2013-08-04 GnuCash IRC logs
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10:59:36 <YeOldHinnerk> Hi
10:59:43 <YeOldHinnerk> hi
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10:59:54 <YeOldHinnerk> I have a problem when I start gnucash.
10:59:55 <YeOldHinnerk> (2.4.13)
11:00:21 <YeOldHinnerk> oops. never mind.
11:00:50 <YeOldHinnerk> one moment....
11:01:07 <YeOldHinnerk> yepp, still the problem.
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11:01:24 <YeOldHinnerk> I just uninstalled 2.4.13 and reinstalled.
11:01:40 <YeOldHinnerk> when i start, I get the an error message from dll s:
11:02:04 <YeOldHinnerk> gnucash.exe - Einspringspunkt nicht gefunden
11:02:42 <YeOldHinnerk> Der Prozedureinsprungspunkt "gnx_gconf_get_bool" wurde in der DLL "libgncmod-app-utils.dll" nicht gefunden.
11:02:46 <YeOldHinnerk> Then:
11:03:03 <YeOldHinnerk> gnucash.exe - Einsprungspunkt nicht gefunden
11:03:38 <YeOldHinnerk> Der Prozedureinsprungspunkt "gnc_gen_trans_assist_new" wurde in der dll "libgncmod-generic-import.dll" nicht gefunden.
11:03:43 <YeOldHinnerk> Then:
11:04:00 <YeOldHinnerk> gnucash.exe - Einsprungspunkt nicht gefunden
11:04:38 <YeOldHinnerk> Der Prozedureinsprungspunkt "gnc_builder_add_from_file" wurde in der DLL "libgncmod-gnome-utils.dll" nicht gefunden.
11:04:49 <YeOldHinnerk> Then the log appears.
11:05:35 <YeOldHinnerk> The dos windows for perl pops up and closes.
11:05:42 <YeOldHinnerk> sorry, I mean logo
11:06:10 <YeOldHinnerk> finally, the scheduled trx window pops up and then everything vanishes and gnucash is gone for good.
11:06:23 <YeOldHinnerk> Is this a known problem?
11:07:29 <YeOldHinnerk> Is the a known fix?
11:08:00 <YeOldHinnerk> Sorry: Is there a known fix?
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11:12:43 <YeOldHinnerk> can I somehow ensure that the dlls are correct and have been properly reinstalled by 2.4.13?
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11:34:29 <YeOldHinnerk> hi
11:34:35 <YeOldHinnerk> just rebooted...
11:34:56 <YeOldHinnerk> does anyone have any idea about the problem i described a moment ago?
11:35:13 <YeOldHinnerk> still happens after uninstall, reboot, install.
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13:41:19 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot`
13:41:23 <warlord> @nick gncbot
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13:41:39 <warlord> @op benoitg
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14:28:24 <warlord> john: did perhaps the required version of msys change between .3 and .4?
14:28:54 <warlord> (I suppose it's also possible that the VM disk is full...)
14:29:10 <john> Checking...
14:30:39 <john> No, the last changes to packaging were in May, just before 2.4.2.
14:30:48 <warlord> Hmmm...
14:30:49 <john> Besides, trunk built just fine.
14:31:36 <warlord> The nightly build reuses the existing state. Tag builds start with an empty directory and install/build all dependencies.
14:32:02 <warlord> So the fact that trunk builds only means it might have an older dependency already installed that the tag build is failing to build/install
14:34:20 <warlord> (Unfortunately I cannot get to the VM right now; I need to reboot my laptop into a different kernel that will support vmware)
14:34:46 <john> Are you on the road again?
14:35:01 <warlord> Nope, just got home yesterday..
14:35:51 <warlord> But while I was gone I had to work with some kernel devs to track down and fix a kernel crash in the wifi system; we found a real bug in the 80211 mac layer in 3.8+ kernels.
14:36:19 <warlord> So I'm running a test kernel from F19, but vmware doesn't build on it. I've got an F18 test kernel I can boot to but haven't rebooted yet.
