2013-07-19 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:18:10 <elnino> who do I tell of errors on the wiki???
03:19:57 <elnino> and how do I find out what version of aqbanking I have? I'm on windows.
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03:26:33 <elnino> and the search on the wiki is case sensitive. that is not good.
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12:02:24 <warlord> elnino: if there are errors on the wiki then go and fix them.
12:02:41 <warlord> in what way is the search case sensitive?
12:03:31 <elnino> well, the errors I'm speaking of are missing images. (the images don't reside on your server anymore) and I don't know what they should look like, or where they are located.
12:04:35 <elnino> I tried to search for "aqbank" and Nothing showed up in the results. When in fact there is AqBanking.
12:04:44 <elnino> thatnks for replying warlord.
12:05:20 <elnino> AqBank doesn't work either. I have to spell it out.
12:06:01 <warlord> elnino: try "aqbanking"
12:06:07 <elnino> I was trying to find the baysian thing you mentioned yesterday, and couldn't find it. and
12:06:18 <warlord> I dont think it does substring matching
12:06:27 <warlord> but I'm pretty sure it is case-insensitive
12:07:24 <elnino> I wasn't sure I was spelling it right... So would it be possible to make it do substrign? and your're right. it is cse insensitive.
12:07:33 <warlord> elnino: Edit -> Preferences -> Online Banking
12:08:54 <warlord> The search is a mediawiki feature. Show me a mediawiki configuration option to enable it and I'll turn it on.
12:09:37 <elnino> thanks. baysian is enabled. =)
12:13:45 <elnino> I have to use a *
12:13:57 <elnino> aqbank* works.
12:14:05 <warlord> That makes sense.
12:14:10 <elnino> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Searching#Search_facilities_in_MediaWiki
12:14:30 <elnino> ok. now that I know how the search works, maybe I can find help.
12:17:13 <elnino> warlord, but as far as missing images, I was hoping someone could provide the broken ones? http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Setting_up_OFXDirectConnect_in_GnuCash_2
12:17:56 <elnino> I don't know if I'm doing this right, and reading the text doesn't match my qui. I have extra fields, there are tabs they are talking about I don't have.
12:19:09 <warlord> Sorry, I know nothing about OFX.
12:19:13 <elnino> And I have no idea what version I installed of aqbanking.
12:19:16 <warlord> (even less about OFX-DC)
12:19:34 <warlord> If you're on Windows you shouldn't have installed anything.. If you did..... that could be the problem.
12:19:53 <elnino> it's been too long ago. I have no idea.
12:20:56 <elnino> I got the impression that you were the top developer here. sorry.
12:21:39 <warlord> Not in a very long time...
12:21:45 <warlord> And even when I was, I never used OFX.
12:21:49 <warlord> I think importing is bad.
12:22:03 <warlord> It means you can never detect a bank error.
12:22:29 <elnino> well, I import, and then I double check with recipets.
12:23:10 <elnino> ok sice you Don't import, are there ways to create macros or something that can speed this up?
12:23:26 <warlord> Okay, the images should be there now.
12:23:34 <elnino> YEAH! Thank you.
12:23:46 <warlord> If you find more missing please let me know.
12:24:29 <warlord> I'm not sure what you need speeded up... Transaction entry is pretty darn quick (at least for simple ones, and even quicker for repetative simple onces)
12:24:30 <elnino> whoa, mine doesn't look like that. =(
12:27:00 <elnino> not for me. transation entry is quick, but I've got split entrys going on, and so I have about 4 or more (whatever they are called) for each transaction. THAT is what takes too long. it's be nice if it could fill out 3 of the four.
12:27:19 <elnino> "top level" transaction entry is quick, it's the sub transactions that are not.
12:27:51 <warlord> For repetative transactions the quickfill will start you off; then you just need to expand and fix the numbers.
12:28:10 <warlord> Yeah, it takes a *bit* longer, but.... how many txns per day are you talking about? 5? 10?
12:28:52 <elnino> =) I'm trying to catch up. if only I had the discipline to do this everyday.
12:29:06 <elnino> then I probably wouldn't be complaining. =)
12:29:47 <warlord> Do it once a week..
12:29:54 <warlord> But every day is obviously better.
12:30:11 <warlord> "Doctor, doctor, it hurts when I wait forever to do work I should be doing every day..."
12:30:38 <elnino> =) I know....
12:30:54 <elnino> ok, so last question. how do I find out the version of aqbank I have?
12:31:04 <warlord> What version of GnuCash?
12:31:20 <elnino> 2.4.10
12:31:43 <elnino> and btw, last I talked with you was probably 6 years ago.. I think you were head dev then?
12:32:56 <warlord> Yeah, about 6 years ago I was way more active than I am now.
