2013-07-18 GnuCash IRC logs
00:29:57 *** fell has joined #gnucash
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00:43:11 <elnino> anyone here? I is there a way to make gnucash remember what expense fund a transaction from home depot goes into? (just as an example)
00:43:27 <elnino> i'm doign ofx and qfx imports. not using directconnect.
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00:54:33 <elnino> fell would you be able to point me in the right direction?
00:54:43 <elnino> or warlord? or mikee?
00:57:33 <fell> elnino: I use none of them but Fints/HBCI.
00:59:19 <fell> There you can enable Bayes in Preferences. Then if you assign the right accounts while importing, it will remember them in later runs.
00:59:20 <elnino> so when you import, you don't have a bunch of imbalance funds that you have to manually set each transaction?
00:59:48 <elnino> something happaned.... I think I missed most of your last post.
01:00:12 <elnino> so fints/hbci will rememember the right accoutns?
01:02:12 <fell> You can always look at the logs, currently http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2013/07/2013-07-17.html if you missed something.
01:03:38 <fell> you must replace imbalanced inside of the importer with the right accounts.
01:07:46 <elnino> so it will only remember during a fints/hbci, and not a manual import?
01:09:04 <fell> IIRC it should work in all importer modules.
01:36:38 <elnino> Ok. Maybe next time I'll import. that would be nice.... I'm now trying to setup directconnect. how am I supposed to just undera password, when their site always asks for additiona information like my mom's maiden name? for "extra security"
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08:27:49 <warlord> elnino: turn on bayesian matching, and make sure you make that assignment in the importer transaction matcher..
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09:26:15 <warlord> elnino: this works regardless of whether you import manually or via D-C, but you need to make the assignments in the importer, not after-the-fact in the register.
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09:55:29 <elnino> thanks warlord and fell
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