14:36:20 <john> Cool.
14:37:11 <warlord> Not cool -- when the driver found a 20MHz NoHT channel with an "invalid" frequency it would go into a spin-loop and lock up the system, spewing warnings over and over.
14:37:36 <warlord> (there were actually two bugs here)
14:37:53 <john> No, silly, cool that you found a kernel bug. The bugs themselves are seldom cool.
14:38:06 <warlord> Ah. Yes.
14:38:26 <warlord> Anyways, the fix is being propagated. But of course I'm no longer in a position to test it.
14:38:53 <john> Because it was specific to the wifi at wherever you were?
14:38:54 <warlord> (but I tested the F19 kernel on my F18 laptop with the fix to verify it)
14:38:58 <warlord> Yeah
14:40:51 <john> Back to the current problem...
14:42:28 <warlord> It is possible that the disk is full, but I cannot verify that..
14:42:42 <john> The line that fails is the last one in install_impl.sh's install_mingw function. It wants to copy libpthread-2.dll to pthreadGC2.dll.
14:44:15 <warlord> Any way to check when the mingw default was last changed? It's possible that trunk's environment still has that link already in place so it doesn't try to re-copy the lib..
14:44:43 <john> But before that it says "mingw already installed". How can that be if it's starting fresh?
14:44:49 <warlord> .. and the new version has it as a new name (-3?) -- again, I cannot check right now because I cannot run vmware to run windows to get to the console.
14:45:07 <warlord> I'm not sure.
14:45:43 <john> It's not actually mingw that's failing. The file it's looking for comes from gcc_pthreads.
14:46:47 <warlord> Maybe the version of that got revved?
14:47:51 <john> The mingw test only checks that g++ and mingw32-make are present, so if something failed after that's installed and it was restarted, it might be incomplete.
14:48:58 <warlord> I suppose we can try re-tagging the build to force a rebuild.
14:51:27 <john> Will that blow out the directory to ensure a fresh start? And can't you restart it by hand? or does that require access to the VM?
14:52:17 <john> I'm not enthusiastic about a 24-hour retry cycle.
14:54:11 <john> As for the pthreads version, that last changed in 2011.
14:55:00 <john> And the package (2.8.0-3) is still available on SourceForge.
14:55:25 <warlord> restart by hand requires access to the VM.
14:55:55 <warlord> but yes, it *should* blow out the build and retry.. But i'm not 100% sure. (you can read the tag-build script and see)
14:56:24 <warlord> I guess I can just reboot now..
14:57:55 <warlord> I'll be back shortly...
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15:18:33 <john> So, build_tag_git.sh does remove the outer directory (c:/soft/gnucash-2.5.4 in this case). I don't understand then how mingw could have been already installed unless the build was somehow started by another script.
15:20:42 <warlord> john: I dont know... Could there somehow have been two tags?
15:21:10 <warlord> I've only got a few minutes to look right now..
15:21:14 <warlord> (but I did need to get vmware working anyays...)
15:22:30 <warlord> Hmm, it also looks like it's "hung" in a post-2.4-build copy ...
15:23:22 <john> I can't think of a reason there would be two tags, unless the svn script somehow stepped on the git script. But those have been in place without change since May.
15:23:41 <warlord> Right. So where is it looking for that source dll?
15:25:23 <warlord> Okay, not a full disk -- still have 5GB free
15:25:31 <warlord> (but I should clean up space)
15:25:32 <john> c:/soft/gnucash-2.5.4/mingw/bin/libpthread-2.dll
15:26:02 <warlord> Oh, geeze -- the hung 2.4 build is from July 8!
15:26:31 <warlord> That directory does not exist.
15:28:19 <john> Oh, that's interesting, since the line before it says "mingw already installed in /c/soft/gnucash-2.5.4/mingw. skipping."
15:28:35 <john> Is c:/soft/gnucash-2.5.4 there at all?