12:32:59 <warlord> (life moves on)
12:33:22 <elnino> and no, im not trying to catch up on 6 years worth of transactions lol
12:33:55 <elnino> so is gnucash alive and kicking? or is it dying?
12:35:15 <warlord> Im not sure if it's AqB4 or 5, honestly.y
12:35:18 <elnino> I think its a pretty sweet program.
12:35:28 <warlord> It's alive and kicking.. going through the 2.5 testing series, readying for 2.6
12:37:41 <smw> warlord, what new features are being added?
12:38:15 <warlord> smw: I'm not the right person to answer that question, sorry.
12:38:36 <smw> thanks anyways
12:38:57 <smw> I still want reports/addons to be possible in languages other than guile :-\
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12:40:19 <warlord> smw: Submit a patch. That's unlikely to happen anytime soon.
12:40:29 <warlord> (besides, guile is EASY to learn)
12:40:53 <elnino> does anyone know if there is a way yo update the aqbank portion? none of my helpbuttons work.
12:41:01 <elnino> s/yo/to
12:41:55 <warlord> No
12:42:03 <warlord> (you would need to rebuild GnuCash)
12:42:32 <elnino> or maybe I should update to 2.4.13
12:43:01 <elnino> easy update?
12:44:22 <warlord> Yes. Just uninstall/reinstall..
12:44:45 <elnino> oh. not over?
12:45:04 <warlord> 2.4.13 definitely uses AqB5
12:45:16 <elnino> good to know!
12:45:24 <warlord> It's better if you uninstall/reinstall. You can just install over..
12:45:30 <warlord> (it should work)
12:45:58 <elnino> datafiles remain untouched? or should I move them?
12:46:36 <warlord> untouched.
12:46:41 <warlord> no need to move them.
12:46:58 <warlord> After you install the new version it should just take over exactly as before
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13:32:58 <elnino> thanks warlord. I'm going to try istalling tonight.
13:33:01 <elnino> bye
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13:59:46 <talexb> I've installed GnuCash 1:2.4.12-1 on my new workstation, and I'd like to use my existing files/database of accounting information, from an installation of 1:2.4.10-1.
14:00:18 <talexb> Should I start the GnuCash on the new system, or copy the files into ~/GnuCash first?
14:00:42 <talexb> That's to say, does GnuCash need to run the first time to do some initializations?
14:01:50 <warlord> talexb: I dont understand the question.. GnuCash doesn't use ~/GnuCash for anything, so you can copy it first or later.
14:02:50 <talexb> warlord, I may have the wrong directory name. It's where GnuCash stores everything.
14:03:07 <warlord> It stores data in ~/.gnucash and also ~/.gconf*
14:03:36 <warlord> If you wanted to restore e.g. your open windows then you'll need to restore that. But IMHO that should all have been restored when you restored your homedir
14:03:37 <talexb> OK, I guess I mean ~/.gnucash.
14:04:55 <warlord> It doesn't matter which order .. although I would recommend you restore your homedir first.
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14:09:38 <talexb> Hmm .. I wasn't planning on restoring my home dir .. I just backed up GnuCash, but it looks like I may also need to copy .gnucash as well. :/
14:11:06 <warlord> And your .gconf gnucash settings...
14:11:18 <warlord> Or none.. It depends which features you were using.
14:11:29 <warlord> Ifyou were using online banking you'll also need that configuration, too
14:13:37 <talexb> warlord, Thanks, I haven't been using online banking -- I assumed it's only set up for American banking, so I have a workflow for doing it for Canadian banks.
14:14:13 <talexb> And I'm reading the FAQ: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_Where_is_my_GnuCash_data_file.3F
14:15:39 <warlord> ok
14:16:39 <talexb> So I'm guessing if there's nothing in .gconf/gnucash, it will be filled in automatically?
14:16:55 <warlord> yes, those are your Edit -> Preferences settings...
14:17:50 <talexb> Hmm .. I don't recall that I have that many of those.
14:19:34 <warlord> If you didn't change anything then it probably doesnt matter
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14:56:57 <talexb> warlord, Thanks for your assistance -- copied over .gnucash and .gconf, as well as my own GnuCash directory, and I'm all set up. Cheers.
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15:10:13 <warlord> glad to have helped!
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16:12:30 <elnino> hey warlord, upgrade went well. help files are still missing.
16:12:34 <elnino> =(
16:13:00 <elnino> meanwhile I foudn this site: http://www2.aquamaniac.de/sites/aqbanking/manual5/setup_ofx_user.php
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16:21:41 <elnino> diappointed... same bugs in aqbank as I had before. perhaps the verion didn't change at all when I upgraded.
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