2013-06-27 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:32:27 <miro> hi
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02:35:42 <miro> is anybody here?
02:38:40 <miro> my gnucash installation doesnt let me delete transactions any more; what could be the reason for that? I get no messages, just an unworking button...
02:39:51 <miro> i run gentoo 2.4.12
02:40:23 <miro> but i tried it also with 2.4.11-r1 (same result)
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03:05:17 <miro> i installed it from scratch (2.4.13) and i get the same effect
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04:56:36 <miro> thx, i found a solution; i edited a gconf value (i have no idea why it was set to -6 (should have been 0)
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05:36:30 <maxiaojun> is gnucash still using libgnome*
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07:58:05 <warlord> maxiaojun: 2.4 does. 2.6 I believe is in the process of removing it, but I believe the register is still using GnomeCanvas.
07:58:28 <maxiaojun> ok
07:58:45 <warlord> So until the register rewrite is complete .....
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11:39:13 <muhoo> maybe i'm confused then. how does one set up imports in QFX to go into a particular account? there was a dialog box in QIF importer; i've never seen such thing in OFX.
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11:48:35 <warlord> muhoo: on the right side of the transaction matcher you can assign those accounts.
11:48:46 <warlord> (I think you have to double-click, maybe... I've never used that UI)
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11:49:47 <muhoo> is there a conf file i could use instead?
11:50:26 <warlord> I dont understand the question.
11:50:37 <muhoo> if you don't use that UI, what's the alternative to the UI?
11:51:01 <warlord> There is no alternative non-UI *FX import
11:52:00 <warlord> So I dont know what you mean by "if you don't use that UI"
11:52:14 <warlord> If you are importing OFX/QFX, you are using that UI
11:53:28 <muhoo> you said "I've never used that UI", which made me think you were using a non-UI way of doing it, sorry
11:53:47 <warlord> No.. it means I don't import anything.
11:54:08 <warlord> (I personally think importing is dumb for every day work because you no longer have a check-and-balance against bank errors)
11:54:32 <muhoo> ok, well i dunno then. i'll play around with it. still concerned that description is not getting imported, but maybe i'll shake that out as part of that effort
11:54:35 <warlord> The only time importing makes sense to me, personally, is when you convert from an older system to gnucash (e.g. if you used to use quicken)
11:54:54 <warlord> Are you sure it's a DESCRIPTION and not e.g. a MEMO or NOTE?
11:54:56 <muhoo> tedium is tedious.
11:55:04 <warlord> Turn on double-line mode, and expand the transaction
11:55:15 <muhoo> so, i import instead of manually entereing every single transaction
11:55:21 <muhoo> also, i make typos, see above :-)
11:55:53 <muhoo> yes, it's description, which looks like "NOTE" tag in QFX
11:57:35 <warlord> I know for a fact that the importer does not throw away data it recognizes. You might just be looking in the wrong place for it.
11:58:06 <muhoo> hhuh, that memo is weird. it's a duplication of the same data as the noe
11:58:21 <muhoo> memo is:
11:58:24 <muhoo> OFX ext. info: |Trans type:Point of sale debit or credit (Note: Depends on signage of amount)|Memo:SAFEWAY STORE ETC ETC
11:58:43 <muhoo> that's what's in the second line.
11:59:49 <warlord> There are "three" text fields in gnucash, the Transaction Description, the Txn Notes field (View -> Double Line Mode), and the Split Memo fields (one per Split, visible when you expand the transaction)
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12:00:50 <muhoo> ooh, this is helpful, thanks. what is the mapping of OFX fields to gnucash fields?
12:01:28 <warlord> I dont know
12:01:40 <muhoo> where would i find that? in the source or in docs?
12:01:46 <warlord> Sources definitely
12:01:48 <warlord> Docs maybe
12:02:47 <muhoo> well it seems that the data i want gets stuffed into both the description and notes fields of gnucash, when it works.
12:03:09 <muhoo> and now it's not getting stuffed into desription, and may be in notes, i'll look
12:03:29 <muhoo> next time i import. thank you again, this makes more sense now
12:09:26 <warlord> enjoy
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