2013-07-17 GnuCash IRC logs
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01:56:03 <fuzzybunny69y> hey guys I have probably asked this before but is there anyway to reorder the transactions in the register? I sometimes enter the newest transactions first in gnu cash and then the order of the transactions in gnucash is different to what my bank is.
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04:20:36 <fuzzybunny69y> hey guys I have started to rearrange the transactions by putting in a number in the num column
04:21:03 <fuzzybunny69y> but for two of my transactions are not switching spots now
04:22:27 <fuzzybunny69y> even though the number column is higher it is still showing before the transaction with a smaller number in the num column
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04:24:08 <fuzzybunny69y> hmmm I am not sure what to do now
04:25:33 <fuzzybunny69y> number 175 is showing after number 176
04:28:54 <fuzzybunny69y> :(
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16:29:19 <jaggz> did I find a bug? in an invoice, right-click -> Move entry up/down seems to work once, but not again.
16:29:43 <jaggz> not on the same entry at least.
16:30:20 <warlord> What version of gnucash?
16:30:22 <warlord> (bug? probably)
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16:35:48 <jaggz> latest
16:36:03 <jaggz> 2.4.13 I should say
16:36:13 <jaggz> not a dev. version
16:36:57 <warlord> In that case... I'm not sure what "move entry up/down" is
16:37:00 <jaggz> now I can move this other one up twice and then it stops.. weird
16:37:13 <jaggz> in invoice view I want to change the order of entries
16:38:00 <warlord> Honestly, if that feature does exist it's news to me.
16:38:11 <warlord> (I thought that was a 2.6 feature-in-progress)
16:38:14 <jaggz> what version are you on?
16:38:31 <warlord> I use various versions.
16:44:45 <warlord> (although honestly my business is still on 2.0.5)
16:45:25 <warlord> jaggz: you can only move entries within the same date.
16:47:14 <warlord> Also, what backend method are you using?
16:47:28 <warlord> (File/XML, SQL, ...??)
16:47:38 <warlord> (looking at this code, eww......
16:47:54 <warlord> it's quick a horrible hack, and confounds/looses real data)
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17:00:07 <jaggz> I was saving as xml
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17:00:54 <warlord> were you trying to reorder across dates?
17:03:03 <jaggz> maybe there's a hidden time I can't see, but the same date
17:03:14 <jaggz> but.. if it were time, they shouldn't move at all right :)
17:05:58 <warlord> In that case it sounds like a bug. My suggestion; enter them in the order you want them.
17:07:51 <jaggz> maybe I can duplicate them down to get the order I want
17:08:08 <jaggz> if this is in scheme I can maybe fix it.. my scheme experience is limited though
17:08:15 <jaggz> I think gimp used scheme
17:09:35 <warlord> it's C
17:15:10 <jaggz> hmm..
17:15:35 <jaggz> that means compiling in windows..
17:18:00 <warlord> if you're using that PoS OS, then yeah.
17:18:08 <warlord> (well, it means compiling on any OS0
17:18:09 <warlord> )
17:20:24 <jaggz> looks like just mingw with one or two dependencies.. doesn't seem like that much trouble
17:20:55 <jaggz> nevertheless, I should probably suppress my compulsion to do it unless it's absolutely necessary
17:21:01 <warlord> It does take HOURS..
17:21:16 <warlord> I think it would just be easier to enter the line-items in the order you want them
17:25:17 <warlord> (although you should still file a bug if you can reproduce the problem)
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17:38:48 <jaggz> darn.. printed invoice doesn't match the invoice (fillable) page
17:38:57 <jaggz> weird
17:39:07 <jaggz> I have to go afk too.. bleh.. ttyl
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17:43:17 <phimuemue> Hi
17:43:36 <phimuemue> Is anybody using gnucash with the german VR-Bank / Fiducia?
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19:31:12 <warlord> jaggz: doesn't match in what way? The computations should be exactly the same.
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22:01:21 <jaggz> re
22:03:29 <warlord> The only thing that *might* be different is the total -- there could be a rounding issue.
22:07:58 <jaggz> http://vvcap.net/db/8x7RU7BCJWuC9iGwVFu1.htp
22:08:02 <jaggz> I've re-printed it twice
22:08:20 <jaggz> notice the last two quantities
22:08:41 <jaggz> perhaps the up/down shifting messes up an array entry
22:09:02 <jaggz> or linked list or however invoice items are kept
22:11:05 <warlord> Oh,are you saying that the order of the printed invoice doesn't match?
22:11:31 <jaggz> hold on
22:11:55 <jaggz> yes, that's what I'm saying :)
22:12:07 <jaggz> I didn't look at it right earlier and thought it was just the quantities
22:13:30 <jaggz> interestingly, even closing and re-opening the invoice then printing again.. it's still in different order in the print
22:13:37 <warlord> No.. It's just that the order of the entries in the report don't match the "sort order"
22:13:38 <jaggz> so printing is perhaps sorting
22:13:47 <warlord> No, printing *doesnt* sort
22:13:54 <jaggz> oh
22:14:00 <warlord> printing just uses the internal order from the GncInvoice
22:14:06 <jaggz> then invoice-edit is keeping a sort-order/index
22:14:25 <jaggz> which was not added to printing
22:14:38 <jaggz> [or not added properly]
22:14:43 <jaggz> I'm gitting gnucash now
22:14:59 <jaggz> we'll see if it's more or less fun than blender to code in
22:15:25 <warlord> Well, it *SHOULD* be sorted... The list should be a sorted list.
22:15:35 <warlord> invoice->entries = g_list_insert_sorted (invoice->entries, entry,
22:15:35 <warlord> (GCompareFunc)gncEntryCompare);
22:15:51 <warlord> So it SHOULD be sorting using the default sort method...
22:16:31 <warlord> So it should sort by "post date" and then "date entered", which is what the default sort should be in the register, too..
22:17:38 <warlord> Moving them up/down *SHOULD* re-sort them
22:18:07 <warlord> All I can guess is that you have a non-standard sort order in your invoice/register view?
22:18:35 <warlord> anyways, I need to head off... back in the a.m.
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22:22:06 <jaggz> thanks for the help
22:22:16 <jaggz> I didn't pick a sort order
22:22:25 <jaggz> probably it's default
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23:32:27 <elnino> anyone awake?
23:32:43 <elnino> quick question I hope.
23:34:03 <elnino> during an import of a qfx or ofx, I have a lot of transactions that have to have the second part of the split defined.
23:34:48 <elnino> is there a way for gnucash to remember that Homedepot goes into a housing:maintainance expense fund for example?
23:35:25 <elnino> if so, can you direct me to the help page? I don't know exactly what to besearching for in the help.
23:38:42 <elnino> I'm not using directconnect.