15:28:56 <warlord> yes. But I just deleted it.
15:29:49 <warlord> Or rather, I am trying to delete it.. The VM is being very slow. I may just reboot it..
15:30:42 <john> Is it that VM, or is another VM sucking up all the computes?
15:31:47 <warlord> I'm sure it's just the VM..
15:32:11 <warlord> vm host load is under 2...
15:33:30 <warlord> I'm pretty sure it is just the VM..
15:33:45 <warlord> I'm deleting some old tag builds right now and once that completes I'll reboot the VM and then kick off a new build.
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15:36:15 <john> OK.
15:41:26 <warlord> disk cleanup is still processing..
15:49:02 <warlord> well, i timed out -- need to head out. I'll reboot and hand-start the build when I get back.
15:49:23 <warlord> (I might also need to find the file that contains the tag list)
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17:04:01 <laura> Good Day - I am currently running a trial from QuickBooks to GNUCASH 2.4.11 and would like to know how to display standard financial report headers on 3 lines such as.:
17:04:01 <laura> COMPANY NAME
17:04:01 <laura> Balance Sheet
17:04:01 <laura> December 31, 200x
17:04:01 <laura> As it stands right now, it seems like all that I can do with gnucash is display a report with a 1-liner header such as:
17:04:03 <laura> Balance Sheet, 12/31/2013
17:04:05 <laura> As well, I would be grateful to pointers on how to modify report calculations. As it stands, my example balance sheet report displays Assets of $101.00, Liability of $0.00, 2 Equity accounts (305.20 and 149.22) then states Retained losses of 353.42, Total Equity of 101.00 and a Total Liability & Equity of 101.00 ..... I suspect a miscalculation somewhere as i can guarantee that the original accounting & accounts are sound,
17:04:10 <laura> however am not a programmer so unsure what do to at this point
17:04:12 <laura> Anyone willingto provide me with some help in a private msg? When reading the WIKI it talked about modifying report scheme files but I dont know that programming language
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17:24:50 <john> laura: You're better off asking questions like that on the users list, gnucash-user@gnucash.org. You can subscribe at https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user.
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18:39:15 <warlord> john: FYI, the disk cleanup finished; I'm rebooting the VM right now..
18:39:23 <warlord> .. then I'll kick off a build.
18:39:42 <john> OK. Fingers crossed...
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20:04:37 <warlord> john: okay, triggered build. I reset it to rebuild 2.5.4
20:05:21 <john> Wow. The VM took a long time to restart! Or did you have dinner in there as well?
20:14:30 <warlord> I had dinner, put down the baby, and strung a bunch of hanging wire on some frames .
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21:11:28 <warlord> okay, running dist now for the first package (trunk?)
21:22:32 <warlord> john: starting the tag build(s) now...
21:23:52 <john> Hmm, sounds like you have to fire off the whole sequence rather than being able to run a single build. A bit cumbersome, isn't it? Why can't you just run build_tags_git.sh?
21:24:09 <john> BTW, my dinner should be any minute...
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21:25:47 <warlord> There's a .bat script that just kicks off the full builds as if it were the nightly... It's much easier to use and makes sure everything has the right environment.
21:26:37 <warlord> mingw is installing...
21:29:36 <john> Well, then, it got past whatever problem made it skip this morning. Weird.
21:30:32 <warlord> Yeah..
21:31:02 <warlord> So it's gonna take a couple hours at this point...
21:31:29 <warlord> maybe it kicked off both an svn and git build?
21:32:46 <john> Each one is supposed to die if the version for the other one -- but the way it looks at the version number might be messed up.
21:33:14 <warlord> we'll see. its doing git now.
21:33:46 <john> But even if it had, wouldn't one of them have succeeded?
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21:35:57 <john> Dinner time.
21:44:01 <warlord> enjoy
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23:06:04 <andr01d> Hello, I'm trying to get a payment's check num to show in a report, Is there a way?
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