #Gnucash
09:01:26 <Shariff> Hi there
09:02:51 <Shariff> Is there a way that I can sort the accounts list to my liking, rather than alphabetically? I'm making a balance (not sure that is the right term in english - an overview with all assets and liabilities) And I would like to order it according to length.. Solid assets (> 1year), Liquid Assets (bankaccounts), etc?
09:04:16 <Shariff> I'd prefer to order it by account number. :)
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09:44:17 <Silly> Hmmmm..., every time I have an imbalanced transaction and I then fix it (usually because I typod something) I have to delete a split, it would be kind of nice if the splits to the imbalance account got merged and when zero automatically deleted (ofc, this would be best if it was something that you could configure, maybe off by default and one could specify which accounts had this behavior...)
09:47:41 <warlord> Silly: patches always welcome.
09:48:31 <Silly> :D
09:48:36 <warlord> First I would say: don't commit an imbalanced transaction.
09:49:08 <Silly> warlord: it's usually because my hand slips and I press enter on the number pad when I don't mean too...
09:49:41 <warlord> I've never tried taking an imbalanced transaction, making it further imbalanced, and then committing it again -- does it adjust the existing Imbalance split or create yet another one?
09:49:43 *** Foobs has joined #gnucash
09:49:50 <Foobs> hi, im trying to separate account by year
09:50:00 <Foobs> so i have an account file, and i have a tree, but i want a new one every year
09:50:14 <Foobs> but if i create a new account type cash and move the accounts, rec, etc into the new account "2013"
09:50:21 <warlord> Foobs: why?
09:50:24 <Foobs> i cannot move the expenses there because then i cant have expense type
09:50:39 <warlord> why do you want separate trees?
09:50:44 <warlord> There's no reason I can imagine.
09:50:48 <Foobs> i want a separate section per year
09:50:59 <warlord> Why
09:51:18 <Foobs> because?
09:51:44 <Foobs> is there an account type you can choose to put expense accounts under?
09:51:49 <warlord> I'm asking a serious question. Why do you want to do it?
09:51:50 <Foobs> a generic one? bank wont work
09:51:55 <warlord> No
09:52:21 <warlord> Accounts are matches by: Equity, Asset&Liability, and Income&Expense
09:52:31 <warlord> There is no 'generic' account that can hold multiple types.
09:52:48 <Foobs> so you can pair income and expense?
09:52:51 <warlord> But again I ask you: why are you trying to do this? What information are you trying to gleam that you cannot obtain from the reports?
09:53:26 <Foobs> it's just the way i prefer to organize it. ive been doing it for about 10 years with gnucash
09:53:49 <Foobs> so if you had a top level account "2013" what would you have to make it, in terms of type, to have both income and expenses under it?
09:54:01 <warlord> Either Income or Expense
09:54:09 <warlord> But.... that might make reports fail.
09:54:16 <Foobs> hmm
09:55:02 <warlord> So I'll ask you again, why are you trying to do this? "because" is not an answer.
09:55:18 <Foobs> ok, i guess im not going to get help
09:55:20 <Foobs> thanks anyway
09:55:20 <warlord> Please give me an info-data or technical reason
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09:55:31 <warlord> Doofus
09:56:29 <warlord> I was trying to help you, I was trying to understand your rationale because perhaps your rationale was wrong. But NO, of course your way is the only way.. Must fit square peg into round hole...
09:57:40 <warlord> * sigh *
10:02:25 <warlord> anyways, Silly , back to you -- I think having the transaction scrubber handle the imbalance split in a more intelligent way would be a Good Thing.
10:09:13 <Shariff> Is there a way to order accounts by account number rather than alphabetical order on the account name?
10:09:38 <warlord> Shariff: yep, enter hte account codes into the Account object..
10:09:48 <warlord> I.e., edit each account and put in the Account Code
10:09:54 <warlord> Then it'll order by code.
10:09:59 <warlord> (or at least enable the option)
10:10:03 <Shariff> warlord: I did, but it did not reorder...
10:10:17 <Shariff> Ahhh.. there is an option.. can you tell me where in the options that is?
10:11:34 <warlord> from the CoA click on the down-arrow on the far right of the headers to enable to Account Code column, then you can sort by that column by clicking on it.
10:11:57 <Shariff> Thanks! What does CoA stand for?
10:12:17 <Shariff> Found the arrow, thanks!
10:12:41 <warlord> Chart of Accounts
10:13:06 <Shariff> Thanks a lot!
10:13:12 <Shariff> It worked (of course) :D
10:13:46 <warlord> :-D
10:14:02 <warlord> Now if only Foobs was patient enough to listen...
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10:34:24 <Silly> warlord: it creates yet another one, it's usually when I correct one transaction then I have to delete the imbalance but if I forget it creates another one and then I have two to delete
10:34:52 <warlord> Ah, too bad -- I was afraid of that.
10:35:06 <warlord> it means the scrubber isn't "smart" about "imbalance"
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